Dire Situation

Leon started giving a slew of commands with a cool head. " I want to blast those cars to pieces — concentrate shooting on these cars. I want everyone to imagine this person as similar to our leader, Zamir. But this person is not bulletproof, nor does he have any hi-tech equipment. We can easily take him down as long as we stuck to our fight and pace."

"Rock and Brad, since you are driving bikes, you can move past the cars and keep that person busy. Don't let him relax. After the three cars are out of the way and the Hummer is exposed, I want three of our cars to shoot the iron hooks. We have got to stop that vehicle and encircle that bastard. Our cars are bullet-proof, and we need not fear his bullets."

The people, who were cowering in the last Range Rover, realised Aditya's intentions to use them as shields but did not dare to move.

The five 'modified' cars started firing at the three vehicles. Within five seconds, the last car of the line got disabled and got out of control. In the next ten seconds, the car in the middle burst into flames and blasted into pieces. One of the grenades in the car was accidentally detonated which led to a lopsided explosion. This explosion initiated a chain reaction where all the other shells also exploded. The blast affected the vehicle before it and pushed it out of the way, leaving the Hummer out in the open.

Leon smirked when he witnessed the explosion. It looks like the enemy was going to die early. Just as Leon was about to order to continue firing, he saw a hand threw three metal balls and two metal balls on the road in continuous succession. There was a reason that M67 grenades were called 'baseball' grenades. They were spherical and convenient to throw.

Leon's eyes shrank when he saw the grenades rolling towards there vehicles. He hurriedly shouted, " dodge those grenades." But the high speed of the cars did not make it possible to change the course in the last second.


The grenades blasted precisely in front of their bonnets. Even though these cars were armoured, it did not mean that they could come unscathed from these explosions. Especially when the position of the blast was so accurate.

" Not one of the cars plummeted," Aditya bitterly muttered as he looked at the last two grenades in his hands.

"At least, you took their machine guns down," Taarini comforted as she smiled at Aditya. Aditya could not help but grin when he saw Taarini trying to assuage him when both of them were in equally dangerous circumstances. In a way, given Tya's abilities, Aditya had more chances to survive this ordeal while Taarini was completely vulnerable. But still, it was Taarini who was serene. Aditya resolved to save her at all costs as he continued driving.

Leon gritted his teeth when the firearm mechanism got disrupted. He coldly gazed at the Hummer as he said, "Three cars should prepare the iron hook. I want them shot when we reach sixty meters of distance from that car."

Leon prepared his gear as the fight was going to be in close quarters now. He knew that any hi-tech gadgets could not be used because the 'Organisation' would not allow it. These cars were gifted to the Raipath Family, hence could be used.

"Fire," Leon commanded when he saw that range was enough. The front part of their cars opened to reveal a piece of equipment which resembled a small Ballista (ancient missile weapon) with a sharp, shiny bolt of considerable size. The bolt was ejected at almost the same speed like a bullet. There was a steel rope attached to the end of the bolt like a fishing line.

"Damn," Aditya shouted as he tried to get the car out of the way. But the Hummer was never suitable for such flexible manoeuvres. Aditya managed to dodge two, but the last bolt sank into the Hummer's body. Immediately his speed reduced as the Hummer was now dragging another vehicle along.

Aditya grabbed an assault rifle and shot at the steel wire. No ordinary human could shoot an assault rifle with one hand and in such an awkward posture. But Aditya's strength was not just for show. He was capable of carrying the gun and could also remain unaffected by the recoil.

The steel wire did not snap with one bullet. Aditya aimed for the same spot repeatedly. Even if the steel was uncommon, it could not handle ten armour-piercing rounds in the same place. It snapped.

The Hummer jerked forward after it was freed. Before Taarini could rejoice, she heard Aditya swear as two other bolts sank into their car. The speed plummeted. Before Aditya could shoot them, Aditya's side was submerged with rapid gun firing. Aditya ducked back into his seat as he saw the two bikers who were shooting at him. The wing mirror blasted to smithereens in that gunfire. These bikers were within ten meters and dangerously close. Bikes gave flexibility to these men to take better shots.

There was no space for Aditya to move in this barrage of rounds. He had to wait until their cartridges were emptied, which was dangerous as there was no time to spare. Taarini also crouched in her seat as she saw Aditya trying his best to avert the danger. She knew that these people were way out of her league. Taarini could not help but think that things were not going end well for them.

"Tya, use the car with those people to smash into the bikes," Aditya said. The car which was on Aditya's side stopped suddenly in front of those bikes. This manoeuver forced the bikers to prevent their firing and dodge the vehicle.

This delay gave Aditya a much-needed break, he raised his gun and fired at one of the bikers to discover that even their helmets were bulletproof. Aditya swore as he shot at one of the bike's fuel lines. These bikes were not modified. Hence the first bike went up in flames. The flames consumed the driver. Before Aditya could target the next bike, the biker ducked towards Taarini's side to avoid Aditya.

Aditya's heart sank when he saw a huge car smash towards his side. The other vehicles had caught up in the time that Aditya was delayed. Another car pushed the Range Rover on Taarini's side and leaned towards the other side of the Hummer. The Hummer was sandwiched between two metal beasts while two vehicles were fifty meters away, securing the iron hooks.

The Hummer was forced to a stop as the two cars, which held onto it with the iron hooks, started to reverse. White smoke started rising from the Hummer and the other two vehicles due to the friction between the road and the tires. The last car came and horizontally stopped in front of the Hummer, thus blocking it in all directions. Leon got off from this car as he sneered at Aditya, he could finally vent his feelings.

Aditya gazed at these people calmly as he reloaded his assault rifle and packed a couple of grenades into his pockets. He turned and looked at Taarini. Taarini was surprisingly calm as she also gazed at Aditya and smiled. Both of them knew that things had gone downhill, but neither of them was the kind who readily accepted defeat.

"Did you have a lot of fun killing my men? Now let us see who's going to have the fun?" Leon sneered as he started indiscriminately shooting at the windscreen of the Hummer. The people from the two cars, which were blocking the hummer, also opened their windows and started shooting at Aditya and Taarini.

The window glass became dented and opaque due to the cracks formed by the bullets. Apart from the sound of firing, Aditya and Taarini felt as if they were separated from the world. Taarini grabbed Aditya's hand as she asked softly, " Even if you do not say, I can tell that these people are here for me. If they were here for you, there would be guilt and remorse in your eyes, but it is not the case. I only see care and concern in your gaze, so you don't have anything to do with this sudden attack."

" If it was not for you, we would have been killed without much hassle. Adi, I want to know something. Do you regret accompanying me to the village?" Taarini asked as she earnestly looked at Aditya's eyes.

Aditya finished reloading his gun. He turned his gaze towards Taarini. Aditya looked at her with bright, limpid eyes and smiled. Taarini's heartstrings quivered when she saw those eyes. She understood what Aditya wanted to convey, even if he did not say a word. Taarini gave a brilliant smile to Aditya and grabbed a rifle.

"Start shooting when on my word," Aditya said as he grabbed the rifle in one hand and a short sword in the other. This short sword was very heavy and thicker than a standard sword. A typical sword was made to cut and stab, but Aditya's short sword had another purpose as well.

This sword was made especially for Aditya and gifted by Taarini. It was made with L6 type steel with alloys of nickel, titanium and chromium added to increase the strength. The sword could bend 130 degrees without permanent deformation. Taarini smiled when she saw Aditya drawing the sword, which was gifted by her.

"Adi, the window on your side will break in 1.6 seconds, and Taarini's side will break in 3.4 seconds. Also, Raghav and Munna are coming to aid us." Tya said. Aditya pointed the rifle to his right and was about to notify Taarini. His movements paused when he heard the latter half of Tya's words. But before Aditya could say a word, the scenario completely changed.

A black Armoured BMW X5 smashed into the car which was blocking Taarini's side. No one had expected that someone would dare to cause trouble. The stationary vehicle could not remain unaffected when hit by another armoured car with unstoppable momentum. It plummeted towards the front, clearing the blockade on Taarini's side. A few men got down from that car and started shooting at the people who were targeting Aditya and Taarini.