Seek The Dark Heavens

Divit was the second and last son of the main lineage of Raipath family. His status was only second to his elder brother Ivaan. Ivaan was the main family successor trained to take over the Raipath family in the future.

As in the case of powerful families, there was no competition for power between Ivaan and Divit. The reason was simple; Divit was not even a close match to his elder brother. Both were two extremes when you compared their calibre and personalities. Ivaan, since he was a kid, had always excelled in everything. He possessed an ambitious and fierce character which, sadly, Divit lacked.

As Divit was not going to be a competitor for the central head position, he was spoiled since his childhood. Divit had everything he wanted - cars, women and carefree living. But, deep in his heart, a small fire raged when Divit saw his elder brother. It only grew along with their age. This envy was one of the reasons that Divit prefered to go the wrong way.

In a wealthy family with a deeprooted heritage and fierce ambition like the Raipath family, people like Divit who couldn't add value were usually ignored.

In the beginning, it was a way to get his elders' attention, but after some time, those actions became habits. Roaming with like-minded people further pushed him into an abyss and twisted his mindset. Thanks to his family's power and prestige, Divit's warped behaviour obtained support from a few people who looked for every chance to bootlick his elders by favouring him.

Since then, Divit made a group for himself. It consisted of people like him, from other families. These people who possessed deviant mindsets were left to their ways by their families. Divit's friends hailed from other countries like Europe, the US and East Asia also. If Divit was the leader, then Reyansh was the vice-leader of this group. That bastard Reyansh seemed to have provoked a woman, who was under the protection of the Ahuja Family and got his ass handed to him.

Divit had jeered when he saw Reyansh's beaten face. He promised him that after the Raipath family swallowed the Ahuja family industry, Divit would throw that woman at him and Reyansh could do as he pleased. These were the actions that their group does when they want some fun. As long as they did not go after women with formidable background, their families would wipe off their crimes either through money, power or coercion.

Though Divit was not involved in the planning, he was privy to a lot of high profile information. For example, he knew about the Organisation seven years ago. Divit also knew the plan of his family to control India's political top tier by infiltrating their people or by building secret alliances. All the political parties were the same as long as their plan was concerned. No loopholes were allowed to exist.

Some people from various prominent political parties had aggressively opposed their plan. These people had either being booked on charges of crimes like corruption, murder and rape. A few had even being killed. Manipulating the public opinion was simple. If a member of the left-wing party was murdered, it was pushed onto the radical right-wing forces, and if a right-wing party member was killed, it was the Maoists or the Naxalites.

The situation was the same in other countries as well. With the Organisation's support, it was quite easy for these families or corporations to spread their web around every institution of a nation. The Organisation's capabilities were nothing to joke about.

On the one hand, Ivaan was trained in many arts by top professionals while Divit was only proficient in etiquette. Ivaan, who was brilliant, lapped up all the knowledge and won the praise of his peers. The loyal followers, who had accompanied the Raipath family for generations, always favoured Ivaan.

Even though Divit did not care about being competent, it did not mean that he did not notice the way people looked at him. His father would discuss many key issues with Ivaan and treat him as an equal, while Divit was given money and left to his whims.

In the beginning, Divit could accept his position in the family, as deep in his heart; he knew that he couldn't catch up to his elder brother. But Divit's thoughts had transformed when he realised the future potential of Raipath family which was being supported by the Organisation. Divit couldn't sleep at night, due to intense restlessness, when he thought of the colossal power that his elder brother would enjoy.

"Boss, take a look at that chick. She should still be in her teens. Boss, everyone knows that you like long-legged teens the most. You could have a lot of fun tonight. Should I grab her now?" a shifty-eyed, scrawny person spoke in a low voice to Divit. He gestured to a girl in a red sheath dress, who stood near the cooking station. The beautiful girl was laughing as she conversed with a boy across the cooking station. The boy was dressed as a guest but was cooking and talking with the girl.

It was not the first time that Divit had forcefully taken women. Even the woman who is accompanying him now is someone he had liked after seeing her in some gathering. This woman was already married, but neither her family nor her husband dared to stop him.

A million-dollar business transaction was enough to shut them up. The woman struggled a little in the beginning but acquiesced after Divit gifted her an antique Indian diamond necklace from the 17th century. It was gifted to the Raipath family by some family who was descendants of a royal lineage.

Thanks to the Organisation's 'medicine', Divit could have tens of rounds with multiple women in a single night. But this woman clearly couldn't handle him. It was evident by the bleak aura around her. Divit was sure that this woman would be permanently broken if he continued anymore. It was not like Divit cared about her health; it was just that he would be scolded afterwards.

So, Divit planned to send the woman back after tonight. He did not even know the name of this woman. If Divit had to remember every woman's name he had played with, he would get a headache.

Divit's eyes sparkled when he saw the girl pointed out by his lackey, Kala. Divit indeed had a thing for long legs. Seeing her healthy physique, she should be able to handle a few more rounds than the woman beside him.

Before Divit could give the go-ahead, the old man beside him leaned towards him and asked, "Young Master Divit, should I remind you of the place we are in right now?".

A dissatisfied look flashed through Divit's eyes when he heard these words. This old man was Mahendra Upadhyay. He was one of the most senior advisers to his family. Even Divit's father was educated by him. Mahendra was sent to meet up with V.V. Acharya and his family.

Divit knew that Vandana Sharma became the Chief Minister of this state (province) because of his family's aid. He also knew that V.V. Acharya had connections with some European families, who were similar to Raipath family (Members of the Organisation).

Divit knew that his father was considering marrying V.V. Acharya's daughter to Ivaan. It was a political marriage to increase trust and cooperation between their families.

There was a key reason behind this marriage. Even though the Organisation would gain control of India, shortly, it was unlikely for the Raipath family to be allowed to control everything in the Organisation's stead.

In the whole world, the only thing that the Organisation truly cared about was human resources. Among the human population, they wanted young people the most. So, India was the most delicious part of this pie.

Raipath family was not foolish enough to think that they would be allowed to grab this part all to themselves. So Raipath family withdrew on their own and planned to get a good grip on this state (province). It would serve as their stronghold and base of operations.

Raipath family always maintained a firm grip on the policy-making process of the cabinet. It was quite an easy task, thanks to the Organisation's support. They could do anything they wanted, and the government or the people did not have a clue, until recently.

Divit had heard that, because of some reason, the Organization had sped up their plans. This sudden change forced Raipath family and others to show their hand before the right time. But according to them, it won't make much of a difference as the plan was almost complete.

Mahendra Upadhyay turned towards V.V. Acharya and asked, "How are the preparations going? Will there be any problems in capturing the hydrogen fuel market?"

V.V. Acharya shook his head as he replied, "everything is on track and is moving accordingly. I would be needing a little help in getting the required permits and licenses, as soon as possible."

Mahendra nodded, "the family head has already taken note of this issue. You need not sweat over this matter." V.V. Acharya smiled when he heard these words.

Most of the people on the central cabinet were the ones who the Raipath family projected as people from the masses. By buying most of the reputable media corporations, it was easy to manipulate gullible minds in the past few years. These leaders, through media support and lots of money, have gained quite the following by now. The Raipath family's patience was astonishing as they did not utilise these leader's powers for quick gains and waited until the right time.

Some people might think that keeping so many people wallowing in ignorance was a hard thing to do and that someday the truth might come out and cause mass agitations. But given the Organisation's capability, it was entirely within their limits. As long as the commoner was unaffected, nobody really cares who is controlling the top leadership.

Even if someone realised that their country was under the control of a family, they couldn't do anything about it now. The Organisation had a zero-tolerance policy for dissidents. Their fate was going to be the same at the end, which was death. But the beauty of the plan was that everyone had doubts, but no one was sure. One will not be able to take strong action, based on rumours and conspiracy theories.

Mahendra knew that the Organisation's control of the world would only make the global situation better. Who would imagine countries like India and Pakistan or South Korea and North Korea or Russia and the US could come together? With the Organisation, it was not only possible but easy. Hunger, malnourishment, poverty, health problems were on the way of complete elimination. The technology was going to be easily accessible to the masses. Humanity was on the cusp of a great revolution.

Only a few families and corporations were going to lead this curve. They were going to be the leaders of the new world order, wielding the greatest powers that no king or world leader ever held in their hands.

Mahendra looked at V.V. Acharya and said, "but we have to be prepared beforehand. I heard that the Organisation plans to release the first three generations of 'Genetic Amplifying Drugs' (GAD)."

"What!" V.V. Acharya's eyes opened wide in surprise. He looked at Mahendra and said, "What is going on with the Organisation? How could they give this valuable medicine away? Even if it is just the first three generations, the disturbance in society is sure to be massive. Wasn't the Organisation's plan to silently shift the power into their hands, without the general public's knowledge? What changed?"

Mahendra raised his eyebrows as he said in a stern voice, "V.V. Acharya, mind your words. The Organisation never makes a mistake."

V.V. Acharya bit his tongue when he remembered that he was speaking with the hardcore faction of the Organisation. A poem came into his mind which V.V. Acharya had heard in Europe. The followers of the Organisation liked to sing it during their leisure. The words got stuck in his mind.

The world is narrow and tiny,

led by people of weak bones & rotten muscles.

A new world beckons,

Let us evolve and rise above.

The heavens are calling,

deaf are the people who ignore.

The firmament is illuminated,

blind are the people who overlook the radiance.

Rise, O puny mortal,

Rise, O speck in the vast cosmos.

Evolve and realise,

that you are neither puny nor mortal.

The path to salvation exists,

but the Heavens are hidden.

Not because they are dark,

but because you are blind

Even if you can't hear or see,

even if you stumble or crawl,

even if you fall or die,

Seek the Dark Heavens.