An Uncomfortable Room

Altair was taken to a room at the far side of the mansion by the elderly steward. The room she was taken to wasn't luxurious at all by the standards of the rest of the house. But Altair found it to be excessively lavish. It had clean silk sheets on its bed, the bed itself was massive, by Altair's perspective, in size, and there was soft furniture and chairs placed about the room with a personal table that had flowers and a covered tray on it.

The natural lighting into the room perfectly highlighted the best places and the furniture was placed accordingly to it. The room even had another room made specifically to hold clothes instead of a cabinet. Furthermore, it had a private bathroom with a bath that Altair could submerge her entire body in several times over.

It all screamed obscene richness to Altair and she felt extremely uncomfortable just being in it. She had grown up in a room with her siblings and shared a bed with them. The home she lived in was smaller than the room she was standing in. When she was tossed out, it got even worse. She would sleep out in the open until she was saved. But even after she was saved, the best she had was a bedroll in a tent. She felt out of place here.

Altair was pushed next to the bed. Upon arriving, the steward unceremoniously removed all of the shackles on Altair and stood half a step away from the bed she was on. He then offered his hand forward and bent down slightly while staring at her. Altair gave him a curious look as she moved her arms and legs around freely for the first time in over eight months.

The steward closed his hand slightly and reopened it several times in rapid section while saying, "Come." This meant nothing to Altair. That hand movement was just as alien as the language he was speaking to her. He noticed that she didn't understand so he stepped closer and took his hand into the hand he motioned with before stepping back and giving a light tug on her while repeating, "Come."

This gave the motion meaning to Altair. 'Ah, he wants me to get off this bed then.'

She got off the bed with the stewards help. Upon touching the ground with her feet she felt that the polished hardwood floor was warm to the touch. Her feet also shook violently when she put her weight on them, almost causing her to fall to the ground. The steward quickly stepped towards her to help her to stay standing when he saw her legs shake.

Altair was horrified by how her body was acting. It was as if she hadn't walked on her own in years! She had no idea how she had gotten so feeble and weak. It also appeared that, based on his actions, the steward knew of her current condition. That told Altair that whatever happened to her body was likely a planned condition. When she came to this idea her mind immediately thought of that rich man and his son. Did they make her weak so that she couldn't resist them? Altair tried to clench her fists as hard as she could and found that even her grip was pathetic. She probably couldn't choke a kitten to death with her current strength.

This was a fabricated idea. The real reason Altair had become so weak was because she was stuck strapped to a bed for eight months while she was constantly drugged with muscle relaxants. The fact that she could even stand as much as she could right now was a miracle.

The steward supported her as he led her around the small bed to the larger bed next to it. He then lifted Altair up and set her on the bed while saying, "Stay." He then pulled the hospital gown off of her without any hesitation, revealing her naked form which caused Altair to simply stare blankly at him. In the past she would have been embarrassed but after eight months of having no freedom to even feed herself she had gotten used to it.

Once she was naked, the steward walked over to the other room that held all of her clothes and brought out a fairly large box. The box itself was made of some kind of wood, had an intricate design carved into it and was the size of the bed she used to be strapped to. The sight of this older man easily carrying something that large with one hand caused Altair to be momentarily surprised. She didn't expect such an old man to be that strong. She then chided herself mentally, 'they're Gods so of course they're exceptionally strong even when they are old.'

The steward put the box down in front of her and the contents were revealed as the box had no top to it. Inside were rows upon rows of frilly, bright colored underwear. A chunk of them had childlike prints on them as well. He waved his arms over the contents while saying, "Pick."

Altair gave the contents a curious look. She didn't know what they were because the type of underwear she used was vastly different. She didn't even know they were clothing. She looked over the contents for a long while before the Steward sighed lightly. He grabbed a random pair from the box, a pink one at that, and unfolded it for Altair to see. He then placed it over her waist as if to tell her what it was for and Altair tilted her head as she thought about it.

After half a minute of thinking, she took the underwear from him and put it on herself. It was difficult to do as she could barely support her own weight. Her entire body ended up shaking from the effort she had to put forth in order to complete such a simple movement. But it was far more comfortable than what she was used to wearing. However it was also a lot tighter as well.

The steward then put socks on her which was a completely new piece of clothing she had never worn before that was exceptionally soft and warmed her feet. The color matched the underwear she was wearing. After that, he showed her the training bra that came with the set and over the course of several minutes, taught her how to put it on herself.

Altair felt very strange wearing this equally strange clothing. It was like she was wearing a very tight shirt that was several sizes too small, flimsy shoes that only kept her feet warm and would probably fail to protect her feet from rocks, and shameful underwear that would cause a courtesan to blush. She found some of the clothing very impractical and didn't understand the use of them other than the panties she was wearing.

The steward took half a step away and extended his hand like before while slightly bending over and saying, "Come." Altair looked at the hand and put her hand in it, assuming the same meaning as before. The steward led her to the closet, which was a monumental struggle as her legs were heavy and unresponsive. She gritted her teeth as she mentally cursed what had happened to her so far. If the Council of Four or even that sick human could see her right now she would be both a laughingstock and completely helpless.

Her legs felt like iron by the time she reached the closet. The steward pulled her further inside it and it was like a completely different world inside. Rows upon rows of dresses in different styles and varying degrees of childishness filled the closet. It was clear that the Marnithok family had prepared all of this ahead of time for her. Altair was only slightly glad that none of the clothes in here resembled the ones she had seen the servants wearing. But she still couldn't eliminate the possibility of her being a doll or bed warmer to the men here.

The steward motioned over the dresses again with a wide movement of both arms while saying, "Pick."

Altair's legs gave out on her the moment the steward stopped supporting her to perform that motion. She flopped onto her butt on the ground and the steward just stood there waiting for her.

Altair looked over the dresses and frowned. She hadn't worn skirts since she was exiled from her home. Now that it seemed she would be required to wear them again it was like she was throwing away her Demi-Human identity to rejoin the Humans. The only question to her remaining would be: was she a slave or a pet or a servant or something else?

She disliked the idea of tossing out who she really was but she had to act the part expected of her until she got her powers back and could teleport out of here. So Altair picked a blue dress from the rows of dressed by pointing at it with one hand. The steward quickly helped Altair up and into the blue dress that she picked. She picked this dress because the skirt was relatively shorter than the others and she thought she would be able to exercise her body better in it when she got the chance. Although she didn't have much confidence on how far she would be able to go she still chose to have the hope that it would help.