Hunting A Bear With A Stick (2)

She quickly turned around while jumping away from it only to see the Barndol Bear confused and looking in the opposite direction from her. It did not see where she went when she jumped and assumed the wrong direction. Seeing this caused Altair to dismiss the worry she had immediately.

She snuck up to the Barndol Bear as it started to turn around and moved to the same leg she stabbed before. She then hefted the spear with both hands and stabbed it into the leg again in a spot near the first stab, causing the Barndol Bear to roar in fury as it tried to turn around quickly.

Altair pulled the spear out and started cutting into the bear again with it. She attempted to stay on its side when the bear while slashing at it constantly. Her attacks continued to be shallow and ineffective against its hide however. She was doing little more than scratching the creature, with the only real damage having been done to its leg when she stabbed it twice. But those attacks would not be enough to kill it.

The Barndol Bear sped up its turn rate and Altair noticed it almost as soon as it did so. She eyed an interesting way to attack it due to its size advantage on her and figured it should be easier to wound there so she decided to try and gamble.

She stopped slashing at it and dove underneath the beast's belly, sliding to the other side of the Barndol Bear. While doing so she also cut into the belly of the creature. The attacks resulted in the same ending, shallow and ineffective.

The Bear shifted its body away from her and turned the other way to get her in its sights. Altair was still getting back to her feet while it was doing this and was unable to continue running around it in a circle, resulting it her facing it face to face.

Altair clicked her tongue in annoyance at her lack of progress.

Back on ledge Helena, Gordon, and Walter were watching Altair dodge, twist, and turn around the Barndol Bear with looks of shock and surprise written across their faces. They could tell that Altair wasn't damaging the creature but they also saw that she was practically one with her weapon. The amount of skill she had wielding that short spear was shocking to them.

Rience thought he was watching a fairy as she swung about against the Barndol Bear. He couldn't tell that she was effectively doing no damage but he knew that she was a lot more skilled in combat than he was.

The Barndol Bear stood up on its hind legs and leaned forward slightly over Altair as if to intimidate her. It then roared with all of its might down at her, expecting her to turn tail and run like any normal creature her size should.

However, Altair just saw a massive weak point hanging right in front of her. She twisted the spear around with her hand and brought the blunt end up into the dangling spheres that were within range of her while burning a fourth of her Mana. The attack made a sickening crunch sound that echoed in the air and squelched the roar of the bear instantly.

It also caused Gordon, Rience, and Walter to subconsciously bring their legs together.

The Barndol Bear gave out a pained wail as it lurched forward.

Altair easily stepped out of the way and started cutting into the Barndol Bear again when it hit the ground. The bear was slow to react as it gave out weak growls in response to her attacks.

As Altair fearlessly cut and slashed at the bear she noticed a change. The hair on the bear started to slowly turn to red from the base up. She had no idea what this meant but seeing as the bear was only growling louder while struggling to stand she didn't pay it much attention.

To the people watching her fight with the Barndol Bear, they all knew what that meant. The bear was about to go berserk. This normally happened only when the bear was in danger of dying but there were some cases where it happened when its children were threatened as well. It didn't take much to figure out the cause was because of Altair's attack on its dignity just moments ago.

Scientifically speaking, when a Barndol Bear enrages it caused the creature to cut its pain receptors and gave it a huge dose of an adrenaline like substance that also caused it to go mad with fury. When a Barndol Bear enraged it was treated as a higher level threat than how it normally was. It was also recommended to kill it before it could completely enrage due to how much more difficult it caused the fight to be.

The spectators of the fight all started muttering for Altair to hurry up and kill the beast or run away because they knew how dangerous it was to stay near it when it was enraged.

Rience noticed that Altair just continued with her ineffective assault and gritted his teeth. He then sucked in a deep breath shouted, "Be careful it's going to enrage!" He didn't actually know why he shouted that when she was technically his enemy in this event. At that thought he also started to wonder what he was doing still watching her at this time because he knew that he would be next when the system judged her to be defeated soon.

Altair turned her head and noticed Rience for the first time and felt a little bit like she was too focused on the beast she was fighting there. She mentally chastised herself for not noticing him sooner. She also watched as he ducked behind the tree he was peaking around and didn't come back out.

Rience had chosen that timing to flee even further away because of what he knew was about to come.

Altair turned her attention back to the Barndol Bear, whose fur was now almost completely red and was starting to stand back up fully. She narrowed her eyes at it while thinking, 'So it's about to go berserk. About time.' She then looked at the damage she did to its side while it was getting angry and frowned. She didn't see any blood despite striking it at least forty times on the same side. It was like she was a declawed house cat trying to kill an adult human. It just wasn't working with the way she was doing things.

Altair couldn't just stab the bear repeatedly to kill it either. If she stabbed blindly she could wind up getting the spear stuck in its muscles if it tensed its body up at the wrong time. When that happened she would be without a weapon. Thus, she had only continued to slash and cut at the Barndol Bear.

She sighed heavily before taking some distance from the Barndol Bear. It was far enough that it couldn't randomly swipe at her but close enough that the bear couldn't charge her as well. 'Since I don't have the strength to cut into it then I'll try counter attacking and using its own weight against it.' She put her palm near the butt of the spear and held it slightly back while keeping her side to the bear.

The Barndol Bear finished turning red and quickly turned towards Altair while letting out a low growl. It abruptly lunged towards her as soon as it was facing her. Altair then sidestepped to the side of the bear and avoided its attack but the bear didn't stop there. It turned while swiping at her.

Altair ducked under the swipe and the bear immediately tried to bite into her. Altair pushed off the ground and narrowly avoided getting bitten but she could still smell its rancid breath as she pulled away from it. The smell nearly caused her to gag.

The bear lunged towards her again with another bite. Seeing that the bear would probably continue to try to bite her and since she didn't want to continue smelling that awful breath, Altair stabbed her short spear into its mouth. The spear went into its throat and caused the bear to choke briefly.

This was effective as the bear reeled backwards to get the spear out of its throat. It also didn't seem to learn as it immediately tried to bite her again in a lunge, which caused Altair to shove the spear down its throat again. This repeated another two times before the Barndol Bear walked up and swiped at her as it learned its lesson.

Altair dodged and weaved between its swipes as she watched how it attacked patiently, waiting for the perfect opportunity to use its own power and weight against it. She was barely keeping up with its speed though as she quickly grew tired. She was unable to feel the pain in her lungs due to the painkillers she was on but she could feel her heart pounding wildly in her chest.

The time finally came when the Barndol Bear brought down its right paw in an attempt to smash Altair into the ground. Altair used the butt of her spear to catch its paw while moving out of the way and took its own strength to slash under the bear's arm with the spear.

The spear head slashed into the bear at the same time that Altair moved around its side. She quickly turned back around to face the bear as it turned towards her seemingly unaffected by her attack. She looked at the edge of her weapon and noted there was still no blood on it and clicked her tongue in frustration.

Even using the bear's own strength and body weight against it wasn't enough for the spear to penetrate its hide.