A new adventure

Kei was awoken by Emma well truly he had been awake for some while. He put on his new clothes, put his knife by his side in his cloak on his left leg he put another knife on his leg as a backup and looked at the mirror. His appearance so different from when he was in Japan he was so much stronger had clean clothes and short hair he was so focused on it that Emma had to tap his shoulder to bring him back. Breakfast was silent and somber everyone said goodbye well Persephone gave him a hug and said she would miss him, Kei awkwardly returned the hug and told her goodbye. Alexander gave him: a map, 50,000 gold, and 20,00 silver, an enchanted bag that held more supplies than possible. Kei had a tent, extra clothes, food, tools, extra weapons, and first aid supplies. Alexander took him to the dungeon its entrance was in the side of a mountain a large hole in the stone illuminated by torches, it looked simple enough but Alexander warned him that at the lower levels it got dangerous. There was a large shop near the dungeon Alexander explained it was a station for the Adventurers Guild and a place to trade in items for money or get quests. Kei and Alexander went into the Guild and it went silent as the patrons revered them as they walked up to the counter an attractive Nymph with green hair and breasts the size of melons and light green skin helped them. "How may I help you," she said as they approached her " "we would like to get him registered," Alexander said. Kei looked around there was a bar and restaurant on the first floor the second was full of trading posts and there were stairs leading to a basement which Kei assumed was the shop there was a huge board full of quests that sat in the corner of the bar. "Ok, can I see your status plate," asked the Nymph Kei gave it to her and her eyes got wide out of shock "YOUR THE HERO!" as she yelled that all heads turned to them. Adventures swarmed them some wanting an autograph or wanting to join his party Alexander forced them to go away but they still watched them from a distance. "Ok your registered" she then gave him a necklace with a small bronze rectangle with a platinum stripe down it on a leather cord " The ranks go from bronze, silver, and gold since you're new you're bronze and the platinum stripe signifies you as the hero as a hero you get superiority, discounts and are held almost as high as the king, welcome hero, she says as she bows her head. they thanked her and they went to the dungeon's entrance. Alexander shook his hand and told him farewell. Kei breathed in the fresh air for the last time in a while and went into the dungeon. The entrance was dry and lit by torches the color of them showed what floor you're on these were your typical orange. Kei walked along the cobblestone floor in a hallway three meters tall and two meters wide he went down a long staircase to the true first floor. It was well-lit about six meters tall and eight meters wide it was all made of a cobblestone the floor ceiling everything. There were stalactites hanging from the ceiling but the floor was surprisingly clear. He walked forward, his footsteps echoing in the cave. After he walked for about ten minutes the cave became more jagged the ceiling had more stalactites and the floor had stalagmites. Suddenly a large humanoid rat jumped out, it was a ratta (en. a rattata has appeared) it was very weak on its own unless there was a group or it was mutated they usually were the size of a human child with red eyes large teeth, a human-like body covered in muscles and grey fur (Kei studied monsters a lot at the castle). It hissed and bared its teeth at Kei but Kei as fast as lightning drew his knife and sliced it in half, its body disappeared except its teeth. Monsters dropped a variety of spoils that could be traded for money, Kei put the teeth in his bag and moved on. After traveling an hour, at least it felt like it, Kei had killed 10 Ratta and got quite a few teeth and a few pelts which could be sold for a lot of money. He soon started to get stronger monsters one of the most annoying were bat-like creatures Chiropetra they were small but flew around and had a nasty bite and lizards that blend in with the rock that was venomous. He traveled for a few more hours till he came to an underground waterfall he refilled his water pouches and rested there when he was washing his face and a piranha a meter long jumped out at him Kei caught it and decided to cook it. It was great it was better than any fish he had back in Japan he discovered he could use wind magic to part the water and he went and gathered fish. He set up camp near the tent and set up a fire to keep monsters away. He cooked a few fish and smoked/dried a few with a makeshift smoker over the fire. He took a nap in the tent while the fish was being smoked. He woke up to the sound of something approaching he quickly shot up and drew his knife outside his tent was a Ratta that was attracted by the fish. This one, unfortunately, was a mutant it was two meters tall with huge muscles bulging with purple veins. A mutation was common among monsters there were many radiated places underground and a mutated monster grew in size and became unpredictable. Kei stood face to face with it was foaming at the mouth and snarling then it charged at Kei he jumped out of the way and tried to stab it. It changed direction and slashed its claws at him his knife blocked most of it but one claw cut from his eyebrow to his lower jaw. Kei grabbed the beasts arm and pulled it to him and stabbed it in the heart it gave a dying scream and disappeared except its pelt which Kei could use as a blanket or coat. Kei collapsed on the ground exhausted. Kei cleaned the wound on his face luckily his eye was spared but he had a cut down his face. Kei took the fish off the fire and set up the pelt on a pole in front of the fire to dry it and to scare away monsters. He went back into a fitful sleep