Who are you?

Broken and decimated roads of far away from Brown Zone's urbanize sectors Akagi walks towards an unconstructed building which is turned into a Hive.

Hive are the infected buildings overrun by Darkfallen virus, in appearance Hives covered with red biomass that would congregate towards the bottom of the building. The effects of a Hive's presence could felt blocks away, for this, no civilian or military are present near few blocks from the building. The road are cracked and somewhere big holes inside it, many trash cars and taxis are just stays alone on the road, on the some vehicles a thin but dense black viral threads slowly crawling on those cars like a thin endless snake those have no head nor tail, making it like a million of child snake nest.

Brown Zone is usually are considered a moderate infection, rarely saw infected and often Mutants, few peaceful civilian stayed in township area of Northern side. For the poor and homeless civilians, the zone is very near Eastern Red Zone, Akagi don't see any Walkers or any infected creatures but he could feel the infection the disease, the microcellular Organisms surrounding him.

Akagi didn't fear in his surroundings because he's already infected, the atmosphere is dark and dull no one is around within a radius, some portion of Brown Zone are creepy, unlike East Red Zone or black zone are also dangerous for Walkers and Vectors, a unique fear of silence are found in Brown Zone.

Akagi looked at the hives and got shaken in the bones, the building are so disgusting, huge red pimples are like they are breathing, like those biomass literally eating out the building, nevertheless Akagi walks in, he knew where Redtron is hiding, new questions popped out whenever he went closer towards. When Akagi finally reaches Redtron in nearly the top floor,

He saw Redtron sitting on a biomass made sitting place,

"You finally made it" Redtron glared Akagi, "Do you get my mind message, and I hope you are doing well after receiving a very polite mental massage, Akagi..." He stands up, walked towards him "Do like this place? A Hive is perfect for our duel"

Akagi carefully stepped back, frowned "Your voice is quite normal, compared to mine inside of my head" he demanded "Who are you, how did you know my name?"

Redtron quietly laughed "Akagi... You and I in same boat, later on you'll realised that how lonely you are"

Akagi angrily queried "What the hell you saying! Tell me why did you turning me into a Mutant, huh?" he scolded "And don't tell me I was dying at the moment when you were there"

Redtron didn't replied just looked down at the ground,

"Answer me!" Akagi demanded "Why, why you passed your Darkfallen into me"

"I were explaining everything in a slow and brief manner" Redtron broke his silence "But unfortunately time is short, so I explaining it quickly"

Redtron began explaining, "You and most of your fellow Mutants don't know the ugly truth that Brittonia kept hidden over the century." He continued "Darkfallen is designed to create not only exterminate Mutants instead they did to keep the secret from exposing, a secret that can throw away Brittonia's rule and make a discovery that can shock everyone, the outbreak from 17 years ago also hasn't an accident".

Akagi retorted , "Yes, I know there was a leading scientist who helped MRC to create that virus but he stole the vial of the virus sample and released it on the city"

Redtron cautioned him "Looks like you knew already, that wasn't that Scientist's intentions what he did; he did it because he had no choice but to do it"

Akagi questioned, "What makes you so sure? Like you were known that scientist"

Redtron murmured "I know because..." He suddenly raised his voice "I'm the one who released that virus"

Akagi raised his eyes in the exclamation "What? You...were the man," Akagi grumbled looked down "You cause life's of thousands of people turned a city into a hell hole"

"I am not here to debate the past" Redtron "That's everything you need to know right now"

"SHUT UP!" Akagi shouted "It makes no sense, you just distracted me with your nonsense, I don't know how you know me, I want to answers, why?"

Redtron snapped "You stubborn brat, you still don't know the half of it" he calm him down by exhale, looked at Akagi, "Fine... If you want to go against me, then..." Redtron closed his eyes many massively glowing red spirals appearing from his hand "Come at me Akagi..." once he opened his eyes a shining Hikaru glows from Redtron's eyes.

Akagi was terrorised to saw a massive Noryoku transformation "So, this is it...me against Redtron"

Redtron's Noryoku claws has activated, Akagi retreated from Redtron,

"Its Mid-range claws, he has to closer in order attack me" Akagi assumed "Once he comes, and I will use my Hikaru to him, to find my answers that he's hiding."

Instead coming closer, Redtron stabs on the ground with his Claws, soon after hundreds of biomass spikes appeared beneath ground, Akagi dodges leftwards. When he stands up a chain wrapped around his arm,

"What! How did he" Akagi wondered, Redtron pulls his Whipfists and grabbed Akagi's throat.

"You still too weak Akagi" Redtron advised him "Maybe I been wrong, considering you to make a difference"

While Akagi groans, he actives his Hikaru Eye, after yellow crossed Redtron but he seem not affected by it"

Redtron chuckles "Did you expect, you can use your Hikaru into mine" he rises his claws "Perhaps it should help" he stabbed him again, Akagi felt like some went inside again, when he was got stabbed but he forced himself out from Redtron's grasp.

Redtron stepped back from Akagi as he felt something soon he transformed into his claws Noryoku.

"That's makes interesting" Redtron becomes excited,

Once Akagi got a glanced at Redtron, he saw horizontal blades approached near his throat, Akagi somehow blocked it with his claws, but caused him thrown in the air in a high speed.

Akagi skilfully clawed down on the ground for Friction,

Redtron slightly impressed by seeing Akagi's action "Well, well, well seem like you learned some skills"

"How many Noryoku types does he have?" Akagi questioned himself

"Last time, I saw you" Redtron spoke again, "You're just a little boy"

"Who the hell are you?" Akagi questioned

"I'm a ghost, haunting Brittonia and Lex soldiers until this day, that fear of disaster is I inflicted on Brittonia over a decade" Redtron suddenly vanished from the sight, until Akagi stopped Redtron as he pounced towards with his sharp Claws,

"Oh shit! He got too close; I can't dodge that attack" Akagi imagined, he hopelessly tried to dodge his attack knowing he couldn't stopped it."

Akagi's hands transforming into shield, once Redtron landed on Akagi's shield not just it blocked Redtron's attack, it also manifested spikes on it.

Redtron quickly went off after seeing those spikes tried to pierce him.

"Whoa, what is that?" Akagi asked himself, once he saw his shield.

The Shield is one of the defensive powers developed by Mutants; Shield completely nullifies damage instead of merely reducing it, when using the Shield Power, a large amount of biomass shifted to the left arm, molding it into a nigh-impenetrable black-biomass shield.

Now Akagi ready for offensive, his now desperate to see who he is, how can he know about Akagi's past?

Akagi activates his claws and pounced towards Redtron's mask, tried to remove it, Redtron already knew what he was doing so started to counter.

When he is in momentum Akagi change his Noryoku into Blade it somehow surprised Redtron quickly stepped back, Akagi's blade just passed through him, Redtron crouched and kicked Akagi's jaw.

Akagi went up through the ceiling crashed down on upper floor ceiling; he landed on the ground with healable injuries.

A sudden glows from his eye, his Hikaru Eye is active,

"I can't able use my obedience Hikaru power against him, but I can use my distraction method" Akagi assumed, lying on ground, he stands up growling at floor with his glowing red eye.

Soon Redtron busting from the ground and stand in front of him, Redtron's widened eyes when he see three Akagi's clone running towards him,

"How naive, using your clones for distraction" Redtron knew they are holograms, he transformed his arms into a hammerfist and rises up "So you can get closer for removing my mask, he hehe ". He chuckles "I didn't expect nothing less of you, the boy that I chosen" he smashed the ground his hammerfist, many tiny rocks filled dust waves started to spread, clearing all of his clones. The waves was so strong that it flew away everything, the thick dust just burst out from the Building's window.

Hikaru's clones will disappeared whenever they came into any physical contact.

The room became dusty, old building's dry dust now begun to spread, Redtron walks in the cloud in caution, soon he saw Akagi's body lying on the floor, he thought he has tired, and fell down on ground.

Redtron comes closer to him, glaring at Akagi's unconscious body "That's you can do" he sighs, "It's over Akagi," he whispered.

"Oh! What makes you think, I lost" a sudden voice came from Redtron, he was literally shocked to hear that, he quickly turned around, a biomass grabbed Redtron's head Akagi's fallen body is now disappeared, soon real Akagi appeared from behind.

"What? That's was your clone all along?" Redtron muffled while his head grabbed by Akagi Tendril's hand. Redtron's eyes have covered and Akagi stands in a distance so Redtron cannot do anything but to listen.

Akagi simpered "Yes I made four clones, three of them I sent to confuse you, I thought it will distracted you for long enough for me came closer from behind, but you smashed the whole ground making a giant dust cloud. From that another plan popped into my head so I placed my forth clone into my spot at front and I sneak into the dust appeared from you behind".

Akagi frowned "Now it's time to show me, who you are" his Tendrils nails grapple Redtron's mask, he pulled his Tendrils back ripping of Redtron's mask in the process.

Redtron stepped back from him once his mask went out, Akagi knits his eyebrows, once Redtron up his head Akagi literally jogged to see Redtron's true identify.

Akagi did not imagine even in his dream that person to be the Redtron.

Akagi eyes widened at full did not what to say it broke inside once he saw Redtron's real face.

A face which Redtron hidden for so long, Akagi kneel down in despair don't know what to say, what to do,

He asked in stutter tone "D... Da... Dad is that... Y... You"....