Preparing To Run

Even though the treatment was finished, Altair still felt something was off. Other than her missing memories she still found it harder to put strength into her hands than it was before she was attacked. She even used some of her Mana to reinforce her strength and it didn't help much. With the amount of Mana she had access to using it to heal her body in random locations would be incredibly inefficient. Still she would be able to use that method sparingly if she paced her healing out over the course of several months. If she did that then she was sure she would recover from whatever was wrong with her.

She also no longer felt completely hollow anymore. She still felt a gaping hole within her but there was a familiar swirl near it. It was like she had eaten a roll when she was famished. It made her feel ever so slightly better but she still desired a lot more.

Once the treatment was done and Altair was awake there was no longer had a reason to remain in the hospital. Despite the government employees trying to get her attention she still left the day after treatment was completed and they confirmed that her blood wasn't green anymore.

When Altair saw that her blood had returned to its normal red color yet she still didn't have full access to her Mana she was at a loss. She thought that the poison was cured when the green blood changed back to red. That was how they tested to see if the Mana Sealing Poison was removed usually so when she still didn't have full access she had no idea what to make of it. Perhaps the Gods had something to do with it?

In Altair's case, only the poison coursing through her veins was removed. Before too long it would return to being green due to the poison throughout the rest of her body. With the method of changing out her blood she could eventually be mostly cured of the poison. However she would never be fully healed using this method as some of the poison would always remain elsewhere in her body.

When she returned to the Marnithok mansion with Donel she was greeted by her studies of their language. Throughout the day she would sparingly burn her Mana to heal different parts of her body, starting with her hands and arms, even if they weren't injured.

When she ate that night she felt the weakness of her hands more profoundly. It unnerved her how weak her grip had gotten. She would have a lot of trouble in the future when she used a weapon. She had to fix whatever was wrong with her as soon as she could.

However, there was something much more important that had to be dealt with. She needed to escape this place before that child came back for her again.

With the ability to burn Mana back in her grasp she was mostly sure she would be able to kill him if he tried to assault her like before. But the problem was he wasn't the only person here. The guards outside were obviously on his side. Otherwise, how would he have gotten away with almost killing her the first time they met each other?

Even if the boy didn't bring them in to help him it was incredibly unlikely that she would be able to just beat him with impunity while they were nearby. In fact, she was willing to bet her left arm that they would jump in and interfere the moment she got the upper hand in their confrontation. When that happened, she would end up in the same situation as before or worse.

She wasn't completely useless now. She had some Mana at her disposal. She wouldn't be able to directly fight against any adults she came across, but if she made use of her infiltration and spying skills she estimated that she should be able to escape from here. If she burned Mana to help sustain her body once she escaped then she should be able to survive a couple weeks without any food. That should be enough time to find some place she could hunt for her own meals.

Even though she trusted Donel, she couldn't put it past him that he would value that brat over her. It was obvious that he was the son of the family and Donel served that family, so no expectations towards her safety could be made. Just because she believed he was better than most didn't mean she would bet her life on him protecting her when the chips were down.

Since that was the case she had a lot of work to do. All of that work was observational for the time being though.

After she finished her meal and retired to bed, wanting to fake falling asleep. Or that was her intention anyway. She actually fell into a deep slumber before Donel left the room. Even till now, she had yet to see if the weird lights in the room could be turned off as she had fallen asleep before they had every single time.

The following day Altair went through her normal morning routine: She struggled to get out of bed. So much so that Donel had to flip the mattress she was on. She would then eat breakfast while talking with Donel in his language and learning new words. Then Donel would leave and she would take a bath.

She was really getting attached to bathing now. She liked that it made her skin smooth to the touch and her hair like silk.

But after that, she got to work on her observations.

The key thing when handling an infiltration was information on the location you were infiltrating. From what she remembered about her way through the mansion both times she was taken to her room, she could only recall maybe a third of it. However, she did note the locations of several guard-like people who seemed to be doing their jobs. In fact, there really weren't that many of them where she was. It actually surprised her and delighted her at the same time. It felt like they were underestimating her which would make it far easier for her to slip out unnoticed.

The first obstacle she would face were the two guards that seemed to constantly be outside her room. She would see them when Donel left in the morning and on all of his subsequent visits. She had also been turned back into the room by them a few times in the past as well. She didn't know if they were there before Donel showed up but she suspected they were.

The point being: they never seemed to leave. But that couldn't be possible. Altair had seen Donel eat as well. Why would the Gods play at eating if they didn't actually need to eat? Therefore, those two people had to take a break at some point to eat. They probably also needed to sleep. If they had to do either of those, then that meant they would most likely swap with another pair of guards to keep her room secure.

Or at least that's how Altair would have handled it. Since they were determined to keep her in the room that meant that they had orders to do so. It could be deduced that they would also have replacements for when they couldn't be around.

Altair's first task would be to find out when they swapped with the others. She had to know the rough timing of it so that she could ambush them after they swapped and knock them unconscious. By doing that with the correct timing it would allow her a lot of time to move and escape.

The difficulty of this task isn't that hard in terms of infiltration tactics. The only real problem is how to discretely obtain the information she's after without them finding out what she's up to. It has the added difficulty of the door being closed almost all of the time as well. She can't observe them at will without opening the door, which will likely draw their attention. They would get suspicious if she does it too much.

However, that is where she will rely on her appearance!

Right now, Altair looks no different from a little girl. Since that is the case, they will naturally not think too much about her trying to be willful in attempting to get out every now and then. She has nothing to do in her room, so surely they will assume it's because she's bored.

Altair walked over to the window after dressing herself in a random dress she pulled from the wardrobe. She doesn't have any shoes to go on top of her matching blue socks, but that didn't matter.

She already knew that they are there this early in the morning, so checking right now is pointless. It had only been twenty minutes since Donel left anyway, so she decided to turn her attention to outside instead. She needed to keep track of the timing on patrols that she had seen outside. She wanted to use that information to build a basic patrol path on how diligent they were at their job. If she used the amount of time between each patrol, assuming they were the same people, then she could judge how attentive the guards outside were. If they were different people every time then Altair's escape would take on a higher level of difficulty.

But it is always easier to sneak out of somewhere you are in than it is to sneak in!

All of Altair's previous experiences told her that. She just needed the perfect opportunity or the correct timing. One of those needed luck and the other she could create herself with information.