Creating New Magic To Escape

The day turned into night. Night progressed even further into late night. The female doctor didn't seem to notice or she didn't seem to care about the change in time. She was completely absorbed in teaching Altair everything she knew about the nervous system.

Altair was also busy consuming everything she was being taught. She even diverted her Mana to allow herself to remember everything better. The moment she learned about the pain receptors in her brain, she immediately investigated with her Mana and disconnected them. Right after that, she was barely able to stop herself from sighing contentedly.

With the burning sensation that went through her body finally ended, she was able to focus even more on what the female doctor was teaching her.

She didn't hesitate to ask any and all questions that came to mind. By the time the female doctor had explained everything she could, she finally realized what time it was and was shocked. She couldn't believe she had went on for so long in this room when she had other things to do that day. But, it was too late to do them now. She was also surprised that no one came to get her when she was obviously late to those appointments.

She suddenly looked sheepish as she said, "Well, that about covers everything you would ever need to know about it. I have some work that I need to get back to, so you think carefully on your choice, okay?"

Altair nodded. She could already feel the finger she was regenerating and smirked in her mind. With everything she just learned it would only take at most one day for her to recover. It was far simpler than she thought it would be. Just as she figured, the knowledge of the Empire was truly wonderful for Magic.

It was far simpler to fix something if you knew how it worked then if you barely knew anything about it. It would be impossible to fix something if you didn't even know what the problem was to begin with.

The female doctor took her leave and left Altair alone to her thoughts.

As Altair burned her Mana at a rapid rate to regenerate her nervous system, she considered exactly what she was going to do next.

The first thing she needed to do was obvious. She needed to escape from this place.

She couldn't enjoy the time she believed she had remaining here. It was plainly obvious that she was end up in a bad place if she continued to stay.

That then led to the thought of how she was going to escape. If she blindly used Teleportation Magic then she would probably be caught very quickly. These people had already shown her that they could track her when it was used. That was a valuable piece of information for her in the grand scheme of things. At least, it was until she found out that she didn't actually have long to live, supposedly.

With her Mana capacity, she doubted she could force her way out through fighting. She didn't know how many people they had or what their resources were. She also knew about recording devices because of what Liam showed her. If she was careless in using her Magic all over the place, then what Liam told her about was likely to happen. She was already surprised that they didn't try to investigate further into how she injured those two men.

'Perhaps they think I am not a threat so it doesn't matter if they knew how or not?'

Regardless, it worked out in her favor. She was sure they were monitoring her but she had no plans to move around until she had an idea of how she was going to escape.

She considered all of the possibilities she could attempt, one by one.

She considered using her Shadow Magic first. It was the Magic she was most familiar with in her arsenal. It was also the one she had control of for the longest amount of time too. However, it didn't seem feasible to her in the current situation.

She didn't know the full capabilities of the people here but she did know that their weapons were practically all ranged weapons. She also knew that some people had fearsome combat ability.

The things she made with her Shadow Magic weren't weak by any means as she could increase their power with more Mana invested. However, she didn't have enough capacity to really create an army that she could see winning in this situation.

Thus, the idea of using Shadow Magic was pushed to the side.

The next option was her Thread Magic. This idea was even less likely to work in her opinion.

Thread Magic consumed far more Mana than Shadow Magic did just to use. Of course, it was also vastly more dangerous too. The Humans in the Empire couldn't even see it too, which was a benefit for it. However, just because it was invisible to them didn't mean that it would solve all of her problems.

The issue with it came down to Mana consumption. She already didn't have enough Mana to use Shadow Magic to solve her problem, so how was Thread Magic supposed to fix it when it cost even more Mana?

She frowned to herself as she pushed that Magic aside as well. She then let her head fall back into the pillow and looked at the ceiling in a slight daze. She believed it wasn't possible to even try any kind of physical way of forcing her escape. The last weapon she was hit with drilled home how dangerous their weapons here were.

It only took an instant for that thing to incapacitate her. It wasn't even a deadly weapon. If they had used a weapon with the intent to kill her, she would probably already be dead and she wouldn't have even known was killed her.

That left her with her Teleportation Magic. But the problem was she couldn't use it in its current form. If she wanted to escape with it then she would need to derive a Magic from it that consumed less Mana to do what she needed.

She barely knew how it worked to begin with.

Still, it was the only feasible option even though it was incredibly unlikely to work.

She started to think about how her Teleportation Magic worked when she activated in the first place.

The first thing she had to do to make it work was imagine a location she wanted to go to. If she didn't do that, then she would wind up somewhere completely at random while consuming slightly less Mana to do. She had done this twice. The first time she had appeared in some forest somewhere and immediately went back, finding out this limitation that way. The second time she did it, she wound up in the Empire.

She was pretty sure that, the first time she used it, she wasn't even on her own world at that time. She didn't stick around long enough to find out and just immediately teleported back.

The next part of the spell was the consumption of Mana required to activate the Magic. This was the part that she needed to reduce. If she didn't spend as much Magic teleporting, then didn't that mean it was less likely for the Empire's sensors to discover her? Or at least that's what she thought anyway.

She had already tried that several times though when she was trying to make the Magic more efficient. She tried burning less Mana to activate the Teleportation Magic but it resulted in the Magic not even activating and her losing Mana, unless the wanted to wind up in a random place that is. She finally settled on the exact amount she had to burn, which she knew by heart at this point. She couldn't change the amount it took.

That was all that she knew about her Teleportation Magic. It really wasn't much.

She never experimented with Teleportation Magic due to the fact that she didn't see the need to. She could already use it to get to places she wanted to so she didn't see the need to figure out what other uses it had.

At the time she was more focused on Shadow Magic and Thread Magic because their offensive uses were more obvious. She wanted to slaughter Humans as fast as she could. She didn't see how Teleportation Magic would help with that.

A few other Demi-Humans did point out that she could probably use it to move her Shadow's around instantly but what was the point of that? She could just teleport herself over if she wanted to do that and supervise the fight in person. If it was close by, then she could just create the shadows in the spot she wanted them at. The same went for her Thread Magic.

As a result, there was literally no point in bothering with her Teleportation Magic in her mind at the time so she didn't think about it any further.

She was regretting that decision now.

'I should have experimented more,' she thought to herself as she lamented how she used her free time in the past. 'I was too concentrated on learning how to use Thread Magic and Shadow Magic. I wound up ignoring whatever else Teleportation Magic can do.'

She sighed heavily and looked out the window at her side. The sky was still dark, without a moon or stars in the sky. Despite that, she could still see pretty far out from where she was. She could just barely see the forest in the distance. This wasn't because the place she was at was generating a lot of light though.

It was because there was a light bloom of light far off in the distance that she couldn't see the source of due to the curvature of the planet.

Her eyes narrowed at the forest. 'Perhaps,' she thought to herself as an idea started to form in her mind. 'There might be a way if I change how I start the Magic…'