
Altair spent the next day recovering from that strange lighting weapon that she had been hit with. She then spent the following several days attempting a new Teleportation Magic that she was refining in her mind to little effect. She still felt that she was onto something though. It was like there was someone standing over her shoulder while they whispered hints as to how the Magic should be used so that it wouldn't generate any kind of traceable phenomena but they would skip over the most important detail that was required to activate the Magic.

It was infuriating. She was missing something important but she didn't know what it was. She felt that she was sometimes staring right at what was required but the picture she was looking at was buried under a ton of ice, leaving only a vague outline. Each attempt she went through, the outline got slightly more clear.

She had a vague idea of wanting to move to the location she was focusing on. That's the type of Magic she was attempting to make, a sort of short range teleportation. Since where she wanted to go was within view then it should, she assumed, take less Mana to do. That was the entire idea she was trying to make happen.

At that moment though, it was still out of reach.

She wasn't let to her own devices though. Every single day, the Major would show up and question her on if she wanted to accept their deal yet. Without fail he would show up at the same exact time. He also wore the same expression every time he came in, which was a scowl, that did nothing to hide the amusement that was in his eyes.

Altair gave the same response every day. After getting that response, the Major would then turn and leave without another word. The female doctor would then come in an hour later and try to persuade Altair to change her mind. Of course, this failed.

Altair would ignore all of their attempts by telling her it was in her best interest and blah blah blah.

She was getting really sick and tired of staying here. She was bored when she burned through all of her Mana every day. She couldn't move around freely because she figured she was being watched. In fact, she had to resist stretching in the morning and that was the most irritating feeling she had never known before.

The only time she moved was when she twitched her finger after healing it. The rest of her body just lay there resting while she attempted, for the nth time, to get this new Magic to work.

Naturally, they wouldn't give her anything that could entertain herself. They barely gave her passable food, although Altair only ate the last meal on any given day. She didn't know if they had mixed in anything with the meals and she didn't want to spend the Mana defending herself against it since she was trying to make new Magic. As a result, she was only willing to eat the last meal of the day since she would be sleeping regardless.

She didn't want to end up being unable to spend her Mana due to some drug they hit her with that made her lose her senses or something.

On the fifth day of her stay in that room, everything changed.

Early in the morning, after the nurse took the food out of the room that Altair refused to eat, she attempted her new Magic once again. It was already her forth try for the day. She looked down at the bed she was laying on and proceeded to burn ten buckets of Mana all in one go. It was the same thing she had done every single time she attempted to use this new Magic of hers. Every single time thus far had failed.

The reason she was burning ten buckets was because, if the Magic failed to activate due to insufficient Mana, then she would feel a hollow reverberation flow through her body. She was at least know that she had been able to will the Mana in the right direction during the burning process. From there it would just be a matter of finding out how much Mana was required for it to work.

Altair willed the Mana forth as she burned it from inside her. As soon as she was done burning all ten buckets, everything shifted slightly in front of Altair. It was an almost imperceptible change that no one would notice if they had blinked. But, for Altair, she still felt that slightly jarring feeling.

She also felt all the excess Mana that she had burned away that wasn't needed dissipate into nothing around her like a disappearing fog.

Altair blinked and was stunned momentarily before she was flowing with elation. All of the irritation and annoyance she felt at wasting so much Mana and getting no results had vanished without a trace. She felt the pressure she had been applying to herself go along with it.

A pleased smile crossed her face as she let out a contented sigh.

Then, she wiped the smile off her face immediately and regained her neutral expression. She had no idea if what she did was detectable or not. She was sure she would find out soon if it was. She just had to wait, which was what she had been doing for most of the last several days anyway.

So, Altair waited.

The Major showed up a little later and repeated the same question, which would have normally prompted the same reply from Altair but today she didn't even bother to look at him as she stared out the window. Her heart racing in her chest as she wondered if he was going to ask about some energy spike they detected in the building.

However, contrary to her worries, the Major just turned and left after a few minutes.

Shortly after, the female doctor came in and attempted to persuade her again, which Altair completely ignored just like with the Major.

Once she left, Altair was sure that she was in the clear.

A smirk crept over her face as she waited for her Mana to completely refill. Once she had regained all of her spent Mana, she would immediately make a run for it.

By the time she recovered all the Mana she had spent so far in that day, it was already night. In another hour or so the night shift nurse would come in with her food.

Altair didn't want to wait for that. She wanted to hurry out towards the light blooming over the horizon she could see from where she was laying. She knew about how large cities or places with a lot of light would generate that effect. Her hope was that she would stumble across The Hub so she could ask someone which direction the Marnithok family home was.

Altair took a deep breath and sat up. She then started to pull all of the tubes and needles out of her arms and stomach. It was a very uncomfortable feeling to pull those out. It felt like she was pulling her own skin off herself in some parts.

She bled a little from the wounds but she ignored them once she had pulled them all free. She then pushed herself off the bed and walked towards the window. She was completely oblivious to the heart monitor that was sending a heart failure signal to the doctors that were assigned to her and causing a panic and flurry of activity on the floor she was on.

She gazed out and looked down towards the ground immediately before the window. From what she could tell, she was extremely high up in the air. Not that it mattered.

She turned her attention towards the forest that was backlit in the distance. She burned some Mana to create wings on her back that were three meters long each, but currently retracted to her so they wouldn't take up a lot of space. She then burned ten buckets of Mana and felt the activation of her new Magic before it even took effect.

In an instant, Altair's vision changed and she felt her innards rising up into herself. She spread her wings immediately and started flapping them as she looked down on the trees below her. It took several flaps before she stabilized herself and she had already fallen a dozen meters to the ground before she started to lift herself up.

She shook her head to clear away the slight dizziness she felt from the sudden move that was followed by the floating feeling that came with falling abruptly and peered into the distance. The bloom on the horizon is was still far away and there was a large forest before her. She couldn't see the end of it so she activated her new Magic once more.

She wound up repeating the new Magic several more times before she saw the end of the forest and a city in the distance. However, she couldn't use the new Magic again.

In fact, she couldn't stay aloft any longer and decided to descend quickly as her stomach churned violently within her.

The repeated and abrupt transitions through space, along with the immediate floating feeling that would accompany each one, made her sick to her stomach. She ended up vomiting bile and stomach acid before she reached the ground.

When she did reach the ground she promptly fell to all fours while her legs and arms shook violently. There was nothing physically wrong with her. She was just unable to withstand the stress of doing what she just did. She didn't even know how far she had traveled but she did know that she had jumped from location to location at least nine times.

She looked back the way she came and saw that there was light blooming over the horizon that way as well but no signs of anything else in the night sky. She heaved a sigh of relief as she waited for the sickness to pass.

'What should I call this one,' she thought to herself as she created a small stool for herself to sit on so her bare butt wasn't on the dirt ground. She thought to herself for a few long moments as she considered the possible application of this Magic.

With practice, she might be able to use it in combat to disorient her enemies. However, she first needed to find out if she could change her direction before the Magic finished or that would be pointless. Still, it would be invaluable for her to get back to the Marnithok mansion with it.

She considered how the Magic worked while she sat on the tool. Once her stomach calmed down she stood back to her feet and dismissed the stool behind her while looking at the town in the distance. It vaguely looked like The Hub but she couldn't be certain.

'I suppose I'll just call it Transference Magic.' It was a word she had learned in the Empire. It was also basically how the Magic worked. It transferred her to the spot she had targeted with the Magic.

She started up her Magic again with her destination being slightly above the top of a building far off in the distance.