Chapter 313 "Vacation (2)"

She could get away from all her problems. No Lan Yanjin, no Nan Shen or Ren Mi Shu...just her and Shen Ling. This should be fun! 

"Rest well, eat first. If anyone wants to meet you I'll tell you whether you want to meet them or not" Shen Ling pointed to the food he brought and after making sure Tan Hua liked his idea to bring her to this island, the man left the room.

He was sure that Nan Shen would find his way to this island even when he already changed his phone number. He better prepared so Tan Hua would be able to enjoy her vacation without anyone bothering her.

Several hours later, afternoon.

"So that is the island" Nan Shen whispered to himself as he looked at a big island across the island he was in now.