This Place Is A Prison

The next day, or so Altair guessed, the same man who pointed at himself and said "Master" to her came to visit, along with the same man and woman flanking him. Seeing them enter only soured Altair's mood as she was being fed by the doctor. She ended up giving them a look that seemed to dare them to say something about being fed like a baby.

That glaring expression on such a toothless tiger only caused them to mentally laugh at how cute she was. Since she appeared to be nothing more than a child, any looks of anger were easily brushed off as being the mood swings of a child.

The doctor, a different woman from before that was almost as beautiful, didn't pay any attention to them as they entered. She remained focused on giving Altair bite after bite of her food. It was as if the other people in the room didn't even register to her.

The visitors brought a big white box that was floating above the ground behind them. It was about the size of a large dog and generated no sound when it moved. Altair wanted to know what it was and how it could just float after them without them even touching it. She wondered if it was the same Magic they used to animate those giant corpses from before. This caused the pain of the language barrier to hit her again in full force. But that wasn't the only thing that stopped her from asking. Every time she opened her mouth by any measure the doctor would robotically put more food in it. She couldn't even complain without getting her mouth forcefully stuffed.

The trio walked over with the box following behind them and stared at Altair. Altair's brow rose towards this action of theirs. And when the doctor shoved another bite into her mouth she suddenly felt like a sideshow to them, causing her to frown. She still ate the food though. It was still delicious but Altair maintained a look of displeasure because they seemed to be enjoying the show.

They continued to watch her in silence until the all the food was gone, at which point the doctor took the tray of food and left without a word. The moment she was gone, the smiling man spoke in the language Altair didn't understand while pointing at the box, "This device should help you understand what we're saying and vice versa."

The box hummed suddenly after he finished speaking and drew a cautious look from Altair. Altair wasn't sure if the box was going to be dangerous or something but the humming stopped after a short time. Once it stopped Altair looked back at the man with a blank expression. This caused his smile to stiffen as he hesitantly asked, "D-Did you understand that?" The translation machine should have worked just now. She should have understood everything he just said.

The box hummed to life again but Altair didn't look at it this time. She sighed and relaxed in the bed while turning her head away. She didn't know why they came here with that humming box but she suspected they were making fun of her for what they just witnessed.

The man walked around to be in Altair's sight again and said, "Say something already." This caused Altair to frown. She didn't know why this man was bothering her with words he obviously knew she didn't understand but she was getting tired of it.

The woman who came in with him spoke in a mocking tone with a sneer towards the man, "Perhaps she knows you're a pervert lolicon and doesn't want to waste her breath on scum like you."

The man's expression soured and he glared at the woman while saying, "Don't take the joke too far."

Altair's brow twitched as they started talking with each other in front of her. Couldn't they do this somewhere else? It was obvious that they didn't like one another even without knowing what they were saying and were feigning cordiality. Altair suspected they were acting this way instead of shouting because she was present and they thought she was a child. She couldn't blame them for it but found it incredibly irritating to hear them make veiled threats in a language she couldn't comprehend.

Altair sighed and said, "Can you people bother someone else?"

This drew everyone's looked in the room toward Altair all at once. They all had shocked expressions on their faces as if they couldn't understand what just happened.

As it turned out the box was a translation device that connected with a person's Spiritual Self to give them a translation of what another person said. The key being that all parties had to be connected. The problem with this device in Altair's situation was that she didn't have a Spiritual Self. Spiritual Self's were a forced evolution by mankind when they encountered aliens and Altair, who was from a different world with different humans, obviously lacked that trait. Thus the device was completely useless at translating what Altair said and that shocked everyone present in the room. It didn't help that those in the room had no idea how the device worked or what it needed to work. To them it seemed that the technology that had just been working had suddenly failed since they were insulting each other in different languages the entire time.

Upon speaking to each other a few more times they quickly ruled out the fact that the device was broken and then came to the conclusion that it was because the language that Altair was speaking was so foreign it couldn't translate it.

This made their job a lot harder. With the help of the translation device it was very simple and easy to teach someone a new language. They could reduce the time needed to be able to speak, read, and write a language to only five months with it. It was a revolutionary machine. But that machine was useless to Altair so they had to teach her the old fashioned way. They also didn't have much confidence in teaching their language the standard way because they didn't even have to learn it like that. They had learned through the machine themselves.

They received this job straight from Renald, the head of the Marnithok family. The conversation they had with him cost the base two thirds of its yearly power consumption just to have the conversation at a delayed rate. This cost the Marnithok family billions of credits. It was safe to say that Renald was putting a lot of stock into being able to converse with this child that appeared on that planet.

The problem was that the trip would take about eight months to get to Ordin Prime. They didn't have any real expectations on being able to teach the girl much. In fact they didn't even know her name or if she had one yet. She wasn't actually speaking to them much and it was proving troublesome to communicate with her. They were starting to wonder how they should do their job because if they failed they were pretty sure that Renald would either send them to a long forgotten hole to join in being forgotten or straight fire them.

It wasn't that Altair was being unsociable. It was more that she didn't like the look of the guy who called himself 'Master'. She had grouped the other two with him into the same group as him. That made her not like any of the three and she chose to ignore them as much as she could. Even if they were Gods she still didn't like them because it just reminded her of the probable fate of her race.

Altair didn't have much luck getting free of her situation. Throughout the entire trip she was stuck in that same room with one of four female doctors. She was at their mercy when it came to anything biological related. She was also forced to listen to their gossip even though she didn't understand a word of it.

The three 'unsavory' individuals were at their wits end. They tried everything they could think of to get Altair to pay attention to them as they tried to teach her their language. They attempted to bribe her with candy. They tried getting her attention with games. They tried scolding her for ignoring them. They tried withholding her meals as punishment only to find the doctor going around their back and feeding her while ignoring their protests. Everything they did only backfired and resulted in Altair estimating them to be completely useless.

It was really their fault though. When they gave Altair candy they neglected to actually feed it to her and just put it on the bed in front of her. She still didn't know what those things were as every time the doctor would come by later she would take them and throw them out without a word. The games they brought made even less sense than their actions with the candy. All of the games they showed to Altair to try and get her interest were adult games that the unsavory people found to be interesting. To Altair, it was something that she couldn't even understand. Being that her body was only as developed as a ten year old she had no sex drive or desire at all and found the games to be sleep inducing. Them scolding her did nothing as well because she didn't even know why they would shout at her. She also didn't understand what they were shouting so it made little difference.

Contrary to what the unsavory people thought, shouting at Altair did not scare her at all. She had been through hundreds of battlefields and killed tens of thousands, or even possibly hundreds of thousands of Humans. A few Human looking creatures shouting at her did nothing. It would have been far more effective if they used a colossal giant though.