But can I eat?

When I wake it's like a crash.

It very well may have been a crash for all the pain that washes over me. I scream, it's all I can do. No one, nothing can hear me but there's nothing I can do but scream.

I remember, I remember everything in clear detail.

I really am- was a normal girl, a silly stubborn girl with a messed up but loving life. I'm a student still, I had graduated college and wanted to further my education. I was an adult but still very much a child in the way I lived. I had people to take care of and people who cared for me.

And I'm gone. Dead. God damn it I died!

Was it all a dream? The stars, the place where I felt so at peace, was all that a dream? Was it all a flashing delusion I dreamt up as I died? What was all that, and becoming a tree far away?

What is all that nonsense?!

I want to go home- I need to go home. My siblings, how will they go on without me? My ailing parents, who will take care of them? All my friends and their beautiful stories still being written- I abandoned all of them.

Stupid stupid me, how did I die? Why did I die?

These are things I have no answer to and no strength to consider. And so I cry till I fade again, even though there are no waves to wash over me.

When I awake next, really consciously wake, I am bathed in warm sunlight. There is a tall sea of green all around me, it protects me from the wind. I am anchored but barely, a stronger gust likely to blow me away.

I'm weak, wherever and whatever I am it's currently weak and fragile. I have to get up, there's no use lying here in this strange place.

But I can't move, shit.

I bite down my panic to test out my limbs receiving no feeling, no reaction till I try my legs. Yes I can feel something, I'm not paralyzed!

But it's too soon to celebrate, it's odd moving. It feels really weird, like I have more than two legs…Aw shit I'm not myself aren't I? I'm not human right now.

What did the stars in my dream say at the beginning? I get to be a greeeeeat treeeee. Whooooooooooo…

But why a tree?

And why me?

I'm not even a tree right now! I'm just this….thing.

Oh wind no bad wind bad. I can feel it blowing at me past all the green walls around me though on closer inspection its looks a lot like…

Yep it's grass. It's not tall I'm just really small, smaller than grass. I am below grass level, hilarious.

Crying time is over now I all can do I laugh at myself. Also I can't physically cry can I? For now I try twitching my lower limbs, instincts saw I should twitch down towards food and safety. Yeah that makes sense for both humans and tree seed things. Let's start with that.

Oh it's like yoga, stretching,resting and stretching. Alright lets stretch as deep as I can before I'm blown away.

Don't get me wrong I am still very much heartbroken about dying, I'm just more panicking about the fact that I'm probably a plant!

Karma what did I do to deserve this? How is this even possible? You know what scrap that and all logic, the world is weird and I'm a human turned plant. Screw common sense.

Oh I'm feeling much more comfortable snug in the ground, not buried but very comfortably anchored. It kind of feels like slipping into bed and pulling the blanket up halfway. How wonderful!

Ah is this how all plants feel? Being in bed all day? No one will ever drag me out of bed again bwahahahaha!

No seriously won't I die if that happens? I'm a plant now.

Ignoring the implications of life and death with what I saw in the starry space, they told me that the waves washed me to this place to be a tree. Did they call it the base or a planet? Does everything and anything come from bases or is it just a holding spot. Something else?

In webnovels this is the part where a system pops up going:

"Welcome host! Let me explain, tease and guide you into becoming God of INSERT GENRE HERE".

Then despite the abuse we may throw each other's way the system will get me a bunch of cool skills, upgrades and powers. I'll do some impressing, a lot of face smacking and just be a grand old protagonist.

But I'm a plant.

Not a host, I'm a F***ing plant.

Plants don't get systems I figure. Plants just grow. How natural.

As I plant I can't sigh but I'm definitely sighing. Well it could be worse, I could have be reborn as a cockroach or in a harem fight novel. Both would be bad for different reasons, no shaming on those who dream about living those genres. You all do you.

Who am I even talking to? But if I can't talk to myself like usual….it would be too insanely lonely.

The wind feels pleasant now that I'm better rooted. It's a pleasant breeze in contrast to the warm light from above. The tall grass sways like fields of green wheat, it's very picturesque. Yeah, there are plenty of worse places to be reborn. Simple as it is now, I think I'm going to like it.

Simple and happy.

That's what I always wanted and what I always wanted to give.

Not now, I can't dwell on that now. It still hurts too much. I don't know how long it's been since I died but it feels too fresh. It could have been eons in that space between the normal girl I was to the seed thing i am now. It could have been a moment.Somehow it feels like barely a few hours. So not now. I'll just cry again and that's going to tire weak little me out, I can just feel it.

Speaking of getting tired, I'm hungry? Figures the thing I keep even after death is hunger.

But how do I eat?

I get that plants don't really eat, which is really disappointing. I don't have a mouth or a stomach. I can't even find food! Oh I'm going to miss food so much, I already miss it. Rice, burgers, ice cream..... But right now I need energy to grow and survive.

Even if common sense from my life doesn't apply squat as a plant, let's review.

I have sun! Check!

I have soil! Check!

I have water!...not checked.

Well that's not something I can really control. Can I even go looking for water? What I can control feels like it must be my roots so I'll focus on reaching down and around. Growing and expanding the root system is the first step.

Oh? What's this?

I didn't really notice when I first burrowed my little roots down but there seems to be little beads of something…delicious?

It's delicious! Yes! Yes! I can taste! My gluttony in life can be lived out even as a plant! Foodies forever!

Motivated by the beads of sweets I focus on growing my root system deeper into the ground and feast. How interesting, some of the beads taste a bit different from one another. It's like eating a bag of mixed flavored candy! Nutty, grainy, sweet, uh little grassy, more sweet!

What a nice development. Like any heartbroken girl I will binge eat to my heart's content!

And so my first experience reborn is a sweet one.