He heard her pronouncing the beginning of his name then she resulted to the name he was supposed to be proud of.


What was that feeling in his stomach?



If the two words could be joined together to form one word, then that's how he felt hearing the name Xing.

If it was the right time, he would have quickly corrected her not to associate him with the Xing name again. However, now wasn't the time for that.

"Mr Xing, please you have to get up... It's cold and..."

"Can never be compared to the cold eyes you got your entire life as a teenager with..." Rongbo couldn't complete that statement.

"Let's talk like adults, you're an elder and shouldn't be pleading this way."

Xueyan statement must have caused a battle in the man's mind as he shot up, raising his whole body and eyes to meet her, he asked. "An elder?"