Hunting A Bear With A Stick (3)

Altair glared at the bear and rotated her spear around. She couldn't cut through its skin and she probably wasn't strong enough to break its bones. But that didn't mean she was out of options on how to kill the Barndol Bear. It's just that her only option left was pretty risky. Normally she wouldn't take this risk but since it was just a game to the nobles and there was no chance of death then she might as well stake it all on this one last option.

The bear lunged for her again to try and maul her but missed as she ducked around it and swung the butt of her spear into its body multiple times. Each swing was placed on a different part and Altair paid close attention to the vibrations that ran up the spear into her arm with each swing. She was looking for its squishy bits, its unprotected innards.

Altair continued to dance around the Barndol Bear while striking it with the butt of her spear, albeit at a faster rate than before because the Barndol Bear was being more aggressive. The familiar vibrations running up her arm filled her with slight satisfaction. The only way it would feel better was if she was using a Bo Staff made from her magic because then it would be at just the right reverb for her to fully enjoy the feeling.

As she was swinging the butt into the low end of the Barndol Bear's gut she felt a soft response. She couldn't be sure but she paid more attention to that part of its body as she dodged away from its claw.

Back in the spectator's lounge, Walter was shocked by the performance of this girl that Sarah had taken in. She was so young yet she was able to avoid getting mauled by a Barndol Bear. Her future was sure to be a bright star that would cast a shadow over even Helena.

Helena had many questions as to the origin of where Altair came from. She had been told that Altair had amnesia but could someone who didn't remember anything beyond two years ago perform so well with a weapon against a creature as dangerous as the Barndol Bear? She didn't think so. There was more to this girl than she had been told. She was sure of it.

Gordon only smiled knowingly at what he was watching. To him it seemed that Sarah had found quite the gem in the universe. But he didn't know if she knew that Altair could perform as well as she was. He also knew that Sarah would be arriving soon to take care of the bear for Altair so she would soon find out.

Altair confirmed her suspicions with three more strikes around the same area on its gut, doing no damage to the Barndol Bear.

By now the bear was furious. This small thing was avoiding all of its attempts to rip it to shreds. It was as annoying as a buzzing fly and it was unable to swat her.

Altair quickly drew away from the Barndol Bear during its next swipe because she needed to prevent it from turning if she wanted to do what she planned. Before the bear could lunge towards her she drew back the short spear and threw it at the bear's eye just as it started to lunge.

Caught by surprise and while in the middle of lunging at the fly, the bear was unable to avoid the shot. The spear landed straight into its eye within the same moment it was thrown. The bear immediately roared in fury as it tried to smack the spear out. Its attempts were futile and, in between its swings, Altair forward and pulled the spear free herself. At the same time she stabbed it at the other eye of the bear, blinding it and causing the bear to shake its body abruptly in an attempt to get her away from it. The attempt could be said to have succeeded as Altair withdrew from the bear with the spear in hand at the same time.

The bear flailed around blindly as Altair snuck around to its side and pulled back the spear in her hand. She then waited for an opening while preparing to burn a large chunk of her Mana for Body Reinforcement Magic, more than she should be able to. This was the risk she was planning to take. She was going to try and burn more Mana than her current condition allowed which would normally cause all of her Mana to disperse on her. She wasn't going to burn too much about it though, just enough to cause the first layer of Overdraft problems.

But it was the only idea she had. In that instant she would throw the spear and hopefully that would put an end to the beast before her.

After a short time the Barndol Bear calmed down and looked around while sniffing loudly. It then stood to its hind legs and started to look around, trying to get a better sense of where Altair had gone.

This was the chance Altair was waiting for. She burned her Mana abruptly, focusing the Reinforcement Magic around her arms, and hurled the short spear as hard as she could. The spear flew straight and true, cutting through the gut of the Barndol Bear and causing it to wail loudly and shake violently. It then staggered forward as its innards poured out of its guts and it fell to the ground after taking a few steps. It was dying quickly.

At the same moment, Altair coughed up several mouthfuls of blood which startled her. She couldn't feel the pain her body was currently in so she couldn't be sure it was what she was thinking it was. She moved one of her hands to check below her eyes and found that she was crying blood as well. 'Impossible,' she thought to herself as she realized that she was suffering from the third layer of Overdraft.

Body Reinforcement Magic worked in a stacking manner. The more Mana was 'stacked' into strengthening the body, the stronger a person would get. However, this also meant that the amount of Mana spent to maintain it, even for a tenth of a second, was increased exponentially.

Altair had never had to deal with this kind of problem before. She always had plenty of Mana and would just estimate how long she could fight before. Precise calculations using her Mana wasn't something she ever tried to do as she never went for efficiency.

This all came back to bite her in that moment.

Her legs became weak as she coughed up more blood and her vision blurred. She then collapsed on the ground moments later, unconscious.

In the spectators lounge, a chill ran down all of their spines when they saw this. While Walter had no idea what why that just happened, Helena and Gordon had heard it from Sarah herself. They just didn't think that lasting damage could come about in such a way. They then both started to re-evaluate their thoughts on how promising Altair's future would be.

The Barndol Bear dissipated into nothing as the system termed it as dead. This left Altair unconscious on the ground with a near dead Karp Crab lying nearby. Neither could move but the system did not know that Altair was eliminated from the event.

The system went on to create the next beast nearby, a teal scaled wolf-like creature that seemed to generate electricity when it moved and was four meters long and one and a half meters tall. It was created within a few meters of where the Barndol Bear faded and caused Walter to panic as he quickly tried to contact the engineers to forcefully despawn it.

The wolf looked around and smelled the blood in the air. It then quickly located Altair and started to walk towards it as it didn't notice any threats in the area. It's only thoughts were that it had come to a free meal.

Before the wolf could get close to Altair though, Sarah arrived with a gale behind her as she slammed into the beast with all of her might. It launched the wolf into the forest before her, crashing through the trees and knocking them down with its body.

Sarah then looked over the area and quickly found Altair on the ground. Her eye twitched as she didn't expect her to end up in this condition. However, she didn't see the Barndol Bear and that told her that Altair had probably managed to take it out somehow. Since the Karp Crab was still here she judged that the wolf she just knocked away was the replacement beast for the Barndol Bear.

She walked over and carried Altair up into her arms. This was when she noticed the blood coming out of Altair's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. This caused her expression to darken as she thought, 'What the hell did you do to injure yourself like this you fool?' She quickly carried Altair out of the arena, which let the guards know that one person had left the arena game. This led to the system reducing the number of participants by one and that despawned the wolf that was created to fight Altair.