Tears filling up his eyes. He got up from the stool, wanting to run away.
To run away from everything! He couldn't stomach her aura nor her eyes... Not even the way she caught Zhihao...
Why is it that the kindest people suffered the worst fate?
The more Rongbo thought, the more his heart ached, his head throbbed with unforseen aches and his heart clogged up with heaviness. His breathing laboured, it was becoming hard for him to breath.
He covered his mouth with his hand while trying to diminish his presence.
Zhaolin and the man locked eyes, and Rongbo finally let it rain.
He took the fastest route to the backyard. And just as he stepped onto the lawn, cold breeze hit his face. Maybe, it was just his imagination, but he was able to breath.
Rongbo looked up at the sky, his hands on his waist then he started stomping his right foot, as if it was the fastest way to ease up his mind.