Chapter 42

Zurich. Switzerland. Grigori HQ and Joint Command Center. 45 minutes after the Battle at Kuoh Academy.

Alexander Lucifer`s White Circle appeared in the reception area of Grigori`s HQ, as it transported a rather big group of people, which included Alex`s Peerage, family and friends, Sona and her Peerage, Gabriel, Esdeath and now freed members of Special Operations Division. Alexander himself was there too, with his wives, Grayfia, Millicas, Illya and Sakura, alongside with Rias Gremory herself, hand-cuffed and in complete restraints, as she was guarded alongside her knocked out Knight Kiba Yuuto by Cu Chulainn, Arturia, Archer and Medea, who had been prepared to kill her if needed. Her capture was swift and quickly executed, following Sirzechs` retreat and Alexander official declaring an emergency state in Grigori: Azazel was in coma and badly injured, Lucina was little better, along with Baraqiel, all of whom were badly injured by Sirzechs personally, who had tried to kill Alexander. This act has set in motion a chain of events that most in Grigori had hoped to avoid, but now…

Alexander turned to Arturia and Rias, speaking up in commanding voice.

"Take her and Kiba to the max security cells, double guards on her, no visitors or anything without my say so." Arturia nodded, along with Medea, Cuhullin and Archer, forcing the struggling Devil Princess to move, while Alexander turned to see Sona and her Peerage, who had officially agreed to a peaceful surrender to Alexander. "Medusa, Raynare, Ravel, make sure to settle Sona, Tsubaki and the rest of them in guest quarters. Don`t worry about a thing, you won`t be harmed or troubled in any way." Sona and Tsubaki nodded, following the assigned guides to their quarters.

"I`ll settle the rest of our family in your personal residential area, don`t worry about a thing, beloved." Kuroka said to Alex, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and leading away his daughters, Shirone, Grayfia and Millicas to Alex`s area.

"I`ll be in SOP`s HQ with the rest, need to mobilize all our resources and teams, if you are really going through with Protocol Terminus." Esdeath said, as she and the rest of SOP members, went through the crowds of coursing Fallen Angels to their destination.

"Akeno, go ahead to your mother, she must be worried sick about you and Baraqiel." Akeno decided to follow Alex`s advice and left him, Scathach and Gabriel alone.

It wasn`t long until they were greeted by Vali and Penemue moving right towards them, worried expressions present on them and stiffness followed. Penemue didn`t waste time and spoke right up.

"Alex, the Council of Cadre is already in session, we need to get moving now." With that, the group began to move towards the conference move. "Everyone is in a state of shock and determined rage here. Attack on your father, Lucina and Baraqiel, basically our leadership and strongest members, all by Sirzechs… Can`t believe that this day would ever come to pass. A war…"

"What`s the status on all of them, Penemue? When will Dad, Sis and Baraqiel recover?" Alex ignored that last part of what she said and asked her right away with firm, yet worried voice.

"Alex… It`s not as simple as we wish and hope it would be. Lucina and Baraqiel will be back in full health after a week or so of healing and care, but your father… Sirzechs must`s specifically targeted him when he appeared." Penemue said, with Alex casting a worried glance to her. "Externally, it didn`t seem much, but internally… Organs and tissues are damaged badly, extremely, spine is also damaged. We had to put Azazel into a medical coma and patch him into the life support system. Michael has agreed to send to us his best doctors with Saraphiel and they are already operating him, but his state is critical, Alex. And even when he pulls through, or if, I am sorry to say this, but… The Council is forced to name the next Governor General of Fallen Angels, and with your sister also out of commission, we…"

Alex`s fists clenched, as he gritted his teeth at all that Penemue had told him. His father was at death`s doorsteps basically, all because of that damned Devil bastard… No, Alex wasn`t going to lose any more of his family to Devils. He lost his mother to them already and this is far too much as it is. He spoke in concentrated voice.

"Guess it`s time to call in a few favors that Gods owe to me." Alex said, as he turned to Scathach. "Scathach, could you call your grandmother and…"

"I will, my love, and I`ll do more than this. Azazel has been a close friend to my Mythos and Celts do not let our friends being hurt go unpunished." Scathach assured him, as she put her palm on his cheek. "They`ll stand at your side when you`ll need them, my love. Stand fast and do not worry: Morrigan will personally attend to their health soon." With this, Scathach decided to simply teleport away, while Alex turned to Vali.

"Vali, I need to know if Cao Cao`s faction has received the call to arms and are ready for action. I know it`s hard, to leave Lucina, but I ask of you…"

"Yeah, I`ll check and contact with you ASAP. Just… Just keep me posted on their health, alright?" Vali asked of him.

"Wouldn`t dream of denying you that, Vali." Alex assured him, with Vali teleporting away from the hallway, while Alex turned to Penemue. "If memory serves, Shemhazai is the next in chain of command, so there isn`t much a discussion. The only question is where do I fit in with the system, as I maybe a Cadre on words, but we both know that I`m a maverick here."

"That`s no longer a problem, Alex. This morning, Azazel had called in a meeting earlier and put up to the vote your inclusion as an official Cadre in Grigori and return all of the command of SOP to you. Vote was unanimously for you, of course, so now you are in name and status a Cadre and official Commander of Grigori`s Special Operations Division." Penemue informed him, as they were closing in on the doors of a closed conference room, guarded by a whole squad of 8-winged Fallen Angels and another squad of same level Angels. "Michael and Uriel must`ve also arrived here and are now discussing the strategy with Shemhazai and others."

"There isn`t much to discuss, Penemue. This time, it is plain and simple." Alex said to her, as he, Penemue and Gabriel came to the doors and they were opened before them, allowing them to enter.

Inside, they saw a large round table, with 8 Cadre already awaiting for them and 2 Seraph there too. They were in the middle of a heated discussion, but once the doors had opened up, Shemhazai and Michael immediately suppressed all talks, turning their combined attention towards Alexander, Penemue and Gabriel. All of Fallen Angel Cadre rose up from their seats before Alexander, as sign of clear respect towards him, with Michael and Uriel also rising up from their seats, with Leader of Heaven speaking up.

"Alexander, you have my deepest sympathies for what has happened to you in the Academy, and I am deeply sorry that we weren`t able to support you there. It is my personal fault that Sirzechs had gotten there and I take full responsibility for it." Michael spoke in sincere voice. "I had allowed Gabriel to let Sirzechs pass when he appeared and…"

"We all have been played for fools we really were, Seraphim Michael. There is no other way around it." Alexander simply said to him, as he approached a free chair and stopped before it, taking in a breath. "Sirzechs had long showed to people that he cares only for the interests of his damned family and his little sister. He had betrayed and killed Lucifer and Alexandra, my grandparents, and let this Great War continue instead of letting it settle down through diplomacy, all so that he could get more power for himself and his cavalcade of friends. Only Serafall has been doing what she could to preserve Devils from being destroyed by us and other Factions, but now… After what that bastard has done to my father and sister, there is no turning away from this, and I hope that everyone agrees with me on this one."

"Completely and unquestioningly, Alexander." Shemhazai confirmed, while Penemue and Gabriel took their seats near Alexander, and Cadres nodded to this one. "We are at a full agreement that what Sirzechs has done is a clear declaration of war to us and we have taken all the necessary actions to meet this aggression from Devils with full force. Auriel, what is the status of our military forces?" Shemhazai asked a beautiful looking woman with tan skin, long silky white hair and golden eyes, dressed in a black, elf-like, armor.

"All our forces have been mobilized and are taking their assigned positions, as we speak." Auriel took up an IPAD and began to read from it. "1st 2nd and 3rd Army Corps has taken up defensive positions in our Underworld holdings, they are prepared to defend their designated sectors. Divisions from 1st to 7th have been deployed to form up the second line of defense, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th are mobilized in Human World and are spread to cover our holdings in here. Also have the all 5 Internal Defensive Brigades handling preparations for evac and emergencies in case Devils break through the lines of defense attack our populated areas. Aside from that, we still have 4th Corp in reserve and ready for deployment whenever needed, or to fill in the gaps in defense. As for local militia forces that our communes, cities and villages are assembling or have assembled, I`ve ordered them to be on a police duty for now, but they are under direct command of Central High Command. As for Special Operations Division… This is not my area, but I assume that all is in place, Cadre Alexander?"

"We have been caught off guard and there was disorder in the highest ranks of SOD, Auriel, but Esdeath is already handling coordination and organization of teams and units. I`ve already made contact with residential agents and cells across the world and Underworld, all have confirmed their readiness. However, because of Kokabiel`s actions, England, South-East Asia and Western Europe had lost leadership and several high-value operatives. Arthur and others are returning back into the action and reorganizing their activities." Alex informed Auriel and the rest of Angels here. "Along with that, I have authorized Protocol Terminus to go in effect 49 minutes ago." Alex informed the Council, who immediately turned their eyes towards him, with Auriel speaking up.

"Protocol Terminus is now in effect? Cadre Alexander, only Council of Cadres or Governor General of Fallen Angels has the full right to authorize the activation of Protocol Terminus. Not even you, founder and head of our Special Operations Division, have this kind of authority or power." Auriel reprimanded her colleague, but it was clear that there was no ill in her voice and she merely reminded Lucifer of this, with Alex simply looking at her and speaking up, while the others were still silent.

"Yes, the activation for Protocol Terminus is a right of Governor General or this Council, I will not deny it. However, as Head of Special Operations Division, I hold the right to declare it to be in effect and begin the preparations for its activations. And given our situation, Auriel, would you waste any second without purpose, rather than put Terminus in effect?" Alexander asked of her, before turning to other Cadres. "Our organization and essentially government had just taken a critical hit from Sirzechs, any form of hesitation would`ve been a borderline treason against our people. And I believe that Shemhazai here will agree with me, as an acting Governor General of Fallen Angels?" Alexander looked at him, with the man nodding to him.

"Alex is correct in all cases. Right to put Terminus in effect is his, but it is up to us to actually activate it." Shemhazai agreed with Alexander, while Michael and other Angels were starting to feel like there was something serious behind Protocol Terminus.

"Pardon me, I understand that this is highly classified, but what is exactly Protocol Terminus?" Michael asked of the Cadre. "Is this some form of emergency plan in case war was to break out with Devils?"

Cadres looked amongst each other, deciding whether to tell their allies of Protocol Terminus or not, with Alexander letting out a sigh and speaking up.

"Protocol Terminus is a set of special commands and plans, developed by Special Operations Division, basically me, Esdeath, Cao Cao and Najenda. It was developed two years ago, with the intent of providing Fallen Angels a solid and powerful advantage in an event of war between Devils reigniting." Alexander began to explain. "Protocol Terminus` main purpose and target is to shatter and destroy Devils` military, scientific and civilian industrial complexes, disorganize the work between the military formations, instigate assassinations of political and military experts and high-priority targets, along with triggering massive revolts, rebellions within the borders of most powerful and dangerous Houses, complete destruction of food and water storages and crops, isolate and capture Devils` enclaves and communes in Human World… In other words, it is a plan to utterly and completely destroy the Devils` ability to launch a full out strike at us or go on the offensive or lead a successful defense. The range of Protocol Terminus is the entire structure of Devils` society and country as a faction."

Michael and the other two Angels looked shocked at the scale and sheer magnitude of Grigori`s plans. No, at what Alexander and his commanders had come up with, all just to disable Devils` from effectively waging war. They understood that there was far more to this than just what Alexander had said, there must`ve been, but even so… Just imagining that it can happen and that Special Operations Division had the resources and manpower to make it happen seems practically impossible.

"If what you are saying is true… Then you would require massive resources, hundreds or even thousands of agents in every single level of Devils` society and infrastructure, not to mention how would you be able to supply them, and do not even get me started on how to do it all in the same time. I am sorry, but all this seems too unlikely to happen." Uriel stated to them all, as he analyzed that Alexander had said.

"You would be highly surprised, Seraph Uriel, how resourceful and productive we can be." Alexander merely said to him. "Trust me, Protocol Terminus is viable and is capable of what it is designed to do. And as for all the aspects of activation and carrying it out, we have…" Suddenly, all of them saw a small blinking light on a monitor, while also a beeping sound. "Someone is trying to contact us right now? Penemue, is that who I think it is?"

"Yes, it`s Devils. Four Satan Kings, minus Sirzechs, along with Diehauser Belial, Zeoticus Gremory and Zekram Bael." She said to them, as she looked at the holographic projection in her hand. "Should I patch them through?"

"Do it. Let`s see what kind of an excuse they`ll have in store. And I am also curious, why would two of the most powerful Head of Houses contact us as well?" Auriel asked out loud.

"They are probably the emissaries from the rest of the Pillars, want to know how the entire talk will go and what to do if things go south. And as for Zeoticus, I wouldn`t be too surprised if he demanded from Alexander answers as if he owns you. No offence, Alexander." Armaros speculated, while Alexander simply nodded to him. "Whatever they are up to, they need to know who is at fault here and that we demand payback for it all. They`ve screwed with us up, badly and we can`t just settle on a proposals of peace and trade, no sir we can`t."

"Alex." Shemhazai turned to Azazel`s son. "While you`ve said that I was the acting Governor General of Fallen Angels, the truth is that, according to our chain of command and Azazel`s direct orders, you are the one who is actually effectively the Governor General of Fallen Angels. He has officially recognized you as his full Heir and Council of Cadres here have acknowledged this change. So, you are officially in charge of Grigori now."

Alex was speechless for several seconds, as he was processing the entire information. He had always thought that his father would put Lucina as the real Governor General after him, but instead… Lucifer mentally chuckled to himself, as he quickly recalled, that while Lucina had the administrative and leadership skills, they were never to the same level as Alexander`s, who from the scratch had created SOP, Protocol Terminus, turned the entire cold war between Factions in Grigori`s favor. He should`ve suspected that Azazel would see it as a real sign of a true leader, experienced and prepared, someone who could effectively lead Grigori and Fallen Angels into battle and peaceful future. Michael, Uriel and Gabriel exchanged glances and few quiet words, until Michael spoke up.

"We see no better choice than you as well, Alexander." Michael gave him a small smile of reassuring. "Though you are young, there are instances in history when young people had trumped the empires. And you have managed in a span of a few short years more than most do in decades. Heaven supports this decision and will stand ready with you, Governor General."

"Do not get your hopes up, Seraph. I will take this responsibility, but only until my father has recovered enough to lead us again, not a minute more after that will I be in command." Alexander simply said, as he turned to Shem, who was smiling at him. "You`ve known about for how long?"

"Long enough, my boy. And Lucina was actually the one who supported this idea first." Shemhazai said to him, turning to Penemue. "Penemue, dear, I believe we`ve kept the Devils waiting long enough. If you do not mind…" Penemue nodded to the rest of Angels in the room and activated the link, revealing the faces of the calling. "Ah, Lords Ajuka, Serafall, Falbium, Zekram, Diehauser and Zeoticus… We were expecting your call, but do tell us, where is Sirzechs Gremory, if you do not mind?"

"Sirzechs is currently unavailable, as he is busy with important matters of Devils` society." Ajuka Beelzebub answered, while Alexander had scoffed at this one.

"Could`ve simply stated that he is licking his wounds after our battle, Beelzebub. It is no secret to anyone here, what had happened in Kuoh Academy less than an hour ago." Alexander sternly said to him, getting a glare from Ajuka and Falbium.

"Shemhazai, we have called you here to discuss an incident that has occurred in Kuoh Academy, a misunderstanding of sorts. I do not believe that Alexander Lucifer should be allowed on such meeting." Ajuka argued, while Auriel and other Cadres growled a bit. "I insist that he is to be removed from here or…"

"Ajuka Beelzebub, I would watch that tongue of yours if I were you." Auriel spoke up harshly. "You are addressing son of Azazel and Lucia Lucifer, one of Cadre of Fallen Angels and on top it all off, our Governor General of Fallen Angels. You don`t get to do any sorts of demands or insist on anything, Devil, not after what your Sirzechs has done to Azazel, Lucina and Baraqiel."

"Lady Auriel, we understand that the situation we are in is complicated, but I believe that we can still find a way to resolve this peacefully." Serafall spoke up diplomatically, turning to Alexander. "Alexander, it has also come to our knowledge that you have…"

"Where is my daughter and her Peerage, Alexander, you ungrateful bastard?!" Zeoticus roared out loud, with Alexander simply scoffing him. "How dare you to kidnap her like this, not to mention attack our true Lucifer, siding with a known criminal and…"

"Your daughter, along with Yuuto Kiba are in maximum security cells, taken as prisoners for crimes of attacking members of Grigori, manipulations, and other various crimes. As for Akeno Himejima and Shirone Lucifer, my wife, they are here as members of Grigori, and the latter as my official wife. As for Sona Sitri and her Peerage, they are in guest quarters, safe and sound, having peacefully surrendered into my custody until this crisis has been resolved, Lady Leviathan." Alexander could see an immediate relief on the face of Serafall. "Now, let`s discuss what had happened: Sirzechs Gremory has personally attacked my family and me, with clearest intentions to kill me and nearly succeeded in doing so. Because of him, my father is in coma and in danger of losing life, my sister and godfather are in hospital too. And before any of you ask, there are mountains of evidences and witnesses, enough to confirm it all ten times over, I assure you. So, let me ask you this: do you really think that after all this, Fallen Angels will be willing to let this go unpunished?"

"Insolent little boy, he is clearly lying, trying to hide the fact that he had tried to assassinate our leader with his father and cousin, and among that…" Zeoticus Gremory was suddenly cut off from this conversation, as Zekram Bael spoke up.

"Alexander Lucifer, my apologies for what you had to hear. Houses of Bael and Belial are already aware of the transgressions that happened and called in an emergency meeting between the Heads of the Houses." Zekram said to them. "We are prepared to offer substantial reparations and compensations for what had happened, and we also deny that any of Sirzechs` actions have been approved by us. If anything, no one would`ve ever allowed him to do such a thing, I assure. Now, we offer to Grigori and Fallen Angels this: 1/10 of our combined treasures from all Houses and Extra Devils Clans; exclusive rights on colonization of Artacum, Pelleus and Terrum`s areas in Underworld for Fallen Angels, and also Lady Leviathan has agreed to become your bride, in an effort to restore peaceful relations with Devils." Alex raised his eyebrow at this one, looking at Serafall, who had a small blush on her face.

"Lady Serafall, is this true?" It was Shemhazai that has asked that of Serafall. "I believe you are aware, that if you were to marry Alexander, you would be forced to abdicate from your position as a Leviathan, given the fact of Alexander being a Cadre of Grigori and him living in the territories of our race. You essentially will be forced to live here, as per customs and traditions. And there is also the fact of House of Gremory having basically forced an unwanted marriage upon Alexander. I believe you understand that it means nothing to us all here now?"

"I am well aware of all this, thank you. And I believe that this is also for the best, not just to preserve the relations between our species, but also because I believe that Alex is a man whom I would prefer to spend my entire life and… And to have kids." Serafall blushed even harder at this one. "He is kind, diligent, responsible and has saved my beloved little sister from death itself, sacrificing his own lifespan for it… There is no way I couldn`t have not fallen for a person like that. And besides that, I`m sick and tired already of sitting in this chair and ruining my personal life~!" Now this was Serafall that Alexander and others knew. "No personal life, little to no time filming my TV and do not even get me started on the fact that I barely get to see my little sister and that I`ve been literally doing my hardest at keeping this race in one piece! I deserve some me time already, and also a husband who would love me and my sister as well, plus I`ve already made all the arrangements, so dear Diehauser here will take over my position." Diehauser merely nodded at this one. "And I will not allow Gabriel here to be the first to put her grabby hands on the man I love!" Gabriel blushed a little bit at this one.

"Somehow, I was actually expecting something like that from you, Sera." Alex chuckled a little at this one. "I can only hope I can make a fine husband to you, and I wouldn`t mind being with you, Sera. Lucifer knows one can only dream of such beautiful and upbeat wife such as you, Sera." Sera blushed even stronger. "As for these terms…" Alexander glanced at the other Cadres, with all of them not exactly agreeing to them, as there was one key factor missing. "I can agree on a marriage between me and Serafall, but there are some changes to you original terms I have. Accept them, and the war can be avoided, you have my word, but if you deny them- I will not be responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians and untold destructions that will happen. All that I will responsible are the lives of Fallen Angels soldiers that will die, protecting their family and our country."

"We are ready to hear them, Lord Lucifer." Diehauser spoke up.

"The original terms are already more than enough for solving this small conflict and…" Ajuka had wanted to speak up, but he was interrupted by Serafall.

"Silence, Ajuka!" She raised her voice on her fellow Satan. "Because of Sirzechs` idiocy and you actually encouraging him, we are on a brink of war that can easily wipe out our entire race! I`ve already done more than enough mistakes back with helping you and Sirzechs in your coup d'état and we`ve paid a price too big already! I will not let your pride and arrogance drag our race into abyss. Alexander, what are your terms for us, aside from those we`ve already proposed?"

"We will take 1/8 of your combined treasures as compensation; the lands offered will also go to us, along with a valley of River Knarhas being made into a neutral zone, a buffer zone between Fallen Angels and Devils, with rights for the colonization equally split between Olympian, Celtic, Egyptian, Indian, Norse and Shinto Mythologies, as a way to strengthen relations with them and also create a zone of free trade for us." Alexander made an argument, with Zekram nodding to this one. "And…" Alexander took a deliberate pause, to further emphasize the importance of this particular demand. "Zeoticus Gremory, Venelana Bael and Sirzechs Gremory are to be imprisoned and transferred into Grigori`s custody, as criminals, on charges of igniting the war, attempted murders, manipulations, threats and etc. Meet these conditions, and there will be peace, and I will not accept anything else or any other conditions or counter-offerings. You have half an hour to discuss this between yourselves. Fail to deliver all the terms, and I shall unleash the scourge and descend the sword upon your lands and upon your people."

"You cannot be serious, boy. Our forces will easily repel any and all attacks from your army, I assure you." Falbium lazily stated. "In fact, it is us that ought to make demands to you instead. Like hell will you get Sirzechs, not as long as I have an army to defend him with."

"Falbium, don`t you…" Serafall had tried to stop him, but it was enough for Alexander.

"Apparently you do not understand that this not a negotiation, Falbium. It is your surrender, and allow me to demonstrate to you, what I am capable of." Alexander wasn`t going to be bullied around, or let Devils believe themselves to be in full control here, as he summoned up a magical communication circle. "This is Alexander Lucifer, Governor General of Fallen Angels. Protocol Terminus, Sections 2, 3,7,12 and 31- initiate the execution." Alexander has given the orders to the agents and looked at the confused reactions of Ajuka, Falbium and Zekram.

Underworld. Special Task Group Sigma 11.

"We have the green light, sir!" Corporal informed his commander about the received information.

"Alright, guys. Orders are clear and we have the green light. We go in, clear the room, set the charges and get out. We have 2 and a half minutes to do it." Captain of the Special Task Group explained to his squad of four people, including himself, dressed in a black colored military grade equipment and armed with MP5 and silencers. "Orders come from Alexander himself, so let`s make our Command proud. Alright, Sigma 2, get us inside." Soldier designated as Sigma 2 nodded and opened up the teleport for his group.

In the next minute and a half, an entire depot, filled with high-yield explosive crystals and raw materials was cleared out of all the security and workers inside, taken down by precise shots from the submachine guns and CQC. These men had spent hundreds of ours training for this very mission, studying information from their agents inside, who were Low Class Devils that worked here. Sigma 3 and 4 set the charges within a few seconds and regrouped at the portal, disappearing without any trace. In the next minute, the depot, along with entire complex of barracks, industrial buildings, hangars and other various buildings disappeared in a blaze of red explosive wave. And this was just one of such attacks...

Special Task Group Zeta 29. Same time.

"Green light, sir." Communication officer informed his commander, who fixed his SCAR with a silencer, just as the others have done for him.

"Okay, let`s roll, boys." He said to his squad and they teleported out of their hidden point and towards their designated target.

In a mansion of a 1th Devils` Defensive Army`s commander, within a few minutes commenced a very short, but brutal firefight, with SOD` operatives numbering 10 men gunning down the security and Peerage members of the commander, while several of his servants had assisted them, having secretly worked for Grigori, as they were supplied with light weaponry and armaments. It wasn`t long until the mansion was secured and the general himself was found, dead and naked in his bed, as his favorite servant girl and his love toy had stubbed him in the heart, carrying out Protocol Terminus herself. Soon after that followed a quick sweep for needed documents and maps, which were found, and then all those that participated in the operations disappeared.

Special Task Group Gamma 3. Same time.

"Green light for attack, sir!"

"That is it, open the portal, soldier." Commander ordered and he with his squad moved to do their duty.

Next three minutes, and an entire HQ of Devils` National Guard was swept over by a team of special task forces in number of 11 men, with over 27 high-ranking officers gunned down, 11 generals and advisors taken prisoner and all of the documentary, maps and data from the computers being prematurely prepared by the secret defectors from the defensive staff of the HQ. Having completed mission, all participants had disappeared, leaving behind only a large explosion which took out the entire building with it.

Special Task Group Sirius 71. Same time.

"Sir, Governor General has given orders. We are clear to go."

"Good. You know the drill: go in, sweep the area and mine the fuel tanks. Get us in, soldier."

Five minutes, and a regional repair base for Devils` armored vehicles, tanks and other various tech had disappeared in a mushroom cloud, caused by a large explosion. It was set by a team of 6 special task forces operatives and 21 defectors in the base that reported and worked on Alexander Lucifer all this time. Overwhelming lackluster security and setting the charges was easier than taking a candy away from a kid and the team was done within the required time. By the time they were gone, the shockwave had swept the area several times over.

Grigori HQ. 10 minutes later.

Alexander and the rest of Angels watched how Falbium was beginning to get bombarded by tons of reports about massive diversionary actions, which had taken out basically one fourth of Devils` entire military complex, officer staff, tech and machinery. The panic and dread grew upon his face, as within a few minutes and one command, Alexander had dealt more damage to entirety of Devils` military then Fallen Angels and Angels have done within a years of battles and fights. Angels of Heaven were also highly impressed, especially Uriel, who looked stunned at the results coming in, while Shemhazai and Penemue looked proudly at Alexander, knowing that Protocol Terminus has worked, and this was just one fifth of it. Had he ordered all Sections to be executed, then Devils wouldn`t even be able to keep the contact with them. Zekram and Diehauser looked appalled at the state of affairs, but couldn`t help but praise Alexander`s wit and ingenuity in their mind. Serafall had simply sighed out of tiredness from dealing with her friend`s idiocy, while Ajuka was trying his best to maintain his cool, and failing at it. As for Falbium… For once in two thousands of years, he looked like he wouldn`t be having any sleep any time soon. As the reports had stopped flooding in, Alexander spoke up.

"As I was saying, this is your surrender, Falbium. This war had begun the moment Sirzechs has attacked my family, and this is my retaliation upon your people, and this isn`t the worst of it, I assure you." Alexander assured him. "I am fully capable of neutralizing your entire industry, agricultural and scientific complexes, dismantling your military and more. And after this is done, I would give order for advancement for my armies and in matter of two and a half weeks, your entire Devils` territories will be occupied by our forces and pacified. And once it is done, I will turn to ruin not just House of Gremory, but those that who have supported them as well, every single House and Clan that exercised slavery, human experiments, violations of rights of sentient beings and more. If you wish to avoid it from happening, you will accept my demands and give me what I want. You have half an hour to decide and the clocks are ticking. Alexander Lucifer out!" Alexander disabled the communications with Devils turning to Angels of Heaven.

"That was… I take all of my words back about your Protocol Terminus." Uriel said respectfully to Alexander, who nodded to him. "Would I be so bold to ask if you had developed a special Protocol for Heaven?"

"We did." Alexander merely answered without skipping a beat, surprising Angels. "Si vis pacem, para bellum. Practical and wise words, as well as one of the main doctrines of Special Operations Division. I believe, that with the uncertainty in our relations and state of Great War was, it was a necessity to be prepared to defend ourselves from either Devils or you, Angels of Heaven. And no modern army can win without resources, command structure, officers and sufficient information."

"Those are grim words, yet are also truthful in all regards." Michael admitted with a sigh. "Even though we have established peace and restored our relations with our Fallen brethren, there are still tensions and a certain amount of uncertainty involved in this alliance. We believe, that this can be solved through a union between two highest ranking members of Grigori and Heaven. And… After some discussions with Azazel, he has given his blessing, with your willingness of course, Alexander, to allow Gabriel to become your wife." Alexander looked at blushing Gabriel. "I understand that this is sudden and…"

"No, no, I understand what you mean, Seraph Michael. And while I do find your sister extremely attractive and beautiful, I cannot simply go and take her as my wife, it won`t do. Such marriages between complete strangers often end up as worst nightmares for both spouses, and while Gabriel is worth any nightmare to live through I am sure of it." Alexander could see how Gabriel`s face was becoming redder and redder, almost letting out steam. "I would like to offer you to first court her, as per all traditions and customs, so that we could get to know each other better. And, after a certain period of time, we could solidify our relations through marriage. And in the meantime, we could discuss additional ways to improve our relations, such as opening additional trading routes and resolving old diplomatic issues both of our sides have, in a civilized and peaceful manner."

"Yes, I believe that it is also the best thing that we can do." Michael agreed, as the talks had begun.

Half an hour later.

The designated time had come soon enough, and Devils had called back to Grigori and Angels, with Alexander activating the connection and seeing this time only Zekram Bael and Diehauser Belial. Alexander was the first one to speak up.

"Before you give me your answer, where are the Satans?" Alexander asked of them.

"The Council of Pillars has officially passed a vote of No Confidence to Falbium Glasya-Labolas and it was accepted, with him officially leaving the post of Satan, with Ajuka Beelzebub storming out of the room in rage and officially refusing to continue his work as a Satan. As for Serafall…" Zekram was about to speak up, but then everyone saw how doors of the conference room opened up, revealing Serafall, in a casual wear, stepping in and speaking up.

"Sorry if I interrupted. I couldn`t wait and simply teleported here. Good thing that Sona had spoken up for me, or there would a mild misunderstanding~." Sera said in her usual manner, as she passed to Alexander and hugged him from behind, giving him a kiss on the cheek, while also giving Gabriel a look stating: "He`s mine, try to take him, I`ll beat you senseless."

"So, Zekram, I assume that all the conditions will be met?" Alexander asked of him, as Sera simply relished in a feeling of her now fiancée`s warmth, hugging him.

"Yes, Alexander, all conditions will be met. You will receive the monetary compensation within 12 hours and it will be delivered to Grigori directly, safeguarded by Diehauser`s Peerage members, including his Queen. As for members of House of Gremory, they will be delivered to you within the same time, but it is going to be a little complicated, given the fact of them fortifying their positions and…" Zekram was about to explain, but Alexander spoke up.

"I shall send to your aid two of my elite special units, as well as a platoon of Special Task Operatives. Those forces will be enough to help you retrieve them all and bring them here. Naturally, I will only have my forces doing the escorting." Alex said to them, with Diehauser nodding to.

"Naturally, Lucifer." Diehauser said to him, before chuckling to him. "Congratulations, Alexander Lucifer. You`ve won the Great War… We acknowledge our defeat." Diehauser said to him, chuckling grimly, as he and Zekram Bael disconnected.

It was true. After two thousand years of stalemate, a single man had ended the conflict that had lasted for generations and generations. And the man that has done it, was probably the youngest major commander in this war ever, and yet, he has done practically the impossible.

Alexander Lucifer, Son of Azazel and Grandson of Lucifer, New Primordial Nephilim and Governor General of Fallen Angels and Grigori, has officially won the Great War.