Feigned Worry

Sarah carried Altair to leave the mansion as she knew that the doctors here could not know about her. She did not really expect to be stopped because the only people who knew that she was leaving would be Helena and the others and they were still in the spectator lounge. Granted she had to go up an elevator, which she was on right now, she was sure they wouldn't just rush over immediately even if they saw the condition she was in through the cameras.

Even if they did come out of nowhere to stop her she would use the excuse that they couldn't rely on healing pods to recover Altair's health and that they needed the specialist that their family had hired to treat her. So she needed to quickly leave and go home even if it meant leaving Joshua here for the time being.

This did not mean that she was going to leave Joshua without letting him know, however. She planned to have a message waiting for him when the tournament was over and to arrange for a ride for him when she got back home. But, for the time being, Altair's health was more important.

Sarah did not have any experience in the medical field beyond the first aid classes she had at the Academy she went to. She had no idea what happened with Altair's body to have caused the injuries she was currently afflicted with and she had no way of figuring out exactly how serious it was. But since she was basically bleeding out of every hole in her head she was pretty sure it was a very serious problem.

The damage to Altair's body was pretty severe. The Overdraft that she suffered this time was far more serious than before because of how much Mana she attempted to burn when her condition wouldn't let her. She had burned through the amount of Mana she could have before the rest of it dispersed in her body and continued to burn what wasn't there, resulting in her damaging her insides all across her body.

This was a risk that Altair knew might happen and she gambled on it.

She also came up the loser in that gamble.

This was supposed to be a simple party that would allow Sarah to observe Altair. Yet it turned out that Altair got gotten severely injured during the entertainment that Walter had arranged. The game that was in play shouldn't have even warranted such strange injures to begin with. If Altair had gotten mauled by the Barndol Bear she actually would have taken far less damage than when she killed it.

If it wasn't for that stupid pig-headed girl then none of this would happen. It was such a simple task she had given Celestine and yet she still failed it spectacularly. This was unacceptable and she would never count on her again in the future for any reason. She was actually planning how to keep her away from Altair in the future. She couldn't let that girl's incompetence spread to her family.

Sarah's only relief about the situation was that she said that Altair had lasting damage and could use that as the reason for Altair's spontaneous explosion of blood and that she knew of the medicine that Liam had left behind. Altair had gotten better after she consumed some of that medicine when her ribs were broken so it was essentially proven that it really was medicine for her.

The elevator arrived at the ground flood in the mansion and the doors opened.

Immediately outside the doors were Walter, Helena, and Gordon with looks of worry plastered to their faces. They had all rushed over to the elevator as soon as they realized that Sarah was taking the elevator to leave the arena. They could tell that Altair had been seriously injured during her battle with the creature and, in the confused face that Walter had, Helena and Gordon had told them that Altair was suffering from lasting damage.

This caused Walter to panic. He knew how terrifying Sarah could be and because of the event he planned for entertainment, Altair got injured. He was dreading what toll she would take from him before this was all over. He had sped from the spectator lounge, with Helena and Gordon chasing after him, as he arranged for the Recovery Room to be ready. He didn't know what kind of lasting damage Altair was suffering from but he made sure that every medical expert he had available was ready and waiting to do whatever was needed to help her recover.

Helena and Gordon were more somber about the whole thing. They witnessed a martial genius who would probably be the future hero of the Empire in action while forgetting about the condition that was told to them only an hour ago. Then Altair had imploded before their eyes and it all came back to them. With her body in that shape, Altair was doomed to be shunned from military practices and her future would be bleak. They could only offer sincere words to Sarah as they could only imagine what she was feeling when she saw Altair's condition.

The only emotion Sarah felt when she saw Altair's state was annoyance and frustration. Her heart had died when she failed to win Gordon so she turned her attention towards things that she found interesting. The things that she knew about Altair she found interesting. Thus, she decided to play more with her over time while tightening a collar around her neck. She had yet to say anything to Renald about it because she wanted to watch him squirm when her father-in-law came back.

Walter quickly asked, "What arrangements should I notify the Recovery Room of?"

Sarah gave him and the Marshucarl's a cold look while stating, "Get out of my way." She didn't have time to stand around and argue with them about her taking Altair out of the mansion to get the medicine.

Thinking that she was in a hurry to get Altair to the Recovery Room, Walter and the others quickly moved out of her way. Sarah then walked right past them and continued to walk past the hallway that led to the Recovery Room which prompted Walter, Helena, and Gordon to shout at her in surprise at the same time.

"Wait, where are you going Sarah?!"

"The Recovery Room isn't that way!"

"What are you doing?!"

Sarah turned her head towards them and coldly said, "You do not have a specialist who has researched the condition on Aria's body. Taking her to your Recovery Room is a waste of time and detrimental to her health. I am taking her home to be treated."

Her words echoed in the minds of the others. 'I am taking her home to be treated.' This implied different things to them.

To Walter and Gordon, it was obvious; she didn't trust Walter after Altair had gotten injured. She could have told the medical experts what treatment to use and they could easily look it up on the Spacenet. But she chose to take her home instead of doing that. There was no other reason possible except that she no longer trusted the Lothan family. After this one mistake it appeared she was intended to cut off all ties with them.

To Helena, it was that she was willing to risk her daughter's life and future on the forty minute trip back to her own home instead of treating her at the hospital that was only five minutes away. There was either something different about Altair or the condition she was in was not what it seemed. It was a shame that she would be unable to get a copy of the video feed for thorough examination later.

Sarah did not care what was going through their minds as she turned her head back and continued walking. She then called out to them while doing so, "Tell my son that I'm taking Aria back because of her injuries. I will send someone to pick him up before the party is over." She walked for several paces before she paused and, as if an afterthought had occurred to her, added, "Also tell the Ladrian siblings that there are some mistakes that should not be made." She then continued down the hall without looking back.

Her words went in one ear and out the other for Walter. He was trying to figure out a way to fix his relationship with Sarah. Even though he wasn't truly at fault for what happened he was sure that she would still blame him for it. He was most afraid of what she would do if he didn't make it up her…

Helena and Gordon returned to the spectator lounge after Sarah left. Even though they had their thoughts on Altair they still had their own children who were participating in the event. So they returned there after a short delay, excusing themselves from Walter's presence.

Walter still had a party to finish. He recovered within a few minutes and returned as well.

As the event winded down, Joshua was the last person in his group to be eliminated from the event. He was still taken out before the Ladrian siblings but his performance was respectable. He also learned a lot from the event.

He looked around the waiting room and noticed that Altair wasn't there. He didn't see Altair during the event but he did see her enter. Since she wasn't here right now that meant that she was still in the event and he suddenly felt a heavy weight on himself as he found that he had come up short again.

He sighed heavily as he sat down with his group of friends and started discussing what they encountered and how they handled it.

While they were doing so, a guard came over and asked, "I beg your pardon for interrupting but are one of you here Joshua Marnithok?"

Joshua's group looked at the guard curiously before Joshua replied, "That's me. What is it?" The first thought that popped into his mind at the words spoken to him was that he was being summoned by his mother. It wouldn't be unusual for her to call him and give him instructions that could aide in his development. His father had done so a few times before at these kinds of gatherings when they went together.

However, the words that came out of the guards mouth surprised him and shocked his entire group, "Your mother left towards the start of the event and took your sister with her due to an injury she suffered. She informed us that she would be sending a ride for you and that it will arrive here before the party is over. That is all."

The guard turned to walk away but before he got two steps Rictor called out to him, "What was the condition of Joshua's sister?"

The guard stopped in his tracks and half turned back to them before saying, "I am sorry but I do not have that information. Excuse me." He then turned and walked away.

Rictor leaned back in his chair with a thoughtful expression before stating, "I thought they said that the event was safe. Why would she need to be taken home due to an injury?"

The group then started a discussion on the possible ways that an injury could have happened due to malfunction but Joshua wasn't listening or participating.

A malicious light was in his eyes at those words. 'I bet you ran into a senior who pummeled you for your insolence. Serves you right.'

It wasn't much longer before Celestine was eliminated and she had to wait for her brother in the waiting room. While she waited she noted that she couldn't see Altair and wondered how she was staying in the event for so long. She considered that Altair was using her height to her advantage but then she remembered the colors of her clothes and dismissed the idea. It would be very difficult to stay hidden with a creature chasing you down while wearing those clothes.

Before too long, Hadrian came into the room and caught up with his sister. He too was wondering where Altair was since she still had yet to show up even though he had only just been eliminated.

The answer to his question came from Helena herself who made the trip down to tell them with as much of a cold look as she could manage to give them. She had been roped into being the one to tell the Ladrian siblings the fate of Altair by Gordon and Walter. It was because she would have the largest impact on them and that would only drive home their mistake even better if she was the one who did it. Hopefully they would learn from the mistake and never again do such a thing.

When Hadrian and Celestine learned that Altair was taken home due to her previous injury becoming worse their faces paled. Hadrian didn't expect it to become so serious and that was why he didn't try to help his sister find a way to get her out of the event. He regretted that now though, mostly because it was apparently serious enough that Helena herself had to be the one to let them know.

Sarah arrived back at the mansion and hurriedly carried Altair to the Recovery Room. She placed Altair on the table and retrieved one of the vials before she promptly poured it down Altair's throat at a controlled rate. She didn't want to let even one drop of it not reach her stomach.

It didn't take long for Renald to find out about the uproar that Sarah had caused and he went down to find out exactly what happened. She wasn't supposed to be back yet since it was the Lothan family's party today. He couldn't fathom why she was back already.

He found her outside the Recovery Room and this only caused a strange look to cross his face as he couldn't figure out why she was there with Altair on the table.

By the time Renald arrived, Sarah had already poured one of the vials into Altair and could only wait to see the results. Upon seeing Renald enter, Sarah quickly jumped on him was crying out, "What's wrong with Aria? She was fine one moment and then the next she was bleeding from everywhere!"

He had no idea how she got those kinds of wounds. He then walked over to Sarah and said, "Tell me everything that happened tonight. Don't leave out a single detail."

Sarah went on to tell Renald everything she saw that happened to Altair, including how she fought with a Barndol Bear. She then said some nonsense about how the Barndol Bear had caused it and that the Lothan family was responsible but Renald tuned her out.

He immediately figured out that it must be the result of her using her Magic. It was the only explanation he could think of. But he wouldn't know the answer until Altair had woken up.

However, Sarah shook him out of his thoughts while crying, "Why haven't you assigned any guards to her?! She's still so young and cute but doesn't have anyone protecting her! If she had a dedicated guard this never would have happened!"

Renald's lips twitched slightly at that. He couldn't deny that she was probably technically correct about that. Still, assigning a guard to her did sound like a good idea. He sighed heavily as if it was a hard decision and then said, "Fine. I'll assign a familiar face to be her guard. I'm sure she'll find him to be quite capable for keeping her safe."

During their conversation, Altair had drifted in and out of consciousness. She subconsciously burned her Mana when she woke up with an overflowed capacity. This time the Mana did not disperse as her internal injuries were slowly regenerated.