Talking With A Thradii (1)

For a while, Altair felt like she was being frozen. It was like she was sinking into a frozen lake. With every passing moment she was getting colder and colder. She wondered if she was going to die in this strange, frozen place, not even knowing how she had gotten there. Eventually, she couldn't even think she had gotten so cold.

Just as she was about to sink into a darkness so deep that she knew there would be no hope of ever coming back to the light, her body was enveloped in a gentle warmth. She then felt herself get pulled back up from the depths and her mind slowly became clearer.

And then she opened her eyes. Her mind felt hazy as the light in the room blinded her temporarily. She saw a fuzzy humanoid figure moving about just next to her and she attempted to move. The humanoid figure quickly restrained her and it caused her brows to furrow in confusion.

She didn't know where she was or what was going on. The last thing she remembered was her desperate attack on the bubble thing and then darkness. Now, her head and body felt heavy, her throat parched, and her stomach empty. She just wanted to get some sustenance but she was being denied even that and she wasn't sure why.

Either way, she couldn't get the information she wanted with her current condition. So she chose to stay in place until she could at least see what was happening clearly.

She felt inside herself for her Mana, hoping to use it to feel out the condition of her body. However, her well was still dry. That told her she had only been unconscious for, at most, two hours.

Although she felt strange when she noticed that it was still dry. She should have known that before even trying to use her Mana because she would have felt that hollow feeling while she had no Mana. But she didn't feel that right now, not even the normal amount she would have felt with most of her Mana being sealed off from her. She didn't know what to think of that.

Slowly but surely, her vision started to clear up. She could tell that the person next to her was moving his arms over her stomach. She couldn't feel anything though so she wasn't sure what he was doing. She couldn't even see it because a white box was placed on her neck, preventing her from seeing her stomach. It was then she noticed that her hearing was muffled as well, like her ears were plugged up with water or something.

She made a sound with her mouth to try and see if she could hear it, but she couldn't. However, when she made that sound, the humanoid figure appeared to have stopped and looked at her. It then tilted its head slightly and two arms moved over to her head. The hands seemed to grab something and pulled it off her because as they moved away, her vision became perfectly fine and she could hear again.

She blinked several times before she noticed the person next to her wasn't a human. In fact, it was someone she didn't think was a Demi-Human either. They were too strange in appearance.

The person had a very androgynous appearance, with crystal blue skin and a bald head. They also had four arms instead of two and each hand only had four fingers. Its eyes were pure gold in color, with no whites. Their clothes were all white and form fitting to his tall stature, which was slightly taller than Donel. There were garish red stained on his clothes all around his chest.

Altair couldn't stop herself from staring at the unusual person next to her.

The person smiled warmly at her, which sent a chill down her spine. He opened his mouth and spoke with two voices, a man's voice and a woman's voice, "I didn't expect you to wake up so soon friend."

Altair's eyes widened as she understood every word that he said. It was like a bolt of lightning hit her and she felt like she would be trembling uncontrollably if she wasn't held in place by something. She could finally have a real conversation with someone! Even if that person wasn't a Human or of a race she had never seen before, she still had more trust for him than the Humans she knew of.

Until he continued to speak, ignoring the look of shock on her face, "Your body's constitution is surprisingly high given your size."

He wasn't speaking the language that she knew or the language she had been learning. It caused Altair's eyes to narrow as she seemed to just understand the meaning of his words without knowing what he was actually saying. It was a surreal feeling, like he was speaking straight to her mind instead of to her. It felt like something was missing in the words he was saying and she couldn't help but feel slightly unnerved by it.

The person moved the hands he had over her back to her stomach and Altair saw the red blood on his hands. Her eyes widened into saucers and her heart pounded in her chest. 'No wonder I can't feel anything and can't see what he's up to. He's trying to cripple me!' She immediately tried to get up.

As if prediction she was trying to move, the person quickly placed two hands on her shoulders to hold her down, one hand on her head, and the other hand on the box that was over her neck. He then spoke with a stern expression, "Don't move, it's dangerous for you to do that right now. You could hurt yourself beyond what I am able to heal."

Her brow furrowed at his words. 'Isn't it dangerous to let you do whatever you're doing?' Altair didn't say what she thought. Instead, she asked for clarification, "You're a healer?" That was more important. Didn't that mean he would be able to fix what was wrong with her hands and memories? Or, at the very least, tell her what was wrong with her.

The person nodded his head and his expression melted back into a gentle smile, "Yes. I imagine you have never seen my kind before. I am Liam Gonlefol, a Thradii healer." He took his arms off of Altair and continued, "I was hired by Renald Marnithok to take care of your injuries from here on."

Altair frowned slightly, "Who?" She had long since forgotten the last name that had been assigned to her. She had even less of an understanding as to who Renald was.

A pitying expression came to Liam's face as he looked down on Altair. "Are you not even aware of the situation you are in?"

Altair knew exactly what her situation was. She was being held captive by these Gods, against her will. She was also probably going to be that brats bed warmer if she didn't escape in time. Though she already had a rough plan made for her escape so she wasn't really in danger of falling prey to that twerp.

Liam shook his head sadly, "Well, I suppose that's to be expected when you were adopted by Humans as a non-Human yourself."

Altair flinched and her eyes widened again at his words. 'He knows? ….I have to kill him before he tells the others.' She just couldn't move right now so she only fixed a blank stare at Liam after she recovered from his words. She couldn't give herself away before she struck or he might run away. He had become the greatest threat to her plans with just one sentence.

Her gaze turned to the blood on his hands and her expression turned cold and she spoke icily, "So you're crippling me so I can't resist the Gods?"'

Liam gave her a confused expression before he replied, "What Gods? I have no idea what you think of this place, but there are no Gods here." He looked back over her stomach with a longing expression as he added, "I am merely examining your insides. You aren't Human, after all, so your treatment might be difficult in the future without know exactly what makes you different from them." He looked up and gained a far off look in his eyes as he continued, "Aaah, if only I had more of your kind, then I could really find out the differences. I can only look over the differences visually and can't actually cut into anything. Such a shame, such a shame." He looked back down inside her with serious gaze, "If only I could cut open these black veins…"

Warning bells were ringing in Altair's mind as she witnessed his whole perverted speech. His announcement of the Gods she was around actually being Humans had been wiped from her mind with his following words on her body. 'I've been cut open? Am I dying, right here and now while he chats about me like I'm some sort of toy he can break apart?'

Liam looked at her with a wicked light in his eyes, "You… What are you really? Why are your insides so different yet you look like a Human child? You appear to be capable of intelligent thought and your actions have rationality, so just where did you come from to not have a Spiritual Self? Are the rest of your people like you? Do you, perhaps, have any idea as to where you are right now or just how dangerous your life is here?"

Altair's mind was swimming about the many questions He threw at her. Each question He asked seemed more serious than the one before. Yet he didn't stop for even a moment to ask his next question, as if he wasn't really interested in what she had to say. He seemed, to Altair, that this person before her wanted to cut the answers out of her body rather than hear her say any of them. 'This guy is more twisted than that fake hero the Humans summoned! I need to get out of here the first chance I get.'

Noticing Altair's face turn white as a sheet under his questions, Liam pulled his face away from hers and a gentle smile returned to his face. He then spoke in a warm tone, "Relax. Just because I was hired by that Human doesn't mean I won't break my promise to him. The contract I signed about making sure you are healthy and fine when I am done with your treatment will keep me from doing any experiments to you." He turned his attention back on her stomach, "No matter how much I want to do something otherwise."