chapter 8

Day of the Rating Game. Occult Research Club.

Alex was standing in the cabinet`s room, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and arms crossed. It would appear that he was taking a nap, but that wasn`t the case. He was as awake as everyone present in here, ready for the upcoming battle. If Alex were to measure their chances, he would say that they held a good advantage in quality and strength against Riser`s numbers. His immortality could be a problem, but Alex was prepped up for it, with Frostmourne at his left side, resting in the sheath, hiding his true power from everyone in the room. Out of those that were in the room, Alex had good confidence in Akeno, Koneko, whose ears and tail was out in the open now, Raynare and even Issei, who did improve a bit over 10 days. Still, that didn`t mean that fight was already secured. No, there were very many variables and even one could lead to their defeat.

Still, that didn`t mean that he himself wasn`t ready for a fight. Oh, he trained like hell for this chance and there was no way he was blowing it. He perfected his existed techniques and developed more, sharpened his combat skills and swordplay with Frostmourne, not to mention his powers with Forsaken Regalia. Now, he was confident that if he were to battle with Riser`s servants, he would give them a death. If previously, he was able to defeat 5 of his Pieces with mild trouble, now he could give a fight to all 15 and have a pretty good chance in beating them, but he wasn`t going to test his luck. No, he was going to fight alongside Rias and her servants, because they could really help him out there, while he would get a good chance to fight Riser himself. This son of a bitch owes Alex 8 years of hell and torture, along with some answers. And Alex was going to get those answers no matter what.

Alex was standing in the cabinet, not listening to the small talk in here. That was, at least, until Issei suddenly asked Alex.

"Hey Alex." At that, Alex opened up his eyes. "What are your plans after this game?"

"Hm?" Alex cocked his brow up. "What kind of a question is that? Be little more specific, Pervy Pants."

"I mean, what are your plans in general." Issei asked carefree. "I mean, you must have a dream or goal to achieve. Like I do!" Issei was almost beaming from the thoughts of his own harem.

"My goal shouldn`t be that hard to figure out, even for you." Alex scoffed a little. "My ultimate goal is to get my freedom back."

Now, that drew everyone`s attention, along with Rias. Issei was confused a bit.

"Wait, when did you become a prisoner of sorts?" He asked obliviously.

"From the day our 'illustrious' leader has revived me as her servant after allowing her fiancée to kill me." Alex reminded Issei and everyone. "Once this child`s play is done, you can bet that I`ll find a way to release myself from that leash."

"Alex, maybe you should be a little more considerate about President`s circumstances." Kiba suggested to Alex. "I can understand your frustration, but it did work out in your favor after all."

"Kiba, don`t mistake my righteous anger over the fact that I was basically manipulated from the beginning with a mild frustration." Alex advised. "We may be friends, but that doesn't change the fact that your King here is just as responsible for my current state as her fiancée that we are here to fight. The single reason why I even agreed to fight in this Game is because Riser owes me more than Rias and there is also the fact that he is pretty much responsible for destroying my whole life."

"Wait, what did that Yakitori do to you?" Issei wanted to know, but a single glare from Alex made him change his mind.

"Regardless we win this or not; you will remain as a Servant of my House and my Pawn." Rias reminded to Alex. "Whether you like it or not, Alex, but a single unofficial Rating Game won`t change your status and you`ll have to stick with us. Besides, it can`t be all that bad. We are now your new family." Rias gave him her signature smile.

"Gremory, call me a member of your family again, and I`ll personally pour Holy Water into your throat." Alex threatened Rias, making her glare at him. "Don`t think that I`ll ever forget your part in all of that. Believe me, once I`m done with Riser, you are going to pay for it as well."

Rias stifled slightly, but remained glaring at Alex. Everyone in the clubhouse could feel the tension in the air and the sources of this tension. It was no secret now what Rias has done to Alex and what was her part in his death. Needless to say, everyone had their own opinions on the matter and regarding Alex`s goal to leave Rias` peerage ASAP after the Game.

Akeno was shocked when she found out about Rias` deceptions and manipulations, considering that half-Fallen Angel had very strong feelings for Alex. She may`ve been Rias` best friend for years and her Queen, but there were some things that Akeno couldn`t simply dismiss, and that was one of those. Honestly, deep down in her heart she really wished that Alex would get his freedom and finally begin living as he wanted and planned, along with accepting her as his mistress. And, she really hoped, that he could actually help her reconnect with her father. Especially after she has learned from Alex about him and how he was looking for her, making his absolute best to find her and bring back.

Raynare was completely on Alex`s side and supported his goal to have his own life, not being under control of Devils or anyone. He has told her of his connections to Grigori and even Azazel himself. He did express his thoughts on visiting the Grigori once he gets through with freeing his soul. And Raynare did say that she wouldn`t leave his side in any case, not because she was his servant, but because she really cared for him. Plus, she did want to get him in bed with her.

Koneko understood Alex and was on with his goal. He did so much to her that she simply couldn`t help but support him on his path to liberation. She finally accepted her real self and reunited with Kuroka, basically making her once broken life complete again. And because of that Koneko, no, Shirone has finally and completely fallen for Alex, now fixated on becoming his mate and baring his children. Kuroka, of course, once she realized that Shirone was now on her chosen mate, resented the idea all together, but, after a bit of a catfight, they came to a certain agreement, that Shirone found agreeable. Now, all she needed to do is to wait and find a way to grow up. Fortunately, Kuroka said that she knew a way to safely and quickly make Shirone`s body develop in accordance with her age. Good thing that Kuroka agreed to perform this procedure once the Game is over. And after that…

Kiba was the most loyal servant of Rias and, despite his seeming good relation with Alex, still was on Rias` side and would stay at her side no matter what. He could understand Alex`s circumstances, but he also knew that President wouldn`t simply revive him as a mere tool, or be a someone that would conspire with killers. She showed Alex kindness and generosity of Gremory family, but all he did was simply disgracing her and abusing her kindness. And if Alex were to continue with his attitude towards Rias, then he would be sure to correct him. If anything, he should be grateful to her and show respect as his King. Issei was of the same opinion as Kiba. Asia simply stayed out of this one, not knowing much about the circumstances of Alex`s revival.

Soon, the group saw the familiar white magic circle and Grayfia appeared out of there. Alex already knew what that meant.

The time has finally come to set things right.

Grigori`s HQ in Underworld.

Right now, Azazel, current Governor General of the Fallen Angels and a top researcher, developer and expert of Sacred Gears, was simply sitting in his office and drinking his special drink. It wasn`t one that he kept for good days. No, he kept this one on the occasions when he was feeling rather moody, bad or sad. And today was the day when he had all three cases, during which no one of his subordinates would even dare to disturb him. The only few that would come to him in such mood were Vali, Baraqiel, Shemhazai and two other persons that Azazel held in the highest regard and cared the deepest.

There was also someone else that was the most important in Azazel`s entire life. One woman that meant to him more than the entire world and all of its pleasures. Azazel in his lifetime had thousands of women, but only one out of them all made him forget completely of other girls, breasts and booties. Hell, even Gabriel was nothing like her and he officially gave up the goal of seducing her. The time with her was easily the happiest Azazel ever had. And the day when he found her engulfed in flames, body scorched and burning… Never, never had Fallen Angels seen their leader in such deepest sadness and fury over death of one woman. Why was she so important to Azazel?

Because she was one and only official wife of Azazel and a mother of his two children. And right now, Azazel was looking at a photo of their happy family having a great vacation at sea, his wife and kids playing in the water and having so much fun.

"Lucia…" Azazel murmured his dead wife`s name, taking a sip of whiskey. "Almost 15 years now..."

Suddenly, the door in Azazel`s cabinet opened up and said Fallen Angel glared immediately at the person that had the balls, the guts and a death wish to come in so rudely, especially when Azazel specifically told not to disturb him. He was already prepared to throw a killing Light Spear at the intruder, but, once he saw who it was, he decided not to. And he would never, even in his worst, attack the person that came in just now.

After all, it was his daughter.

"Lucina." Azazel looked at the said person, putting away his glass. "What`s up, sweetie?"

Said 'Sweetie', was a young, 17 year old girl with long silver hair, tied up in a single pony tail and silver eyes. Her body was seductive and very appealing to the eye, as expected of Fallen Angel and Azazel`s daughter. Dressed in black and silver attires, Lucina may`ve been a relatively young Fallen Angel, but in terms of power and combat prowess, she was one of the strongest fighters in entire organization and outside of it, having been trained by her father, Shemhazai and Baraqiel since she was merely 5 years old. Despite being raised among Grigori, Azazel mad sure that his girl had at least a relatively normal childhood, despite everything that happened. And Lucina did manage to grow up as kind-hearted, responsible and fiercely loyal to friends and family girl. She was something that Azazel cared for more than his own life and everyone knew what would happen if Lucina were to get hurt. Of course, nowadays Lucina didn`t require her father to kick ass, as she was a ten-winged Fallen Angel and officially 'The Strongest Girl in Grigori'. Needless to say, Azazel was immensely proud his little girl and loved her more than anyone.

Lucina looked at her dad and immediately responded in serious tone.

"Dad, there is something you should see right now." Lucina said in voice that left no compromises.

Azazel knew that look, same as her mother`s. And Fallen Angel knew better than to argue with Lucina, as she was not just persistent, but stubborn and determined in getting what she wanted, either in normal life or in battle. Heck, in her determination persistence, she was practically legendary, not giving up until she gets what she wants in the end. That`s exactly how she managed to make Vali fall for her and become her official boyfriend. That, and the fact that literally had to beat him senseless and then practically rape him afterwards. The result: Azazel was crying manly tears, Vali and Lucina were an official couple for three months now.

Azazel simply sighed and rose up, following his daughter out of his office and moving towards the recreational room, where higher ups were resting up, watching TV and other stuff. It was also the place where Azazel found Vali and Baraqiel watching the 70 inch plasma-wide screen TV, connected to 750 channels, including Netflix, of course, but with no 3D function, because it was a stupid gimmick. Azazel looked at the trio and decided to simply ask.

"Okay, what`s this all about?" Azazel wanted to know why he was brought here.

"Vali has just stumbled upon a live broadcast of an unofficial Rating Game." Baraqiel said, pointing at the silver haired youth. "I think you might want to see it."

Azazel cocked a brow up, surprised that his oldest friend has suggested him to do so. Sighing, Governor General looked at the screen. And in the next second his eyes almost popped up out of his head. On the TV, transmitted for a closed audience, was shown Rias Gremory`s peerage, all prepped up for a fight. But the eyes of the entire room were fixated on a single person in this whole group. A raven haired youth, wearing fully black coat and black pants, complete with military boots. On his left side rested demonic sword, handle of which was shaped in form of diablo`s head, length in 133 in cm. Even covered in clothing, it was clear that this man was very well built. Out of the entire group, it was clear that this guy was someone not to be messed with. Azazel finally spoke.

"Alex?!" He shouted almost. "Just what the heck is going there?!"

"Seems like Gremory girl is engaging Riser Phenex in a Rating Game." Vali simply explained, looking curiously at Alex. "And Alex, as a part of her peerage, engages Riser`s harem as well. Hm…" Vali trailed off a little, observing carefully Alex. "I must admit, he has most certainly buckled up from the last time I saw him, and not just physically. I wouldn`t mind testing out just how strong has he become." Vali said with a grin, but then got a slapped at the back of his head by Lucina.

"Is there anything else, aside fighting, coursing through that head of yours?" Lucina asked with a glare.

"Aside from you and only you, nope." Vali answered, getting Lucina`s 'You are off the hook' look, but then turned to the screen. "But still, Alex really has changed a lot. Just one look at him and I can tell that it`s better not to mess with him."

"Yeah, he really is intimidating." Lucina agreed, crossing her arms. "Also, is that Frostmourne in the sheath? Why would he bring a copy of game`s sword into it."

"That`s not a cheap copy, Lucina." It was now Shemhazai, who entered the room unnoticed. "The sword that Alexander has is a real one. Frostmourne is one of the 6 Cursed Demonic Weapons, created to destroy their main counterparts, Holy Swords. Out of the 6, this sword is famous for his immense and overwhelming power, capable of destroying any sword of Excalibur level if wielded by a capable fighter. And that`s not to mention his power of ice magic, giving Frostmourne the power to freeze anything and anyone."

"Sounds like this thing is really famous, but why haven`t I heard about it?" Lucina questioned.

"Because it was considered to be long lost and forgotten." Baraqiel explained. "It`s last wielder was Glacer Sitri, a grandfather of the current Leviathan. I`ve fought him during the Babylon Tower`s Fall and have witnessed that man`s death during the Fall, but before that, he singlehandedly killed about 300 Angels during that battle. After that Frostmourne didn`t appear in Great War or afterwards. That is, until now."

While everyone was discussing Alex`s new weapon, Azazel was far more fixated on Alex himself and just how much has he changed. He definitely has changed a lot over the past month, he seemed much more powerful. Seems like he wasn`t sitting on his ass doing nothing, but was training like a madman to get stronger and stronger. Kid always had a drive in him, but now… it seemed like Alex has turned his drive to get stronger into a lifeway. And that look… Azazel knew well those eyes.

Those were the eyes of someone who was about get loose of all control and simply kill somebody.

"Shem." Azazel suddenly called out his adviser, drawing everyone`s attentions. "Give me their power levels. Both of the teams."

"On it." Shem`s eyes flared up for a second and then stopped. "Most of the Riser`s Pawns are less than 1000. His knights are 2000, one in the armor, and 1500, with a big sword. Rooks are equally 2700. Bishop in kimono has 1650, but the second one is around 12000 and is a Phenex herself. As for the Queen, she is at 11000. And Riser… 29000."

"Doesn`t sound too intimidating to me." Vali chinned in. "What`s with Gremory`s team?"

"They may lack quantity, but they make it up with quality." Shemhazai stated. "Pawn with Boosted Gear has about 900, with capacity to grow stronger and stronger. Asia Argento is 700, but her Twilight Healing makes her far more valuable as a healer then a combatant. Knight is at 3700. Rook and Raynare have 6000 and 6150. As for Akeno… 20000." Shem was actually impressed, along with Baraqiel. "Rias Gremory has 18000, so she is weaker than her Queen and that might play a bad joke with her."

"And what of Alex?" Lucina asked right away.

"Hm… Interesting." Shemhazai suddenly stated. "Alexander`s power level is at mere 2000, but I can sense that he has far more than that in him, far and far more."

"He must be suppressing it." Vali noted. "A good move, easily fool all those that rely too much on energy sensing."

"My thoughts exactly." Shem agreed. "If I were a betting men, I would say that Alex`s real power hinges in between 25000 and 40000, or probably even higher."

Azazel noted that all and simply sat and decided to watch this. He was now very interested to see just how well this little crimson princess will do against that douchbag of a Phenex. Or rather, how would Alex do in this match.

And Fallen Angel was about to be treated to a good scene of the first skirmish between Riser`s servants and Alex.

Battle Dimension. Gymnasium.

Alex`s frame moved to the left, dodging an incoming flaming kick from Riser`s Rook, then he ducked back, escaping a staff of a Pawn girl, and then he was forced to jump back to avoid already familiar to him twin Pawns with their lovely chainsaws. All of that was executed in a nick of time and he escaped the any damage that could`ve been given to him, so he simply stood as if he was on a minor walk or vacation, but in reality his whole body was combat ready and waiting for a real battle to start. These girls were sent by Riser in hopes of taking out some of Rias` more important pieces, but all they found was a single Pawn waiting for them here, one that had sent 2 of them and 3 other girls into hospital beds until Phenex Tears were used to speed up their healing. And the one that their lord wishes to be destroyed completely. And Alex had a feeling that those ladies didn`t learn the lesson the last time.

The initial plan called for Koneko, Issei and Alex to go to the gym and take it under the control, with Kiba and Raynare standing in the rear and protecting the school from the woods, and have Asia and Akeno with Rias. However, Alex objected and gave them his own plan, much to Rias` dismay. He went into the gym alone, knowing that if he were to encounter any enemy, he would have a very good chance of beating her. As for the rear, Koneko and Kiba were guarding the school from woods, as they had a much better worked out teamwork and knew each other as close friends. Akeno and Raynare were staying up in the skies, prepared to support either side that was losing ground or launch an attack of their own. Issei was with Rias and Asia, powering up to his maximum and serving as a reserve force. Alex`s plan was based on playing on the defense first, drawing in the enemy`s first sorties and destroying them in blitzkrieg fashion. That would give them an upper hand and force Riser to deploy all of his forces in the open. Along with that, once the woods and gym were secured, Akeno would set them ablaze, destroying all cover for the enemy and securing all the routes at which their base, while also launching an offence to the Riser, bringing a battle to him, with Rias and the other two pieces going in close to give Issei a promotion to Queen and evening up the chances. In the meantime, Alex, Akeno, Koneko, Kiba and Raynare would deal with the remaining pieces and then there would only Riser left standing. Only for Alex to deal a final blow in this battle, as he made it clear as day that out of all people here he has the means to deal with the prick. He hopped that everyone would be on their guard and do their best. As for him, he had to first deal with these gals here.

Alex smirked at them and spoke up.

"You must be in a hurry to die." Alex could see their anger growing. "I`ve already took down those 2 lolis and 3 other of your friends all by myself. Do you honestly think that you can win here?"

"We shall not back down no matter what." Chinese girl, Rook, said. "Lord Riser has specifically ordered all of us to kill you on sight as the primary target, and we shall carry out this task in the name of our King!" And with that, they`ve all launched another assault on Alex.

"Yare Yare Daze…" And with that, Alex launched himself into the action.

In the blink of an eye, he was near of the Rook lady, who got startled at the look of absolute devoid of mercy in Alex`s eyes. She was not a warrior, but a martial artist-wannabe. In one swift punch in her abdomen, Alex knocked the air out her and she fell on to the ground, clutching her stomach and coughing out blood and feeling how her lungs were getting filled with blood and organs damaged. She was feeling that this punch wasn`t strong physically, but it was the immediate aftereffect that was giving her so much suffering. She was right on that one, because it was Black`s secret technique that he developed from Phantom Hand. That was his Shadow Fist, technique, utilizing concentrating energy in fist and, at the contact, sending Power of Annihilation in burst inside of enemy body, damaging his organs and lungs most importantly.

Next up were the twins with their chainsaws ready and waiting to be put in action. Alex`s left palm moved to the right, straightened up and his signature White Slicer formed up from it. The killing gleam was in the eyes of those idiots and their saws went down at him as they jumped upwards. Alex waited just for the right moment and once the chainsaws were about to cut him, his left palm went up and left, cutting the machines without any problems and destroying them. Twins were shocked at that, as they didn`t remember him being this good the last time, as he did get hit twice by them. Their shock was short lived, because they both were caught by their throats by Alex as they were closing on him in the fall. And in that moment, both of them realized that they should`ve retired from the start. Alex simply smiled sinisterly and looked at the scared girls, seeing absolute fear in their eyes.

"Muda Muda Muda Muda…" Was all that Alex said before bashing their heads together at full speed and strength of the impact, causing severe head trauma and probably brain damage.

Once he saw them going numb, he simply sent them back to the Chinese Rook flying. The last one remaining with small Pawn with a staff, who was now shaking in fear and stepping backwards, not wanting to fight Alex after seeing her comrades being so brutally beaten. She saw a clear killing intent in Alex`s eyes and she really didn`t wanted to get killed by him. She finally gave up her last remaining pieces of courage and turned her back to Alex and get the hell out of the gym, but, at that very moment, she suddenly felt her entire flashing in front of her eyes. And in the next moment, she noticed that she couldn`t feel her entire body and fell down on to the ground. Behind her, Alex put down his right hand, which had his finger pointed at the girl just now. That was his long-range attack just now, Zero Beam, compressed energy is fired from the finger at astonishing speed and hitting the target`s specific points. In this case, that was her spine, which Zero Beam had penetrated and caused a complete shutdown of her nervous system. Physiology is such a great thing to know.

With gym now being secured, Alex now proceeded to move out of the building, until his suddenly wasn`t engulfed in the flames of an erupted explosion, taking out the entire gym.

Student Council Room. During the fight.

Sona and Tsubaki were witnessing the whole Rating Game at the screens f their monitors, discussing the tactics and strategies of the battle, and paying extra attention to Alex.

"I must say, having Hyoudou stay behind was a good decision as he is useless without power ups. Only after he gets enough power he can become a really valuable piece." Tsubaki commented. "And having Koneko and Kiba guard the woods is also a very good idea, as those two are perfect in working together and can take down any enemy in synchronized moves. As for Akeno and Raynare as their support and immediate reserve is also a tactically good choice, as it also saves them from an early start and grants Rias the opportunity to deploy them at the right moment. All and all, it seems Alex has placed all of the pieces were they should be."

"Indeed." Sona agreed, now watching a battle between Alex and Riser`s pieces in gym. "Hm, he hasn`t activated his Sacred Gear yet. Either he is getting overconfident, or he saves it for the later." Sona just saw Alex use his Shadow Fist on Rook. "Huh, was it just a mere punch that made her drop on knees so fast?"

"Doubtful, I guess it`s one of Alex`s newest moves." Tsubaki guessed, observing how White Slicer cut through chainsaws and Alex grabbed the twins, smashing their head in a conclusion. "His Slicer is nothing short of impressive. Also, those 'Muda Muda Muda Muda…', he must be really getting a kick out of trolling his enemies."

"Perhaps, or he just uses psychology against his enemies." Sona remarked, seeing Alex`s Zero Beam cripple last remaining piece. "A compressed energy shot from a fingertip… I`m impressed that he took my advice about adding a long-range attack to his arsenal. Also, he must`ve been aiming at that girl`s spine from the beginning. It`s a bit cruel, but effective."

"Riser and his Peerage have defiantly deserved it, if you ask me." And then, both of them saw Alex going ablaze in the middle of an explosion that completely destroyed the gym.

"ALEX!" Both girls shouted out.

Battle Dimension.

Yubelluna was checking out her work. A surprise and absolutely destructive attack that had absolutely destroyed the gymnasium and that pesky little Pawn with it. There may`ve been her allies, but those little girls were nothing more, but a distraction to keep Alexander occupied long enough for Yubelluna get ready and kill him. She didn`t care much for those pests that her lord sent in there, as they were simple servants for Riser and he could always find others to take up their place. But Yubelluna was his Queen, his most prized piece and strongest soldier, his right hand. And she would do anything for her lord, including killing without even asking. Not that she needed to be asked, anyway. As she took another glance on burning building, she smiled and decided to turn her attention towards the woods, where another 3 useless Pawns were defeated in just under a minute. Seriously, were those whores not capable of killing a bunch of…

"Was that your best shot?" Yubelluna`s eyes widened as she heard that accursed voice. "If it really was, then I`m fairly disappointed." Riser`s Queen looked down at the burning ruins, only to see something that made her eyes widen in shock.

The flames that were engulfing the entire place were now moving towards the center of the ruins, as if summoned by something or someone. In the matter of seconds, all of the flames and fires that were ruling this place were nowhere to be found. However, in the middle of the ruins, stood Alex Black, his body not even grazed by flames or by debris from ruin, his black coat replaced with white and blue one, with gauntlets, metal boots and armor. His Forsaken Regalia was active and it`s holder was along with it.

"H-how… I-Impossible, that attack was 5 times more powerful than the one used to kill you in the first place! No useless filth like you could survive that!" Yubelluna freaked out.

"If you honestly believed that I would fall for that same trick twice, then you must be either simply dumb, or be a degenerate whore." Alex scoffed. "Pick your poison."

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Angry Queen shouted, sending out several explosive waves at Alex.

Black merely put on his combat face and prepared himself for the impact. The waves landed all around him, creating massive explosions and shockwaves. It would`ve done some damage to him, if he didn`t wanted that dumbass to just that. Truth to be told, her explosives generated so much energy, that it was simply too much to look over. And Alex, despite having quite enough of magical power as it is, decided not to get overly confident and use his enemy`s generosity for his own benefit.

"Absorb!" And in the next second, all of the energy that was generated by those explosions was sucked inside of Alex`s body, granting him an even greater boost and extra energy to spare against his enemy.

Yubelluna looked in complete shock as Alex stood there completely fine and without even a scratch. However, she could feel that there was something completely different about him. And then she understood what was different. It was his power.

It was now much higher than expected. All because of her own arrogance.

Alex looked up in the sky to see Yubelluna shaking with fear and fury. Good, just what he wanted that bitch to feel. He hasn`t forgotten that it was her explosion that killed him. And he knew how to hold a grudge and how to make people pay for messing with him. And she messed up with him big time. It was time to get some payback. In one swift jump, Alex`s devil wings came out and he flew right at Yubelluna at the maximum speed. Riser`s Queen quickly came back from the shock and started shooting her explosive waves at him, missing badly as Alex was dodging all of them, while still closing in on her. He needed to get as close as he could, because revenge isn`t something that can be served from a distance.

It must be an intimate act.

In a next second, Alexander finally reached Yubelluna, who was now trying her best to escape, and grabbed her by a wrist and turned to him, placing her face right next to his. Both of his hands now moved to her head, holding her without too much effort, as Yubelluna was paralyzed by fear. The look in Alex`s eyes was enough to make anyone crawl in fear, her included. And then… he smiled.

"Have a taste of your medicine." Alex simply said, Regalia`s orbs flared up.

"Release!" And in the next second, all of the stored energy that was inside of Alexander sent directly through his hands inside of Yubelluna, going all the way from her head to her toes.

All of that released energy: kinetic, fire, heat, magic… All went out inside of her in a bursting motion, like one flash, tarnishing all of her body with so much strain and pain. Her brain went dead in the first second, followed by her heart and rest of the organism, destroying all of it completely. Her death came in just one second, but that second was the most painful and agonizing in her life, unbearable and unimaginable. And once blood started to stream out of the eyes and nose, Alex simply let loose of the dead meat, making it fall onto the ground.

"Pathetic, I guess she was good in other area of job." Alex turned towards the school. "Now, should I go after the big guy now, or help others to deal with the rest of his brothel?"

"Alex!" Black turned around to see Akeno and Raynare flying towards him with worried expressions.

"Akeno, Ryanare." Alex nodded to both of them, noticing after wards that something had been caught in his little finger. "Hm, what`s that?" Alex took into his hand a vile with red substance.

"That`s Phoenix Tears, a potion that is capable of restoring health and energy in second`s notice." Akeno explained, looking at the dead body of Yubelluna. "We should`ve known that they would bring those here. Better keep for yourself, Alex. You might end up needing it more than anyone of us."

Alex nodded in confirmation and put this thing in safe keeping, turning back to the battlefield. He noticed Kiba and Koneko moving forward to the field. Alex scanned the surrounding area on possible power levels. And there were a lot of them; all of the remaining pieces were definatly deployed there. And one particular was a real powerhouse out of them all there. Her aura was practically the same as Riser`s, but weaker and not as developed. Black suspected that they might have to deal with another Phenex on their hands. Alex turned his head to Akeno and Raynare.

"Akeno, scorch this entire tree line with your lightning." Alex commanded. "Hold nothing back. Their entire brothel is in there. Raynare, support the duo down there."

"On it!" Both girls said at the same time and Raynare shot down to the ground, warning the pair about what Akeno was about to do.

And in the next second, Akeno, grinning like an ultimate sadist she is, sent down to earth her new holy Lightning, scorching and sending to blazes the entire forest. A real sadist smile was on Akeno`s face and her giggling could be heard as she was getting as hot as hell fro, using such powerful form of lightning. After coming in terms with her heritage and finally letting go of her hatred and anger towards her father Baraqiel, Akeno managed of the next day give Alex a run for his money with her newly found power to produce Holy Lightning, just like own father. Black explained that it happened because Akeno has finally admitted who she really was and didn`t detest it, but simply was herself now, which allowed her to tap to her Fallen Angel`s powers, granting her the ability to use this form of lightning. Alex had to really struggle to stand his ground in a battle with this form of lightning, as he Akeno had only recently discovered this power, but her innate abilities and natural talent with usage of said element was simply amazing. If she were to continue progressing like that, then Baraqiel might just have retire. Besides that, Black had to admit to himself that while Akeno was sometimes… terrifying him with her sadistic tendencies, seeing her having fun and being herself felt good. Plus her 4 black wings were simply gorgeous.

'Baraqiel, old man, you can be damn proud of your daughter.'

Grigori`s HQ in Underworld. In the mean time.

"That youngster has Forsaken Regalia on him?!" Albion suddenly clicked in, seeing how Alex stood in the middle of burning ruins, sucking in the flames. "I haven`t seen it in ages. To think, that my own brother would eventually end up serving to those Gremories. However, I will admit that he has a very good control over his powers. Galeran must`ve been pushing the kid through and through his limits nonstop."

"Albion, are you sure it`s Forsaken Regalia there?" Lucina asked curiously.

"Of course. That`s my brother`s Absorption used down there." Albion confirmed. "Unlike my Divine Dividing, Forsaken Regalia absorb any energy that I come into contact with, doesn`t matter what energy it is, he`ll absorb it and give it to his user. And right now, Alexander is using Forsaken Regalia after obtaining the Second Liberation, which grants him the power to absorb all energy that surrounds him, regardless of a physical contact. That`s how he managed to survive and absorb all of flames here."

"Sounds like Alex might just be a pretty good opponent to battle." Vali grinned. "Wouldn`t you agree, Albion."

"Don`t even think about it, Vali." Albion suddenly warned his host. "We Dragons may be competitive as a race, but we cherish our families more than anything. For us, safety and happiness of our mates and hatchlings is the top priority and bonds between brothers and sisters are just as strong. Galeran and I were born in just 2 days difference and I`m the older one of us, and I do cherish my bond with Galeran as my closest sibling alive. Besides that, if I, a White Dragon Emperor, were to attack not just my own brother, but also one of four Dragon Emperors, a Northern Dragon Emperor none the less, I could kiss my reputation goodbye and mark any dragon I meet as an enemy."

"Care to elaborate?" Vali suddenly was interested.

"Ddraig and I may be Heavenly Dragons and strongest Dragons that have existed in this world, but that didn't mean that we were the ruling class among our kin." Albion began. "As you all know, we are very fierce and competitive, acknowledging only strongest as our leaders. That`s how Dragon Kings were selected, through battling. However, even our race requires order to exist and if each Dragon King were to be granted full freedom of actions, our race would`ve died long ago. In order to keep that from happening, 4 most powerful and wisest Dragons, more powerful than any Dragon Kings, are placed to govern a specific region with our nesting grounds, basically placing them as main protectors of our birthplaces, as our nesting grounds are absolutely prohibited from being used as battlegrounds. Along with that, each of those Dragons acts as a main ruler of the clans that are in the region and maintains peace between entrusted clans and other clans that are ruled by other 3 Dragons. These Dragons are known as Dragon Emperors, our rulers and protectors of our future. All Dragon Emperors maintain peace between themselves by a policy of collective protection, meaning that if someone were to attack or even kill a Dragon Emperor, that would mean that this attacker is Dragon`s sworn enemy and it`s our duty to kill him, regardless whether he is another Dragon or one of the other races. Galeran was a Northern Dragon Emperor, governing the region that was our birthplace once, along with maintaining order among Dragons and keeping a very close eye on other races, making sure that those pests don`t try to do something that would affect the clans. Needless to say, each of the Dragon Emperors is just behind me and Ddraig in terms of power and Galeran is someone I consider to be my equal in terms of power and strength."

"I never would`ve imagined that Dragons would have such an interesting political structure." Shemhazai noted, turning to the screen where has been absorbing Yubelluna`s explosions without any trouble. "Mind if ask you, how did Galeran ended up inside Sacred Gear, if you don`t mind my question."

"That happened when your former jackass boss heard about Galeran and his knowledge about energy manipulation, along with vast knowledge of other races and stuff." Albion growled. "So, your God sent an envoy to Galeran to make him come on Heaven`s side. Galeran, being a Dragon Emperor and a maintainer of peace among clans and with other races, refused and believed that this would sparkle a war, which he didn`t wanted. After that, your boss sent one of his top Seraphs to force Galeran to sign up for Heaven, which ended in battle between Galeran and that Seraph. While powerful and mighty, that Angel managed to defeat my brother and bring his essence to God, who then trapped it in Forsaken Regalia. After that, I took over temporarily as ruler and was about to summon the other Dragons to destroy Heavens for good, but then Galeran`s son and the current Northern Dragon Emperor, Reiran, gave me my brother`s final order to not even attempt to attack the Heaven and the Seraph that took him. I and the others obliged, but I still held a grudge against that damned Angel and have sought to settle a score with him. When I`ve finally managed to find him, he revealed to me that Galeran had anticipated that I might do something like that and he revealed to me that it was Galeran`s own decision to go after the God assured him that no other Dragon would be later used as a material for creation of Sacred Gears. Needless to say, your jackass boss didn`t keep his word, and in the end, it came to bite him in the ass."

"Albion, just who was that Angel that managed to defeat your brother?" Vali asked. "I simply can`t imagine seeing someone you consider your equal being defeated by a mere Seraph."

"True, unless it was one of God`s Hands." Baraqiel reminded about the two strongest angels in history, watching how Alex released stored energy from the blasts into Devil`s body and seemingly destroyed it from the inside. "Only one of them had the power to challenge a Dragon Emperor."

"It was one of his Hands." Albion stated. "His Right Hand, Lucifer."

"I see." Val understood what he meant.

"Quite ironic, if you ask me." Lucina chinned in, looking at Alex talking with two Fallen Angels. "Hold on a minute. Isn`t that Akeno, Baraqiel? And she has two sets of wings? I thought she detested our kin."

"Alex must`ve changed her mind." Azazel finally spoke up. "He has this affect on people around him." And then Azazel saw Akeno firing her own Holy Lightning. "My God, the girl doesn`t mess around! She almost as good as you, Baraqiel, at it."

Said Fallen Angel was watching in awe how his own daughter was bringing down the thunder, destroying the entire forest and anyone who was inside of it. He couldn`t help but feel immensely proud of her and for the first time since Akeno`s birth, Baraqiel began to cry his manly tears out of the pride in his little girl. Everyone just saw one of the most prideful and fiercest warriors of Grigori cry.

Needless to say, that left a long lasting impact.

Battle Dimension.

The forest has been completely obliterated and anyone who wasn`t fast enough was scorched with Holy Lightning and sent out into the infirmary, or morgue. Alex checked down on the ground and saw that only four of Riser`s pieces managed to escape from the forest, but all were pretty weak, so he didn`t worry much as the ground team of Koneko, Kiba and Raynare could take care of them no problem. Akeno still felt the kick out of such destruction.

"Oh my, I`ve never felt myself so good." She stated with a sultry smile. "Do you mind if I destroy something else? How about them? They look like they could use some punishment." Akeno pointed at the remaining Riser`s pieces, who were now facing the ground team.

"Let the others finish them off. No need to waste your Holy Lightning on- MOVE AWAY!" Alex suddenly pushed Akeno out of the way, producing his most powerful shield and protecting him and Akeno from incoming fire blasts.

Once the assault was stopped, Alex looked at the person who sent those. Higher and a little to the left of him, was a young girl dressed in a fashionable classic pink dress, sporting twin blond pigtails and flaming wings out of her back. Alex could see that this was another Phenex that he sensed. And she certainly was pissed.

"Who the heck do you think you are?!" She yelled at them in high pitch voice, making Alex wish he had earplugs. "Who gave you a right to fire that damned lightning?! It almost killed me right there! And what gives you the right to be winning against my brother here?!"

"My oh my, what a spoiled little girl we have here." Akeno commented in her usual fashion. "Mind if I give her some punishments? I think she needs to be disciplined a little."

"No, she is mine." Alex firmly stated, Akeno seriously nodding and lowering down to the others. "I can sense that you are the strongest Riser`s piece, along with your Phoenix powers. Mind if I ask you something?"

"Oh? Are you going to ask for mercy now, filth?" Girl asked mockingly. "Also, you can`t address me like I`m from the same class as you are. I`m Lady Ravel Phenex, younger sister of my illustrious brother Riser and his Bishop."

"As I`ve thought, he really did bring his younger sister into this." Alex commented with a scuffle. "Tell me, are you fighting for your brother because he forced you to do so, or is it your own decision?"

"What kind of a stupid question is that? And what will it mean to you, stained filth?"

"Might surprise you here, but I have some serious issues with bringing families into fights." Alex informed Ravel. "And, while we are at it, just what gives you the right to call me filth anyway? I have a feeling it has something to do with your brother trying to kill me."

"Pfft, you don`t even know your own place in this world?!" Ravel laughed mockingly at Alexander, not noticing how his white aura began to be unleashed. "Fine, I`ll indulge you for this one. You are nothing more but a stinking runaway slave, that`s who you are! Didn`t you know that your mother was my brother`s first Queen and they were actually engaged?"

"What?!" Alex tried his best to sort that through his mind. "You don`t expect me to believe in this bullshit, do you?"

"Oh, then how about this. Your mother had long silver hair, same color eyes, was very well versed in many languages and had medallion made of platinum." Ravel informed Alex, shocking him. "Looks like it really was your mommy. I`ve seen her on some pictures and my mother had told me about her. She may`ve been my brother`s fiancée and Queen, but in reality, she was nothing more but a slave to do all our biddings, as she was sold to us by Sirzechs Lucifer himself."

'The current Lucifer was an owner of my mother?! Just what the hell does that all mean?!'

"Your mommy should`ve been grateful to be able to serve us and be a loving wife to my illustrious brother, but then she decided that she had enough and ran away into the human`s world." Ravel continued. "And by doing so, she deliberately became a Stray Devil, meaning that she basically put a bounty on herself till the end of her life and on all of her offsprings. That`s right, you are nothing more but a filthy brat of a Stray Devil, carrying inside of you the sin for betraying our glorious House and tarnishing my brother Riser`s name, as you are, as a child of Stray, now also carry her crimes along with the crime of being born, for which you should`ve paid with your life like your whore of a mother and that filthy little bratty sister of yours."

Alex simply couldn`t find any words to fit in, as his mind was going blank. But Ravel didn`t stop here.

"You probably don`t even know the real name of your slut of a mother, do you?" Ravel continued mocking him. "Her name was Lucia Lucifuge, a younger sister to Strongest Queen Grayfia Lucifuge, a Stray Devil that birthed two brats and a whore that screamed like pig when my glorious brother scorched her to nothing." And after that Ravel began to laugh like a maniac at the seemingly broken Alexander.

"My mother… Lucifuge… Grayfia… Stray… Slave… Scorched by your brother…" Alex was muttering in bewilderment, until he suddenly gripped his fists, aura beginning to rise to the extreme levels.

His whole life, his entire life was ruined all because of that. His mother… was a Devil, but she escaped just to be away from those slavers. They`ve turned her into a thing to amuse them and treated as such. She was sold by Lucifer as a thing, treated by Phenex family as thing, and then… once she had settled down and hoped to live a normal life, they`ve returned to kill not only her, but him and his little sister Lucina as well. Those sons of bitches… they`ve stole away from him 8 years of his life and his mother.

'Sirzechs Lucifer and Riser Phenex.' Alex mentally said. 'I`ll make you both pay for this WITH YOUR DAMNED LIVES!'

"You bastards… You`ve turned my mother into a slave for your own amusement!" Alex began to scream, aura flaring like never before, causing winds to gust around. "You`ve made her into nothing more but a slave: sold her, berated, mocked and more! And because of that, because of your brother, because of your whole damned house, because of that cursed Lucifer… I`LL OBLITERATE THEM ALL!"

At that very moment, the very skies and ground had shattered from the released energy, flaring out of Alexander. Ravel stopped laughing and now looked in shock and horror how said filth was emitting such powerful aura. She reached out with her sensing and… impossible…

'That can`t be right! His power… it`s…'

But Ravel couldn`t finish as she was blasted away by Alex`s waves of Annihilation, penetrating her and leaving her badly injured, even beyond her still developing regeneration. And in the next moment, she was sent away from the field. Alexander at that moment, let out a shout of pure and utter rage, aura reflecting his fury, as it was sending out the blasts and lightning, destroying everything around. Rias and her Peerage were now forced to take cover and be blasted away by Alexander. And then said Devil had felt it, something that he felt was always missing in him. Something that he didn`t even realize was missing until he got it back. His nature, his true self, his heritage… it was back with him. As Alex descended upon the roof, it was now obvious that this was no longer the same human that was resurrected by Rias Gremory. On the roof stood a creature of power and might, white aura emitting from him. His eyes were no longer the color of emerald, but cold and empty as silver that took place, as he once had. From dark as night, his hair was now the same color as they originally were of silver colors. Alex turned his gaze to the man on the opposite side of the roof. Riser saw how that seemingly worthless Stray brat has changed and now he saw the true form of this creature. And he couldn`t help but cover in fear as he sensed the energy of the First Devil emitting from him, the same one he had desired and wished to possess. It was the sole reason he wished to bed that filthy Lucifuge girl, even though she had no power of such, but he was certain that her children would have it.

The Power of Annihilation, that her father possessed. The Power of Lucifer.

And now, that youth had it.

Alexander Black was gone now…

But Alexander Lucifer was born once again.