Consequences Of Her Return

Back in the Rebanon Kingdom, immediately after Altair had left, Reeve stood in place with his hand raised before him as he felt a fury like no other pass through him. He flexed the hand that still felt the warmth from Altair's body even now. He struggled to contain his anger as he was sure that everything would have been fine the moment he saw that Altair had disguised herself.

Her disguise was a little strange to him but that didn't matter in his mind. She was just one of his possessions that was being a little rebellious. He had plenty of time to teach her all that she needed to know to properly serve him.

The children behind him were completely stunned by everything that happened. It all occurred too quickly and they hadn't fully understood what they just saw. Altair was a person that was trusted by Allie, so all of the kids had thought well of her. But the man before them was God's Hero and he was aggressive towards her.

Just what had she done to incur the wrath of the savior of Humanity?

Even if she was from the upper class, God's Hero was an irreproachable person in the Kingdom. If he didn't help the Kingdom then how was Humanity supposed to ascend to the Heavens and be by God's side in paradise?

Demi-Humans had ceased to exist because he saved them.

Reeve didn't pay them much attention as he dropped his hand and spoke through gritted teeth, "Lissandra."

The woman he had shoved out of the carriage quickly saluted him sharply with eyes filled with adoration, "Yes, My Lord!"

Reeve's eyes turned dangerous as he looked at her and asked, "Didn't the High Priest say that she couldn't teleport with a living creature?"

Lissandra nodded with hesitation while completely ignoring the menacing look he was giving her, "Yes, My Lord!"

Reeve took a deep breath as he smothered his rage. He then scoffed while saying, "Figures that old fool would lie to me. It seems there is a need to make changes." He then turned around to face the orphans and a sly smile came to his face. He then said, "Lissandra, chair."

Lissandra saluted sharply once more before she moved behind Reeve and dropped down to all fours. She then said, "Ready, My Lord."

Reeve then plopped down and sat on her back without any reservations before the children. It drew strange looks from all of them as they were slowly coming back to reality. Reeve then spoke in a proud voice as he asked, "I do not doubt that you are all confused as to what just happened, right?"

A few of the children nodded their heads in response.

Upon seeing their reaction, Reeve continued, "You do not need to be worried or alarmed by it. I was simply attempting to take care of a straggler that has slipped through my hands yet again."

The children's confusion didn't appear to clear up at all, which didn't surprise Reeve in the least. He let out a dramatic sigh before he pointed to one of the children at random and asked, "What has the Holy Church told you about the Massacre Queen?"

The boy he was pointing at just happened to be Rusty. He quickly responded, "The Holy Church says that you killed the evil Massacre Queen before you stormed their hideout."

Reeve facepalmed at his answer dramatically. He then made a big show of sighing heavily before he said, "That's why I told them not to spout such lies." He looked up to the children and stated in a matter-of-fact way, "That girl was the Massacre Queen."

Everyone who belonged to the orphanage immediately looked even more confused than before so Reeve went on, "I have been trying to hunt her down ever since she ran back then. You see, contrary to what the Holy Church has been teaching, I didn't kill her back then." He crossed before he continued, "I managed to make her run away. I even told them that and I have complained to them several times that they should really stop spreading the lie that she has been killed." His expression turned serious suddenly, "Because she's still a threat. The Demi-Human scourge has not been put to an end yet and won't be over until she has been neutralized."

He sighed lightly as he watched all of their expressions pale upon hearing what he had to say. He then went on, "You don't need to be so worried. As you've seen, she can blend in pretty well with us Humans." He raised a finger towards the sky, "But I have a way of finding her. Whenever she appears in any town or city within the Kingdom, I will know immediately."

He dropped his hand as he examined the expressions of the children before him. A few of them had looks of disbelief even after all he had stated. He immediately knew that these were the people that knew something more that could be useful for him. So, he continued in a more subdued tone, "However, I would like to know what she was doing in Dyersburge. Anything at all will help me in finding her." He kept a careful eye on the children who had doubtful expressions as he spoke, "Anyone she talked with. Anywhere she stayed. Anyone with whom she seemed close…"

He caught a few twitches on Rusty's face and a sly smile came to his face. He then gave a melodramatic sigh before he changed the subject, "You know who I am. You all know what I've done for us Humans. I continue to strive to save our people every single day. This last string is all that is stopping you all from ascending. Am I not proof that what we have done is right?"

Most of the children turned to Rusty and his close friends. He lowered his head and muttered, "B-But she's not evil. How could she be when she's…" He let his comment fade into the wind.

However, Reeve heard every word of it and quickly said, "That's just want she wants you to think."

Rusty's head shot up and he looked at Reeve in shock. He didn't expect even the people next to him to have heard what he said.

His mind was still reeling as Reeve continued to pressure him, "She's been named the Massacre Queen, but the Kingdom has known of her existence for a long time. In fact, I know for a fact that she was responsible for killing the first prince. That was when she awakened to her true nature and completely slaughtered an entire village without mercy. She killed every single man, woman, and child without hesitation."

Rusty's expression weakened as he started to doubt Allie's judgment this time. The person before him was his hero and idol. Hearing the words directly from his mouth, despite everything he knew about Allie and what he had seen himself from Altair, he couldn't help but start to sway. Still, he wasn't so easy to fool as he hesitantly stated, "But she was so kind. She even gave Allie kewkays…"

A strange light passed through Reeve's eyes as he shoved once more at him, "She was not called the Massacre Queen for nothing. I have seen her slaughter people with my own eyes while I was in Heaven. I lamented my inability to stop her because it was God's Will that I not intervene." He graced them with a gentle and warm smile before he said, "But, now I have God's permission. That was why I was able to be summoned here. So that I may put a final end to the Demi-Human threat and allow all of you Human's you ascend to paradise!"

Reeve stood to his feet and approached Rusty with his arms open wide, "Don't you long for paradise? Don't you want to spend eternity in the grace of God? Help me to find out why she was here I guarantee you all! That I will make sure none of you go hungry again!" He turned towards all of the children as he spread out his pressure amongst them, "I will personally adopt every single one of you right now into my knighthood! You will all grow up to be knights and serve the people as Holy Avengers within my forces! You will all be remembered as heroes who served and aided Humanity to ascend!"

The children's eyes glowed brightly with eagerness and desire. They had to live by stealing what they could to survive, along with the help of donations and the Holy Church. But they still starved most days.

What Reeve said was a great gift to all of them. None of them would even be able to train to be knights in the future as it was reserved for those who had the resources to pay for the training. Their lives were destined to be in squalor before now.

But Reeve had given them a ray of hope. That ray shined down on them and started to instill a zealotry that the Rebanon Kingdom had yet to experience.

Reeve held his hands out wide as if he was trying to hug every single child there as he continued, "When the Massacre Queen returns I will have all of you join me in battle to suppress her! You will all be remembered for all of time for your service!" He then dropped his hands as he looked at Rusty and stated, "But, that will only happen if you know something about why she was here."

All of the children now looked at Rusty with pleading gazes. A lot of them knew about what Altair was up to but they put the pressure on Rusty to say it themselves. If he didn't say it, then they quickly would. However, they wanted to know if Rusty was with them as he used to be their leader.

Under their pleading and penetrating gazes, Rusty folded, "She," he said in a low voice, "She stayed with a girl named Allie for a while. I can show you where they are."

A mocking light passed through Reeve's eyes that all of the children missed. He smiled warmly at Rusty and asked, "Do you know why she stayed there?"

Rusty took a deep breath to calm himself down as best as he could. Now that he had said that much, it was much easier for him to say more, "Allie says that her father called her by her dead aunt's name. I think they managed to convince her to stay there for the night somehow."

Reeve nodded in satisfaction, "I see." He turned around and looked out the window. Lissandra was still on all fours on the ground as he considered the information he was just told. A vile idea came to his mind as he smiled with malicious eyes while he gazed into the distance. He quickly wiped that look off his face and turned back to Rusty while asking, "Can you show me to their home?"