New Additions

Today I am a lovely 2 inch tall plant! My leaves are no longer clustered except for the top two but they are all reaching splendidly for the sky. Since the more leaves I have equals more sunlight captured for fuel I have 6 leaves in various places, I look like a lovely little herb today.

Who else grows so quickly in 2 days?

I must be a plant genius!

A voice that sounds very much like the human me is saying "Just two inches? How stupid can you get". Now now now there is no room for that kind of negativity here, my survival and sanity is at stake here.

I may not seem very big but don't be fooled I am very sturdy, very very unnaturally sturdy. No wild rodent teeth will be able to able to bite me now!

Not that the wormies would let them come so near my stem body.

Since the incident with the mice they're all happily working underneath and around me. I told them they didn't need to stick around so closely to me but there always seem to be some nearby. They're very organized though, I wouldn't be surprised if there's already a shift rotation system in place.

The physical differences where they'e all starting to look like gummy worms is a tad concerning but the wormies seem to be handling it in good spirits. I'm worried that would make easier prey though....

My root system however is vast and thick where it matters, I make a very adorable iceberg where all my true size is out of view. The more I grow my roots the more space I'm aware and in control of. Even if I'm not directly touching in I seem to be claiming a certain area of space.

Kind of like expanding your home in a game.

With all the expansion I've set up some hollow spaces underground for storage. While the wormies could just leave any food or mana candies near one of my roots it's rather inconvenient when there's so many of them, organized as they are. It's like being fed by multiple people at once, which is considerably easier to do as a tree than a human.

But I like to taste!

The flavors are getting all mixed up, it's not compatible at all.

Sweet with tangy then herby with salty with fruity, and now meaty in mix. Think of it as a supermarket snack isle. You grab a few things at random, candy, chips, and sorts. Then you grab some drinks blindly and throw something in from the deli section. You mix it all in a giant margarita cup, place a straw and tell your friend to enjoy it.

That poor friend.

I'm sorry but I really rather not eat it like this. Maybe another tree can but please not me. From now on wormies please categorize or store in the corresponding space. If you don't know please leave in one of the many large storage spaces and tunnels I've set up just for that.

I can sort them myself easily with my complex root system, besides I think it's helping me practice how to move as a plant.

By the way wormies, these particular storeroom here are for you guys! I made them a special wavy shape for easy identification. I feel bad with you working so much so please eat all you want from here!

Yeah so maybe I put in the foods I don't find as tasty in there but my sincerity towards my faithful employees is real! Think of it as a company cafeteria and various break rooms.

Worm Queen doesn't suit me, yes I am now Gummy C.E.O. We are living in modern times here!

Or at least I am, well I was?

Forget what place I landed in, what time period is this? Should I be expecting an ice age? This isn't earth that much I know wait- are there even people?

Okay deep breathes no use worrying about this now. Deep breaths of air and sunshine and some of that lovely morning dew tea. Water collected from the morning mist is just tastier, very refreshing.

Since childhood I had the habit of saving the things I like to eat for last or storing them away as like a squirrel. That habit is basically the same here even as a plant. Thus all the storage space built, I'm sure there will be more of them and even deep underground over time.

I can't afford to be skimpy on my growth and exercise at this time. So I've been using near max of all my renewable energies, it's a lot like working out. Let's get fit!

The digging and creation of storage spaces in resulted in quite a few decent sized tunnels. With a little more concentration, pack that surrounding earth, reinforce those those walls aaaaaaaaand there we go, official hallways for all the wormies

Sure they don't need them, they can dig but there's so many of them going to and fro. They already made all these well used paths around me. Might as well make things more structurally organized and convenient for everyone. Besides, it's fun and useful exercise.

Two birds, one stone.

Yes add architectural design to my list of skills. My resume is only getting more impressive as we speak.

Speaking of resumes it looks like I'm getting a new employee candidate here at Gummy Inc.

Just kidding!

Wormy brought a friend over! Aww I feel like a parent looking fondly over their child bringing their little friends home. Should I prepare some snacks? We have plenty afterall.

Wormy's friend is a very pretty little beetle. It's much smaller than my Wormy but that's not a fair comparison. It is wider though with a semi-shiny dark blue green shell.

Nice to meet you, please take care of our Wormy!

In response it twitches it's long antennas shyly but Wormy seems happy. Just like the wormies it seems like this little fella communicates with mostly body language and whatever feelings I get from it. Though it seems to make more a buzzing from it's wings than the wormies do their vibrating and squiggling.

After some silence Wormy continues introducing their beetle friend, that's very socially polite Wormy. I approve.

Looks like they've known each other for quite awhile, living and eating in the same area. Sometimes they dig through new dirt patches together or share a leaf.

Gasp! Is this the legendary childhood friends trope?

Oh that's just adorable!