Chapter 9

Battle Dimension.

Rage, fury, anger… all of those emotions that Alex was feeling just up to a moment ago were gone now. Not calmed, but they`ve culminated into a whole new one, one that has no name and is far greater than any of those three apart. And that emotion had released something that dwelled inside of Alexander from the very birth, but was lost to him very shortly. That was, until his first seal was broken and Power of Annihilation was unleashed by him on Rias, all because of the anger he felt for manipulating him. It was his catalyst to release this power, the power that Galeran had informed him, belonged to none other but Lucifer himself, the man that revolted against God and even slay him in the Great War. Alex didn`t give much of a though on how he could ever obtain such power, focused far more on his goals of defeating Riser and freeing himself.

But now, after Riser`s little sister had explained to him everything, all that he didn`t know about his mother and her relations with those Devils… The curtains had fallen, revealing Alex the truth about himself.

He was a Devil by birth, a child of Lucia Lucifuge, in whose veins ran a blood of none other, but Lucifer, The First Devil and Devil Emperor himself, as she was his daughter, a direct descendent. And through this blood, Alexander had inherited Lucifer`s power, the power that was finally fully unleashed and under his direct control. Alex had learned from Sona that Lucifer`s most loyal servants was Lucifuge family, made up from Extra Devils, who served him with dignity and honor, and it was said that Lucifer favored the Lucifuge family more than other of his underlings and even over his official wife Lilith, as, by the time he ruled over Underworld for a millennia, he taken the last remaining member of Lucifuge family, Alexandra Lucifuge, as his new wife and divorcing Lilith. In their marriage Alexandra birthed two daughters, Grayfia and Lucia, and one son, Euclid. And when Great War was coming to a close and an Anti-Satan Faction rose up to fight, Grayfia joined forces with Sirzechs Gremory, while Lucia Lucifer remained on side with her brothers Euclid and Rizevim and their parents, fighting even against her own older sister for their sakes. In the end, however, Lucifer and Alexandra were killed, but she bought enough time for her brothers to escape, sacrificing herself in the process, dying on a battlefield.

Or so official history would have you believe…

In reality, she was defeated, captured by the same man that married her older sister, sold out to the Phenex family, forced to be their slave and a fiancée to their younger son, forced to do their biddings and endure sufferings. And when she finally escaped to the human realm, to have a peaceful life away from Devils, they came after her… Leaving a motherless son behind to watch how his house was engulfed in flames, where his mother and little sister were staying, burning and suffocating to their deaths.

And now, this son, this motherless child, has returned, carrying in him the memory of his mother and legacy of his grandfather. The blood of Lucifer is calling to him and he heeds it, relinquishing all of human that was once in him, embracing his true nature of a Devil.

Truly, Alexander Black was now gone, replaced by Alexander Lucifer, son of Lucia Lucifer, grandson of Lucifer.

And now he was after vengeance.

Alex`s white aura seemingly died down and went all inside of him, but his new features remained. Instead of unstable gaze, there was a stern one, complete and cold. Rage wasn`t blinding him, but feeding him. Alex knew how to control his emotions and he did just now, channeling them in the right direction. Alex`s right hand fell onto the Frostmourne`s handle, driving the blade away from the sheath and out in the open. Silver-haired Devil now began to walk straight towards the man who was responsible for his mother`s death. Cold, emotionless expression was on his face, but it only covered the unimaginable cluster of emotions and power flowing inside of him.

Riser had regained his normal composure and looked directly at the boy, with a mocking and arrogant expression.

"So, a little Stray brat had finally learned a sad bad truth of his mother."Riser spoke. "Huh, I guess it must`ve been a shock for a filth like you, to find out that Riser had bedded your worthless mother."

Alex didn`t answer, irritating Riser by seeming lack of response, keeping walking towards the immortal.

"Would like to know something else? I`ve fucked your mother more times than any other of my girls." Riser revealed to Alex. "I`ve had her at least five times a day, bending her over and using her as my whore all the time. By the time she had escaped, she was nothing more but a pathetic receiver of my semen. In fact, she might`ve been pregnant with you when she escaped…" Riser laughed mockingly, looking directly at Alexander. "How does it feel to know that you might be of Riser`s blood yourself?!"

Alex didn`t even flinch, reaching the half point of the roof and continuing on walking towards Riser, grip on Frostmourne tightened. Riser couldn`t understand, why was that brat so calm about it, despite being in mindless rage just a few minutes ago. And that stare… It was making the immortal Riser shiver. Shouting out in irritation, Riser raised his hand and a powerful fireball formed up.

"Say something, you brat!" He sent the projectile at Alexander, flying at full speed.

The fire had almost reached Alexander, but in the last second, Frostmourne shot right up wards, cutting the fireball in half, two parts disintegrating in mere seconds. Dark blue glow appeared in Frostmourne`s eyes, resonating with Alex`s emotions. Lucifer stopped just 5 meters away from Riser and looked at him.

"Is that all you`ve got?" That was all that Alex said.

"What?!" Riser only got more aggravated and began to send a valley of fireballs at Alexander, all as powerful as the first one.

It seemed as if Alex would be engulfed in those flames and completely destroyed, even with Frostmourne at his side. However, he didn`t come all this was just to die at the hand of a worthless scum like him. No, he`ll live. Frostmourne was placed upwards, two-handled, power coursing through the blade. In one single swing, sword shot downwards, power bursts out of him and sends out in blue freezing wave, completely destroying all of the flames and even reaching Riser, force pushing him towards the tower and crushing him into it. Riser had struggled to get up, but he managed, finding that ice had formed up on his clothing and it was hurting him. He engulfed himself in the flames and cleared out those frozen parts. Afterwards he glared at the youth with a sword. Suddenly, Riser had recognized that weapon.

"You filth, just where the hell did you obtain Frostmourne?!" Riser demanded the answer. "That sword is a prized possession of House of Sitri and can be handled only by the strongest member of that household. Not even Serafall Leviathan and her nerdy sister can wield! Where the hell did you get it?!"

"From Lady Serafall herself." Alex simply stated, gripping the sword tighter and moving it to his right. "The House of Sitri sends their regards."

In the next split second, Alexander appeared right in front of Riser, shocking and surprising him. He didn`t have time to escape and so was punished for being so careless. Black blade carved into Riser`s flash, blood spilling out of the chest area, screams of an immortal could be heard from a mile away. In the next moment, Frostmourne shot upwards and then again sent out another freezing wave, engulfing Riser in it this time around, sending him flying trough the tower and on the opposite part of the roof. Alex merely followed after him through the holes immortal scion made. Riser, shaking in cold and at the loss of blood rose up, unable to understand what was going on with his body, why wasn`t he regenerating and why the pain was so bad?!

"Don`t even try to use your flames to regenerate." Alex spoke up, drawing the attention of wounded Riser. "You may claim the powers of a Phoenix bird and be immortal, but in reality, you are hardly immortal. You just have a power of Flaming Regeneration, same one of the Phoenixes, but yours is supplied through fire magic you emit, but when your body begins to run low on magic or you begin to lose control, then you regeneration becomes weaker and unstable. That`s the whole secret of your immortality."

"You scum…" Riser spilled out his blood, feeling that his internal organs were getting damaged. "W-what the…"

"That`s the Power of Annihilation you are feeling right now." Alex informed him, moving Frostmourne closer. "I`m well versed in channeling my power into any object or part of my body. So I`ve channeled my energy into the blade and when it stroke you, you were hit by the Power of Annihilation, that now is damaging your body. I`ve been told by my mentor, that this power was granted by a God to his first Angel, Lucifer, so that he could rid the world of his enemies. It has a devastating affect against anything that it comes into contact with, Devils or Angels included."

"B-but my flames…" Riser was now on his knees, trying to reach out to his pocket.

"Frostmourne, it`s powers were gained through infusing the blade, made out of Black Demonic Emperor Dragon, and a heart of Prime Frost Elemental. The power of Frostmourne is far greater than any of your sparks." Alex simply stated, grabbing a vile of Phoenix Tears and simply sending it to Riser. "Looking for this?" Alex asked of him. "Go ahead. I`m not finished with you yet."

Riser`s eyes widened and his hands clasped around the small vile. In the mere seconds he drank it all, flames returning to him and his wings formed once more, flying away from Alexander. Mocking and arrogant attitude back as well.

"You must be utterly arrogant or simply stupid to giving me away such a powerful potion!" Riser claimed, Phenex`s circle forming behind him. "Now, allow me to demonstrate the true power of Lords of Inferno!" And with that, the magical circle went right through him, engulfing in flames and intense light.

Alex and Galeran were watching closely as Riser became engulfed in fires. Suddenly, Galeran gasped.

'No… Impossible…" He spoke.

'What is it, Galeran? Do you feel something familiar about that power?' Alex asked his partner.

'Yes, I do.' Galeran morbidly stated. 'Those scums… Just what right they had to do something like that to her?!' Alex was a little surprised at the outburst of anger of Northern Emperor. 'That`s no ordinary energy emitted right now, Alex. Those scumbags from Phenex family somehow managed to enslave the power of Reinera, also known as Western Inferno Dragon!'

'Wait… Western Inferno Dragon, does that mean that…'

'Prepare yourself, my partner.' Galeran spoke, Forsaken Regalia flashing up again. 'You are about to be tested by a power of Western Dragon Empress and Albion`s mate herself.'

And as Galeran ended, the flames around Riser died down and the cocoon of fire now was placed behind the back of a creature that was now levitating in Riser`s place. There, in the skies, was Riser still, but now… He was completely different, as he was no longer in his fancy cloths, but clad black and red in armor, made of the dragon scales. The armor plates were dominant dark red, with black on the sides of hands and legs. In each hand laid a curved sword, one emitting the fire, and another sending gusting wind. The wings were Riser`s, representing that it was he who was there. Helm was dark red as well, with mask plate being black and yellow eyes glowing.

The sight of this made Alex stiff and prepared a true battle. It would seem that Riser still had one more ace up in his sleeve. And then he spoke.

"Behold, maggots!" Riser exclaimed. "Lay witnesses to the true power of House of Phenex! Our crown possession, Lorica Inferno, a Cursed Gear, created from the essence of Western Inferno Dragon by my House and our ultimate weapon! Nobody is capable to defeat me now!"

"There is no way Phenexes could`ve created an analog of a Sacred Gear." Alex muttered, sensing the power emitted from Lorica. "Only God should`ve had the knowledge of such, or Azazel, but he would never do something like that."

"Don`t believe that idiot`s words." Galeran sounded angry. "That thing he wields is simply an incomplete Sacred Gear that God wasn`t able to finish and store away in System. House of Phenex must`ve got their hands on it when Lucifer invaded Heaven and they stole it and afterwards they`ve used that broken Sacred Gear as their own. I can literally hear the cries of pain and suffering of Reinera… I can`t bear seeing my sister being in such sufferings! We must destroy that a cursed thing right now!"

"Then it`s time." Alex simply stated, rising up his Frostmourne, orbs on Forsaken Regalia starting to glow intensively. "Forsaken Regalia, Final Liberation!" And at that moment, Alex`s aura came back in full force, Regalia glowing along with it and starting to spread in form of the dragon scales all around his body.

In the next second, Alex was engulfed in white glow with blue, cocoon of energy forming around him. Rias could feel the power being emitted from there and if she even tried to get at least in 20 meters, she would be killed by the waves of energy alone. This powerful was her servant right now. Riser was forced to cover up his own eyes and even step back more, as the energy was far greater than he had expected from that brat. He could feel that something was about to happen and something was telling him that now he have to get serious for sure. And as the energy shot upwards in a form of a straight beam, the most feared and forsaken words came from both Alexander and Galeran.

"Northern Storm Dragon Scale Mail Armor, Final Liberation!" Both of them exclaimed as the pillar dispersed in a wave of absolute power, sending ripples of vibrations that decimated the entire area completely.

And in the place of the Alexander Lucifer now stood another warrior, clad in dragon armor, but in complete opposite coloring, bright blue and white in the same places as Lorica Inferno, but his armor was far more reminiscent of the Divine Dividing, while Lorica looked akin to Boosted Gear`s, but the resemblance in shape and details was strong. However, Alexander knew something that Riser didn`t. He knew that the powers of Sacred Gears come not only from the soul of user, but from how powerful is the bond between the spirit of the Sacred Gear and the user. And right now, Alex and Galeran were united as one; their powers synchronized and linked up. No one was controlling forcefully the other one, like Riser did with Reinera.

And that`s why he was going to pay for all the crimes he and his family had committed.

Alex spread his two blue wings and at the incredible speed rose into the skies, reaching in mere half a second his target and trying to slice him up with his blade. Riser saw that coming and moved away from the attack, but the sheer power that he felt was enormous, almost suffocating. He was absolutely shocked, as he had believed that Lorica would scared this boy away, as it granted the absolutely limitless control over fire and winds, just like his swords Agni and Rudra. In this form he was completely unstoppable, but why couldn`t he shake off the feeling that this filth was an even stronger opponent now then he was before?!

Out of the frustration, Riser sent several waves of fire from Agni, enhanced by Rudra`s winds, at his opponent, but Alex`s Frostmourne didn`t wait for his holder to be hit. Blade cut through each of them without hesitation and Alex again flown in direction of his opponent, sword ready and waiting. Riser decided to oblige him and went as well against him, swords ready and waiting.

The real battle had started, not only between two Devils, but also two Dragons as well, as the two Scale Mails were flying around each other, their holders exchanging blows and magical attacks. They were moving at the unimaginable speed and were simply undetectable, but the impacts of their strikes were felt all throughout the area, as each of them sent waves that crushed everything that they came in contact with. From those ripples was in the matter of seconds the entire area was turned into nothing more but a post-apocalyptic warzone, but the fighters were not done. Alex kicked at full speed Riser, sending him flying towards the ground. Phenex reach the ground and was now in crater, but he swung back up and began to send waves and waves of elemental attacks at his enemy, that was going now against him at full speed. Alex didn`t even bother to absorb it, cutting trough with Frostmourne or flying through them, seemingly not receiving any damage. No, he needed to have a full empty reserve right now, so he was drawing from his own pools of power into the Frostmourne. He was going to stop this arrogant fool in just one attack. And it happened right now, as he sent a concentrated ice energy wave from Frostmourne while in the descent. This wave crushed the enemy waves without problem and once landed at the ground, it caused catastrophic explosion of energy, freezing all that was down there. Riser was completely pinned down to the ground, swords had fallen away from his hands and Lorica didn`t protect him from the impact completely, as his limbs were frozen over by that attack and many of the bones were broken, organs pierced and regeneration only partially healing him, being at its limit now. In other words, he was at his weakest.

And then, in the next second, Alexander landed right at him, with Frostmourne now completely pinning down Riser with his blade, cutting through armor, flesh and bones. A cry of absolute pain escaped Riser`s mouth, blood spilling out and insufferable pain killing him. Alex released the handle and moved his hands at Riser`s helmet, gripping both sides tightly. Now, he would take away from that bastard everything, just like he did with him.

"ABSORB!" Both Alex and Galeran exclaimed.

The waves of pure white and red energy began to arise from both of them, but they were getting dispersed and absorbed quickly. Riser`s screams were heard from far away, even from another dimension, as he felt how his very being was being drained from him and leaving him hollow. Flames erupting around them, but Alex continued, along with Galeran, as this was their only chance and they weren`t going to blow it. For well over a minute this continued and then, Western Inferno Dragon exclaimed for the first time since being imprisoned.

"Lorica Inferno, power released and freed!" She exclaimed as Riser`s Scale Mail dispersed and formed into a singular dark red orb. "Galeran, Alexander, I thank both of you from the bottom of my heart for this liberation. Now, I shall reunite with my husband. Farewell." She bid them and disappeared.

But the pair wasn`t done yet. Not until now!

"Flames of Phoenix: Power Integrated!"

And at that moment, Alex released his prisoner and his hold over Final Liberation form, stepping back and panting. Riser was still pinned down, but he felt absolutely… empty, hollow. Something was wrong, his flames… they… they…

They were no more.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!" Riser demanded the answer from risen up Alex.

"I`ve taken away from you what you valued the most." And at that moment, behind Alex appeared two pairs of flaming white wings, indicating his triumph. "Your flames, your prized so called immortality and powers of Inferno- I`ve taken all of them for myself. You are now nothing more but a hollow ruined shell. And now…" In Alex`s right hand formed a powerful white flame and it was directed towards his opponent.

Riser began to beg, scream and has finally showed his true colors of a coward and dropped the facade of all mighty Devil in face of true powerful being in front of him. Now, he was absolutely and utterly broken. Alex smiled at that, now he could finish this for good…

'Must you succumb to this?' Suddenly, a strangely familiar voice asked Alex in his head. 'He has received what he deserved; all that he valued are gone from him now and he`ll never rise from this state again. There is no reason to kill him for you.' And then, Alex recognized that soft and caring voice.

'No… I don`t… It`s you…' He turned his head to the silver haired young woman that was now standing at his left, though her frame was hollow as she was no longer material. "Mother…"

Lucia Lucifuge, or as she had been known, Lucifer, smiled to her son and moved her ghostly right hand to his heart.

"My poor little boy…" She spoke with tears on her eyes. "I wish I hadn`t brought this burden upon you and Lucina. You two don`t deserve to pay for the sins of me and my father, no child should. I can feel how much you`ve suffered and how you`ve been all those years. But, I plea to you, my beloved son, leave it behind you now and start living not by the past, but in the future. Riser has caused a lot of pain to me and you, but killing him will not bring back all those years, will not bring me back to you, my son. You`ve already completed your revenge for yourself: you`ve taken away all that he held dear. But it`s not your place anymore to take revenge for me."

"Why must I even consider sparing his life? I know that dad would`ve done anything to avenge your death. Damn, he is still trying to find out those that sold you out."

"Azazel wouldn`t kill him as well. He knew well of my true identity and what risks come with associating with me, but, instead of distancing himself from me, he made me the happiest woman in the world when we had you and Lucina." Lucia spoke again. "Look at him. There is nothing more that is left for you to take away. Death for him now will only relief him of his burdens, but must take you his life, and you won`t defeat neither him, nor those ghosts from the past that plague you. Alex, I`m not here to stop you, but to save you from yourself, from all those horror and terrors that are still with you. You`ve already avenged yourself, but if you go further than that, then there will be nothing good for you in the future, because all of your past demons will manifest into present. Please, stop living with all those demons inside of you and live your life for yourself. I do would like to see those kittens you and Kuroka were thinking on making…"

Alex`s fires stabilized and extinguished completely. He stood up over defeated enemy looking first at him, all destroyed and unable to move. And then he turned around himself… And there they were all. All those people, foster parents, children, demons of his past. They were all dark and shadowy, but Alex could clearly see what they all wanted. All these years of suffering, pain, terror, he went through all of that, giving up a piece of his soul to survive, replaced with coldness and void, filled with rage and desire to kill all those that had wronged him. And now, he was right about to do so after he had finally take his revenge by taking away all that was treasured by this man. But… what would it cost him? For a good minute Alex was just standing there, not known to all what was going on inside of him.

And then he made his choice.

He chose to live.

Alex`s hand reached Frostmourne and he pulled out the sword, getting excruciating cry from Riser. He pointed the tip at his face and spoke.

"Listen closely, Riser." Alex spoke calmly and coldly. "15 years ago, you`ve stole everything I had and for that I`ve taken away all that you were or could be. I`ll never forget or forgive you for what you did to my mother, but… I`ll let you live." He suddenly decided. "My mother was the kindest person in this world and she never wished anyone bad. Not even now, she is willing to let you live. And because of that, because she`s merciful, I`m allowing you to live. However, if I ever hear just a rumor about you mistreating someone, abusing or using people as tools, I`ll come directly to your House and kill not just you, not only your Peerage, but your entire accursed family without a second thought whatsoever. Now, if you done with your flames and sparks, retire and go home." And with that Alex simply turned away and went upside of the crater, wanting to get out of there.

Alexander was almost at the middle of the slope when he suddenly heard the clank of a metal and how a blade was piercing the air. Without wasting a second on thinking, Alex`s frame turned around in the matter of a blink, piercing his attacker right through the heart. On the receiving end of Frostmourne was Riser, wounds healed and with one of the curved swords, but without any power or even energy left. His gritted teeth opened up, spilling out blood and he stepped back, blade going out his body. Riser Phenex, scion of Phenex family, one of them most despised men in Underworld by young and old, finally drew his last breath as he dropped on his knees and then onto the ground, blood spilling out of the wound. Alex simply stood there for a second before speaking up.

"Arrogant fool." Alex simply stated, rising up his hand and sending a fire to his corpses. "You should`ve used that chance while you still had it. But now… At least you can die like a Phoenix you`ve claimed to be." And with that, Alex turned around and went back to the surface, leaving corpses of Riser Phenex to get extinguished in flames.

And with that act, with that single, seemingly pointless act that he would`ve never given to his enemy, Alex had finally closed behind him a whole book of past horrors and pain. That was it for him, the end of his human part of life. He was alright with that, as he now felt more complete and as he should be than ever before. Truly, it seemed like being a Devil suited him far more than being a human. Must be the blood of his grandfather being completely released in him and flowing with no problem. Of course, Alex wouldn`t go all villainy and take over the world, he would now simply live his life as Devil, retaining his past principles and values, but without any dark memories to get him on his way ever again. It had to be done and he was glad as hell it happened. Now, his path was clearer and more understood was the present with past. He would use his legacy that was left by his mother and grandfather to build his own life, free of demons and like he wanted. It didn`t matter if he was going to reclaim the throne of Lucifer or not, but he was most certainly doing one thing as soon as possible.

He was going to get his freedom from Rias Gremory, one way or another, but he would do so on his own terms. He won`t allow anyone to hold any strings on him, Alex will cut them all once and for all. Crimson Princess might think to stand on his way, but Alexander now was a different being and his light blazed brighter than ever. He`ll get rid of that leash that Rias had placed on him, break away from her so called 'family'. However that didn`t mean that he would go away from the town just yet. No, he has grown quite attached to certain people and he couldn`t just leave them be, especially he had to take care of each and every one of them. Kuroka, Koneko, Sona, Akeno, Tsubaki, Raynare… They all were very, very dear to his heart and simply disappearing without a trace wouldn`t bode well with him.

But for now, he had to get the hell out of this parallel dimension, because he really could use a shower right now.

Finally out of the crater, Alex saw that the entire group was gazing on him. He took a moment to look over them all and noticed that all of them had cuts and bruises, but mostly were alive and well. He guessed that his little showdown with Riser had to do a couple of dents on them, but he genuinely glad that they didn`t suffer any critical damage and could be healed up in no time. Everyone were with shocked gazes and surprised looks, but it was understandable.

Alex began to approach and waved to them.

"It`s done, let`s go home guys." Was all that he said, but to his surprise, it was Rias that retorted.

"Alex… Now you`ve done it." She retorted in a cold and emotionless voice.

"Wha-…" Alex trailed off as he suddenly felt something that he didn`t consider possible.

There was only one way to describe what he felt in a single millisecond before the entire world around him went to dark from the most powerful blast of Power of Destruction.

Ultimate Nightmare…

3 days later. Occult Research Club cabinet.

Rias had never expected that her most unstable and troublesome servant would become even more problematic, but she was proven wrong once again, now that it was discovered that Alex`s mother was none other but Lucia Lucifer, youngest daughter of Lucifer and one of the most respected at the time Devils. She was one of the main opponents to the Anti-Satan Faction, led by her brother and proved to be capable of holding her own even without Power of Annihilation against her brother and Ajuka Astaroth, managing to stole those two and a whole squad of elite Ultimate-class Devils, giving her father and mother a chance to escape, but they were ultimately slayed, but Lucia continued her battle and was known as someone that made even Sirzechs Gremory fear defeat, as she was very well focused on taking him out, attacking in close range where future Lucifer was weak. Only when Grayfia joined the battle against her sister was Lucia defeated and presumably killed. However, even in supposed death, she managed to aid her older brothers, Rizevim and Euclid, giving them time to escape and regroup themselves. She became known later on as a proud member of Lucifer family, the last casualty of the civil war, one woman that didn`t fight for ideals or power, but simply for her family.

And now, it was finally revealed to the general public that she didn`t die back then, but was taken as a prisoner by new Lucifer and handed over to Phenex family for whatever reason he found. There she became a fiancée to Rias` now deceased future husband, but also a slave, who had lost all of her powers after the leaders defeated her and couldn`t even count on anyone for help in that hell. There were rumors before that Lucia had survived, but all of them were quickly silenced by the authority, as the name of Lucifer still held great deal of power in and outside of Underworld, even to the doorsteps of Heaven itself. And one of the last remaining direct children of Lucifer ended up as a slave in House of Phenex, one that was infamous for their treatment of Devils and creatures below their own level, seeing them as insignificant and utterly disgusting. And Riser had managed to tarnish his and his family name further than ever, through dishonorable acts, arrogance, complete disregard for traditions of honor and dignity and simply being a man who thought himself to be a King of everyone and everything. Needless to say, that earned him many enemies, especially from Houses of Sitri and Bael, who had life-long feuds with Phenexes for very long even before Riser was born, but he managed to disgrace both of Houses and gain hatred from Serafall Leviathan and even Zekram Bael himself, which could already count as death penalty. And the reveal of Lucia`s real fate and existence of her son in mere hours caused an uproar in highest echelons of power in Underworld, as he was not just a son of a Stray Devil, but a son of Lucia Lucifer and a grandson of Lucifer himself.

Now, in Occult Research Club, current Lucifer, Leviathan and heiresses of Gremory and Sitri houses, along with their Peerages, were deciding what to do with Alexander, who was knocked out by Sirzechs himself at the end of Rating Game, after he killed Riser Phenex. Right now, Alexander was locked up below the club`s building, most powerful seals holding him.

Rias was the first to talk up.

"Brother, can you tell, how`s the situation in Underworld about all of this?" Rias asked her older brother.

"Believe me, Rias, it doesn`t look pretty and I have all the reasons to fear the worse." Sirzechs sighed. "The single fact of Alexander`s existence has thrown our entire society into chaos, as he is not just Lucifer`s direct descendant, but also son of Lucia Lucifuge, who was supposed to be dead for centuries. That, along with the reveal of Lucia`s real fate and Alexander looking like a Lucifer himself, has sent our higher society into a full scale debacle, trying to decide his fate and, possibly, the fate of entire Lucifer line."

"Really? Is that guy that important?" Issei asked curiously, scratching his head. "And, what`s up with looking like Lucifer himself?"

"Because he does look identical to Lucifer." Rias said sighing. "Believe it or not, Issei, but in Alex`s veins runs the blood of the First Devil himself and he even holds his power in his possession. Of course he is important, not only because of his powers, but also because of the legacy his mother and grandfather had left behind. I can imagine that there are those that would love to have his head on a pike, or as their own ally."

"Correct." Leviathan spoke in serious voice. "At first, we`ve heard many voices of the heads, calling for his life, House of Phenex was the loudest out of them all, as he did kill Riser, be it in a Rating Game and after being provoked. However, two of the most powerful Houses have voiced their opinions about Alexander`s fate. Those two houses were Bael and Belial."

"Then Alex has gained the attention of Zekram Bael and Diehauser Belial." Sona stated firmly.

"Yes." Serafall confirmed. "Both of them had responded on this matter with sudden support to Alexander and his situation, stating their opinions as he is not at fault at here, but a victim of misfortunes that were laid out by House of Phenex, who took his mother as a slave and seemingly broke her. Zekram alone managed to turn the fury of many old clans against Phenex family, while Diehauser has been acting as a public advocate of Alexander. Right now, they are practically control the crowd`s opinion, but the ultimate decision still lies with Four Satans. Ajuka and Falbium had left this matter to us to resolve, while they suppress the unrest."

"Just why would those two support him?" Kiba asked. "They most surely hadn`t met him and mustn`t have anything to do with him."

"It`s not the matter of whether they know him or not, Kiba." Rias spoke. "Both Bael and Belial Houses were the most powerful supporters of Lucifer at the time and it was no secret that Lucia Lucifer had made powerful allies in both clans, specifically in Zekram Bael, the founder Bael clan and first supporter of Lucifer, and Diehauser Belial, second head of Belial family. Lucia must`ve been very close with both, because now they`ve decided to help out her only child. They owe her that, even now. At least we Rizevim didn`t get involved into this mess, or we may be facing another civil war right now."

"Wait, who is that guy? Is he some kind of powerhouse among Devils like those two?" Saji asked incredulous.

"Rizevim Livan Lucifer is the firstborn son of Lucifer himself, Saji." Sona informed her servant. "He is Alexander`s uncle and is one of the strongest Devils that had ever existed, standing in the same league as all Four Satans. Currently, it`s unknown if he is even informed of Alex or his sister`s fate, but if he does know, it`s safe to assume that there will be hell to pay from him."

"True, he may be driven only by his own desires, but one thing is clear as day." Crimson Satan spoke. "Once he finds out about Lucia`s fate, he`ll use all of his influence and power to make those who have her blood on their hands pay a thousand fold. She was his youngest sister and the one that saved him, by sacrificing herself in the process. It`s a well-known fact that out of all his relatives, Rizevim was the closest with Lucia, as he did love her as his sister. And now, if he does know that she was killed by Riser Phenex and was a slave in House of Phenex, we can be sure that this house will soon cease to exist, especially with so many enemies it had gained with the reveals their children made in a Rating Game."

"Pardon my question, but how did it happen that Lucia ended up as a slave of Phenex household?" Tsubaki asked a very important question.

"When we`ve managed to defeat her, we`ve managed to subdue Lucia and drain her of her powers." Sirzechs began to tell. "Only a handful of most trusted people were aware that she was placed in Gremory`s stronghold as a hostage. We believed that she would reveal the location of Old Satan Faction leaders and her brother`s plans and where he was. We`ve learned nothing, but then House of Phenex learned about Lucia and proposed us a deal: we would hand over Lucia to them as a bride to one of their sons in exchange for an blood oath of loyalty to House of Gremory and us, Four Devil Kings, along with all their information regarding the renegade houses that were still a threat to us. I`ve accepted this deal, but I didn`t realize until it was too late that I basically sold Grayfia`s sister as a slave to be exploited as they pleased. It was a wonder that she managed to survive so long and even escape."

"I take it, Grayfia had no idea about her sister`s true fate?" Rias guessed right, as Sirzechs looked down. "That`s why she isn`t here then."

"Yes, she has... left the household." Sirzechs simply stated. "Her reaction to learning about Lucia`s fate was… very powerful. They may`ve ended up as enemies in the end, but Grayfia had never held no ill against Lucia and only joined the forces when Ajuka and I promised her that we would make our best to spare her, but in the end, I was forced to break that promise. Now, it would seem that Grayfia is looking over our entire marriage and is probably considering what to do, now that she found out the truth."

"Still, the problem remains and we have to deal with it." Serafall stated, turning to Rias. "As you were the one to reincarnate him, Rias, we`ve decided to put this in your hands. I hope that for all our sakes, you`ll find a suitable solution to this, as his King. We would be probably better off killing him, but… I personally would like to avoid it, as he did save my dignity and is a wielder of Frostmourne. And… well, he is simply an amazing person and I can`t help but admire."

"That`s a complete true." Sona spoke up. "Alexander, aside of his heritage, is easily one of the most promising young Devils. He has proven that he is not only powerful, but also intellectual and mindful. Losing him will not bode well with us."

"Not to mention that almost all of us here consider him to be a very close friend and someone we are proud to know." Akeno supported. "Without him, I would`ve never had accepted myself and I owe him more than I can repay."

"Senpai helped me too." Koneko supported Alex as well. "He is not bad. He is a great person."

"He is nothing but a walking trouble if you ask me." Kiba suddenly spoke against. "Throughout all the time he was with us, all he did was trying to break away from the President and he most certainly didn`t care for any of us. All he ever wanted was to follow his own path and the only reason he even considered helping us was because he had a grudge to settle with Riser. Alex is nothing but trouble, as he has zero respect for Rias and Devils as a general."

"Hey, I may not be in your group, but Alex is nothing short of awesome in all terms!" Saji spoke up for Alex, surprising Sona and everyone else. "If it wasn`t for this guy, I wouldn`t even pass the last tests, because he offered his help just because I was Sona`s friend like he was. Also, don`t forget how he even was resurrected and what part in it played your King."

"Saji…" Sona was amazed.

"Well, I may`ve never not liked the guy very much, but Alex is a pretty cool guy." Issei spoke up. "I mean, he never skipped the contract, always worked his ass out to get money and he even helped out Asia greatly."

"Yes, if it wasn`t for Alexander, I wouldn`t be even alive and here right now." Asia voiced her opinion.

"And that`s not to mention the fact that he is also an exceptionally good diplomat." Tsubaki spoke up as well.

All this time, Rias was simply hearing everyone out here. However, she had made up her mind long ago.

Now was the time to voice it.

Special Prison Cell. Under Occult Research Club.

Just when he had hoped that life wouldn`t fuck him anymore, he was yet again proven wrong. Alex sat in his cell, guarded by the seals that drained him of his powers and ability to use Forsaken Regalia, left alone, without food and with bare minimal water to keep him going. He honestly had been in far worse conditions, that`s for sure, without water and food all together for a week. And he was no stranger to people around him selling him out.

Just like with Rias and the rest of the group at the end of Rating Game, when he was knocked out by her big loving brother of all people. And after that, he woke up in here, without anyone to tell him of what the hell happened and being left to guess all by himself. By the end of the first day, he did receive a visitor in form of Rias, who informed him of his situation. And, as he knew it, he was pretty much in very deep shit because:

1. He was a son of a Stray Devil.

2. He was a direct descendant of Lucifer.

3. His mother was supposed to have died long ago.

4. He killed Riser and practically made the entire Phenex family a target for people to kill.

5. He simply didn`t follow Rias` commands and was generally the worst Servant she could wish for.

At least that crimson haired bitch didn`t get Raynare, as Alex instructed her to go to Azazel as soon as he gets into trouble. If anything, at least she would be safe and sound with them. But he was worried about his father`s reaction to all of that. Especially considering that his father was Azazel, head of the Grigori. And that man sure as hell loved his wife and loves his children.

As Alex was contemplating about all that had happened, he noticed a white magical circle appear and a familiar person teleporting from it. Now, there was someone he did expect to see in the near future.

"Didn`t expect you to come so late." Alex spoke, looking at the person on the other side of bars. "What is it that your damned husband wants with me now, Grayfia?" Alex didn`t care for the manners.

Said Devil was looking very closely at Alexander, as if looking something in him. And after a minute of observing she finally spoke.

"You have a lot of your mother in you." She spoke in soft voice, no ill in it. "You clearly are Lucia`s son. Only her child would have the same characteristics as hers."

"Trust me, I`m far from my mother in terms of personality." Alex simply sighed. "Did you stop by just to see your dead sister`s bastard? Or did you come here to finally put me down for good, like any other child of a Stray Devil?"

Grayfia stifled a little, but remained calm, despite the fact that Alex was clearly provoking her. No, she didn`t come here to laugh at him or kill. Her goal was far from it. She needed to see with her own eyes Lucia`s son, last remaining piece of her dead younger sister. And now, she couldn`t help but notice just how much Alexander looked not only like her sister, but also like her father. A complete copy of him, just one look at him makes Grayfia sad, sad with everything that had happened and feeling guilty for what she herself did. She went out of her way trying to stop a war, sided with Anti-Satan Faction in hopes of finally resolving the conflict. And by doing so, she became an enemy to her own family. She was told that if Lucia were to be captured, she would be spared, but in the end Grayfia was told that she died in the last battle. She managed to get over that loss, but it was very hard, especially with the deaths of her father and mother that Lucia was protecting. And now, after centuries of believing that her younger sister was dead, she found out the horrible truth. The truth, that while Grayfia was married happily to the man she believed to know, Lucia was subjugated, broken and turned into a slave for Phenex family. And that happened all because her own husband, Sirzechs Gremory, practically sold her out to those scums. Out of all the people and treacheries, Grayfia had never expected that she would be dealing with this kind. After the Rating Game, she had a very serious discussion with Sirzechs and his father, questioning both of them and getting all the answers.

And in the next day, Grayfia left the Gremory household, unable to look at her husband without anger and fury. She only hopped that her little Millicas was alright, as she did visit her son, but she didn`t stay in home, spending her time in her own household. Only now, she decided to confront her sister`s son. She had to do it, as she was guilty for not protecting her, for betraying her and basically leaving her to die slowly.

After some time of silence, Grayfia spoke again.

"Would actually believe me if I told that I didn`t know about my sister`s fate?" Grayfia asked her nephew. "Unlike the general belief, Queens and wives don`t know all of their husbands secrets. Especially not the worst kinds of them."

Alex actually rose up and looked directly in Grayfia`s eyes. She could feel the coldness and steel in them, with hints of hatred and rage burning inside of him. It was understandable and she couldn't falter him for it. In fact, Alexander had every right to feel hatred towards her. What kind of an older sister she was if she had allowed to sell her own flesh and blood. She was guilty, guilty of so many things that she must be hated by him. However, after looking at her, Alex simply sighed and sat onto the bunk.

"Sorry for being rude." He suddenly apologized to her, surprising Grayfia. "I`ve learned to read people and their true thoughts when I was in orphanage. I know that you are not lying and that you were lied to."

"I`m actually surprised that you are being so polite with me right now." Grayfia admitted. "With all that has happened with you, I was expecting you to be…"

"I don`t harbor any ill feelings towards you, Grayfia." Alex assured her. "And I know that my mother didn`t harbor them as well."

"How so?"

"Otherwise, why would she name my younger sister after you, Grayfia Lucina Lucifuge?" Alex said the full name of Grayfia, surprising and startling her. "Although, my sister likes to be called by her middle name instead of the first one, just as a side note."

"Wait… You have a sister?" Alex nodded. "But… that would mean…"

"Before you even consider on saying something, she is fine and well is under the direct protection of Grigoris." Alex informed Grayfia. "Governor General himself protects Lucina and provides her home. I myself was once with him, but I`ve decided to build my own life on my own, so he allowed me to come in Kuoh to study abroad, but he did warn me that if anything were to happen with me or would there be an immediate danger to my life, he wouldn`t hesitate sending a couple of my friends here to help."

"Just how close are you with Azazel, anyway? And… was he somehow connected with Lucia?" Grayfia wished to know. "I want to know more about her and you, not for the sake of Sirzechs and others, but… because I wish to at least make amends to you for my own mistakes I`ve made by trusting to Sirzechs."

"Hm, you really are alike, you and Lucina." Alex chuckled. "Very well. Azazel is my and Lucina`s father. My mother married him soon after she escaped the Underworld."

Grayfia`s mask of calmness shattered and she looked with wide eyes at her nephew. Not only a grandson of Lucifer, but also Azazel`s own son?! Then, if Azazel finds out that his son is here… Sirzechs will have not just a civil war, but a whole new one with every Fallen Angel in Grigori.

"Understandable, this information isn`t a public knowledge." Alex continued. "I myself don`t want to cause my father and Fallen Angels trouble with my heritage, so the official story is that I was simply taken in when I was saved from a Stray Devil, which was truth. Father didn`t actually believe at first that I was alive, believing that I didn`t survive from the attack of Riser on mother and Lucina, but I did, when I managed to escape the burning house and hid in the forest. From there, my story is already history and we all know it, only the difference is that Azazel was my dad and he helped me a great deal to recover and to help me build my own path. Without him or Grigori, I wouldn`t be who I am right now, so I don`t want to cause trouble to them, but pay them back for the good they did to me."

"I understand and I`ll keep this a secret as well." Grayfia promised, looking over Alex. "You seem like you haven`t eaten in a long time. Are they feeding you at all?"

"No, or the food simply didn`t get to me." Alex chuckled grimly. "Rias must be having a time of her life: got away from an engagement and finally making me suffer for all my insubordination and insults in her address. The crimson bitch must be voting for killing me right now."

"Serafall told me, that Rias actually allowed Riser to kill you, while being aware of your special case as a son of a Stray." Grayfia noted, completely ignoring her nephew`s attitude towards Rias. "If anything, she`ll also receive a suitable punishment, if her crimes were to be confirmed. As for you… Even with all of the sudden support you`ve gained from Belial and Bael Houses, your future doesn`t look too brightly."

"I`m prepared to deal with the consequences of my actions any time." Alex admitted, surprising Grayfia once again. "I don`t give a damn for my own life, but when it comes down to those closest to me, I`ll fight tooth and nail, give up all I`ve got, but make sure that they are safe and sound."

Grayfia actually smiled to that. Alex really was Lucia`s son.

"Those are actually the very same words my sister once said to me." Grayfia confessed to Alexander.

Alexander smiled to that one, but then noticed a familiar red magic circle and in the next second, two persons stepped out of there. Alex even rose up for those two, after all, he owed these crimson haired Gremory for putting him into cage in the first place. Grayfia a bit angrily looked at both Rias and Sirzechs, who were surprised to see her. Sirzechs spoke first with his wife.

"Grayfia, I didn`t expect to find you here." Sirzechs wished to reconnect with his wife.

"Were you not expecting me to visit my own nephew, Sirzechs?" She asked coldly. "After all, he is all that I have left of my dead sister, even though she died not from your hand, but in flames of Phenex, whom you sold her."

"Grayfia, I won`t tolerate your disrespectful tone towards my brother." Rias stepped in. "You may be my sister-in-law, but no one has the right to judge the actions made in the past to protect our society."

"Then how would you, Rias, react if you had learned that your brother or sister was sold out as a slave by the man you trusted and loved the most?" Grayfia`s white aura started to resonate. "Believe me, girl, I have all the right to judge here. And I still have a couple of questions to you, regarding your involvement in all of this."

"And what do you expect would happen to me?" Rias`s aura also started to glow. "All I did was resurrecting a person I had no information about, that`s all."

"Lie all you want, but it`s already a well-known fact that you`ve manipulated both Riser and Alex, to get your hands on Alex and put his Sacred Gear against Riser. And it worked, only now you are here, playing a victim, when in reality you were a manipulator."

"Why you…" Rias was about to snap.

"Hey, if you two don`t mind, I would like to finally get to know my sentence." Alex interjected. "I`ve got an appointment in 6, so let`s wrap this up already. I take you`ve made up your mind, Crimson Satan?"

Sirzechs turned his attention to Alexander and walked closer to him, looking him directly in the eyes. Alex did only the same, showing no fear or even a trace of it. And then, current Lucifer stated his sentence.

"Alexander Lucifer, son of Lucia Lucifer- Lucifuge, as a child of an infamous rebel and a Stray Devil, you represent a danger to Devil`s society and fragile peace we have right now, not to mention you being a grandson of Lucifer. Your own actions are also a proof that the best course of actions for us is to kill you right here and now." Sirzechs explained.

Alex could see Grayfia scoffing on Sirzechs and her expression becoming angrier. He himself had no such feeling, but he did sense that something wasn`t right at the moment. Like, why the hell is that crimson bitch smiling at him, just like Riser did?

"However, given your circumstances and the fact that you possess a very rare and powerful abilities even among the strongest Devils, along with your King being considerate of you, we`ve decided to be merciful." Sirzechs spoke. "You shall live, Alexander, but, from this moment and until the very end of your days, you will live only as slave, serving directly to Rias and House of Gremory, as payment for sins committed by you and your mother. All that was once yours, now belongs to Rias and will be handled by her discretion. You are hereby forbidden of promotion through the ranks of Devil society and you are now below even Low-Ranking Devils. And if you ever think to rebel or raise your voice or hand against your Master…"

Sirzechs placed his palm on Alex`s chest and then suddenly Alex felt the most excruciating pain in his life, but it was coming from inside of him. As if his entire organism was getting a dose of the freaking Power of Destruction all at once. Fortunately, the pain went away in the next few seconds, but then Alex understood what that son of a bitch did to him.

'My Pawn piece… He must`ve used his powers to make my piece into a… collar…'

"Now, from this point on, you`ll live to serve my sister and household. Nothing else must hold a meaning to you, for it`s irrelevant. Enjoy the gift she gave you, young Devil." Sirzechs turned around and went outside the magical circle.

Alex rose up once again, completely shocked and destroyed with what just happened. In all of his thoughts and worst case scenarios… he never expected to end up like that. He was now not even a free person, not even a person to begin with. He was turned into a slave, the thing he despised the most. They made him into what they molded his own mother and now he was paying up for her crimes, along with the crime of simply being in this world. Once again, the life proven to him that she wasn`t done with him suffering just yet. Now… it was even far worse then he could even imagine.

Alex could clearly see the shock on Grayfia`s face and horror, as she just realized that her husband turned her nephew into same thing he made her sister. But that wasn`t the reaction Alex was focused on right now.

His eyes were fixated on smirking victoriously Rias Gremory, who was now not hiding her true self, cruel, manipulative bitch that she was. She now had Alexander on the leash and could do all that she wished. And the very best part, he wouldn`t even resist.

Or so that little whore believes…

"Tell me that you are not done for yet?" Spoke spirit of his long-deceased grandfather, Lucifer.

'No, I am not done yet.' Alex answered. 'Rias, enjoy this little victory of yours while it lasts. But, mark my words, for I won`t repeat them. One day, one of these day, I WILL get my liberation. And once that day comes, I`ll make you regret the day you were born