Chapter 41

Kuoh Academy. Kuoh. Japan.

Pure silver light illuminated the academy`s court, which had turned into a battlefield between Alexander Lucifer and his family against a rogue Cadre of Grigoris, Kokabiel, who has decided to restart the Great War between all Three Great Factions, just so that he could get his jollies and funs. It was something that neither side could afford, especially Lucifer`s Heir, who has put on the line even his own life to try and stop him on his tracks, giving it in the end, yet returning in the realm of the living. And once he was back, with his father Azazel and sister Lucina, accompanied by his god-father Baraqiel and closest friend Vali, they entered the Academy, to finally put an end to the madness of a warmongering Fallen Angel, as well as to avenge the death of Azazel`s wife and mother of his children, Lucia Lucifer. Governor General personally destroyed the renegade, while his daughter and de-facto future son-in-law were dealing with the cohorts of Kokabiel`s supporters, whilst Baraqiel was dispatching Cerberuses with his Holy Lightning. Moreover, in the middle of all of that, his son, Alexander, had reassembled Rhongomyniad, Spear of Lucifer himself and possibly the most powerful weapon in all known world. It seemed like everything was going well and smoothly…

Until another player, someone whom Azazel and his companions, were not expecting to meet here at all. That player had managed to beat Azazel without any sweat and force him to the ground, challenging Alexander and his Rhongomyniad to a duel. And even though Azazel had warned his son not to engage in battle with him, Alexander spread out his 10 Nephilim silver wings and flew right towards his opponent. Azazel had him known as the most dangerous enemy anyone could ever have and a single person to ever come the closest to killing Sirzechs Gremory and only suffering defeat after Ajuka Astaroth entered the battlefield. After being locked away for over a decade and a half, Lucian Lucifer, another direct descendant of Lucifer, his Devil Heir and son of Rizevim Livan Lucifer, has come to see, if Lucifer`s Nephilim Heir was equal to him. And with him spreading out his own 12 Nephilim silver wings, he engaged his seeming copy in a battle over in the skies.

Alexander flown right towards Lucian, bringing his spear for a thrusting attack and preparing to send it right towards Lucian, who was perfectly still and didn`t move an inch. When Lucifer was in range, he sent his silver spear towards Lucian`s head, who didn`t let out even the slightest emotion out. Without any stress or pressure, he simply tilted his head to his left, before his own spear interlocked with Alexander`s Rhongomyniad, moving it downwards. Alex, stabilizing himself in the flight, tried to slice Lucian upwards, but his plan was foiled, when Lucian simply grabbed Rho`s bone with one hand, pushing Alexander closer to him, before delivering a powerful kick in his stomach, sending Alex flying away from Lucian and crushing right into the Old School Building, practically reducing it to rubble.

Alexander spit out a bit of his blood from the mouth, before rising up on his feet and looking upwards and seeing Lucian floating just a dozen meters away from him, unphased and with emotionless expression. Channeling up his power, Alexander blasted out of the rubble, seemingly going right towards Lucian, who steadied himself and prepared for another round with him. However, Alex suddenly changed the trajectory and flown upwards, getting higher of Lucian, before stopping diving right towards him, morphing Rhongomyniad into a long silver sword, using Excalibur Mimic`s ability for it. Bringing his weapon for a strike, Alexander tried to strike Lucian from above, but just as before, Lucian easily intercepted the attack, moving his frame away from the attacked position and letting Alex miss him. Lucifer Heir`s eyes widened, as he was certain that he would be able to get Lucian this time. However, he was wrong, as Lucian delivered a powerful strike with his own spear, striking by a bone, and sending Alex plummeting towards the ground and hitting it loudly and with dust, creating a small crater with his landing. Groaning, Alex rose up again on his feet, using Rho to stabilize himself, before looking up and seeing Lucian descending to the ground and standing just ten meters away from him.

'He was able to intercept and counter all of my attacks so far, and his strikes are nothing to laugh at. Hell, I doubt that he even used much of his power to fight me. And those wings… Lucifer, is Lucian really is a Nephilim, like me?' Alexander asked of his grandfather, who replied to him.

"Yes, he really is a Nephilim, and his level of power right now is greater than that of Michael, Azazel and quite possibly Sirzechs`. I`m sorry, kid, but he`s got you outclassed in every area. While I don`t like to say this, but it might be best to disengage and…" Lucifer stated to Alex, but Lucian, who spoke up, interrupted him.

"Yes, in your current state, it would best for you to disengage and retreat." Lucian agreed with their grandfather, surprising Alexander with this move. "At your current level, you could fight Kokabiel and have more or less equal chances of beating him, but against me, you stand no chance. Not as you right now, Alexander."

"And what about us?!" Suddenly, Lucina shouted at Lucian, who flown away from his spot, as it was destroyed by a combined might of Lucina`s Fire, Baraqiel`s Lightning and Vali`s Demonic Shot.

Finding himself surrounded from three sides in the air, Lucian teleported his spear away, freeing both of his hands, before he decided to be the first one to make the move. With a blazing speed, he came in front of Baraqiel, who was preparing to fire his next volley of Holy Lightning. However, Lucian didn`t allow him to do that, as he rose his own palm and released from it a powerful blast of Annihilation, sending Baraqiel flying away from him. Wasting not a second, Lucian reappeared in a flash before flying Baraqiel, summoning six magical circles, each of which blasted him with Power of Annihilation, causing veteran Cadre to groan in pain, until Lucian delivered decisive strike to him in the stomach, sending gruff bearded Cadre plummeting towards the ground and hitting it, losing conscience in the process.

And just as he was done with Baraqiel, Lucian easily caught Lucina`s armored leg, showing little to no effort in doing so. Lucian looked up at her, before he moved her closer to himself, shoving his fist into the central crystal orb of her Balance Breaker armor, breaking it, shockingly for Lucina and Reinera. Lucina managed to regain herself quickly and released herself from Lucian, flying away from him on a safe distance, summoning up around twenty of her personal magical circles and sending out of them a powerful volley of golden Holy Spears. Lucian simply raised his palm before himself, and as the spears came right at him, they merely dispelled upon the contact with him, easily and without doing him any harm. Shocked, Lucina looked at him with disbelief, as she recognized this Power.

"N-Nothingness…" She uttered, as she was still in shock. "He has my mother`s ability…" And in one instance, Lucian appeared right before the shocked girl, giving her a single punch in the stomach and letting her fall onto the ground next to Azazel.

Alex looked in disbelief, as he witnessed both his godfather and his own little sister, both of whom were known as two strongest members of Grigoris, being defeated so… effortlessly. Even more shockingly, Lucian possessed not only the Power of Annihilation, but also the Power of Nothingness, a second power of Lucifer`s Family, one that his own mother had possessed, according to Azazel and Lucifer himself. This power, unlike Power of Annihilation, was centered on destroying magical powers, abilities and attributes of anything and anyone, nullifying them to absolute zero. It was a secret trump card of Lucifer, one that he had allowed to be studied by House of Belial and copied into a Power of Worthlessness, a weaker version of Power of Nothingness. Alex was yet to actually learn if he had the ability to use the Power of Nothingness, while Lucian appeared to be in a complete control and mastery of it, effortlessly destroying Lucina`s barrage as if it was nothing at all. Just Alexander was coming out of his shock, Lucian turned around, as he heard a near draconian roar directed towards him, blocking Vali`s punch and kick, interlocking with him. Vali growled at him.

"Long time no see, bastard!" Vali tried to push right towards him, but Lucian kept him in place. "You`ll pay for what you`ve done with my mother and now with the woman I love!"

"This is no time for us to settle our relations, Vali." Lucian calmly replied to him, though a hint of sadness was present in his voice. "This is not your battle, so do not interfere, less you wish to be knocked out of it."

"I don`t think you`ll be able to beat me that easily, Lucian!" Vali growled at him, as Albion suddenly spoke up.

'Vali, the Divine Dividing is not working on him!' Albion shouted to him, shocking Vali. 'He is using his Power of Nothingness to nullify my abilities. I can`t half his power or even sap the least bit of it at all!'

"Your strength is most impressive, at your age, Vali, as well as Lucina`s. Both of you possess the capacity to surpass current leaders of Heaven, Grigori and Hell before you turn twenty." Lucian suddenly praised his son and Lucina, as he raised his hand and placed it on Divine Dividing`s Scale Mail. "However, right now, neither of the two of you have any chance of defeating me, not as you are right now." And with that said, Lucian released a powerful wave of Nothingness upon Vali, nullifying Divine Dividing and forcing Vali out of his Balance Breaker armor. "We shall meet again, my son." In the next instant, Lucian summoned a transportation circle, sending Vali flying into it and closing it behind him, before Lucian descended back to Alexander.

"Where the hell did you send him?" Alex growled, as he picked up Rho and pointed it at Lucian.

"I teleported him to Zurich, Grigori`s HQ and his home." Lucian said to him truthfully. "I had no intentions of fighting neither Azazel, Baraqiel, your sister nor my son, so I`ve merely incapacitated them from a fight. Lucina shall be fine in a few minutes, as will Baraqiel, though he was toucher opponent, while Azazel too will be fine within the next 10 hours or so, after Power of Nothingness wears off of him and he`ll be able to use magic again."

"And what of Vali? You`ve nullified his magical powers too?" Alex asked of him.

"There was no need for that. Merely removing him from here was more than enough." Lucian answered to him. "My only goal and intention when coming here were to see what you truly are and to test you out."

"Test me out? For what purpose would you do that?" Alex asked of him.

"My reasons and desires are my own to understand and fulfill." Lucian replied to him, looking at him analytically. "Even though you`ve barely scratched the surface of your true Nephilim nature, your level of strength and power is, none the less, impressive. With the final fifth seal on your soul gone, your fullest potential has been released and you now hold your full power and ability to progress unhindered. I can now understand why Michael and Gabriel had taken such an interest in you, along with why Sirzechs is so obsessed with you to the point of trying so desperately to gain you into House of Gremory through that charade of a marriage contract."

"Correct me if I am wrong, but I can`t help but feel like you are satisfied with me?" Alexander asked of him in disbelief, with Lucian letting out a simple chuckle. "Just what are you after?"

"Let`s just say, that my ultimate goals solely depend on you." Lucian said to him mysteriously. "However, as you currently are, there is no point for me to even fight you, as it would be a waste of effort and time. You may be a new Primordial Nephilim, but your powers are not yet developed to a proper state, nor do you have access to your mother`s power. Until you have at least gained Power of Nothingness, it is pointless for me to fight you, for it would be child`s play to destroy you."

"In other words, you want me to become more powerful, so that I would be able to match you in a fight, is that it?" Alex asked of him. "You know, for someone who is also after the title of Lucifer and has shown himself to be able to defeat me without breaking a sweat, you sure as hell do not use the right opportunity to deal with competition."

"Perhaps, but, as I have stated earlier, I have my own reasons and wishes, and you need not to know of them just yet." Lucian simply said to him. "Tonight was merely a test to see your power and what you are capable of. I was half expecting to find you wanting and I was…" Suddenly, both of Lucifer`s widened their eyes, as they spread their wings and flown upwards, dodging a massive wave of Destruction moving right towards them and destroying the ground upon which they stood.

As both Alexander and Lucian found themselves in the air, they both looked towards the person that had tried to kill them in such manner, already putting together who it was. And their thoughts were proven correct, as Sirzechs Lucifer, formerly Gremory, stood right before the collapsed frame of Azazel, Baraqiel and Lucina, all of whom were beaten and injured, clearly showing that Sirzechs hadn`t shown mercy to the beaten Fallen Angels. Alexander`s eyes widened in anger and fury as he shouted at Sirzechs.

"Sirzechs, what the bloody hell is the meaning of this?!" Alex demanded the answer. "Have you gone mad out of power or are you just stupid?! Either way, I`ll make sure you pay for hurting my family, you bastard!"

"Hm, you could try to do that, but the result will ultimately be the same." Sirzechs said to him, as he began to channel his powers and pointed his palms towards Azazel and Lucina. "The last of Lucifer`s blood shall die." And as he said that, he was prepared to release his Power of Destruction upon severely weakened Azazel and Lucina, killing them.

Just like that, in a single second, as his family was in ultimate danger, Alexander`s fullest power flared up, the purest white light released from his body, as a roar of fury exited his mouth. Even Lucian seemed impressed by it, as his mask of indifference had fallen and revealed a small amount of surprise. Just as Sirzechs` Power of Destruction came into a full power in his palms, Alexander dived straight towards him. However, just as he was ready to unleash his entire fury on him, Sirzechs` turned his eyes towards Alex, moving his hands towards him… And unleashing two extremely powerful blasts of Destruction right at Alexander, engulfing him in black and crimson, seemingly destroying him. When the blasts had died down, Sirzechs was satisfied to see that there was no Alexander in front of him, making him grin and speak up.

"Finally, the problem has been solved and now, only a broken son of Rizevim to oppose me." Sirzechs said aloud.

"Guess again, you bastard!" Sirzechs` eyes widened, as he right behind him, Alexander materialized from a teleportation circle, sending a fully powered with Annihilation punch into his face and sending him flying across the courtyard.

Sirzechs, unprepared for it, went crushing into the gym, destroying part of the building and creating a dust cloud out of rubble. Alexander, seeing the bad situation of his family, decided to teleport them out of here, sending a mental message to Esdeath and Gabriel about them, as well as of the fact that Sirzechs has now shown his true colors and had tried to have Azazel, Lucina and Baraqiel killed. As he did that, he began to move towards the gym, out of which Sirzechs exited, looking livid at Alexander. Lucifer`s Heir decided to speak up to Sirzechs.

"So, finally got tired of trying to subjugate me into your precious damned family and simply decided to destroy me and my family?" Alex asked of him, continuing moving towards him.

"Is it that surprising for you?" Sirzechs said to him, as he was shortening the distance between them. "I had hoped that you would be smarter than your damned whore of a mother and would join with me, but no, you are just like all the other Lucifers: denying those that were born to rule their right of power and control. If only you had accepted Rias as your wife and submitted, there wouldn`t be the need for me to repeat the genocide of your family, but it seems like I should`ve killed your mother long ago and not yield into Grayfia`s pitiful pleas."

"You were born for power? Did you make that one up, or do you really think that just because you`ve got a big power level, you get to do whatever the hell you want?" Alex asked of him, as he stopped. "Let me tell you something that my grandfather had taught me, usurper. True power is not the power that you wield within your grasp and use to destroy anything in your path. The true power comes from you being able to utilize your strengths and weakness for the benefit of those that you care for, not just flaunt around yourself. True power is the ability to make a choice, however terrible it may seem, for the benefit of those you love, care for, and being able to live with it. The true power is being able to stick to your ideals and principals no matter what, that what true power means. And what you have are just delusional thoughts and self-minded arrogance. That is why you`ll never will be able to even come closer to what a true Lucifer really is, Gremory."

"Say whatever you want, but I can assure you, that after I`ve dealt with you, I shall go to that house of yours, find Grayfia and make her pay a hundred fold for betraying me, before I allow her to rejoin her worthless sister in death. And soon after that, the rest of your Peerage, lovers and even your daughters will follow you to hell, while Millicas will watch and learn of the real power and will learn to respect it and crave for it." Sirzechs had said to him. "Once I am done with them, I`ll deal with Azazel and that sister of yours. Next Great War or not, but I will never allow anyone to deny me what is mine and none shall ever oppose my right of power."

With each and every word that Sirzechs was spouting out of his mouth, Alexander`s power was slowly growing, as his aura was becoming denser and denser, his anger rising along with it. Lucifer`s Heir was not someone that could was to be angered and Alexander was no exception to that rule, even more so than usual. He could clearly see that Sirzechs has finally revealed to him and Lucian his real colors and what he really was: a craven for power, one that couldn`t let go of it and was unable to ever submit. Sirzechs was a delusional bastard, one that betrayed all that he swore to uphold, just to gain power and more power, destroying Lucifer`s family and killing both Lucifer and Alexandra, just for power. He believed himself to be the born ruler of Devils, but he couldn`t be further from truth, as the true Emperor of Devils was right here, by right of blood, spirit and soul.

And he was utterly livid, which Alexander shown, as his aura flared up uncontrollably, when let out a roar. Lucian`s eyes widened, as he felt how Alexander, in a brief moment, had went past his initial pool of power and deeper, reaching out deep within himself and gotten a hold of the true power of Lucifer, a power, that nearly all of Mythological Gods feared and only three persons ever possessed, with Lucian being among them. Out of every possible wrong thing anyone could ever do a true Lucifer is to threaten those that he cares for, his family and friends, his children and loved ones. Sirzechs has just done that and he meant it, which was more than enough for Alexander`s emotions to finally give in, all of his fury, frustration, anger, rage from being a nearly a toy in hands of Gremories and Sirzechs. He has had it and consequences be damned! If Sirzechs has decided to try and kill him, then he better be ready to get into a coffin, because that is where he`ll be sent next. And now, out of those few who possessed that power, there was one more, a Lucifer`s Heir, who had awakened their inner God. Alexander`s hair suddenly turned from silver to pure white, standing up and spiking up out of sheer outlet of power, while his eyes turned white as well, his aura flaring like a wild beast. Lucifer`s spirit was in shock too, as he could clearly feel it.

"Alex… You keep surprising me still." Lucifer said to him, even though he had not heard him, while he turned to see the shocked face of Sirzechs. "Now let`s see how he`ll handle the Power of God." He grinned, as Alexander`s hair became the color of his aura and were practically his aura, manifesting into a flame, while his eyes turned seemingly white, but he saw better than ever before.

And all the while, Lucian looked at all of this with incredible interest and even amazement at this one, as he mentally spoke to himself.

'To be able to access the God Form at his level and sustain it, even the incomplete one… Yes, yes, he truly is the one I`ve been waiting for all these centuries.' Lucian let out a small smile, satisfied with what he was seeing. 'Now, Alexander Lucifer, show to me, if you really can surprise me even more…'

As Alexander`s thick and powerful aura had stabilized itself around his body, an additional pair of pure white wings appeared, indicating that now things were different, as all 12 Nephilim wings were purest of white and glowing nearly as bright as the sun itself. Sirzechs prepared himself for the battle he had called upon himself. Alexander`s white eyes looked at Sirzechs, as his face became a representation of just rage and fury. And then, he made the first step towards Sirzechs… Appearing right in front of the usurper, catching him by surprise, Alexander sent right towards Sirzechs` face a fist, which Super Devil intercepted with his own, both fists clashing with one another, sending out a powerful shockwave that rippled through the Academy`s grounds and even out of there. Both of their fists battled for the dominance for a second, until Sirzechs` left hand summoned up a magical circle, intending to blast Alexander with his Power of Destruction at close range. But he wasn`t fast enough, as Lucifer`s fist moved away from Sirzechs`, making him come in closer range to Alexander, where his right fist was waiting, with an uppercut sending Crimson Satan flying with a shockwave.

Sirzechs managed to stabilize himself in mid-flight, revealing his demonic wings and looking with utter anger right at Alexander, whose expression changed not. Furious at the fact that this seeming maggot had suddenly been able to hold his own against him, Sirzechs summoned over thirty magical circles, all of which released a powerful enough blast of Destruction that their combined might would`ve equaled a Tsar Atomic Bomb. Alexander clearly saw all the upcoming attacks and with a mere thought, his personal crest appeared underneath him, blasting with the pillar of white fire, stopping the waves of Destruction before the Flames of Annihilation. Sirzechs gritted his teeth, but then he was engulfed in white fire, crying out of pain, as the Pillar bended itself and went right towards him, causing the Destruction circles to dispel and attacks to seize. Alexander dispelled his circle of fire, when Sirzechs had hit the ground, burns appearing on his body and face, clothes burned up and a face of utter fury appearing on his face. He climbed out of the crater, speaking up.

"That is it… Congratulations, Alex… You will be the first creature… To die from my full power!" Sirzechs shouted at him as the ground itself began to shake and ripples of power began to spread out, with the protection barrier holding up just barely, as Sirzechs` body began to get engulfed in his own Power of Destruction, seeping out of him, as if… transforming him into Power of Destruction itself.

In a matter of the second, the earth shakes had seized, but instead of a person that once was an Heir to House of Gremory there stood a humanoid being of pure Destruction, utterly made of Demonic energy and nothing else. Even though Alexander was in somewhat out of control state, he could still feel that just now, things have turned for the worst for him, as Sirzechs` power shot upwards, becoming such, that Alexander could literally feel it on his skin, as the devastating energy spread out unchallenged. Lucian also watched from above at this, his face morphing into a serious one again, as he could now see that things have turned to worse for Alexander.

'True Form of Sirzechs…' He mentally said to himself, as he clenched his fist. 'Even in incomplete God Form, Alex won`t be able to match Sirzechs now. And need him alive…' Lucian said to himself, as he saw that Sirzechs had raised both of his hands and was forming up a consistent sphere of Destruction, while Alexander had summoned up three magical circles, all of which were condensing in them Holy and Demonic elements of Fire, Lightning and Ice, as Alexander had long been in possession of Ice powers, ever since absorbing and integrating them from Frostmourne.

Once they both were done, both overpowering creatures spoke the names of their attacks.

"Exterminatus." Spoke Alexander, as the three circles combined into one and shot a beam of concentrated elements, combined with two polar opposite powers, which travelled towards Sirzechs, as he unleashed his own attack.

"Armageddon Blight." And from Sirzechs went his own attack, condensed into a single, destroying and devastating beam, which clashed with Exterminatus, sending out waves of destructive energy, instantly reducing the entire school to nothing, all of the Academy being obliterated in one go, with barrier holding up only thanks to all of the efforts of all those that decided to uphold it, sending out to it all they had, with even Lucian deciding to reinforce it with a bit of his own power.

Two beams clashed with each other, white and black, light and darkness, Alexander and Sirzechs, God and Diablo. For over a minute, the stalemate continued, the ground becoming nothing more than ashes itself and Kuoh Town beginning to suffer from earthquakes, as the leaking energy was starting to get past the protective barrier. Panic was soon to spread through the town, had the stalemate not been breached and broken, and it was, as Sirzechs` attack was starting to win and slowly push Exterminatus towards Alexander, who was struggling to keep up, giving way. Soon, two minutes past, and Sirzechs` attack was nearly upon Alex and he was literally crying out of pain and pressure, trying to upkeep his attack, when suddenly, a hand touching his shoulder.

Lucifer`s Heir looked to his right, seeing none other than Lucian, nodding to him, moving both of his hands right to Alexander`s circle, as his hair turned white and became aura itself, while his eyes turned white as well, a magical white pattern appeared on his face in form of mystical tattoos, going from his eyes and downwards. Alexander understood, that Lucian had just entered in a similar state as he did, only his was… complete and fullest. And even though the two had just been battling each other and Lucian had disabled all of his family, Nephilims silently decided to put away all of that and focus on one goal:

"Exterminatus!" Both Lucifers shouted with all of their passion, power and will, sending out into the circle all their combined might, lashing out at Armageddon Blight with unholy amount of sheer power and crushing right through it, freely going for Sirzechs, or what was left of him in his current form.

In a single second, the human-sized Power of Destruction was engulfed in Exterminatus, as it reached its goal. The inhumanly screams of Sirzechs were heard by both Alexander and Lucian, the latter shielding his cousin from the shockwave of incoming blast by a protection barrier, holding up until the pillar of Annihilation subsided and dispelled from existence. As it happened, Alexander let out a pained scream, falling down onto his knees, his aura dispelling and features returning to normal, as all of his strength and power left him. Lucian saw it, reverting back to his own original form and giving a hand to Alexander, who tiredly looked at Lucian before speaking up.

"Wh-what… Was that?"

"That was the true power of Lucifer, Alexander. The Power of God." Lucian said to him, as Alex accepted his hand and helped him stand up. "Only Biblical God, Azrael, Lucifer and I had ever possessed this Form, but now… It seems like I was gravely wrong about you after all, thinking that I found you wanting. I now stand corrected."

"Why did you help me here?" Alex asked of him.

"Had I allowed Sirzechs the pleasure of killing you, I would be simply throwing all of my plans out the window, and I simply could not allow this to happen." Lucian simply said to him. "Plus, this man has killed enough of Lucifers already and were I to let him do this again, then I would be not worthy of my title as Lucifer." Lucian said to him.

"In other words, you need me for whatever reason, and you need me alive and at my strongest form, am I correct?" Alex asked of him, with Lucian letting out a small smile and chuckle.

"Indeed I do need you at you best and strongest, and not just you alone. Lucina and Vali shall play a part in what is to come, and like you and me, they will be in the epicenter of it all." Lucian said mysteriously, as he began to walk away from Alexander. "Heed my words, Alexander, and heed them well: there is a powerful storm coming, one that shall shake the worlds to their cores and all Mythologies, however small they may be, shall become the witnesses to it. This storm had ones been averted and destroyed, but now… Now there is a force in play that wishes to bring this storm upon us once more. And I need you to help me stop it."

"This storm… It is something that only us Lucifers can do, isn`t it?" Lucian nodded to this. "Somehow, I get a feeling that I will need to get far more powerful than I am now…"

"You will have to and fast, because the first bolts of thunder will come soon, believe me." Lucian said to him, as he opened up his own personal teleportation circle. "First you must gain the Power of Nothingness, if you ever hope to stop this catastrophe, and after that, seek out The Mother. She will teach you how to access your fullest form. Until you are capable of fully becoming a God, do not ever attempt to use that form again, as it will be your doom. You are lucky you`ve held so well and without any drawbacks. And deal with Devils as soon as possible, because it is past time you`ve allowed yourself to be a puppet of others." Lucian began to disappear in his own teleportation circle. "Farewell, Alexander. We will meet again soon." Was all that Lucian said to Alexander, before disappearing away from the place, leaving Alexander with many question and few answers.

"Lucifer… This storm and The Mother he meant, do you have any clues on what he meant?" Alex quietly asked of his grandfather, as he reappeared again.

"I have a few ideas about this storm, and neither of them is good news to us, if they are true, especially the one I fear the most." Lucifer said to his grandson. "As for The Mother… Lucian meant my own mother, the woman that he had taken as his own and who given birth to me and Azrael, beginning the race of Nephilims. She is the Primordial Demon, the Goddess of Darkness, Chaos, Destruction and Biblical God`s opposite and She is all that is Demonic, stripped of her own realm of Underworld and people by God, through my own hands… And even then, she didn`t stop loving me as her child." Lucifer spoke with softness and sadness in his voice. "She is Angra Mainyu, my mother and God`s sister, as he was once known as Ahura Mazda. She and Him are the creators of Nephilims and aspects of Holy and Demonic."

"Angra Mainyu… The literal deity of all that is evil, vile and corrupt…" Alex uttered to himself, remembering Middle Eastern mythologies. "So, she is the progenitor of Nephilims… Do you where I can find her?"

"I do… She lies in the lands that are known to only very few, even Gods of other Mythologies know not of it." Lucifer said to Alexander. "In the end, after Ahura Mazda got what he wished from her and she became of no use to him, he ordered me to put her to the sword, my own mother… I couldn`t do it and so I disobeyed him, for the first time in my life, instead sending her to a place where not even Biblical God would find her. That place is known as Beyond the End of The World, where she had stayed, cultivating power and might, eventually gaining more than enough to challenge even Ophis and Great Red to a battle… She is still there, as far as I know, but to get there… It will be a challenge of its own, Alex, believe me. We`ll have to travel to the edge of reality itself and past it, and that… Will be problematic at best."

"I think I`ll take that challenge, old man." Alex simply said to him. "Now, let`s check on that red haired bastard and…" Just as Alex said that, he saw how from the created crater onto ashen ground, barely living, climbed Sirzechs, utterly destroyed and nearly dying on the move.

"This… is not the end…" He said in agonized whisper, as he opened up his personal circle and teleported out of there, leaving Alexander standing in the wasteland, as the barrier above them finally expelled.

"Lucifer… I`ve just realized something." Alex suddenly said to him. "Sirzechs has just freed me from all ties to Devils…"

"What do you mean by that, kid?" Lucifer asked of him.

"This direct attack on me and my family… He really is a power hungry moron." Alex simply said, as he saw Gabriel and Esdeath moving towards him.

"Alexander, what… What had just happened and where is Sirzechs?" Gabriel asked of him. "We`ve felt the presence of Lucian Lucifer here as well, but your clash prevented us from joining the battle, forcing us to uphold the barrier."

"That coward had managed to survive my last attack and teleported the hell out of here, half-dead and completely out of his mind. As for Lucian… It`s a bit of a long story, but what about my family?" Alex asked concerned.

"We had to teleport them to Zurich, with Azazel being in the critical state, almost dead, to be honest." Esdeath said to Alex, who clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. "Alex… Azazel`s health is in a really bad shape and Council of Cadre has decided to call an emergency meeting, as even from the briefest examination, it became clear that Azazel is no longer capable of leading the Grigori. They are planning on naming his successor…"

"Sirzechs… You`ve done it now. That is it, no more holding back." Alex practically fumed with hatred and fury, turning to Esdeath. "That crimson haired bastard had the gall to openly attack my father, my sister and my godfather, along with me. This is nothing short of declaration of war." Alexander stated to them, with Gabriel widening her eyes, as did Esdeath.

"Y-you mean that…" Gabriel tried to ask of him, but Alex simply interrupted her.

"Esdeath, give me your phone." Esdeath did just that, giving Alexander her phone and made the call. "This is Alexander Black speaking, Commander Grigori`s Special Operations Division and Cadre of Grigoris. In light of the most recent events, namely an open attempt at killing Governor General Azazel, Cadre Lucina and Cadre Baraqiel and myself by Sirzechs Lucifer, I officially declare the Protocol Terminus in effect. Confirmation code: 015XYQAPP901. I repeat: Protocol Terminus is now in effect." Alex stated in an official voice, with Esdeath gaining a fully serious look and nodding to him. "My friends, we are now at war…