A City Of Entertainment

There was suddenly a large commotion as people tried to get a better look at Altair, who was still in the alley. Several people used their communicators to try and display what was happening in front of them for the people behind them. The pictures of Altair that had been put up on the Space Net had gone viral within the day they were uploaded. Almost every single person had seen how she was an almost perfect match for her. They had even suspected that she would soon make her appearance at Gizmotech City, only this time with her hair dyed properly to completely portray Arneli Arnessa.

The show had been going on for decades and while old viewers went on to watch different shows or stop watching things altogether, new viewers would come in with every new season. However, their nostalgia for the show would never fade as it was almost always one of the first shows that people had seen when they were a child. It wouldn't be a stretch to call Arneli Arnessa one of the most well known fictional characters in the universe.

So, when someone at Altair's age who shared a lot of similar features with that classic character popped up while wearing that signature outfit, nobody could resist sharing it who had seen the show before.

They would have never thought that she would have shown up in Gizmotech City in a completely different cosplay outfit though. While they were slightly bummed out at not being able to see a real life Arneli Arnessa, they still wanted to see what outfit she was wearing. They completely tossed aside any ideas of reporting her to the authorities who managed the city as they knew others would be interested too.

People started to flood into the small alleyway towards Altair, who was still stunned by the huge variety of outfits the people before her were wearing. She only started to react when they began flooding into the alleyway.

She then noticed their intense, passion and interest filled eyes that stared at her and she couldn't stop herself from becoming flustered. Her heart pounded nervously in her chest and she turned on her heel while her wings retracted to her back. This was an absolutely bizarre situation to her and she had little to no resistance against it.

Even though she had been on several battlefields and fought through many life or death battles, none of them did anything to prepare her for these kinds of stares. When she was fighting and defending herself, the gazes that were sent at her were always filled with either hate, fear, disgust, or some combination of the three. The gazes she was getting from these people were completely different. They unsettled her completely and she found it extremely difficult to stay where she was. In fact, she couldn't take it so she took off running away from them.

A man shouted behind her, "My god! Those wings move so fluidly! What kind of hydraulics must that take?!"

Even though they had very advanced technology and, generally, could make very convincing costumes for cosplaying, there was a huge difference in what they saw and what they knew how to make. This was because the wings on Altair's back were massive in size and were on a child. They didn't even know what kind of material was needed to make them light enough while being that large which allowed them to be worn by a child. It was simply too incredible for them.

Altair stormed out of the alley and into the street beyond. She had heard what a lot of the people said and noticed that they didn't seem to mind her wings, so she kept them out because if she dismissed them while in view of other people it would probably cause the effect she didn't want to. Thus, she wrapped her wings around herself when she squeezed her way into the crown that was moving in a different direction on the other side of the alley.

They didn't seem to notice Altair as she squeezed in through them. However, as she touched the people in the crowd she drew the gazes of those she was moving around. It was almost impossible for her not to touch them because her wings added more bulk to her body.

She was moving practically blind amid the sea of people who were almost twice as tall as her. She had no idea where she was going. Everywhere she looked there was strange clothing. It was completely disorienting. After a short amount of time she didn't even know if she was still going in the direction she started going in.

Then she suddenly came out into an empty space as she squeezed through a couple of people. She staggered a few steps and her gaze fell onto a gorgeous woman with curves in all the right areas. She was able to make women jealous and men stare at her just by her walking by. She also might as well have been wearing nothing. She was in the middle of a provocative pose when Altair had broken the picture line and appeared in the same circle that she was in while people were taking an excessive amount of shots of her.

The woman straightened up upon Altair coming into her circle. Normally, when they were having these shots, the cosplayer would be offended by someone crashing their circle like this. However the situation was obviously different if it was a child. More so if the child appeared to be flustered as Altair had.

A mischievous smile came to the cosplayers face as she walked closer to Altair. The circle around her moved with her, which shuffled the crowd around.

Altair felt embarrassed just looking at the woman who was approaching her. She didn't know where to look so she decided to look away completely. As she did so, she tried to escape back into the crowd but the woman was already near her and had grabbed her up into a hug before she could do so.

Altair felt herself floating up into the air as her wings were pressed in on her. She couldn't feel the woman actually grabbing her as her hands had wrapped around the wings and not herself. She then heard the woman's soft voice in her ear, which seemed to echo out somehow so the crowd around her could hear her as well, "Did you want to have some photo's together, little darling?"

Altair was carried back towards the center of the circle by the woman. Along the way, the woman let out a surprised voice before she asked, "Did you make things wings yourself?" She ruffled her hand across one of them visibly, revealing that they were covered with realistic looking black feathers. "They're so soft, smooth, and warm. It's very impressive."

The gazes from the photographers and crowd around became more interested and passionate. It was unknown if it was because of what the woman cosplayer said or for some other reason. Nobody could deny that the picture the woman was making with the contrast between her body and Altair's body wasn't alluring towards most of the men and some women who were present. Still, none of them took any pictures because they knew that it wasn't appropriate unless both models were ready, even if Altair wasn't technically a model yet.

Altair felt her face heating up as she reddened some more from embarrassment. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest as she was overcome with nervousness again. She extended her closed wings slightly so that they wrapped completely around her body while attempting to hide herself from all of the onlookers.

This caused a lot of the crowd around her to find her wings even more incredible when they saw them moving in such a life-like way. It even caused the woman to chuckle lightly as she leaned in and seductively asked, "Is this your first time? How precious!"

From a distance, in the direction of the arena, a loud voice came echoing over the crowd, "The next match is the feature match of the day! Will Thunderspark be able to defeat Death_Sun_OMEGA and advance to the next tier or will he lose all of his points and drop back down?! The match begins in twenty minutes!"

The crowd around Altair looked slightly disappointed before the majority of them puffed up their chests and tried to look more impressive for reasons Altair couldn't figure out.

The woman holding Altair chuckled again as she looked around the crowd and flirtatious asked, "I wonder just who will be my partner for this?" She then rotated her body slowly while swinging Altair along with her, "Who will it be?"

Her words seemed to lift the spirits of everyone who was staring at her and Altair. Despite already being puffed up, they puffed up once again.

And then the woman dumped ice water all over them as she seductively stated with her mouth next to Altair's ear, "I'll pick you, little darling."

Altair felt a chill go down her spine when the woman's breath hit her ear. This caused her brows to furrow slightly. She had no idea what this woman meant but she was sure that she probably wouldn't like it.

A man with red skin and ocean blue hair walked into the circle and clapped his hands loudly. He had sharp eyes and an impressive penetrating gaze that seemed to see straight through people while also warning them away from doing anything questionable. The man was not look any bit inferior to the gorgeous woman as there were many sets of predatory gazes upon him the moment he showed himself. He walked over to the woman while announcing, "Alright, you heard her choice. The rest of you should go to the event if you have reserved any seats before you miss any of the action."

The surrounding people shuffled awkwardly for a moment before they started to disperse. A large chunk of them went towards the arena while the rest went towards different areas of the city. It was obvious that a lot of people had been hoping to accompany the woman to the arena.

The man leaned in towards the woman and asked, "Why did you pick this girl?"

The woman gave him a sly smile as she replied, "Because she's a lot cuter than the men." She then looked at Altair and added, "Besides, I really need to know who made these wings."