A Change Of Goals

Renald repeated, "Do you understand?"

Altair gave him an annoyed expression, "You don't have to repeat yourself and you don't have to worry about me. I am an expert at spying back where I came from. The only thing that I really need practice with here is the changes with science you have. Once I have practiced with that there should be no problems."

Renald's expression relaxed as he sat back from her reply. "Well then, as to your current condition… well I'm sure you noticed your body is in bad shape. Exactly how bad is it, though?"

Altair paused for a few moments before admitting, "It's really bad. It will take a while to recover." Altair gave him a flat look while asking, "Have you secured any rain water? It's been a while since I asked and I've gotten no update from you." This was an important point for Altair. Once she had the capacity she could go back to her world and get the poison cleared out of her system. From there she would hunt that Human bastard down and end him. Then she would do what she could to help the Demi-Human's find some peace using the technology she could bring over.

Renald expressionlessly stated, "Yes, we have about fifty gallons secured from the last rainfall that happened near one of our research facilities. I had it all tested and we couldn't find anything special about it. However, to honor your request, I had all of it transferred over to the mansion last week."

Altair nearly gave him a joyful smile before she realized her joy had taken control of her face. She quickly said, "Then-"

However, Renald interrupted her, "Once you are fully healed we can start with the tests regarding the rain water. In your current condition there's no telling what could happen since you got an awful fever last time. So you have no chose but to wait." It was like he poured a bucket of cold water on Altair and it caused her face to sour. Renald ignored the change on her face as he continued, "Speaking of which, how long will it take for you to heal yourself if nothing odd happens?"

Altair's brow furrowed for a moment before she closed her eyes to look over her injuries. They were healing at a slow rate but it wasn't unbearably slow. Due to the more sensitive organs being damaged it would take a few days to heal up. Thus, she opened her eyes and said, "I think it will take about four or five days."

Renald's brow rose slightly towards this. "You don't know for sure?"

Altair shook her head, "I have never had such an injury before. I can only give a guess towards its recovery." She had dealt with broken bones, cuts, mangled limbs, severed limbs, being impaled, and even having her throat cut but she had never dealt with her organs being damaged before. She had always been extremely careful when she took injuries to deal with her enemies. She wouldn't take a hit that she couldn't recover from to take an opponent out. It just wasn't worth it to her when she could go on to kill another thirty people if she got out in one piece.

Renald understood what she was saying and nodded his head in understanding. "I see. Well then, I have finished what I came here to discuss. Was there anything else you wanted before I go back work?"

The immediate thing that popped to Altair's mind was the AR room. She was already denied access to it but she still couldn't stop herself from saying, "The AR room-"

"Not until it's been upgraded," Renald interrupted with emotionless words. Renald could understand if she had a lot of fun cutting loose and fighting as she normally did in the tournament but he had already told her that it couldn't be done until it was upgraded. Even though, technically speaking, it could be used. Renald still wanted to have it upgraded before having Altair go inside because the new AR upgrades allowed for progress recording and fixed missions. He was planning to use in having Altair do stealth missions and spying tasks with technology she wasn't used to yet. It was also a way to see exactly how skilled she was when she claimed to be an expert.

Altair sighed lightly before she stated, "Then the curse. Since the water is already here it might be enough for me to return. So, how long do I have to wait for this Blood Oath you spoke of?"

Renald paused for a few moments before he frowned. "That isn't easy to prepare. But, since you brought it up, I will do what I can to make sure it is ready before the tests begin."

Altair immediately muttered a reply, "Not that you'll need it."

Renald gave her an odd look while a single, "Hmm?" came out from him.

Altair pursed her lips. "Even if this Blood Oath fails, I'll still come back." She had been thinking about this for a little while now. With how much her Body Reinforcement Magic had improved with the knowledge she learned from the tutors it was obvious to her that it was extremely beneficial to continue learning things here.

Even though she wanted to get back and help the Coalition badly, and she would do so as soon as she had the Mana to return, she couldn't deny the truth to herself. She figured that she would return to learn more in time. Since that was the case she might as well continue the deal with the Marnithok family to use the resources they have to grow with. She would repay them with whatever jobs they would need her to do.

She would then take everything she learned and teach everyone in the Coalition. The results would sure to be completely terrifying for the Humans of her world.

Renald tilted his head a little as he examined her with a critical eye. This response was beyond his expectations. He was expecting her to actually question how her returning to her world would affect his plans, which he still had yet to figure out entirely because he didn't even know if she could return for sure. If she did without the Blood Oath that meant he had wasted a lot of resources on her for no reason.

But to have her openly admit that she would return on her own? He didn't believe it even though she said it herself, "What brought this change on?"

Altair gave him another flat look, "Your science and knowledge are very beneficial to the usage of Magic. It makes me stronger to know what your people know, so I will return for more knowledge. In exchange, I expect that I will have to do work for you. That's all there is to it."

Renald chuckled once before he stood to his feet. "Well then, I shall be off. I will visit you again in five days with the water and the Blood Oath." He started heading for the door and paused halfway across the room. He then looked over his shoulder and stated, "When you are at the academy you might as well enjoy yourself. It is a unique experience but if you are ever sent to one again it will be for work so you won't be able to enjoy how a child lives in this era." He then turned back towards the door and left.

A befuddled look came to Altair's face. 'Enjoy myself? Isn't school a place of learning? Well I do enjoy learning about Science and how the body works…' Her gaze turned distant as Donel entered the room and moved towards the chair by her bed.

Renald thought she liked to study due to how fast she was progressing in her studies. However, that was not entirely the case. Altair was giving it her all because she had quickly figured out how valuable everything she was learning would be back on her world. She was hoping that she would be able to change the lives of Demi-Humans on that planet for the better.

With what she learned here she was confident she would be able to put an end to the war that the Humans were waging. Then she would be able to use the power of science to leave them in the dust as she raised the Demi-Human population up. With the Demi-Humans on top they would take to the stars as the Empire did and escape the Human scourge once and for all.

'Let them have that rock. There are plenty of planets out there that can hold my people.'