The adventure continues

Kei woke up and broke down his tent, he packed up all his stuff and ate a breakfast of smoked fish. His wound was swollen and dark red as he didn't want to waste any more medicine so he left it alone. He continued to adventure the topography changed it got darker, the ground was more uneven and the monsters got larger and stronger. He discovered that some of the monsters could be eaten which was relieving to him as he wouldn't starve in the dungeon. After fighting monsters all morning he decided to take shelter in a branch of the dungeon to rest, he looked through all his loot he had gathered it included: teeth, scales from lizards, and a rare drop a minitour horn. He found it at a place there were large splashes of blood on the ground and it appeared to be that a cut was performed on the stomach as the large intestine was still on the floor, Kei didn't see the monsters anywhere and was surprised there was one on the first floor(EN: sounds a lot like another anime I've seen (danmachi) so he keep his guard up. Kei wanted to try the food he was given. he tried to cook it but didn't have experience and it was European style food. After making a pile of charcoal he decided to eat more dried fish and he tried some of the lizard monsters it tasted like chicken (go figure) but he felt full of energy after and decided to continue exploring. After another few hours, he discovered a fragment of cloth on the rocks he wondered if it was the same person who cut off the minitour horn but decided to dismiss and continue. Soon he reached the second floor the torchlight dimmed considerably and the color changed from orange to red, there was a warning sign next to the staircase warning adventurers that the floors difficulty increased. Kei walked down the long staircase and after ten minutes he reached the second floor, the first thing that hit him was the cold the first floor was pleasant but the second floor dropped to -4°C. Kei assumed that each floor had a different theme he was happy for his cloak and extra pelts and he made makeshift gloves out of the smaller pelts. He started exploring the dungeon, it was considerably bigger than the first floor it was like a cave system a large cavern of white rock covered in frost that had many different paths to take. The increase of monsters was apparent, not even ten minutes of exploring a cryo-spider the size of a large dog jumped from the ceiling it was covered in blue and white fur, with legs covered in barbs the size of daggers, eight blue eyes full of cold, and large mandibles that snapped at Kei. Kei would have died if not for hearing the crackling of frost. He jumped out of the way just in time and drew his knife the spider swiped at him with its front legs Kei parried and tried to stab it but the spider bit at him so Kei backed up. The spider foamed at the mouth in rage at Kei and rushed at him Kei waited for it to almost be on him but at the last minute he jumped behind and cut off its back legs. The spider hissed in rage and tried to turn around but couldn't Kei thinking that the battle was over Kei his guard down and was hit with a web shot that stuck his arms to his chest. The spider took this chance and crawled to Kei mad that a piece of prey had crippled it. Kei struggled to get out but the wed was too strong, the spider got to him and put its legs om his body and brought its disgusting face up to his. Kei was sure he was going to die thoughts of his life flashed through his mind till he remembered he was supposed to be the savior of this world. He channeled his strength and broke free and wrapped his hand around the spider crushed it. He kept his guard up paying very close attention to his surrounds, after a few hours all he had fought was another spider and as Frost wolf. A Frost wolf was a solo animal twice the size of a Great Dane and muscly unlike regular a regular wolf they usually don't keep in packs but if you get attacked by a pack you are in serious trouble. Kei found a clear cave that he took shelter in, he started to look through his loot he decided to make some clothes out of his pelts after he found a needle and thread in his bag. Kei was good at making clothes because he had to make them for himself. He made a coat out of the wolf pelt it provided warmth and camouflage,(EN: imagine the wolf pelt cloak from WoW) next he made socks out of the Ratta fur because his boots were not made for cold weather then he put a wolf fang on his necklace. He looked like a neanderthal in all fur with wolf teeth around his neck, he used his remaining pelts to set up makeshift scarecrows to keep away monsters then he went to sleep. Kei was awoken by a girl's scream on instinct he ran to the sound. He saw a little girl with pink hair who looked about twelve cornered by two minotaurs one with only one horn.(EN: like Louise from "the familiar of zero") The girl looked exhausted in tattered clothing Kei was furious at the sight and entered berzerker mode. He unleashed a growl and ran at the minotaurs they turned around surprised as Kei barreled into one, Kei thrashed with it in the ground till the second one gathered its senses and stepped on Kei's side crushing some ribs but not killing him because of his armor but. All Kei did was get angrier he snapped the neck of the one on the ground and went to fight the second one. It mooed real loud and punched at Kei with its hoofs but Kei grabbed its arm and broke it then he headbutted it. The minotaur's head snapped back then Kei grabbed its skull crushing it. Kei's power ran out and he collapsed on the ground. Kei was laying his back thinking this time he was gonna die when the girls crouched down beside him "well since you saved me guess I will save you" she said as she lowered her head to his, the last thing he saw was her red eyes right in front of his before he passed out.