Where Is This Place?

Altair groaned loudly as her thoughts slowly became clear. Her body felt heavy and unresponsive when she tried to move, so much so that she decided against continuing to try until the poison left her system.

She surveyed her surroundings while she waited. She was in an all white room with several large rectangular boxes that made noise around her. She was lying on the most comfortable bed she had ever been on before. She wasn't wearing the armor she was used to wearing. Instead she had been changed into a white gown. Her arms and legs looked like they were tied to the bed with cloth and leather bindings. There was a transparent tube connected to her arm as well that led up to a bag that was held up on some kind of coat hanger.

Seeing that she was effectively imprisoned on a bed, Altair laid back and sighed heavily. She had been captured by the Humans. Although she appeared to be just like them, they were still taking precautions. That was understandable though as she was armed before and displayed threatening behavior. However, she figured, if you looked at it from her perspective it wouldn't be too strange to react that way to strangers suddenly being aggressive to you.

Or perhaps they had some other way of figuring out she wasn't exactly human. She knew of no such way but she also knew that they were able to tame creatures the size of which she had never seen before. They also had strange fire generating creatures that would also be extremely deadly on the battlefield if archers just sat upon them and rained down death. She could already imagine how awful the casualties would be if that type of creature was used against the Demi-Human Survival Coalition. She would have to personally fly after the beast with shadow wings. But if she did that then she wouldn't be able to assist with the battle on the ground… It would be a disaster.

In either case she was at their mercy. She figured she should count herself as being lucky to be alive since they had strange handheld bow weapons that were stronger than the bows she remembered. If they wanted to be rid of her they could have done so already.

She couldn't even talk with them due to the language barrier.

She gave herself a mocking smile as quietly said, "What's your plan now, Altair?"

A feminine voice came from nearby, "Oh, you're awake?" The woman's words were, of course, unknown to Altair. A woman appeared from around a curtain that Altair thought was a wall. This startled her as she had no idea that was a curtain and thought that it was a wall. She once again felt hollow at not having her Magic to defend herself with.

The woman had a very curvy figure and lovely face to go with her ample bosom. Altair couldn't help but feel a bit envious. She knew it would be decades before she would develop anything resembling what that woman had. Then again, if the stories she was told were true, she would outlive this woman if she survived long enough.

The woman gave her a warm smile as she said, "I have good news and bad news. Your body has suffered severe trauma. It's on a level that we were shocked by. You didn't have any exterior wounds and yet your insides are completely thrashed. However, they will recover with time. That's why we have you strapped to the bed right now because we can't have you moving around in your condition." Altair gave the woman a blank stare that the woman mistook for curiosity. "We also ran a blood test and found that you are not suffering from any complications from being in an inhospitable environment. Although your green blood is very strange and we can't give you a transfusion because of it, we still found nothing odd. In fact, your blood type seems to be very similar to type O but we still shouldn't risk trying to give you any until we know why your blood is green."

Altair shook her head as she said, "I have no idea what you're saying, woman."

The woman tilted her head at the unusual language Altair spoke. Just like her own language to Altair, she couldn't understand what was said. However, she could assume as she replied happily, "Your flattery will get you nowhere, you know."

Altair shook her head again and rested it away from the woman, staring at the presumed curtain on the other side of her. She sighed lightly as the woman continued to speak to her. She didn't bother to even feign interest as they couldn't understand each other anyway. After a while she even closed her eyes and attempted to get some sleep, as her body still wasn't listening to her.

What Altair wasn't aware of was that her body was getting a near constant dosage of a muscle relaxant so that she couldn't hurt herself. They were treating her as a danger to herself and others on top of the fact that she was already injured. Due to how strange her appearance was and how she survived in that kind of environment without any issues in her body they chose to take the safe stance of doing whatever they could to prevent any more damage being done to her.

Altair wound up falling back asleep due to sheer boredom. It wasn't very hard with the bed she was on being so comfortable. She was used to sleeping on the cold hard ground so with this soft and warm bed it was actually harder for her to stay awake.

She didn't get to sleep long before she was shaken awake. She quickly opened her eyes and, forgetting what happened, immediately tried burn some Mana to make a weapon and swung her arm towards the offender. However, her arms quickly reached the limits of her bindings and a muted clank sound echoed in the room as Altair felt the hole inside her and remembered what happened. She then looked towards the person shaking her to see a man she had never seen before. He was wearing a uniform that matched the two people flanking his sides, a man and a woman. He had a warm smile on his face that Altair found to be disturbing.

The man spoke to her in a friendly tone with words that Altair didn't understand. She gave him the same blank stare she gave the woman before and he didn't seem to mind. Altair thought about what he could be saying and her situation came to mind.

She was a child who had, probably, appeared out of thin air near where they were. She was armed with weapons and showing hostile behavior towards them, which resulted in them drugging her so they could extract information from her. She didn't even appear to speak the same language as them. So, no matter what way Altair looked at it, they were probably digging for information as she was an extremely suspicious individual.

She was sure her sudden appearance had shocked them. She hadn't even heard of someone else having teleportation Magic back in the coalition. Even the Human's didn't know she could teleport until she used it in front of that psycho. When she showed that Magic off for the first time everyone was stunned by it. She didn't think it was that special but everyone else did. She could understand its usefulness in combat because she could appear on any front as needed but she couldn't take anything living with her. She could only take unloving things that she could carry. She had even tried to take things that were bulky and unwieldy but it failed to go with her. So the actual usefulness of that Magic to her wasn't that great. She preferred her threads over them.

Altair wasn't far off. The man was asking her questions that he knew she wouldn't be able to answer. It was all part of the procedure so he only did it half-heartedly. However, he did have some not so pure thoughts.

He abruptly pointed at himself and said, "Master." He then pointed at Altair and said, "Servant." This drew scornful looks from both the people on his sides, which he promptly ignored.

Altair didn't reply but she understood the meaning. The man before her was trying to assign her a name and had told her his name. She refused to be named by some Human she had met so she scoffed exaggeratedly and looked away from him. This caused the two people on his sides to erupt into laughter at his expense. He didn't seem to take offense to it as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly instead.

They didn't have a translating machine here so they couldn't have an actual conversation of any kind with Altair. They talked for a while before they removed the tubes and other monitoring instruments that were attached to Altair. This drew Altair's attention back onto them. They were still talking about something or another in their own language and didn't pay attention to Altair's curiosity. They undid everything except the bindings keeping Altair on the bed. Then they pushed the bed and started to take Altair out of the room.

Altair was bewildered by this. It was like the bed she was on was a carriage. Such a thing she had never seen before. Not even in the homes of nobles she had infiltrated during her spy missions had she seen such a luxury. If they had beds that could move then what was the point of carriages? Heck, what was the point of ever getting out of bed even!?

This was only the beginning of Altair's culture shock.

She was pushed out of the room into a hallway, and then pushed down the hallway to the hangar of the base they were in. Along the way Altair saw several transparent people doing repetitive motions along with strange symbols appearing once they were done. It was like the people were made of some kind of mist but they didn't respond at all when Altair was pushed past them. She had to admit that their focus on… whatever they were doing was very impressive.

Inside the hangar were several massive creatures of metal in odd shapes that she had never seen before. They all had strange things protruding from their bodies and people were entering and exiting them from their back. Once Altair had noticed that people were doing so she quickly came to the conclusion that someone was using some Magic she had never seen before to animate the corpses of those creatures instead of taming them.

Altair also saw familiar creatures as well. She saw giants who wore all metal armor lifting massive boxes and carrying them into the corpses behind the Humans. This was the biggest shock to Altair so far. Giants were extremely temperamental creatures and prone to violence. They also despised Humans as being weak. She had no idea they could be tamed, especially to the extent for them to wear so much metal armor that one couldn't even see their skin anymore no matter where they looked. Giants seemed to love nature instinctively and had a natural repulsion to metal as they felt it scarred the land. Now she saw them walking around while wearing nothing but metal, carrying metal boxes into the corpses of metal creatures. It was too much.

However, there was something so massive that it made her heart quiver in fear just upon seeing it. It was another giant metal man but it took up the entire wall of the building that was so tall several dragons could fly around inside of it without any problems at all. It was the sheer size of it that terrified her. Something that gigantic would cause untold amounts of damage just by moving around. It also had a sword that was bigger than it was that was lying in front of it on the ground. The sword was easily longer than forty meters.

Dozens of people seemed to be examining the creature and the sword all at once. Altair couldn't believe such a large weapon could even be forged. A single swing of that sword would wipe out thousands, possibly even tens of thousands, of people all at once.

And this colossal creature was completely docile to the Humans around it. The people here were all over that thing. Some were poking into its arms and legs, others were taking things out of it. There were people touching its head and wiping it clean. Some were even doing so to its eyes!

The very thought of these Humans coming against the Demi-Human Survival Coalition caused her to pale. They wouldn't just be doomed. They would be completely and utterly annihilated without a trace of their existence being left behind. Dragons were enough of a problem but Altair was sure that this thing could slice them into pieces with ease.