Genetic Amplifying Drugs

After a little persuasion, the head chef allowed Aditya to cook in the station. The head cook was afraid that Aditya might hurt himself and others around him. But, after seeing the way Aditya handled himself, the head cook's apprehension was replaced with surprise and appreciation.

The head cook was surprised at Aditya's skill in recognising the precise smoke points for different oils that he was using for making multiple dishes. From this observation, the head cook was sure that this kid was a professional, and so he put his heart down and went back to his work.

Aditya's left hand was adept as he skillfully used the gear around him. Aditya wanted to shorten the period for cooking by using this equipment and finish in a matter of ten minutes. Aditya had two to three items in his mind which should be able to indulge this glutton.

As Aditya's right hand was wrapped in a cast, he did not look like he could not slice the vegetables which were required. So the head cook assigned his apprentice to provide the chopped pieces, uniform in shape, and other required ingredients according to Aditya's request. Aditya gave a list of things to do for the apprentice while he fried the onions and curry leaves. The apprentice was trained, and so, he quickly got on the job.

Kumari gazed at Aditya with bright eyes as he cooked for her even if his arm was injured. She felt a mild sweet feeling in her heart. Kumari did not care about the taste anymore and would eat anything that Aditya made.

"Adi, you did not attend the afternoon chemistry class. Do you want my notes for reference?" Kumari asked as she smiled. Aditya, who was stirring the onion slices by throwing them into the air to achieve a uniform golden brown colour, almost lost his grip when he heard these words. Aditya was also keeping an eye at the Raipath personnel at the same time, but Kumari's words disrupted this action too.

Him? Take help of Kumari's notes? Even the most stringent encrypted codes could be cracked with less effort than it is needed to understand Kumari's 'scribbling' font.

Aditya was quite lazy when it came to studying, as a ten-year-old kid. So, he would usually not have complete notes. As Maahi indulged Aditya, she did not care about his work as long as Aditya got through the exams. Instead, Maahi caught hold of both Kranthi and Kumari. She made sure that both of them were prepared for the exams. It was quite a challenge for Maahi as the trio (Aditya, Kranthi and Kumari) were never enthusiastic about studies.

Kids like Aditya and Kranthi were the kind who crash coursed the entire syllabus on the night before the exam. So, a complete set of notes were a necessity to study during the night before the examination.

Usually, it was Kranthi who took up the job of maintaining or procuring the notes. Aditya was responsible for reading these notes and explaining the concepts for Kranthi so that he could easily understand. Aditya had quite a unique way of explaining concepts using examples from Japanese anime or movies as examples.

Kranthi liked it very much as he could effortlessly understand the subject. Kumari would join during the daytime preparations, but Aditya & Kranthi usually studied together during the night. For obvious reasons, Kumari was not allowed to spend the night with them.

On one tragic night, before the seventh-grade social sciences exam, Kranthi couldn't get the complete notes. So, Aditya was forced to take Kumari's help because of the unique circumstances. The reason was actually quite simple, there was no time to study the textbooks, and no one else would give them notes at that time. Kumari magnanimously gave her notes as she had already studied that part. Aditya knew about Kumari's unique calligraphy, but he did not have the luxury to think about it.

That night, the 'wonderful' style of Kumari's penmanship almost caused Aditya to doubt if he was reading the same language. It also successfully broke the stereotype about how girls handwriting was better than boys. That night was spent in cracking the 'Kumari's code'.

Mugging the whole syllabus on a single night was like a gamble, it was like walking on a tight rope. If all the factors were completely satisfied, it would be a success. But one small mistake could throw them off balance. That was what happened exactly.

The night was lost in decrypting Kumari's words, and of course, both Aditya and Kranthi's exam grade toppled. Kranthi would sometimes remember that time and speak about how his left buttock had not been the same, ever since.

All these bitter memories flashed through Aditya's mind as he looked at Kumari with blinking eyes and half-opened mouth. Kumari realised the meaning behind Aditya's expression as her face darkened with anger. She had offered help with good intentions, and this idiot does not know to appreciate. Hmph!


Aditya made a coughing action and said, "Kumkum, it's fine. I will manage it. Don't trouble yourself with these things." Aditya did not wait for Kumari's answer as he ducked under the station and pretended to search for something. Kumari scoffed and turned her head away. Her handwriting was lovely; it was just a 'little' special for ordinary people. Kumari planned to get back at Aditya after the party.

In fact, Aditya had other thoughts running through his mind right now. A chilly look flashed through Aditya's eyes when he knew that Divit laid his eyes on Kumari. That bastard should better not act on his impulse.

Thanks to his telescopic vision and 'Sensifull' ability, Aditya could know what other people were talking. As long as they were in his visual range, Aditya would know based on their lip and tongue movements. It was one of the purposes that Aditya had in mind when he came to this party. To understand the things, the Organisation lackeys would talk.

Even though Aditya knew that it is unlikely that these public conversations would give away some bigwig names, he might get some clues to follow. By taking all the information obtained by his groupies, they might uncover a vital point.

As a matter of fact, Aditya was indeed shocked about the conversation between Anupama's father and the old man from the Raipath family.

Genetic Amplifying Drugs? Aditya's eyebrows pressed as he added tomato pieces to the curry leaves and sliced onions mixture in the sizzling pan. Aditya knew a little information about these drugs but was unaware of the fact that the Organisation was planning to make these body strengthening drugs public.

Genetic Amplifying Drugs(GAD) were the substances which completely stimulated the human physiology to attain superhuman strength in a short time.

According to the bill_nye_the_russian_spy, the GAD class was comprised of a total of five drugs. After taking the last medication, a person would unlock his genetic potential to the utmost and would possess increased strength, agility and skill. It won't make the person bulletproof, but it would take more than a few bullets or a perfect headshot to kill these people.

After Aditya had read this information, he could postulate that the superhuman abilities obtained by the five drugs should be similar to his current strength. The idea behind 'Cellular Regulation' was also to achieve the highest genetic potential. But Aditya was sure that his abilities would be superior to these GAD drugs.

If the Organisation makes these drugs public, even if it was just the three of them, Aditya could not imagine the shocking changes that the society would undergo. Imagine people who could lift 300-400 kgs of weight being present everywhere.

As the people, who had taken GAD, would also have increased poison and disease immunity, the functioning of the hospitals and the pharmaceutical industries are also going to be affected. As for the law and order issue, it was going to be a nightmare. These drugs were sure to create a deep rift in the society between ordinary people and the 'enhanced'.

It was not only V.V. Acharya who was confused about the Organisation's plan but also Aditya. What was the 'Organisation' conspiring?

Anupama was not present at the stage at the moment. So Divit and others could only take seats as they were served food. Divit ate the food with an uninterested expression as he chatted with his underlings. He scanned the whole place for beauties while he kept his hand on the legs of the woman beside him. Fear could be seen in the woman's eyes when she felt Divit's hand but did not dare to move.

Vandana Sharma also came to meet with Mahendra. Mahendra, V.V. Acharya and Vandana Sharma sat at a table isolated from others. Even though V.V. Acharya and Vandana Sharma were accompanying each other like a couple, any person could tell that both of them had nothing going on between them.

The wine was served. Everyone's eyes were on Mahendra as he was the key person in this table. Mahendra also did not keep them waiting as he laid out his request in a straightforward fashion.

"I will need the government's support in finding an individual named Rudra," Mahendra said as he sipped a little wine.

"Sure," Vandana Sharma nodded as she asked, " do you have his details or any clues?"

"No," Mahendra shook his head as he whirled his wine glass, "we only know this name because he told us. It might very well be an alias. We think that this person has a deep grudge against the Organisation and us. It is as if he wants us to come to him. So, I am sure we could bait him to come out if we prepare a little."

Vandana Sharma nodded as she said, "My government will coordinate in any way we can." She did not ask any questions. Vandana Sharma knew that if Mahendra wanted to divulge any information, he would do so on his own accord. Mahendra appreciatively glanced at the Chief Minister. It was always easy to work with people who did not ask too many questions and could keep their curiosity & mouth in check.

"Recently, the Organisation had suffered some setbacks. Some rats have united across the world to deal with us. We had dealt with similar groups before, but this group seems to be special. They got money, expertise, experienced combatants. We have not been able to track their mode of communication of their base. But, we know that it is a closely-knit group and that they are spread all around the world. They have been able to escape our surveillance which is a first." Mahendra said in a grave tone.

"Even though they can't raise any huge waves, the Organisation does not wish to see any form of resistance rising against them. This 'Rudra' should be one of the members of this group. He possesses some information. The Raipath family does not wish to see this information come to light. If we can get to him and catch him alive, your exemplary service will be highly rewarded," Mahendra said as he looked at the two people in front of him.

"Who is this 'Rudra'? What does he know?" V.V. Acharya curiously asked as he looked at Mahendra.

Vandana Sharma rolled her eyes when he heard this question. Mahendra slowly turned his eyes towards V.V. Acharya as he replied, "we want to kill him because he knows too much. Do you also want to know it? Mr Acharya, being inquisitive about other people's affairs, may get you into trouble."

V.V. Acharya shut up as he caught the undertone implied in those words.

Mahendra turned towards Vandana Sharma as he said, "you could start investigating the information we have on the underworld figure 'Taarini'. She has been presumed as dead, but the death toll of our side was a shocking 27 Auxilia. Even though these men were part of the lowest group 'Auxilia', each person was carefully selected from the best military personnel. We know from the footages, retrieved from the dead bodies and the cars, that a single person killed these people."

"A single person?" V.V.Acharya was shocked as he muttered. He had recently returned from Europe, and hence he was unaware of this event. V.V.Acharya knew the capabilities of these Auxilia. Even he has the jurisdiction to get only ten personnel to act as bodyguards to him. They came with perfect bulletproofing and could even survive a grenade explosion. V.V.Acharya was also a little proud that he possessed this jurisdiction. The surprise could be imagined when he heard that a single man had killed 27 of these people.

What would the result be if that person wanted to kill him? V.V. Acharya did not know that the same person was feeling a little proud that his group was starting to bother the Organisation. The Organisation had no idea what was going to hit them.