Forced Treatment

When Mihael arrived at the ATR he had to use administration access to get inside. He knew that every second would count as well because that foolish girl had gone in when she obviously wouldn't be able to defend herself against anything in there.

The Claw Weeds alone would be dangerous to her since they could cut into a person's skin just by moving around. Furthermore, the Blood Vines would react to the scent of blood if a person was injured by them and try to strangle that person when they get close.

Not to mention the creatures inside were strong enough to threaten a person at the Praefecti level.

He didn't hold that high of hopes of finding Altair alive when he first entered due to how much time had passed since he saw her enter in the first place.

However, contrary to his expectations he saw Altair climbing a tree in the distance while looking around. When he saw her still alive he felt relieved that he wouldn't have to explain how he failed to get to her in time to Renald.

And then he saw the tree split in two and a Madroople on the other side of it. Those creatures were the most persistent in hunting down any pray they came across. Their corrosive spit was particularly dangerous as well. However, they had a critical weakness to piercing attacks when aimed at their core, in the center of their head. But, there were no weapons in the ATR. If you tried to use the environmental objects as weapons, they would shatter apart when they came into contact with the creatures. The whole point of the room was to train your body, after all. So using weapons would defeat the purpose of it.

He pulled force his Spiritual Self and enhanced his body with his Spiritual Energy immediately. A light green glow enveloped his skin and he dashed towards Altair as fast as he could run. He only needed her to survive for eight seconds then he would be there.

He wasn't as strong as Donel was. He was only a second stage Centurion while Donel was an eighth stage Centurion. Still, he would be able to easily dispose of a Madroople, which was a creature that could only threaten a tier three when he was a tier four.

He saw the Madroople lean back and his expression darkened.

He also saw Altair jump towards it instead of jumping for cover and mentally cursed the girl's stupidity.

And then he saw the Madroople's head explode as if it was pierced by something.

He didn't know what happened but it didn't stop him from catching Altair in midair before she fell to the ground with one arm, cradling her small body to his chest. "Sheesh, children these days are so reckless," he said in an attempt to ease the child's tension.

Once he landed on the ground he started to examine Altair's body for wounds while asking, "You okay, girl?" He never read any reports he was given about things and would only ever skim them. Unless something caught his attention he would dismiss it from his mind immediately. As a result, he didn't know the name given to Altair.

Altair didn't respond and stayed limp in his arms. Mihael didn't think anything about it and quickly noticed the awful state of her clothes. Her skirt was basically non-existent and her legs were cut into with hundreds of small cuts.

He frowned at this and spoke loudly, "Administration Override, code 7A91E, terminate simulation."

The forest in their surroundings, the body of the Madroople, and even the air itself faded into a transparent form then into nothing itself, revealing an all white square room that he was standing in. Mihael would have had a hard time leaving the room without terminating the simulation. Still, he didn't want to terminate it immediately upon entering the room because he didn't think that it would matter as he suspected that Altair was already dead.

He also didn't terminate it when the Madroople was attacking Altair cause the only thought on his mind was to get to her before it was too late.

In any case, he then tilted Altair to look at her head to see if she had any wounds on it and saw the blood still seeping out of her ears, and nose, along with two bloody tear streams down her face and some blood coming from her mouth.

His expression darkened as he sighed heavily. He wasn't sure how he was going to explain this to Renald but he knew he shouldn't tarry any longer.

He turned and left the room, carrying Altair with one arm as if she was a baby. He brought up his other arm and turned on his communicator. He connected it to the Observation den and asked, "When Master is out of his meeting, let him know the girl was injured in the ATR and I'm taking her to the recovery room. If he wants details, have him come see me."

Without waiting for a response he terminated the call and left the Servants Quarters. He quickly brought Altair to the Recovery Room that was completely useless for Altair. Upon arriving, he noticed that they were alone and went over to the Healing Pod. He knew how to use it as he had used it hundreds, possibly even thousands, of times in the past himself. He was intimately familiar with how it worked but knew nothing about Altair's unique condition that made it as effective as a warm bath for treating her wounds.

He laid Altair into the pod and turned it on. A pale green liquid quickly filled the pod and he want to go sit down and began to mess with his communicator, completely ignoring her condition as he was confident she would soon recover.

Of course, the Healing Pod did nothing to help Altair heal. It actually made things worse as the wounds on her legs wouldn't close due to the liquid constantly pulling the blood out and preventing her wounds from clotting.

Renald got the message while he was eating. He looked at it and frowned deeply. He stood from his chair and left his room to head for the Recovery Room.

He was feeling a bit overworked suddenly today. That girl had thrown two problems at him in a single day. He was sure that it would be worth it in the end but he still couldn't help but feel that his free time was getting taken away from him.

He had just finished punishing his son for almost repeating the same stupid mistake he made before. He had chosen to ground him in the mansion when he's not at the academy, blocked his friends from coming over until further notice, and pulled him out of his club and training programs that he participated in when he was finished with classes. The look on his sons face as he was begging him with tears flowing down his face and snot running down his nose caused his heart to ache. However, he almost crushed a golden egg before it could hatch. He wouldn't allow for that to even be remotely possible again.

In terms of Altair's new injuries, he wasn't too worried. Since he now knew that she couldn't use the healing machines they had he went out of his way to use his contacts in order to find a healer from the Thradii. It was his only hope, really. If the Thradii were powerless to help him keep Altair's condition as an alien a secret, then he would need to hire a team of doctors that specialized in ancient healing practices. That would be a headache and attract too much attention for him to deal with effectively.

The Thradii were the only race of people who could gain a healing Inborn Ability that fit what he needed. Their ability let them connect to 'objects' and manipulate them in a small way, which allowed for healing similar to Healing Pods. Since Healing Pods were created the healing side of the Thradii has mostly fallen out of practice. They were still useful to do emergency healing on the field but it had mostly been phased out by now. Still, according to theory, they didn't need the target to have a Spiritual Self, so Renald held some hope.

He sent a call on his communicator as he walked through the halls to the Thradii he hired. He wanted him to get to the recovery room at the same time as himself. He suspected that Mihael would probably put Altair in a Healing Pod and that wouldn't do jack. The sooner the Thradii arrived, the better it would be for everyone involved.

As Mihael was watching a compilation of 'When Kittens Attack' with a rare smile on his face, the door to the Recovery Room opened. He looked up and saw Renald and a Thradii enter the room. He turned off his communicator and stood to his feet instantly, ready to give his report right then and there.

However, Renald held up his hand to stop him and said, "Go to my office, we will discuss it there when I return."

Mihael's mouth immediately froze and he bowed respectfully before leaving.

Renald walked over to the Healing Pod that Altair was in and drained it. Once that was done, he pulled a deathly pale Altair out of the pod and placed her on the table. She was still bleeding from her legs. He then looked at the Thradii and asked, "Can you do it?"

The Thradii placed his four arms over Altair's body and closed his eyes. After several moments he opened his eyes and turned to Renald and spoke in an odd feminine-masculine mixed voice, "No worries. She will recovery fine."

Renald nodded and said, "Well then, if it works the deal will go through and the contracts will be your families. You will also be hired to be her personal doctor until further notice."

The Thradii looked back at Altair with a smile on his bald face and said, "Still, she looks so much like a Human and yet she is not. I can already tell by the way the power flows through her. Such a strange creature." He looked at Renald with eyes filled with curiosity, "Do you mind if I cut her open and see what's different? I promise that I won't harm anything inside her and will not leave a scar."

Renald's took a deep breath and made a big show of thinking about it. In truth, there wasn't much to think about. It would benefit him greatly if he could get that much information on Altair's body. The surgeries she went through at the hospital before were all done by Nano-machines so he didn't get any information out of it.

After a suitable amount of time Renald nodded. He then said, "As long as I get a full report on your findings and she does not die, I am fine with it."

The Thradii's eyes lit up with glee at his words.