An Attempt On The Poison

She gave Donel a serious look as she took the knife in both hands and said, "Word for cause bad life." Her meaning was to ask what the word was in Donel's language for poison. Unless she had that word she wouldn't be able to get her point across. In fact, the entire conversation from here hinged on getting the right word out of Donel or she would be delayed on getting her Mana back.

She felt so hollow without her Mana. She was like a bird without wings or a night without a day. She just wasn't complete and, no matter her surroundings or what she did, she felt like she was missing something important. With the incident that Joshua had caused it only inflamed this feeling and added anxiousness to the mix. She felt miserable with it all together inside her.

Donel gave her a curious look as he pondered her question. The possible answer he came up with was to curse someone. If someone set out to ruin someone else's life then they would have a bad life. So that's what Donel had come up with. "To curse"

Altair's brow scrunched up as she attached the words to poison in her mind. She still needed to confirm it. She knew of several ways for poison to be given to someone. The most common was through a meal or drink while others could be sprinkled on someone's pillow or laced in their gloves. She felt that food or drink would be the best ones to test on due to the others being more obscure. So, to confirm it was the right word, she said, "Food to curse life?"

Donel's expression stiffened as he struggled to keep a straight face. He quickly came to the conclusion that she was talking about poison, which was definitely not what he was thinking of. He quickly said, "Poison. Poison yes." Donel didn't know what she was thinking or why she was looking for it.

Altair had gotten a different answer back which meant that the one before might not be what she was thinking of. So she had to confirm they were on the same page as she said again, "Food poison bad life?"

Donel nodded his head, "Can be very bad indeed." He didn't know why she was bringing up poison. His thoughts went toward her possibly wanting some poison so she could get revenge on the Young Master. Donel wouldn't let that happen. He wouldn't give her poison for any reason actually, not just that reason. His job, and possibly life, depended on her staying safe and alive.

Altair started to bend the knife in her hands as she exerted her strength on it. She was attempting to break it and use a sharp edge to get her point across. It was just that she seemed to be weaker than she remembered and it caused her brow to furrow as she grunted in exertion. It was taking all of her strength to break this knife and she couldn't understand why.

The reason for this was because the doctor had damaged some of her nerves. Since some of her nerves were damaged her motor control skills had taken a noticeable hit. Altair didn't know and neither did the doctor know.

After a short time Altair had managed to snap the knife in two. This drew Donel's attention to the knife and his expression became complicated. He had deliberately looked for a plastic knife so Altair couldn't hurt herself or him only to have her break the knife in two and creating a sharp edge on her own.

As Donel reached over to take the pieces from her, Altair spoke while pointing a finger at herself, "Donel poison."

This caused Donel's hand to pause in midair. What she was hinting at was something very serious. She could be telling him that she was poisoned and that was what he suspected she was trying to say. If that was the case, then was this poison the reason why all those different healing machines they had used on her had no effect? Was there a poison so virulent that it was able to stop most of the medical technology they had from working? If that was the case then this poison would have far reaching ramifications beyond the Marnithok family. It could even affect the entire Ordin Empire.

Thinking to here, Donel decided to wait and see what Altair was trying to say for sure. They were in a hospital so he could get a doctor in here almost immediately if Altair tried something dangerous.

Altair dropped one piece of the knife before her and jammed her finger with the other. This caused her to wince slightly in pain as green blood oozed out of her finger onto the knife.

The sight of the green blood still caused Donel to feel uncomfortable. When he saw the green blood on her face after the Young Master had beaten her he was disturbed upon seeing it, much like the doctor was. He didn't have time to worry about it in the moment because Altair's life could have been in danger so he sprang into action. Now that he was seeing it again he couldn't help but feel her gut churn at the sight of it. It was a very inhuman sight to him.

Altair dropped the other knife and rotated her hand to show the wound to Donel. The green blood oozed out on her finger and ran down her hand. It was a stark contrast to the white of her skin and spoke to how inhuman it appeared. Altair then pointed at the green blood on her finger and said, "Not red, poison."

Donel gave Altair a serious look before looking closer at the wound on Altair's finger. No matter what way he looked at it he could only tell that she had green blood. But Altair herself was telling him that her blood wasn't red, but poison instead. So what Donel got out of it was that Altair didn't have blood but poison instead. Such an absurd thing but, given the evidence in front of him, made sense. She was obviously warning him that her blood was poisonous and would be dangerous when handled directly.

Donel quickly found this somewhat incorrect in his mind but couldn't figure out why. So he moved to confirm it. He grabbed the first knife that Altair dropped and pricked his finger, revealing his red blood. He then pointed at it the red blood dripping from his finger and said, "Blood. This is blood." He then pointed at Altair's finger that was oozing green liquid and asked, "That is poison?"

Altair scrunched up her brows as she tried to adapt his words to her own language. After a short delay she pointed at her wound again and said, "Blood red not green. Poison."

Donel's eyes widened in horror as he reached a conclusion that told him Altair had been poisoned and it caused her blood to be green. He quickly asked, "This will cause you to have a bad life?"

Altair nodded quickly, "Bad life. Poison bad." She pointed at herself with her uninjured hand and said, "Weak. Bad life. Help Donel." Her explanation, to her, was obvious. The poison in her was making her weak and would lead to living a hard life. Thus, she was asking for help.

To Donel the words had a very different meaning. From what he understood, the poison in her was making her weak and would continue to make her weaker until she died. He heard the noises she made when she was trying to break the knife just moments ago. She wasn't that feeble before Joshua attacked her three weeks ago. The fact that she had gotten this much weaker in such a short amount of time lit a fire under him to get the problem solved as soon as possible. If he didn't he was sure that Renald would have a very bad end in store for him.

Donel gave Altair a warm smile as he confidently said, "I'll do it. I'll help you."

This caused Altair to sigh heavily in relief and lean back onto the bed. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off her to hear those words. She knew that the people here probably knew she was poisoned but didn't do anything about it. Her conversation with Donel told her that he didn't know what the poison was. So she was sure the other people who had seen it had chosen to not tell him. Now that she had told him herself she was hoping that he would give her the antidote. But he was still a God so he could easily refuse.

When he said that he would help her she couldn't have been more relieved. It seemed that there were actually good Gods out there. She would need to avoid hurting him when she made her escape once this was all said and done. She gave him the first smile she had given anyone since the day she was rescued after fleeing from that psychopath while saying, "Thank you."

Donel found her smile to be too bright to look at directly. He walked several steps away from the bed and brought up his communicator while turning away from her. He connected to Renald and explained what Altair had just told him from his perspective. This caused Renald to tell Donel to have the doctor exchange her blood for fresh blood. If the blood from her wound oozed instead of poured out like normal, was green, and was said to be poison, then wouldn't it be solved if they just gave her fresh, clean blood? He then told Donel to contact him if it didn't work.

Donel agreed for the most part. He didn't think that would solve everything but it should help. Since they didn't have much time to spare because Altair was obviously getting weaker by the day, Donel went outside and fetched the doctor immediately. He then told the doctor what he wanted and he got a curious look from him.

The doctor didn't consider giving her different blood. In hindsight he probably should have done that sooner and cursed himself mentally. Thus, he set about the preparations immediately.

The government employees tried to talk to Altair but she only told them, "Leave." And that was it. It was also the only word she had for telling them to leave her alone. But they couldn't get anything else out of her so they could only do as she requested since Donel was still in the room.

The doctor set up the machines to give Altair a fresh set of blood while running the tests to see what kind of blood she had. It was a lot harder than he thought it would be to determine her blood type due to the influence of the poison. But after half a day he managed to finally figure out which one it was closest to.

There was just a critical problem that was discovered at this point though. Her blood was a close match to Type O blood but it wasn't a match. If they gave her that blood there was a decent chance her body would reject it and it could kill her. This meant that they couldn't give her an actual blood transfusion to solve the problem.

That didn't mean he was out of cards though. The doctor instead opted to attempt to clean Altair's blood of the poison. He brought in a machine that had transparent tubes running into and out of it. He quickly hooked it up to Altair and started it up. Before long, the green blood oozed into the tubes in the machine, flowed through the machine, and came out on the other side almost imperceptibly less green.

The doctor couldn't even tell if it was working but he knew that they would know in several hours if it was or not.

Since the whole process would take an entire day,Donel excused himself along with the government employees while Altair rested in bed.

About halfway through the treatment, in the middle of the night, Altair woke up in a cold sweat. She felt unbelievably sluggish and she couldn't move her arms or legs. Her entire body was whiter than a sheet from a lack of blood. This was normal in the process but it scared Altair into thinking she was dying. She instinctively tried to access her Mana to use it to heal her body only to find that she barely felt a response. It was such a small amount that she could access that her heart started to race in fear.

However, it was all she had. So she quickly used all that she could to heal herself. In the process of doing this, she suddenly realized that she was getting more access to her Mana because that teeny tiny sliver she felt and used up had returned again. This told her that the thing next to her was actually curing her of the poison.

When she came to that conclusion she started to calm down. This was mostly because Donel was there when the machine was set up and the treatment was started and he didn't do anything about it. He just watched calmly the whole time. Due to that, Altair had some measure of confidence in the treatment. Although she didn't trust it fully so she chose to stay up until the treatment was done in case it was actually a trap. If it was a trap then she would burn all her Mana to heal her injuries and… she didn't have a plan beyond that. She was sure the amount of Mana she was getting would probably be enough to at least heal her at the rate she was getting it, though.

As time passed and the treatment finished without any problems, Altair's complexion returned to normal. She also didn't feel completely hollow anymore due to her lack of Mana. But she didn't have full access to her power still. If what she had before was a large lake of Mana then what she had now was equal to about a bucket of Mana. Still, Altair judged it enough to deal with that child if he tried to do something to her again.