Learning From Mistakes

Altair was fed a Mana Potion every few hours as was instructed to Stacey and Noel before Renald and Sarah went off to handle their own business. They didn't know the extent of Altair's injuries or how the transparent medicine worked exactly so they used their best judgment. Since Altair had consumed many of them before in quick succession with Noel, they figured it wouldn't be a problem.

They were mostly correct. As Altair's body would subconsciously burn any excess Mana that overflowed and Regeneration Magic took a lot more Mana than Healing Magic, Altair didn't suffer any unforeseen problems.

After two days in the Recovery Room, Altair's deathly pale body appeared to have recovered as she regained a healthy pink tinge and her breathing wasn't labored anymore. By this point, most of the Mana Potions were consumed and there was only eight vials remaining.

When she recovered to this extent, Noel went and informed Renald and Stacey that she appeared to have recovered but had yet to wake up.

Renald was still busy with his own things so he gave permission to move Altair back to her room.

The elderly steward Donel was the one who came to deliver the message as Noel would retire for the day and accompanied Stacey as she wheeled Altair back to her room to rest.

Joshua happened to be in the hall when he saw Stacey pushing an unconscious Altair back into her room. This caused him to wonder exactly what happened. It shouldn't have taken that long for her to be healed in the Recovery Room. Joshua was blocked entry into the room for the last couple of days so he was unable to find out anything and wasn't even able to train because of it. He found the entire situation annoying but also interesting. Even Joshua could tell that something was very different about her with what he had seen.

Time passed and before long two weeks went by. During this time Renald worked with Sarah to extract as much as they could from the Ladrian and Lothan families. Every time Celestine and Hadrian attempted to visit, Sarah would intercept them. Since Altair was unconscious and those two had been the direct cause of her injuries, Sarah was adamant about preventing them from seeing Altair.

Celestine and Hadrian even attempted to have Rictor get some information. They bribed him to find out her condition at the very least. Rictor had then attempted to visit Altair but was turned away at her door by Donel. Rictor then went and had Joshua try to do so but he was also turned away immediately. No amount of threats from him against Donel worked either. It was like talking to a wall. Eventually the only thing that could be told to Celestine was that Altair had not left her room since she was returned there and that she had gone through a multiple day operation when she returned back to her home. He didn't know what the operation entailed but he couldn't get into the Recovery Room to find out at the time.

Donel had explicit orders to not allow anyone except Sarah, Renald and Altair's personal maids into the room. Everyone else had to be turned away without exception.

After two weeks, Altair was finally able to wake up. She felt like trash the moment she woke up. The last thing she remembered was cutting the Barndol Bear's gut open. She didn't know if she actually killed it before she imploded.

At those lingering thoughts, Altair woke up while practically leaping out of bed. She was breathing hard as her heart quickly jumped in her chest from panic. She looked around as if trying to find the creature in her room from her dream so she could confirm her kill but the only other people in the room was Donel and Noel.

As soon as Altair had leapt to her feet, Donel had turned around and quickly moved to try and stop her. She really shouldn't be moving around right now with how long she was unconscious. He didn't get to her in time to stop her from standing but once he reached her he quickly pushed her back into the bed while saying, "Young Miss, calm down and stay in bed."

As soon as Donel touched Altair, all the pain from her injuries rushed her to head and she groaned loudly when she hit the bed. It felt like she was being stabbed all over her body. It even hurt to breathe. She tensed up all her muscles by reflex, which did nothing to help with the pain. The pain quickly consumed all of her thoughts.

Seeing the pained expression on Altair's face, Donel quickly grabbed a painkiller next to the bed and helped Altair sit up while saying, "Take this, Young Miss. It will ease the pain somewhat." Altair was in too much pain to really focus on what he said. This let Donel expertly pry open her mouth, toss the pill in, and force her to swallow it. Donel gave her a warm smile while saying, "The pain should be much more tolerable shortly, Young Miss."

Donel turned away from her as she struggled on the bed and said, "Noel, Please fetch some breakfast for the Young Miss. Make sure it is something easy on her stomach."

Noel nodded towards Donel and moved to leave the room. Donel then grabbed a chair and moved it next to the bed before sitting on it. Then he waited.

After a short time the pain started to dull quickly and Altair started to relax. She breathed a sigh of relief as the pain slowly receded. She then looked around the room and realized she was back in her room at the Marnithok mansion. Immediately after realizing this she remembered that she did a completely foolish thing and her brows furrowed as she chastised herself for Overdrafting once again. She was starting to make a habit out of this.

It couldn't really be helped as she was focused on hunting the beast she had found and in her excitement she didn't precisely use her Magic. Her time here did not help her at all since she had not increased her proficiency at using Mana at all and was limited on how she used her Magic. She was learning a lot about science and technology but the trade off was she was falling behind in her Magical practices.

This would not do for when she was to return to her own world.

She looked over at Donel and said, "Donel, it has been a while." She hasn't seen him since she was moved to this room. It was like he disappeared into thin air.

Donel's warm smile warmed her heart, "It has indeed, Young Miss. I have been assigned to be your guard so we shall be spending a lot of time together from now one." He bowed respectfully while adding, "I hope that you'll forgive having this old man follow you around."

Altair's brow rose slightly as she quickly replied, "You're probably the only person I feel comfortable with having as a guard but… Why do I have a guard now?" She wasn't sure why she suddenly got a guard. Her actions immediately before this couldn't have been the reason.

Donel laughed wryly at the confused expression Altair had. "Young Miss it is because of the foolish nobles who led you into this predicament when you were still injured. I am to make sure that such a thing does not happen again."

She turned her head to look at the canopy of her bed as she recalled the mistake of Celestine and the others. "I see."

She then turned her head back to Donel and asked, "Can you send for my father? There's something I want to discuss with him." The problem of what had happened at the party was still fresh in her mind. It needed to be sorted as soon as possible.

Donel's expression turned to concern as he said, "Young Miss it would be best if you waited until you recovered some before you let anyone visit you." He did not know the extent of Altair's injuries but he did know that she was kept unconscious for two weeks because of it. Judging by how she was acting until the painkiller took effect, the damage she took must have been extensive. Having people visit her when she should be resting could make it harder for her to recover.

Altair would not be swayed though as her expression turned serious and said, "Donel please. I need to speak with my father. It's very important."

Donel looked at the door before turning back to Altair and saying, "Very well. But you must stay in bed. You were severely injured when you got back to the mansion and the Mistress was throwing a fit for days before she somewhat calmed down. I suspect she will visit you soon as well."

Donel stood up and walked towards the door as Altair digested his words. 'She was that worried about me?' The words caused a tinge of warmth to run through her as she questioned the validity of it.

She was sure that Donel wasn't lying. After all he was the one she trusted most in this place. But she didn't know if it was an act by that woman of if she really was that attached to her. For some reason she wanted to believe to the later even though she told herself that it was likely the former.

Altair turned her thoughts towards her injuries and burned her Mana to check the state of her body. She had no problems finding out the extent of her injuries and sighed loudly when she found most of her organs barely functioning. She immediately started to use Regeneration Magic to regrow the damaged areas in critical spots.

As she approached the ten second limit she had discovered earlier she tried to see if it was still there at the same time. Thus, she didn't stop burning her Magic when she should have if it was still there. Her eyes widened as joy flashed through them when she found out that she could continue to burn away even though she was still injured. She still didn't know what caused it but now that it was gone she suddenly felt a weight lifted off her chest.

She continued to control her Magic to heal her as Noel returned a short time later. "I have brought your breakfast, Young Miss." She sat in the seat that Donel vacated and put the bowl next to the bed. She then helped Altair sit up and started to feed her as Altair was having problems moving her arms correctly.

Altair frowned internally at her situation. She had fallen again to a state where she couldn't even move her own body. She really needed to stop making a habit out of injuring herself.

During her meal Renald arrived to the room with Donel. Upon his arrival, Noel quickly put the food next to the bed and stood to her feet, followed by a quick respectful bow to Renald.

Renald walked over to the bed and looked at Altair's state in silence. He then glanced at Noel and said, "Go take your break. I will handle things from here." Noel quickly bowed again before retreating without saying a word. Renald then cast a single look at Donel, which prompted Donel to take the seat that Noel had vacated and move to start feeding Altair.

Altair frowned at this before asking, "Is it alright to talk like this?" She had private things to discuss with him and wasn't sure if Donel knew about her situation. Even though she trusted Donel a great deal she knew that some things shouldn't be shared.

Renald's brow rose slightly. He didn't know that Altair had that type of thing to discuss. His expression turned sour as he said, "I see, so something else happened at the party." He looked at Donel and said, "Wait outside."

Donel nodded once and put the food back on the table before he retreated himself. He knew his place well in the family.

After he left Altair asked, "You know what happened at the party, correct?"

"More or less," Renald said while crossing his arms over his chest. "My wife told me most of it." He didn't believe just her word alone due to their current relationship problems. He used his own sources to verify what she claimed had happened.

Altair looked down at her legs before asking, "That event they did there. Do you have a room like that?" She wanted to know about the AR room. She was very interested in it for multiple reasons.

Renald's brow rose slightly, "You mean the AR room? The one where you injured yourself." Altair nodded her head in response which prompted Renald to scoff and say, "Of course we have one of those. They're somewhat tedious to use but ours is no less impressive than theirs." He didn't see the draw to AR rooms. In his opinion VR technology was a lot better for training and simulations. When he thought of it, however, he realized that Altair would probably be unable to use VR technology so he would probably have to rely on the AR room for her training. He made a quick mental note to get it upgraded with the latest simulations.

Altair swallowed hard as a wave of nervousness came over her. This would be the first thing she asked him for without having anything to offer in return. She didn't want her skills to rust away while she waited to return home. The AR room seemed to be a very good environment for her to train in. She quickly asked, "Can I use it?"

Renald shook his head, "No. You are injured and can barely even move so that is a terrible idea." He paused briefly before adding, "Besides, we have something more important to discuss right now."

Unwilling to give up so easily when she had a chance to set her heart free, Altair quickly pleaded, "I'm not that injured! Please, just for a day!"

Altair's sudden plea took Renald by surprise. His eyes widened slightly before he bluntly stated, "No. I don't know what reason you have to want to use it but it will have to wait. It's not going anywhere and it needs to be upgraded anyway so there's no point in you going there now. Put it out of your mind for the time being."