Visiting The Hub (1)

Altair spent the next several days being treated, once again, like a doll.

On the first day, when she needed to use the bathroom she would be carried in there by Donel while Noel or Stacey would clean her up after she was finished. Stacey also handled any and all wardrobe problems. She had to be fed because she couldn't move her arms well by either Noel or Stacey. But it didn't stop there either because she was also bathed every night by Noel as well.

Stacey attempted to have that privilege but Altair refused. Her instincts were warning her against letting it happen.

During this time, Stacey was positively beaming with a vibrant smile. She could finally have her Young Miss dress as she should be dressed. Stacey put Altair in the most frilly, lacey, and hard to move in dresses she could find. She didn't even heed Altair's requests for her underwear to be more comfortable and went all in on the clinging clothes that were the norm among noble girls, complete with garter belts and stockings. She even took the opportunity to change her clothes multiple times on the first day. Whenever Stacey looked over her work she would always feel satisfied with how Altair looked and think 'As expected, the Young Miss is too cute'.

Altair could only sigh mentally as she was humiliated in ways that only inanimate objects could be even though she was a living person. If it had stopped at this then she was already mostly used to it because of the things she suffered through when she first arrived in the Empire but it seemed that her life was out of her hands when Sarah arrived.

When Sarah showed up on the second day she made a great fuss because Altair had regained consciousness and appeared to be recovering well enough. Once the fuss was settled she immediately took over everything that Noel, Stacey, and Donel were responsible for. Altair's clothes became more childish and she even wound up bathing with Sarah.

Sarah didn't stop at that either and wound up choosing to sleep in the same bed as Altair with the excuse of if "she woke up at night and needed to use the bathroom, what was she supposed to do?"

Since Altair was effectively immobile she didn't have to study at all during this period. Thanks to that, Sarah was able to take Altair shopping in public basically every day. Altair would be wheeled out in a wheelchair as Donel followed from a slight distance. Of course, Donel wasn't the only security going with them. Sarah was the Mistress of the house and she was taking the Young Miss out shopping in a public place where they would mingle with normal people. Since that was the case, the guard detail was quite heavy even if they were more shadows than guards. Since Donel was sticking close it was judged that he, along with Sarah's natural strength, would be able to buy enough time for the rest of the guards to swoop in and help them in something happened.

Sarah could have chosen a hover chair for Altair but those were very expensive commodities that weren't common among the masses. Due to it being uncommon it would attract attention to them when they were trying to mix with normal people so Sarah decided to just use a normal wheelchair. Plus, Sarah had gone out of her way to pick a wheelchair that matched the cute clothes that Altair was put in just to enjoy the outing even more.

Sarah took Altair to the main shopping center on Ordin Prime, The Hub. This building was essentially a city sized mall that had open air streets and covered streets depending on which area you went to. Every single day hundreds of millions of people would gather here to buy whatever they may need and was complete with restaurants on every street. If was often said in the Empire that if it couldn't be obtained at The Hub it wasn't important enough to own.

The cruiser that Sarah took Altair in was large enough to fit four people. It was more in line with what normal people would use for their families. The other bodyguards had already gone ahead to The Hub.

Altair was able to see The Hub from the sky before they landed. It appeared to just be a city to Altair with how massive it was. She hadn't seen a city this big in her entire life but it fell in line with what she expected from a world of science. Just looking down onto the city caused her chest to tighten though. Even from above it looked startlingly beautiful to her. She couldn't stop herself from staring at the scene below her which brought a chuckle from Sarah.

Only when the cruiser they were on started to land did Altair really get a feel for how gigantic this place was. There were people everywhere, even where they landed. Everywhere she looked there were groups of people and she felt that this place was more like a battlefield than a place to procure goods.

Sarah got out of the cruiser first, followed by Donel who put Altair into her chair. Sarah then went around to push Altair while Donel followed from behind. Despite it being barely past noon there were hundreds of kids around them going about their own business with their parents. They had yet to enter The Hub proper but there were still tons of people hanging around the landing space.

Altair and the others managed to attract the attention of other people at The Hub due to how beautiful Sarah was even in her casual clothes. They were also attracted to the frail cuteness of a child in her wheelchair. They were effectively a rare spectacle at The Hub that people couldn't help but cast an extra look at.

Altair was pushed away from the cruiser as it came to rest on its platform. She looked this way and that way at everything The Hub had to offer where they were. The first things that continued to catch her eyes were the Holodisplays that were outside almost every single shop along the wide street they were on. She thought she would be used to such things since they had them even at the mansion but the ones she was looking at now were designed to attract attention and with how many there were she couldn't keep herself from staring at them. It was like a sea of ghosts were dancing or showing off some product that Altair usually couldn't even identify due them being too diverse and her not knowing what shop was selling what.

Altair had snuck into bazaars in her own world at night and could easily tell what shops there were just by the pictures on the signs they had. However, at The Hub it was all words and fancy names that she had to think deeply on to try and figure out what they were actually selling. Since she was distracted by the Holodisplays it was basically impossible for her to figure out what each shop was.

It didn't stop Sarah from moving deftly through the crowds though. Sarah was experienced in this type of leisurely activity and she knew exactly where she wanted to take Altair first. She already had plans to entertain herself in mind and wanted to try and get Altair more invested in their world.

Through the winding streets Altair was pushed while she openly gaped at every Holodisplay that they went by. Whenever someone saw her looking at the holograms that way they would chuckle to themselves as they thought she had come from an outdated world or was mentally challenged. Still there were some who looked at Altair and Sarah with less than savory intentions.

Sarah eventually arrived at the location that she wanted to take Altair. It was a very flowery building that was decorated to the brim with pastel colors. Its Holodisplay showed a smiling little girl, who appeared to be around five or six, playing with a large stuffed bear. Altair looked at it strangely as she was pushed inside the building.

Inside the building were shelves covered in children's toys and clothes, all colored in light pastel colors. It had everything from dolls to stuffed animals and pretty glittered skirts to longer laced dresses. The sight of it caused Altair's expression to darken as she figured out why they were here.

She looked over her shoulder at Sarah and saw a similar beaming expression on her face that she had seen on Stacey's just the day before and a chill ran down her spine.

She knew she was about to be publicly humiliated. But there was little she could do about it due to her injuries and they had already arrived. So she just sat there and tried to put on the most bored expression she could manage.

Sarah went up to the woman who was at the counter and talked with her for less than a minute while making exaggerated hand motions towards Altair and some of the things around. Once she was done speaking the woman looked at Altair, causing her eyes to widen, and then back to Sarah who she smiled at and replied. She then went into the back of the store while Sarah smiled at Altair.

This caused another chill to run down Altair's spine.

When the woman came back out she was carrying a teddy bear that was almost as big as Altair, which caused Sarah to nod vigorously while pulling out a card. She paid for the teddy bear on the spot and brought it over to Altair and effectively pushed it into Altair's lap while saying, "There we go. Now you finally have a toy you can play with while you're sick."

The teddy bear was ridiculously soft and fluffy. It was as if it was designed to be squeezed.

The expression that appeared on Altair's face made her look sicker than she already was. She wasn't ignorant enough to not know that this teddy bear was for children who were obviously younger than she was and yet, despite her expression, she still felt a slight surge of warmth in her heart over it which caused her to be even more disgusted with her situation.