Obviously A Child's Curiosity

The two guards found this very strange at first but grew used it after a few days. However, the times that Altair would open the door seemed to be completely at random. Her actions started to cause them both to wonder why exactly she kept doing that. A child her age would normally be neck deep in studies about this and that for what they wanted to do in the future or they would be training if they wanted to join the military.

Thus, they couldn't understand Altair's actions that seemed to be from a bygone era. Since most children learned the most basic of studies in their sleep through Spiritual Tutors, they mentally grew up far faster than their bodies. Altair was acting like she had never received that kind of teaching and that baffled them.

She was adopted into the family and added to the main home right away so why was she like this? They expected her to be a prodigy in some area not some untrained child. Just why would the Marnithok family add someone like this to the main home who had no teaching and acted so strangely?

Regardless, they had a job to do.

After several days of Altair peering at them, the guards couldn't keep quiet about it anymore.

When Donel showed up for his morning tutoring, the guards stopped him and let him know about Altair's recent string of strange behavior.

"She does this every day?" Donel asked with a strange expression.

Both of the guards nodded towards him while one of them added, "She recently started this the day after she returned. I guess she's afraid of the Young Master coming again but it should be obvious that we're here to protect her. Do you think she doesn't even it?"

The guards were clearly ignoring the fact that they were around when Joshua had beaten Altair before. Donel didn't bring up this point either and just replied, "I will check the Bio Security Network and see exactly what she's up to after morning lessons. Remain as you are. If something changes, I will let you know personally."

Donel then went on to continue Altair's lessons.

Once the lessons were over, Donel went to the security room in the basement of the Marnithok mansion. Here, a group of fifty trained technicians kept their eyes on all security details related to the house at all times. They had dozens of different security protocols in place and were able to keep track of everyone's movements throughout the entire mansion. There were only four rooms that were kept off of the displays and in total darkness, the Mistress' room, the Master's room, the Master's study, and the Mistress' lounge. All other rooms were under surveillance for safety's sake.

In this room, the Observation Den, they could see everything that happened not just within the mansion, but everything around the mansion as well. There's a reason the mansion is surrounded by an empty plain and that is because it is also included in the security. Not only that, they also keep many private security Mecha's on standby beneath them in case of a sudden attack. These can be scrambled and launched within moments of an emergency.

The room was as busy as it always was when Donel entered unannounced. His arrival wasn't a surprise though as they had seen him approaching through the network. He couldn't keep his arrival a secret even if he wanted to.

As soon as the door to the elevator he was on opened, an old friend was already standing before it with a sly smile on his face. He was Mihael and he was only thirty this year. He was a handsome man with a slim profile. His job was to handle all security and information within the mansion.

"Yo, Old Man, what brings you down here?" He crossed his arms and continued before Donel could answer, "Finally decide to actually hand over the rest of your duties and fully commit to training that new girl?"

Donel sighed almost imperceptibly. He didn't get along with Mihael and Mihael seemed to know that as well. "Don't be ridiculous. I've been doing my job before you were even born. How could I possibly hand it over to someone as inexperienced as you?"

Mihael shook his head wryly, "Whatever you say, Old Man. Why don't you get to the part I asked you about originally then?"

A slight frown crossed Donel's face before he said, "I need to look at the footage on young Aria's room for the last few days through the Bio Security Network."

Mihael's brow rose slightly, "Didn't take you as one to fancy such young girls, Old Man. Does the Master know about this?"

Donel's frown deepened, "Just hurry up and grant me access already. She has been acting strange the last few days and I need to find out why."

Mihael made a show of eyeing him suspiciously before he loudly said, "Fine… But I'm going to have to inform the Master about this. You're being waaaaaaaay too strange about it. She's just a kid whose, at best, seven years old." He turned and started walking away while adding, "Not sure why you want to spy on her for being a goofball."

Donel followed after him without a word. He intended to notify the Master about the results of what he found out regardless. After all, what he could do about it would be limited and Renald wanted frequent reports about anything abnormal anyway. This fell in line with what he should report.

Mihael took Donel to a side room of the Observation Den. It was one of the many secluded and soundproof rooms used to review recorded security footage. No one could access the footage without Mihael's or Renald's security key, unless they were an expert hacker. Even then, it would be difficult for them to do so unnoticed as the Marnithok family had their own Hackers probing around for attacks at all times.

Mihael put his security key into a terminal and the Holodisplay lit up. He then moved back and took seat to sit in then sat right behind where Donel would be sitting as if he was ready to see something entertaining.

Donel gave him look of disapproval but couldn't tell him to leave as he had full right to keep an eye on Donel during the whole process. Donel then sat down and brought up the past few days of footage on Altair's room using the Bioscanner security protocols. He was doing this to avoid Mihael spreading any weird rumors about him as it would just show Altair's body as a heat signature with the vague outline of a person.

He put the speed to sixteen times normal speed and sat back to watch as Altair would go to the window for long periods of time and randomly check the door or take a bath. He was actually surprised with how often Altair was taking baths. He wondered if he should see if it was actually bad for her health…

After checking up to the current day, Donel had a few ideas as to what Altair was up to. The most obvious one being that she was just bored in her room and wanted to get out. The Young Master had done something similar when he was younger and Donel couldn't dismiss the possibility due to it. To Donel, it seemed that even though the Young Master hated Altair, they were very similar to each other.

Donel stood up from his chair and turned to see Mihael sleeping in his chair. Donel frowned at him before he walked out of the room. It wasn't his job to supervise that vagrant.

Donel quickly went to Renald's study to report his findings.

When he arrived, Renald was in the middle of a break and was drinking some tea that a maid had just prepared for him. His arrival drew a look of curiosity from Renald before Renald dismissed the maids in the room and sat back as he took a sip of his tea.

Once he put the cup back down he asked, "Did something happen?"

Donel stood respectfully before stating, "Miss Aria has been showing signs of wanting to explore since she came back from the hospital. I wonder what you would like us to do about this, Master."

Renald reclined for a long moment as he took a deep breath. After he exhaled it, he asked, "What kind of signs? Tell me exactly what she has been up to." He didn't know how clever that girl was and didn't want to take too much of a risk in having her roam around freely. It wouldn't be a joke if she wandered into his son when her guards weren't around.

"She has been staring out the window in her room for hours on end and constantly checks the door to her room. It is obvious that she has been trying to see if there is a time when her guards aren't around." Donel paused for a few moments wondering if he should add the problem with her bathing habits. In the end, he deemed it strange, and added, "She also seems to be taking too many baths. Although I am not sure if there are any real health problems with that."

Renald rested his hands on his legs as he closed his eyes. After a couple of minutes he opened them again and said, "I will check with the doctors concerning her bathing habits. However, as for the subject of her wanting to roam around there are several problems that this might incur. Although I am leaning to letting her do so. For now, tell me what you think should be done to keep her away from Joshua while she explores."

Altair stared out the window for most of the day. She would also check the door frequently at, what she assumed, were fixed intervals. Every time she would open the door, the two guards on the other side would immediately look at her with neutral expressions. Altair would then eye them warily in return before she slowly closed the door, like a cat caught hiding its prey.