Finding Answers

A few months later after the military base incident, now its beginning of the autumn season, it been almost a year since Akagi has infected.

One evening Akagi walks towards the Underground library that Hasumi Ayana runs, the same Library from Akagi found the powers of his Hikaru Eye. The staff decided to celebrate The Friendo's Bar 25 years anniversary, and for that Yamamoto will organise a big party.

Just before the day of celebration, Akagi personally decided to go to the library in his free time.

While Akagi walking puts his hands on the chin and thinks thoroughly,

"Damn, I have no money left for the month, those expensive collage fee, Apartment's rent and many bills I had already paid". He frowned, "I have to find a way to convince Ayana to read those books"


Akagi opens the door to the Bar, he saw Ayana sweeping the bar table.

She looked at Akagi arrived at her doorstep "Oh... Shinsuke-kun welcome back so soon" she invites him "Come on in".

Akagi walked in and made a big request "Um... Ayana-San, I don't have any money left could you lent me some of the books just for the day, I will definitely return tomorrow"

"I'm sorry Shinsuke-kun" she denied "I already explained to you, those books are illegal, it contains classified information on Mutant's every system, only the Military personal has the information, see I cannot lend anyone without any some of the money"

Akagi looked down in disappointed, seeing him disappointed, Ayana felt little sorry for him. Again Akagi looked up "So you in charge for the hours, right? Would be okay if I read those books on a chair under your supervision, that way the books stays in your place and I get to read too"

After hearing, Ayana little hesitates "Well... I don't know if"

"Pretty please..." Akagi requested her with a sweet face,

"Okay... If you insist, I can't say no to that kind of a pretty face," she agreed.

Ob the way to the staff door Ayana asked: "What book you want?"

"Psychology of Mutant's Vector's transformation or any books related to the subject" Akagi replied.

Ayana went down into the library and bring out two heavy books "Here you go I was able to find" she puts the books on the table, the table started crumbled when she dropped those books. But Akagi sits quite and starts to read.

"Remember you got only 4 hours until I closed up" Ayana reminds him.

As time passed Akagi, very thoroughly reading his book, without his knowledge 4 hours was gone.

Ayana noticed that Akagi just reading those books, he reading it for finding his answer; she did not disturb his reading, just arranging stuff for the closure.

The bar's doors and windows locked; Ayana did her work, just waiting for Akagi to finish.

Akagi noticed but hopelessly closed those books, by just looking at his face Ayana realised that he did not found those answers that he was hoped to be looking for.

Ayana walks closer towards Akagi "I take it you didn't found anything" she went to the bar table and picks a bottle from it "You could use a drink, I make a very energetic drink"

Akagi denied "No, thank you Miss Ayana, I'm still underage"

"Aww... Too bad, well I have to set my own drink then" she sits besides Akagi "If you didn't found an answer then ask me"

Akagi little surprised by the comment "Are you sure? Because I had some weird dream, when I was in the Vector's form"

Ayana insists, crossing her legs onto other "I am a Mutant Researcher remember, try me, there is nothing that surprise me now", she prepared to listen, putting her chin on her hand.

Akagi exhales and explains her everything about his experience "From when I was took the Inner voice's power, I saw only darkness, a few moments later my eyes were opened and saw I was in some kind of a dark room with fireplace beside me".

Akagi continues "Only light comes from fireplace, I was sitting on a comfortable chair and wearing a formal black suit, I looked up and saw another chair present right in front of me and beyond that empty chair, an antic phonograph playing an very depressed music, I looked around a bit around the room thinking where was I"

"Soon the right side door cracked and Redtron walked into the room, I was completely exclaims to see him. I asked where was I but he didn't replied until he also sat on the chair in front of me, he said I was in my subconscious mind, and he replaced my conscious into his, Redtron also ensured that after my victory he returns my body then he was quite singing with the music".

"I was unaware what Redtron did with my body, until I had wield feeling that I can't explains, it uncomfortable feeling made me suffocated, not holding any longer, I ran towards the door but the door wasn't opening"

"Redtron said there will be no exit for me, only way you'll go is in darkness, I still don't what he meant by then, somehow I refused his power and tried to open it by force but surprisingly the door opened it just got stuck. "Once I stepped out I was immediately fallen into the darkness, I don't know how long I stayed in dark until light comes up and stretching my whole body into its limits nevertheless I felt no pain soon light spreads and darkness gone, the insider side that I remember, Yamamoto told me the rest".

After hearing, Akagi's story Ayana was very quiet all of the sudden, seeing her Nervousness Akagi also very nervous.

'It can't be..." she gravely replied

"What is it, tell me, and is that bad?" Akagi anxiously asked

"Maybe your inner demon burst out from your body turning into" than suddenly she speaks louder "A MASSIVE MAN EATING MONSTER!!!"

"WHAT?!" Akagi shouts in terror,

Ayana quickly collared Akagi's neck and pulls his face towards her big boobs "It's a joke! A joke, you know I like to tease smartasses, don't know me yet" She shakes Akagi's face, literally his cheeks gets rubbed by her big breasts."

Akagi somehow managed to get her off him in some way.

Ayana begun talking in normal manner "its nothing, just your mixer of dark thoughts compressed inside your mind" she explains "As you explained your story I concluded is that Mutants can sometimes turned into a Vector or has the Ability to use Vector's power.

We called it Vectorization, most Mutants went mad during the process, and their madness takes the driver seat and put you in a passenger seat during that the Mutants have wieldiest nightmare they can think of, it allows their mind to keep misbalance"

Ayana sips the wine from the glass "While that time the victim experienced many hallucination through their inter thought, you said you saw Redtron, maybe he has to do with it"

Akagi agrees "Yeah he was the one who turned me into a Mutant, I wish I could know more about him" suddenly Akagi bugs out remembered something he thinks while standing straight "I remember now, I copied some Redtron files from my college, I should immediately look into it".

"What is it Shinsuke-kun?" Ayana asked,

Akagi shakes his head "No, nothing I have to go home now and thank you for everything, Miss Ayana, you're the only person that I find interesting to talk meaningful conversation"

Ayana leaning back on her chair in amusement "Quite flattering me boy, get home safely"

Akagi smiles and gets out of the bar.


Akagi quickly reached in his apartment, he opens his laptop and starts looking at the Redtron Files that he had stolen from his College.

"The files must contain the truth about Redtron," he thought while scrolling down on his computer.

Documents after documents that they are useless, suddenly he stumble upon a document that tells him about the day of the Catosphatopic Outbreak that happened now in present time in 17 years ago

He thoroughly reads document texts in his mind "The Darkfallen virus is first created by two leading scientists" the scientists named is classified or encrypted,

Nevertheless Akagi continues "The Darkfallen project called Raven Fire was going perfectly until one of scientist stole the vial of the virus sample and took off with it, the Spotter and Brittonian's Agent tracked down, but the scientists broke the container on a densely populated area, the virus gone wild, infecting anyone who came into contact"

Akagi continues "The Darkfallen infected victims were experienced massive blood vomiting, choking, coughing and later on died even after turning into Walkers, the Darkfallen was a disaster for the".

The next page showed errors, the Redtron Files was a last document version that Akagi copied.

"Aaahh!!! Damn!" he slam his desk in frustration. Then

He slams his own forehead on the desk

"Those files lead me into nowhere" Akagi assumed "Only way to get those answer is to confront Redtron".

Akagi waited entire day thinking about his answers, he just lying on bed death staring at the ceiling, his concentration broke after a door knocked.

Akagi opened the door,

"Come on, four eyes, it's time to attend the anniversary party" Misaki responded after Akagi opened the door

"Could be okay if I skip the party, I need to sleep for working my brain on maximum capacity" Akagi requested, pretending to be exhausted.

"No couldn't be, you're the manager here, you have a responsibility to perform so... Get your ass up, you can rest later" Misaki rushed him up.

Akagi seem he didn't wanted to go, sensing that Misaki came up with an idea "You don't necessarily come in the centre, just stays in kitchen tell me what to do, I'll manage to from the outside"

Akagi rises his eyebrows in surprise to see Misaki's responses, he briefly said, "It's not like I don't want to go, it's like I couldn't feel like it" he looked Misaki "If want me to come then I wouldn't refuse, wait I been ready in a minute"

Akagi ready up and goes to the Friendo's Bar, on way he did again asked about Miyoshi doing because he didn't saw her often, Misaki positively responded that she slowly recovering from the trauma, Misaki decided to have Miyoshi in her apartment room until grows up.

On the Friendo's where every staff including Akagi is working to pleasure the customers on their anniversary, the Restaurant is tight filled, the price is much lower, many families and friends are coming, everyone is very busy with this.

Misaki once glanced at Akagi's face, she felt he did not in his mind just following the rules to finish his work, she did not noticed anything else. After a long work, everyone was sitting on the Restaurant's table, relaxing chatting, as for the fans highly blows dying their sweats that they made at working.

"Where is Shinsuke? I don't see him here" Misaki asked Fumihiro,

He soaks his chin and replied, "I don't know, he was here a moment ago"

"Who? The young manager" Dipon Singh heard the conversation "He's on the rooftop"

"Thanks" Misaki slowly walked towards the rooftop.

She opened the door and saw Akagi, staring at the beautiful city lights in Friendo's bar rooftop

"Staring at the night time lights," Misaki asked comes near Akagi.

Akagi looked at Misaki standing beside him; he speaks "Beautiful isn't it? Just from outside no one knows what's darker secrets inside it, sometime I feel like I couldn't find my purpose, the work I am doing right now and was did in the past when I was a normal human. Those things I felt I don't felt like I don't belong here, those things you felt like you shouldn't been doing that".

"OK... What's up, you acting much weirder than before" Misaki cajoled "Tell me what happened, you seem confused, is something bothering you?"

Akagi chuckles "hehe, you are the first person who can truly see me" he lower his chin became serious "Well things is I found out that the... Aragghh!!!"

A sudden charge flows into Akagi's head; he clenched his hand tightly to his skull fall down the ground.

Misaki crouched down "Hey! Are you okay?" she asked in worry,

Akagi groans and saw images projecting in his brain, the first image he saw is Redtron's face, slowly zooming out from him. Thousands of images flows into his brain that Akagi can exactly where to find Redtron

He knows where Redtron is, which building, which zone, how to get there, everything had store inside Akagi's head.

When pain stopped, Akagi looked Misaki in a panting face

"What happened to you?" Misaki again asked

Akagi smiles to comfort her "It's nothing, I had some headache"

Misaki frowned "Bullshit! You were groaning few minutes ago"

"I'm alright now, he had some headache for some time it grew more and more, that's why I was not able to work properly" Akagi tried to convinced her "I'm okay, the headache suddenly gone, I'm much better"

Misaki slightly knits her eyebrows "If you say so" she didn't fully convinced by looking her frowned face.

Misaki stands up, walked back without saying a word.

Akagi stops her "Umm, thank you for asking about me, I really appreciated it", he whimpered,

Misaki looked back at him for a moment "Yeah, whatever, just forget I been here" then she walked back downstairs.

After Misaki was gone, Akagi felt very guilty not telling her about it "Ah man... Now she's pissed." He blames himself inside "Why am I always do this?"

But Akagi stands up "I can't lose focus right now, I know where to go for find my answer" he knits his eyebrows shouts in his mind "I believe that was some kind of signal, Redtron was used to communicate with me telling me about his location, only choice that I left is no go to Brown zone and confront Redtron myself"...