Chapter 314 "Running Away"

"Tan Hua!" Nan Shen called Tan Hua from behind about to grab her shoulder when Shen Ling immediately blocked him from touching Tan Hua.

"Nan...Shen?" Tan Hua was shocked when she turned her head and saw it was Nan Shen standing behind her. With Shen Ling blocking her from Nan Shen, she couldn't really see Nan Shen's face but she was sure it was Nan Shen just now.

"What is your problem huh?" Nan Shen gritted his teeth when he saw Shen Ling putting up his body to prevent him from getting close to Tan Hua. He didn't know what's wrong with Shen Ling but this man is as crazy as Lan Yanjin! 

"Tan Hua doesn't want to be disturbed can you respect that? She is here for a vacation!" Shen Ling pushed Nan Shen away as he glared at the man. This man is so selfish chasing after Tan Hua like this when he didn't know what will happen to Tan Hua if she did go back with Nan Shen.