Can It Get Any Worse?

When the doctor's weren't paying attention to her and those three people weren't bothering her, Altair had a lot of time to think. She thought about what the Council of Four was doing and how the war was going. She hoped that filth monger of a man she faced had died somewhere in a battle. If he didn't die and was allowed to polish his skills she wasn't sure there would be a Demi-Human Survival Coalition when she got back. In fact she was pretty sure that they would all wind up as slaves to the Humans.

When Altair found herself alone in the room she would talk with herself or quietly sing a song from her home that her mother had taught her. She would often feel a bit homesick when sitting alone with nothing that drew her attention. She didn't have much skill or practice in singing but she had sung the songs she sang frequently enough that she sounded pleasant when she sang them. There was more than a few times when a doctor or one of the ships crewmen were going by and heard her singing. They wound up stopping to listen in for a while before they continued on their way.

She also wondered exactly where she was in relation to her home. When she left that world before and entered the World of the Gods she didn't consider where exactly this place was. She didn't have a concept of space being endless or that she was travelling through space. She just figured this was another plane that the Gods could cross at will.

She also wondered if the people around her knew that she was a Demi-Human. If they knew then their treatment of her could be explained. She was starting to think that they were going to turn her into a slave like that one man had wanted to do.

The tests they ran on Altair came up to a simple conclusion: she was mostly healthy and recovering well. It didn't detect anything wrong with her blood even though she was poisoned. The machines estimated her age to be closing in on her ninth year and that she had yet to flower. Her body was exceptionally well toned for her age, although the time she was being forced to spend in the bed was quickly undoing that result.

Throughout most of the trip the doctors found Altair to be surprisingly docile. Past the first few days where she feebly resisted them after being drugged in the bathroom, she stopped responding to them when they took her there. It wasn't that Altair didn't want to resist. It was more that her dignity had been completely destroyed and she knew she couldn't do damn thing about it. She only mentally cursed over and over and over every time she was brought there.

A couple of the doctors had the idea to get her frilly clothing and treat her as their doll. That idea was quickly shut down by the three unsavory people when they walked in on them putting Altair in an overly cute dress while Altair had dead eyes. It was then that Altair started to wonder if they were going to make her into a slave.

The trip passed uneventfully in terms of the whole crew. Before long the starship entered Ordin Prime's control area and Altair was taken from the room for the first time in what felt like forever. She couldn't tell how many days passed in her boredom. The room only ever got dark when the doctors noticed that Altair had fallen asleep so she never actually saw the lights off.

Altair was taken back to the room with all the shuttles in it and locked into the wall on one of them again. The shuttle left the starship behind and greeted a lush green planet with large bodies of water. The stark contrast between this planet and the one that Altair had seen before resonated in her mind. This world seemed to scream with life and it caused her eyes to widen. She didn't gape at the sight of the world this time but she was surprised by how different it was from the previous world she had seen.

This was Altair's first time entering a planet from orbit. The shuttle entered the atmosphere and the window Altair was looking through started to turn red. When she realized they were quickly 'falling' towards the ground, Altair's heart started to race. She saw the distance to the ground and knew that even if she had access to her Mana the fall would kill her. She quickly looked at the other people in the shuttle with panic clearly showing on her face and found them all to be looking at her with amused expressions. Her fear was instantly choked and she felt like an idiot.

She had momentarily forgotten that this was the World of Gods. She mentally chastised herself as her world view tilted slightly in a strange direction.

The shuttle came to a private landing port. When they took Altair out of the shuttle she was greeted with the sight of a large white flying cylinder shaped creature that had a section of itself open for them. Altair couldn't see inside of it but when she saw some people go inside she assumed it was similar to the shuttle she just got off of.

Around that creature was a group of ten giant metal men she had seen several times already. These ones looked bulkier than the ones she had seen on the starship though. They were scanning their surroundings visibly with their head moving from side to the side. It was clear to Altair that they were escorting her to wherever she was being taken to.

The sight of them still caused some fear within her but nowhere near as much as the colossal giant.

Altair was pushed into the large white vehicle. Contrary plain looks on the outside, the inside was lined with very comfortable looking seats and had a semi-large table set in the middle. The vehicle could seat a group of twelve adults comfortably.

Altair was pushed over to the only side that didn't have any seats and was locked into place just like before. She looked at the interior briefly before turning her attention out the window and saw that the vehicle had already taken off and was racing through the air while the giant metal men were following it. She then stared wide-eyed at the flying giants around them for a while. Even they flew faster than she could fly. She suddenly felt that, even at her best, she couldn't match giants that had allied with Gods...

She sighed heavily at the sight of all this. She had once dreamed of ascending to the World of Gods when she was younger. She imagined a paradise filled with everything she loved and could hope for. What she was seeing now was completely alien to her. They made giants do a lot of work in their world and seemed to have complete control over them. The Gods appeared to look exactly like Humans only they were taller on average. The only real difference appeared to be their varying hair color. It made her feel uncomfortable and unwelcome here. If this was the World of the Gods then she preferred her home to this instead.

It would be a lie to say that Altair didn't miss her family. It was just that her family treated her as a monster so she could never return there, at least not openly. She had used her teleportation magic several times in the past to visit and see how her family was doing from afar. With her skill in stealth missions she was easily able to watch her family from a distance in that little village she was from.

Her older brother and little sister could always be seen laughing when she saw them. She even noticed that her older brother seemed to have started relations with a girl she knew when she was growing up. That girl had been a close friend of hers before. But when she was chased out of the village she was one of the first behind her family to throw rocks at her. Her little sister seemed to be growing well and was using her old clothes while she helped her mother with chores. Any person passing by could tell the love and affection that the family held with each other. It had caused her heart to ache harshly whenever she visited. However she couldn't help but want to see how they were doing. She had often wondered how her life would have been different if her characteristics never emerged.

Altair was brought out of her thoughts when the bed she was on was moved out of place. She blinked several times to bring her mind back to the present and found that they had already landed. Outside the window was a mansion. Even Altair could tell with one look that it belonged to a rich, and probably noble, family. The sight of it caused her expression to darken as her fears of being a slave started to course through her mind. She had not expected that nobles existed among the Gods.

The people around her were oblivious to her inner thoughts. They would be oblivious even if she voiced her thoughts. They simple wheeled her out of the vehicle and towards the opulent building.

Two rows of servants flanked the entrance way to the mansion and at the center stood a handsome man with sharp features and blonde hair. Directly to his right stood a boy who looked about eight or nine years old and shared the same sharp features of the man while having a hint of his future handsome looks and his hair color. To the man's left stood a woman who seemed inviting with her warm smile and affectionate eyes. She also had blonde hair.

The man was Renald Marnithok, head of the Marnithok family, with his son Joshua and wife Sarah. He prepared this greeting to impress the girl that was found on his mining planet. He was hoping he could convince the girl to tell him how she got there and how she survived such an impossible environment without a protection suit. So he convinced his wife to join him even though she found the whole idea stupid. His son couldn't refuse due to familial obligations and so here they all were.

The unsavory people hesitantly approached while pushing Altair. Renald saw their hesitation and his brow furrowed. He was not up to speed on how spectacularly they failed their mission as he didn't have contact with them since they left the barrier worlds. The trio had not considered that their boss would greet them like this so they put off contacting him on the way. They were sure they would have had the opportunity to tell him before anything actually happened and now that backfired on them.

Renald stepped forward as he plastered a smile on his face and said, "Welcome to our home!" He opened his arms in an exaggerated motion and it caused a cold sweat to break on Altair.

Altair couldn't understand him but she was guessing that she had been bought and paid for by the family in front of her and they were trying to win her loyalty. She imagined herself being worked to the bone and making a single mistake that resulted in her being dragged behind the mansion and beaten to death. Her concern showed on her face.

Seeing her reaction, Renald glared at the trio and said, "Can she not understand me? I thought I tasked you three with teaching her our language."

The smiling man's face stiffened as he tried to defend himself, "The language device didn't work on her."

Renald's expression turned ugly as he shouted, "You idiots! Get out of my sight!" He turned toward a steward who was nearby and said, "Make preparations for some lessons for her immediately." He looked at Altair with a clearly forced smile as he continued, "Also make sure to be friendly with her. I'm sure she's a bit scared about the new environment."

The trio hadn't left yet and Renald glared at them while asking in a harsh tone, "Why are you still here?"

The smiling man held out the various health tests that were run on Altair toward him and said, "The reports you wanted, sir."

Renald snapped them out of his hand before pointing back towards the vehicle they came from, "Get out of my sight!"

The trio didn't stick around and quickly retreated. They didn't want to get shipped out to the middle of nowhere for the rest of their days.

Joshua looked at his father in confusion while Sarah laughed coldly. Sarah patted Joshua on the head to pull his attention toward her and she said, "Don't become like your father and hire useless people." Her words caused Renald to look at her with annoyance in his eyes. She ignored his gaze and instead turned to walk back into the house while saying in a mocking tone, "I wonder if this will really be worth it."

Joshua turned toward his father briefly and bowed in respect before he went after his mother.

Renald sighed as he followed behind his son. He had to appease his wife quickly before she really exploded on him. He had clearly wasted her time when she had something else she wanted to do today.

Altair watched as the servants went about their business and the steward came up and started pushing her into the mansion. Her thoughts on the family amounted to extreme caution. She had heard many stories from her family and the people in her village about nobles.

If they took a fancy to a villager they were allowed to just take them on the spot and the family would never see them again. They had no rights to resist or anything. These people seemed to be nobles since they had servants. It was obvious to her that they bought her so she would have to serve them in the future. They had a child that appeared around her age and she couldn't dismiss the thought that she was going to be trained to serve that boy.

She had to get the hell out of here before it was too late.