Foiled By The Wind

Altair stumbled when she landed on the building. She had fallen from four meters above it once she had completed her Magic and she was unable to slow down her fall by any real degree. She wound up falling onto her knees despite her best efforts, her legs feeling numb from the impact against the hard, but smooth, surface of the skyscraper she moved to.

She stood up as best as she could as a deafening roar crashed over her from the innards of the city. She looked over instinctively at the sound and found that, despite it being night, the town was so bright with illumination that it was as if it was in the middle of the afternoon. The sight caused Altair's mood from escaping to plummet to the ground as she realized that this city was not The Hub.

The city had massive skyscrapers that stood at least 400 meters off the ground. There were some that stood so high that Altair couldn't see the top of them. Those extremely tall buildings had an attachment to them that wrapped all around it as the building ascended to the sky. The rest of the city had more normal sized buildings that Altair was used to that connected everything else together. Even the building that Altair was on was, at most, forty meters tall.

There was also an arena that Altair could see from where she was as well. The only reason why she was able to identify it was because of her visit to The Hub, when Sarah had taken her to one before. She assumed immediately that it was the source of the deafening roar that was coming from its direction.

This arena was a little different though. It had a huge transparent dome over the top of it. Flashes of different colored lights could be seen on the reflection at the top of the dome. When there were multiple flashes at once it looked like a beautiful multi-colored array, especially when the colors bled together. It was like she was staring at a kaleidoscope that rolled through the sky.

Altair tore her eyes off the dome with some difficulty. She then walked to the edge of the building, which was protected by a protruding part of the roof which helped prevent people from falling to their deaths.

When she got there, she looked down to see what the condition of the street was and was slightly stunned.

Even at the height she was at, she could tell that there were hundreds of people crowding around the building she was on. She had no idea why they were there. It caused her expression to darken as she wouldn't be able to get down from this side.

She raced to the other sides of the roof as well and found out that the condition on almost all the sides was the same. The only side that wasn't completely crowded with people was the one that placed an alley between it and another building. It was far darker in that area because of the two buildings that sandwiched it, but it still wasn't completely darkness and could only be classified as being dim light. If anyone looked into the alley when she was going down, they would see her. Furthermore, if anyone looked in the alley in general, they'd see her as well.

Altair considered teleporting to another location in the city briefly before she dismissed the idea. She didn't want to use the Mana when she had other things she would need to use it on anyway. Besides, she didn't know if it generated any light or anything like with her normal Teleportation Magic, which would draw attention. Although, from how no one on the ground was looking up, it didn't seem that it did.

She took a deep breath as she attempted to mentally prepare herself for what she was about to do. Her efforts didn't seem to help as her heart started to speed up the moment she set her plan in her mind. It didn't seem that her body was going to listen to her and calm down anytime soon either, so Altair decided to get started.

She pulled off the hospital gown and tossed it to the side while using her Shadow Magic to create clothing on herself. The inky-black substance spread out over her body like it was some liquid trying to devour her complete. She molded it into a sporty sundress with knee high leggings and a simple pair of shoes. She had worn these clothes before in the room she stayed at in the Marnithok mansion; however it was all black in color this time. With the wings still sticking out of her back that were made of the shame thing, she looked like an angel of death, albeit a child version.

Just as she stepped up onto the ledge to jump down from the building, a breeze blew by. The magically created dress swayed in the wind as if it was real; however Altair felt the wind through the dress. It was like she wasn't wearing anything at all. That's what she didn't like about this.

She felt completely naked using her Magic in this way. Even she didn't understand why that was the case. If someone touched her clothing, it would feel like real cloth. But that didn't prevent the wind from passing right through it as if it wasn't there, even if the dress looked like it moved from the breeze. With how she was now, she couldn't stop her face from turning slightly red.

She stepped off the ledge as she knew she couldn't do anything about it. She would have drawn too much attention to herself by wearing the hospital gown before everyone.

She fell like a rock for the first ten meters before she opened her wings and flapped them repeatedly. If anyone looked at her they would think she was just learning how to fly with how awkward she was in the air. She couldn't be blamed for being bad though. Flying with wings was incredibly awkward to control. It was like trying to open a door with your feet while you were carrying too many things in your hands.

Still, Altair managed to stabilize herself and didn't plummet all the way to the ground. She landed as quietly as she could so she wouldn't draw the attention of the crowd. Even she was surprised with how silently she managed to land.

How could she have predicted that the breeze she generated from one of her wings would brush past a man who was walking, thus drawing his attention to the alley and seeing her in that exact moment.

Before she could dismiss her wings, she heard the man shout out, "Whoaaa that's a killer cosplay man!" This drew Altair's attention to him, and the attention of a bunch of people around him towards her. Altair stared blankly at the group of people who were now staring at her as they returned her gaze.

'What are they wearing?' She thought to herself as she noticed the completely bizarre clothing they wore. They had no uniformity to their clothes. In fact, a lot of what they were wearing could only be considered to be clothes from a distance. From where Altair was standing, it looked like some of them were wearing some strange colorful armor that had lights on them. Others had dull colored clothes that seemed to be designed to make them look grim. The women almost all wore extremely revealing outfits that she never would have expected anyone would want to wear. There were even some men dressed in similar women's attire as some of the women as well.

To sum it all up in a way that Altair didn't know, she was looking at a huge group of cosplayers and they had labeled her as one as well due to the wings she had created on her back.

The city that Altair had gone to was called Gizmotech City. It used to be a city that centered around the idea and usage of Mecha's before Mecha's were actually adopted into the military and became more mainstream. Now the city had evolved to encompass all forms of entertainment culture. It didn't matter if it was cartoons, movies, comics, music, random single drawings, fanworks, webcomics, books, or even real people, they were all represented here in Gizmotech City.

There was just one major rule that Altair had broken just by being in the city though. Due to the city covering all aspects of entertainment culture and beyond, there were a lot of adult stores and adult oriented get-togethers that were scheduled there once the sun went down. Naturally, those who weren't adults were not allowed in the city after the sun went down and were required to leave.

Of course, the people attending Gizmotech City knew this as well. However, more often than not, they didn't care at all as long as the person was participating in the standard that Gizmotech offered: cosplaying.

Almost every single person who went to Gizmotech City wore some form of cosplay costume. It was like a rite of passage to those who were heavily invested in the entertainment medium to have their first cosplay experience be at Gizmotech City. Especially since galactic travel didn't cost as much as it used to, which resulted in more people traveling to Ordin Prime just to do so.

The wings on Altair's back were still fully extended when the person had seen her after she landed. There was no chance at all of her being able to hide them, more so now that there was another dozen people staring at her.

"Wow," another man said who was dressed like some kind of superhero fruit, "Those wings are incredibly well designed. I wonder who helped her with those."

One of the women who, until Altair was pointed out, was having her picture taken by the crowd near the alley chimed in as well, "Which character is that? Does anyone know?"

"No idea," the first man replied to her, "You think it's from a single?"

Several of the men who were taking pictures of that woman until now turned their deluxe HD cameras onto Altair. There was a flurry of clicks and some flashes of light that came out of the older designed cameras that some of them were using due to their reliability. The lights from them quickly filled up the alley and revealed Altair's full attire to them all.

It also practically blinded Altair who was at the center of it all. She couldn't stop herself from closing her eyes and rubbing them with her hands. Every time she opened them there would be spots in her vision.

One of the more portly men who were walking by noticed that there was a group of people focused on the alley and he also turned to look into the alley. His eyes widened in shock and he didn't bother to stop himself from shouting, "It's her! The loli goddess who dressed up as Arneli Arnessa!" He even pointed for good measure as if to emphasize his point. This drew even more stares towards Altair, who was still in the alley with her shadow wings extended fully behind her.