Making A Mess

Altair was left in the bathroom alone as Donel left. This resulted in her carefully examining the room from a distance because she was sitting on her butt. She could see the whole room from next to the door where she was.

The room was large enough that she was having a hard time accepting it as a bathroom. The entire floor was covered with strangely shining green bricks. Like the floor in the main room, the bricks seemed oddly warm to the touch. Altair couldn't even tell where the light was coming from, but all of them appeared to be reflecting some light no matter where she moved to. Towards the far wall, under a sideways rectangular window that was opaque, was the bathtub.

The bath was more like a sunken pool than a bathtub though as it went directly down into the ground instead of it being a large container that could be carried as she was used to. It even had multiple steps to help a person go into it due to its maximum depth. It was currently empty. It had a large pipe over it with two button styled knobs on either side of it.

Next to the wall on her right was a counter with a mirror above a sink on it. Altair had seen a mirror from a distance before on the Starship but this was the first time she would be able to actually examine it. She just had to get up and move over to it if she wanted to get a better look.

Next to the wall opposite that was what she identified as the God's chamber pot. It was a fancy toilet that she had some experience being forced to use and roughly knew how it worked. The sight of it caused her to grimace briefly though as she remembered being manhandled.

The first thing Altair did was… wonder what she was doing in here. Donel had left here in here with nothing more than him pointing at the wall. She didn't feel the need to use the toilet and she had no idea what the bathtub was on the other side. The only clue she had was the change of clothes that Donel had left on a basket by the counter with a strange, white rectangular cloth on top of them. While Altair was on the Starship the doctor's gave her sponge baths so she had no idea why she was left here alone.

After sitting on her rear for a few minutes in silence she came to realize that she was going to get no more information. Since that was the case, Altair crawled to the counter because she figured she wouldn't be able to walk that far.

Once she got there she used her arms and legs to unsteadily climb to her feet. That was the entire reason she came over to the counter really. It was the only thing she determined would really help her examine the room from a better perspective. She could also attempt to lift herself onto it to sit as well.

Which she promptly attempted to do because he legs felt like jelly even with the assistance of her arms, which were starting to feel the same way.

The top of the counter had several cylindrical shaped objects that were standings around the sunk. That also happened to be the part that Altair was using as leverage to lift herself up. She ended up scattering almost all of them as she struggled to pull her entire body onto the counter.

She did succeed at lifting herself onto it in the end, although she was breathing heavily when she finished. Once she was sitting on the counter, directly next to the sink, her eyes were pulled to the mirror. She couldn't help it now that she wasn't distracted with her task. After all, it was right in front of her. The person she saw reflected back at her was a sight she had not seen for over five years.

The girl reflected back to her had brown hair that went past her shoulders and a short ways down her back. Her hair had grown since the last time she had seen herself. Despite not being combed, it retained its straight ends, although it didn't have the same shine she remembered in the past. She was able to also see that her skin wasn't as smooth as before and, upon touching her cheek, wasn't as soft either. She looked almost exactly like she did before she emerged. There was just one difference that caused an unsettling feeling to creep over her. Her eyes had turned murky black instead of returning to their original brown hue.

She had mixed feelings about her reflection that was staring back at her as much as she stared at it. On one hand, it meant that she could have returned to her family. On the other hand, she felt that time was playing a cruel joke to her. Now that she had come to the World of Gods she, with no idea of how to get back home, she had returned to her Human looks, mostly. Her heart ached at the thought of it. To be able to hug her mother again and enjoy her younger sisters smile while her big brother got married with her old friend…

'What a joke,' she mentally berated herself while shaking the ideas and feelings out of herself.

After everything she had been through, even if she still looked like this when she returned, there was no chance she would let that madman run around if he still lived. She also wouldn't be able to turn her back on the Demi-Humans in ignorance as she had done in the past. She had already spent an unknown amount of time here in the World of the Gods. She suddenly wondered if it was too late for her to change anything even if she went back immediately.

She balled one of her hands into a fist and weakly slammed into the mirror before her. The girl that mirrored her actions was no longer her. She wasn't a weak villager from a small village anymore. She was Altair Maxwell, the strongest Demi-Human that had existed in decades.

Even if she did choose to return, it wouldn't work as she imagined it. It had been over five years since she was driven out. During that time her appearance had barely changed, if at all. Her brother and sister had grown up as normal and, by now, her sister even looked older than she was. It would be strange for her to be called or treated as the eldest sister at this point. Some things couldn't be taken back or returned to once they were gone.

She sighed heavily before turning away from the mirror to look over the rest of the room. Her eyes swept right over the toilet and were attracted to the bathtub. She wasn't sure at this moment why they had a man-made empty pond in here but she was interested in knowing what the smooth looking white walls felt like to touch.

She adjusted herself on the counter and knocked over another bottle. This caused her attention to shift down to the things she had scattered about. She had seen similar things back on the Starship as well but had not seen them so much as touched. She reached out and grabbed one with a faucet style opening on it.

She flipped it around and her hands and didn't notice anything special about it. She then faintly smelled a rosy fragrance coming from it, which caused her to bring it up to her nose. She sniffed it a couple of times before pulled it away quickly as the fragrance quickly overwhelmed her senses. It was like she was in a field of flowers just by smelling it. It smelled good to her but it was far too heavy for her nose to bear.

She flipped the strange bottle around in a different way, causing her to push down on the faucet top. A gooey, pink substance oozed out of the top and dripped onto her palm. The scent of the substance almost immediately assaulted her senses and her eyes widened at the strange thing that touched her.

She quickly tossed the bottle away from her, thinking it contained a dangerous poison, and hastily wiped her hand over her clothes, smearing the pink ooze all over the blue fabric. This action did nothing more than make her smell overly perfumed and it caused her to frown at the smell assaulting her.

Not wanting to keep smelling it, she moved her hands to take off the dress she was in. This was more difficult than she thought. The dress had a zipped up back that she didn't know about as she treated the noise it made earlier as her imagination. She tried pulling it off like a normal dress and that ended poorly. Then she tried to untie the back but there wasn't a tie there. Once that failed, with the growing rosy scent constantly assaulting her nose and raising her agitation, she got fed up and directly yanked the dress repeatedly to remove it. This caused the fabric holding the collar together to tear noisily. The sound seemed to echo in the room she was in but Altair didn't care. She just wanted the damn thing off already.

The moment the dress went over her head she tossed it towards the toilet. What might have seemed like an unconscious act was actually her true feelings towards such clothes. She had grown away from skirts for quite a while and the dress was too difficult to take off! She had to rip it just to get it off.

Even though the dress was tossed to the side, Altair could still smell that scent coming from herself. She sniffed around herself and brought her offending hand up to her nose and still smelled the thick perfume scent and her face darkened. With her nose next to it the scent was too powerful, however when she kept her hand away from her face it wasn't that bad. It was even a little pleasant too so she decided to leave it be.

With the dress and fragrance ignored, she turned her attention back to the room. She noticed the two button knobs near the pond and the large pipe that led to it. She then turned her around and continued to look around the room and last thing of note was that opaque window. She had never seen anything like it but it was a minor detail to the room. Since it didn't seem to be anything special other than to let in some light or perhaps to see if it was dark out, she quickly dismissed it from her attention and turned back to the button knobs.

They seemed to have a strange ability to draw her attention...