Road Rage

"Damn! These guys have bulletproof clothes and masks," Aditya lightly swore as he looked at the rear-view mirror. He killed the remaining people in Vincent and Rai's car. It took two seconds and five rounds to kill four people. It was quite slow when taking into consideration that the world record was eight shots in a second. Aditya had to take a little more time to shoot in this situation.

Though Aditya had killed Vincent who was driving the car, the car was still moving without any change in its course as it drove adjacent to Taarini. The steering wheel was moving of its own accord.

Aditya filled the magazine again as the capacity of a 1911 handgun was eight rounds, and he had used five. If he shot at the next car, a single person was going to be left out, and he might raise a ruckus. Also, it was not guaranteed that a human would die after being shot in the head. There was a ten per cent chance of surviving. So, it was good to fill your magazine when you had the time.

Aditya did not know that because of shooting through the eye, he got lucky. All the members of the 'Auxilia' were fitted with small chips to monitor their life signs like pulse rate. It was a simple mechanism which was implanted to make sure if a person was alive or dead. This device would be activated if the heart stopped beating, and this would notify all the nearby forces of this fact.

If Aditya had shot at the brain stem and damaged it, the heart would have stopped immediately. But because of shooting through the eye, the brain stem of the people in Vincent's car did not get affected directly. The heart would continue beating for about a minute. This phenomenon gave him the chance to catch the other people unaware.

The people in the cars behind the first car were under the impression that the fight had started. They were also getting ready to equip themselves. Their unpreparedness demonstrated their carelessness as they felt that it was quite a simple mission. They did not know that the fight had ended even before it started.

Even in this dire situation, Taarini could not help but titter when she heard Aditya swearing about the bulletproof protection of the enemies. Those people seemed to be protected from head to toe but still couldn't escape death. Even though she was acquainted with Aditya's proficiency in shooting, Taarini could not help but feel shocked when she saw the actual application of these skills in real-time.

"Mentor, I need you to climb into that car and get all the weapons and ammo you could find. also, try to get those bulletproof clothes and mask as well." Aditya said as he continued shooting at the second car. This fight ended in a second. One could imagine the speed of Aditya's shooting. In a matter of three seconds, eight people had been killed. The second car also moved without any change in its course.

It was Tya who was controlling these cars. Nowadays, every high-end car was computerised and was controlled through electrical circuits, and the entertainment equipment in the vehicle was connected to the internet. It was a piece of cake for Tya to hack these cars and take over the controls. The drivers were kept under a false impression that the vehicles were moving according to their wishes. But it was Tya who was controlling all five cars.

"Adi, five more cars are quickly catching up and I can't control them as they seem to equipped with the same quantum core that we had previously seen (Raipath family's underling - politician)," Tya's cute voice was heard as satellite images, and camera footage of these cars were displayed in Aditya's mind.

"F**k," Aditya cursed in a low voice as he shot at the third car and killed another four people. Aditya felt that the situation was becoming critical. Those eight vehicles seemed to be the same size as the Hummer but were faster than him.

"How much time do we have before they catch up?" Aditya asked as he reloaded his magazine. Another nineteen rounds were remaining.

Crack! Crack!!

At last, the people in the previous two cars noticed that something went wrong. They had started shooting at the Hummer. Aditya and Taarini instinctively ducked but realised immediately that their vehicle was armoured. It can take quite a few shots.

The rear window of the Hummer was getting riddled with shots as Aditya fired at the fourth vehicle. He had activated 'Slow Timing' and 'Sensifull'. The movements of every one of these people were as slow as a snail in his eyes.

Aditya could 'see' the trajectories of every bullet by looking at the guns and their positions. Not a single bullet could touch him. Aditya could predict the target of rounds, even before they were shot. He would quickly move his hand out of the path of the fire. Also, the accuracy of these people was nowhere near his skill. So, Aditya could practically ignore most of these rounds and had to watch out for stray bullets.

But Aditya had to accept that these people adapted quickly. While Aditya was killing the people in the fourth car, the people in the fifth car covered their eyes with their clothes and ducked down. They did not even bother to shoot at Aditya. Aditya could not find any openings. Even the driver ducked down into his shirt. He did not seem to care if the vehicle crashed. He hit the brake only to discover that the car was not in his control anymore.

"Adi, you have thirty seconds before they appear. These cars were moving almost similar speed to us, but suddenly they picked up speed and are now racing towards us. It looks like they have some speed boosters added to their engine. Even if you change to a Range Rover, it is not going to help." Tya replied.

"Mentor, now," Aditya said as he looked at Taarini. There was no time to delay. Taarini nodded as she climbed out of her car into the next vehicle. She did not doubt Aditya's words for a second as the shooting continued. The wind whipped across Taarini's face as her air flowed along with the wind. Her body was very flexible to begin, so it was easy for her to move through the windows. Tya lowered the window of the other vehicle for Taarini to enter.

Before Aditya asked Taarini to climb onto the other car, Tya had moved the last vehicle to come towards Aditya's side. The people in the previous vehicle were shocked when they saw that their car went out of control. They did not make any movements and remained cowering under the protection of their clothes. Aditya did not shoot and kept an eye on them.

Taarini climbed into the car and grabbed the assault rifles and ammo without caring the blood or the dead bodies in the least. There were even a few M67 grenades which lit up Aditya's eyes. These were going to come in handy. When Taarini tried to remove the clothes from the dead bodies, the fabric broke into pieces as if it was very fragile and could not handle her force.

Both Taarini and Aditya was shocked when they saw this happen. Either the material expired with the death of the person, or it was somehow specific to the person who wore it. It was clear that Aditya and Taarini could not utilise them for their protection. Aditya sighed at this equipment. It would be false if he said that he was not shaken with this display of technological advancement. How was he going to save his parents without similar equipment?

A brief calmness ensued as the vehicles moved in high speed. Fortunately, the national highway (freeway) was almost vacant in this stretch. The few cars which were present did not get affected in these shooting — one of the main reason being that Aditya finished the fight in a few tens of seconds. Tya moved each of these Range Rovers to circle the Hummer.

"TAARINI, COME BACK," Aditya shouted with cold sweat forming on his forehead. He had spotted machine guns sprouting out of these cars' bonnets. Taarini grabbed what she could before jumping into the Hummer. Just as she fell in her seat, the Range Rover that she jumped from got riddled with bullets.

Aditya breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Taarini was safe. Five vehicles which emitted a gloomy feeling had come into view. Two men were riding sports bikes, escorting this fleet.

"Tya, do it," Aditya muttered, as he maintained the highest speed possible. Taarini's face became cold when she saw even more vehicles. She could sense that the situation was not favourable. It was already a miracle that they could remain unscathed after killing the first twenty men.

Taarini looked at Aditya's calm expression along with his sharp gaze. She felt steady and secure as if as long as she was with him, no one can harm her. Aditya was the only person other than her elder brother, who could give her this feeling. Taarini opened her mouth as if to speak but did not do so in the end.

Three out of five Range Rovers, which were circling them, slowly formed a straight line behind the Hummer. These cars were going to act as shields for them. The fourth car was placed on taarini's side to defend her. The fifth vehicle which carried people who were alive remained within gunshot range of Aditya. Aditya knew that the Hummer could not stop the firing from those machine guns. He needed extra protection.

Leon, who was in charge of this fleet, could not get over the shock that he was experiencing at the moment. He had received the news from the people from the last car. A single person had killed sixteen of their men including Vincent and Rai, who were Leon's seniors. Everyone's life indicator had stopped responding, which meant that they had died.

His pupils shrank when he saw the three cars form a line behind the Hummer. Leon's heart gradually calmed down as his gaze became cold. They were soldiers who did not fear death. Leon was shocked with the prowess of the opposite side for a moment. But it did not mean that he was scared. Leon had seen stronger people achieving even more spectacular feats in the 'Organisation'. He just had to treat this person similar to them. Even though Leon did not know how the opposite party could control those cars, it did not make any difference to him.