Mistakes Were Made

Her eyes narrowed towards them as she felt the urge to mess with them. 'Since he left me in here I can't be blamed for any accidents right?'

With that thought in mind, Altair pushed herself from the counter and her legs couldn't take the abrupt weight she put on them, causing her to fall onto her butt again. She frowned at the minor ache. She considered trying to walk to the tub but figured that she would need her legs if she wanted to actually manipulate the button knobs. So she started to crawl towards the tub instead.

As she got closer she noticed that the sloped sides of the tub weren't as steep as she thought they would be. She suddenly wondered what the purpose of the stairs down was. Sure, she thought the sides looked really smooth but it wasn't like they were ice. But she believed that if they weren't covered in water there was no way someone would slip into it.

Altair approached the tub and looked down it. The marble sides sloped down at a light degree at the start but abruptly increase the further down it goes. She put her hand onto the marble and moved it about, feeling the cold, smooth, and texture-less material beneath her palm. It caused her eyes to widen slightly. It was smoother than the blades on swords she had touched before. This material was something she had never seen or felt before. She suddenly thought of making weapons from it for the use in the war if she could bring some back with her.

She quickly put that out of her mind as she still had the button knobs on the brain. She looked over and noted their position: the other side of the tub, against the wall, and at the deepest part of the tub. She then looked down into the tub and came up with how she was going to advance to them.

She planned to continue crawling until the abrupt dip down, at which point she would position her legs before her and fall the rest of the way. She knew she would probably end up on her butt; however that was better than her head. The stairs down into the tub were a meter to her left and she didn't really care to crawl down them.

So, she put her right hand forward and, applying her weight on it, brought her left hand off the bricks and into the tub. Once she tried to move forward with her right hand, her left slipped and she promptly tumbled into the tub with a girlish cry. She tumbled down into the deep end and wound up on her back. The fall and tumble didn't really hurt though, to her surprise. She did lay there on her back for a few moments as she caught her breath from the sudden jump in her heart rate. She had panicked the moment she started to fall into the tub.

She then felt her face burn when she remembered the moment she slipped in. She was only slightly relieved that there was no one around to have heard or seen it. It still didn't stop her from feeling ashamed though.

After she caught her breathe she sat up and looked towards the knob above her head. The pipe was also there, staring back down at her as she looked around it. She was almost there.

She used the nearby stairs to help herself to her feet. She then pushed herself off the stairs and used the straight side of the tub on the wall as leverage to help stay standing. Following that, she walked on unsteady legs the last few steps to the knobs and reached up as far as she could towards the first one. She could barely reach it and felt that it was possible to push it, she just lacked the height to push it in all the way. So, she decided something risky. She jumped with her weakened legs and pushed the button in. The moment she landed back on the ground her feet gave out on her and she met the ground yet again. Above her, the button she pushed stayed pushed in.

However, she paid that no mind as she heard a female voice ring out from, what seemed like, everywhere around her, "Scanning Bio Signature. Occupant age range detected; setting temperature to Children's Level. Temperature set to forty degrees centigrade. Checking capacity… Warning: Capacity not set. In case of overflow please push button again. Dispensing water in 5…"

Altair did not understand a word of it. She only looked around with wide open eyes as her heart started to pound again. 'Did I do something wrong?'

A loud hissing noise pulled Altair's attention to the pipe. She stared at it with cautious eyes as she slowly started to stand to her feet. Just as her legs had almost straightened out, water gushed forth and splashed all over her, causing her to give out another high pitched squeal.

Altair was drenched instantly in steaming hot water that felt like it would burn her skin. She would have moved out of the torrent immediately if her legs didn't buckle under the surprise water assault. Since that was the case, as the hot water battered against her back, she quickly crawled her way to freedom.

Once she freed herself from the torrent of water, she turned around and rested her back against the steep-end of the slope she came down on and looked to see what she had done. While doing so, the water had already risen to an ankle deep amount. However her feet were not bothered by it. So she ignored it and saw the massive volume of water being dropped into the tub. It was like a miniature waterfall and she gaped at it momentarily. She didn't know how they were able to get so much water to flow like a river into the house.

She quickly returned to herself when the water reached her shins. At this point she noticed it and her heart started to pound furiously in her chest. She didn't know if this was normal but she did know that, in the next room, the floor appeared to be made out of hardwood. If the water spilled out into the other room it would damage the floors and she would probably be killed for it. She just didn't know how to make the water stop.

She looked up at the offending knob that caused all of her problems and felt that she had met a new enemy to her life.

She then turned to the other knob and wondered if pushing that would end the waterfall into the room. The only problem was that it was right next the faucet to the tub and she knew she couldn't stand under the water pressure.

Still, she had to try anyway! She took a deep breath and attempted to stand with the help of the abrupt edge. But that failed. Her hands were wet and the marble was already treacherous. Combined, she didn't stand a chance against gravity.

Altair slipped back into the water and her expression paled when she realized the trouble she had just gotten into. She turned towards the stairs and started to crawl towards them as fast as she could. By now, the water was up to her chest and she had to slog through it. Fear also started to grip her heart.

Altair did not know how to swim. She found it to be unnecessary to learn because she could always just use her Shadow Magic and creature a water based creature for her or fly over the water herself. Thus, she never learned how to swim. Now, with the water inches from her nose and mouth, with her legs practically useless, she couldn't dismiss the fear of impending death by drowning.

She crawled through the waterfall and arrived at the stairs just as the water started to rise above her mouth. She immediately started to crawl out of the tub instead of trying to stand up. Her fear had temporarily won out over the task she had in mind.

Once she was out of the water she continued to crawl up the steps until she was near the top. Only then did she start to calm down and look back into the tub of rising water. By now, it would probably be enough to submerge her eyes if she was still crawling around inside of it. Still, the water wouldn't stop on its own at this rate.

Altair looked back at the knob, which was now on the other side of the waterfall, and gritted her teeth. She mentally scolded herself for being afraid of water. She would definitely be killed if this room flooded and caused damage to the other room while she might die if she tried to stop it. The better choice was obvious.

Altair took a deep breath and gathered her courage. She scooted down the stairs and pushed herself off to the flat side again. She leaned on it upon impact, her legs shaking under her weight. She then shimmied along the wall to avoid the waterfall towards the other button knob.

Once she got to the other side of the water and underneath the button knob, she looked up at it took another deep breath before leaping up with all her might and pushing the button in!

She then landed are her rump and was nearly completely submerged in water. The button above her stuck in just like the previous one.

The same female voice before rang out, "Warning: water is still running. Prolonged exposure to steam can cause damage to the body. If you feel light headed, push the button again. Closing heat retention surface."

A sliding sound came from the stairs side and Altair turned her head over her shoulder at the same time. She saw a semi-transparent roof almost completely close over the tub, effectively sealing her inside. The button knobs were still accessible but, to Altair, they clearly weren't the solution to her problem.

The sight of her escape from the ever rising water getting closed off caused Altair's face to pale and heart to sink. With her feeble strength and her weak legs, she knew she had really messed up now. The Magic of the Gods was just too bizarre for her.

'Ah, so this is how I die.'