
Naked footsteps placed when Akagi staring at Bay, convincing himself that he will not do the same mistake. Hearing the footsteps, he looked and found, footsteps were Eiji's

"You still here, I told you go wherever you wish" said Akagi glanced at him,

"I will but I have a proposal I need to give you" said Eiji,

"What is it?", Akagi mildly asked him, showing no interest,

First time I saw you, I thought you are a naive Mutant boy who randomly got kidnapped, after to the Spectres, I know you the Job".

"I am not done!" Akagi claims, scowled at Eiji, "Brittonia and it's military, Lex Unit and MRC are all responsible for our condition."

"What you intend to do? Imperium of Brittonia Empire and the single-minded Imperialistic military are the most advanced nation in the world, they few inches from becoming an individual Superpower" Eiji added few problems against Akagi's claim.

Akagi nastily smirks, "What proposals you wanted to tell me, I sure you going to give me an offer for joining your organisation, right?"

Eiji surprisingly nods, "Figured it out, huh",

"They better competence for wage war on Brittonia", Akagi demand for convection,

Eiji snorted, "You shouldn't worry that, who haven't heard of notorious Helecters, they are the most violent and ruthless Mutants in entire city".

Akagi raising his eyebrows in surprise, "You with the Helecter!?",

"Yes, I joined in when my wife, daughter and my brother were captured, since then me and my niece serve Helecter, they're good people but cruel, wicked, and companionless, they gave up on me when Spectres captured me, they're also large quantity of us to MRC's Headquarter".

"You don't have to worry about how many they are" Akagi ensured, "If you were served Helecters I doubt they wouldn't allow anyone below their requirements",

"That's right" Eiji agreed, "You must a S ranked to be considered as their Lieutenant."

"Those are will taken care of" Akagi countered, "I need to conceal my true identify if I join them",

"My hope that shouldn't be s problem but if they found out you were a MRC scientist, they're going to eat you alive" Eiji warns, looking at left side Akagi, because he still glaring at the bay talking Eiji aside "Any thoughts, who you will claim to be?"

"Someone I know very well, someone I was understood, someone I have to become to reach my goals" quoted Akagi, hiding from straight hair that falls on his face "I have to become The Phantom of chaos and hope"

Akagi asked Eiji for couple of days to prepare his Costume.

"Never in my life imagined that I would become someone who change my life, the one I hated and fear most" Akagi thought, dressing himself "But through my Mutant life he taught one and most important lesson, I understand why my father decided to run away and hunt those who were responsible" his fist gloved hands slipped though the Polyester Blend Solid Retro Steampunk Swallowtail Trench Coat.

"I learned that never ignored the wrong, don't withhold the wrongs, corrupts that rotten the world and suffered innocent people" he lifted his peak collar also his black hood, "Time has come for me to rise up, world is going in wrong direction, it requires change, if no one willing to do it then I will change it" a place a one eye-hole mask on his face, red glows though, the hole along with + shaped over the pupil when Akagi opened his Hikaru-Eye.

As Akagi summoned in Helecter's hidden HQ, he and Eiji stepped forward near flat table and chairs where Lieutenants siting on,

"What the hell is this? Some of kind of cosplay costume?" Juzou grouchy said, seeing Akagi's Knee-length frock coat, round shape grey buttons, side flap pockets with buttons and braiding, quite extraordinary from norms".

"Is it him, legendary Redtron?", Eiji's niece Asuna confirming by her uncle, standing beside the table, Asuna is 16-year-old girl, has back-length Umber hair with blue eyes, wearing glasses. Since she is too young, an unexperienced Mutant, she's only a minor member of Helecter.

Eiji cleared his throat requesting Ogomi who sitting on the middle "Captain, for my recommendation, I present you Redtron the Red killing machine, not only he released me from Detention Centre he also slaughter every single Spectres, he proposed to join but he won't give away his identity, he requested to be remain anonymous".

Once they heard the name few of them were overly surprised, some whispered among themselves Redtron appearance is mysterious for many people, as for Mutants they have aware of his Raven black tailcoat, a black and red combined mask and most of all, his glowing red-eye.

After Eiji's conformation, Juzou recklessly retorted, "Huh, claiming Redtron's name either you're an imposter or bloody idiot",

"You should be leading the Helecter Juzou" Mick bellowed, also sitting beside him, "You never know when to shut up, you don't know who Redtron is"

"HUH?!? WHAT WAS THAT", Juzou hoarse at Mike

"Enough!" Ogomi once strictly ordered for silence, he recalls Eiji, "Eiji, you understand how we select new members, even Redtron got to give us his name and identification since we can't any unknown Masked man claiming to be Redtron, but first he fight against any lieutenant for taking his position"

"I'm aware of that",

Akagi must fight against one of the Lieutenant to prove his worthy.

"I had no intention to fight them" Akagi thought, analysing the situation, "But if it helped gaining their trust, I will likely to fight"

"Juzou! You turn" Ogomi said, allowing him to fight "Show him what you got"

Receiving the order Juzou broadly grinned walked out from his chair. "OK, Redtron! You better not dissatisfied me" he comes forward, rotating his shoulder, "Give me everything you got",

Without any warning Juzou wildly pounced activates his Noryoku. Akagi went back before Juzou blade had a chance to slice Akagi,

The fight has occurring the way they both didn't want to lose, Juzou constantly swinging his blade hoping it will connect,

"It that way you fight, you disappointed me, Redtron", Juzou nastily displeased from fighting Akagi, meanwhile Akagi as known is smart, quiet, and brooding man, after he observed Juzou's recklessness and tendency to perform a murder scores, he kept quiet under his mask.

When Akagi slipped on a corner, no way to dodge,

Juzou smirks, straighten his Noryoku forcefully strikes Akagi's head, but Akagi slightly moved his body.

Once Juzou's Noryoku lodged in ground, Akagi slipped through Juzou's Noryoku, grabbed his shoulder for lifting him up, once in the air he brutally kneeling him on his stomach,

For Juzou's Six-pack muscular stomach, he was able to sustain such massive, brutal blow.

"Errreer" Juzou still grunted, "Don't underestimate me!!!" Juzou roared, pulling the Noryoku out of ground and went to the Akagi's head.

Akagi withdraw, Juzou's blade right passed through Akagi's neck by inches, piercing few fabrics.

Taking the opportunity Akagi collared Juzou's neck and intentionally he, himself go down smashing Juzou on the ground with Akagi's knees on Juzou's spine.

"Gua-akk!", Blood squirt out of his mouth when Akagi broke Juzou's spine, lastly on momentum, Akagi choke Juzou's neck pulled him straight and kicked him over of the wall.

"Damn yooooooou, I will kill you" Juzou pulling himself back together,

"That's useless!", Akagi confidently mentioned "I broke your spine, it will take a way longer to heal yourself, if you prefer consuming" Akagi smug facing backwards from Juzou's,

"FUCK YOU REDTRON!!!" Juzou raggedly scowling over Akagi,

"That would be a good thing to not to do" Mike grabbed Juzou's hair pulled out, "Let me take you Doctor Freddy" he started dragging into the other room,

"Hey! Let me go Mike, I not done with him, match isn't over, I can still Win" Juzou keeps on scowling while being dragged by Mike, "Hey Redtron! Our match isn't over, after I recovered, I'm going to pummel you like a FUCKING DOUGH! You hear me!"

Akagi standing in front making his statement, "Since you spared Juzou's life all so desperate to know my name I could tell you, but let me tell you something, I clearly passed test proving myself that I'm worthy, since what my name is doesn't mean anything, but what do, it justifies me" he slowly pressed on the table, leaning forward "It's really disappointing to see the most dangerous Mutant grope called Helecters won't accepted a worthy Member because he wanted to give his identify".

"Ah-he!, what a cunning boy", Arisa satisfyingly declare, she stands out, femininely walks on him, "Quite a big name and big talk, where are you from and what you want from us?" she seductively put her black polish nail finger on Akagi's durable polymer Mask, brushing it around, "We still don't know what kind of man are you Redtron, listening your voice you're the with many mysteries, mystery can dangerous for us"

"Can I be blunt Miss Arisa, sometimes it but it couldn't danger to you" Akagi sighed, and says "By looking at your beauty, I think you love mangos"

"Why do you say that?", she curiously asked,

"Margo always loved mysteries." Akagi softly quotes "And in everything that came afterward, I could never stop thinking that maybe you loved mysteries so much that she became one. He cradled her hands out of his mask,

"Are you flirting with me, Redtron?" she lightly verified, although she wants to be pleased by a man with sense of charm, she doesn't easily impress with anyone.

"No ma'am," Akagi confidently response "But In your violent eyes I observe, a sight of confusion stork of mystery, I really can't help but to notice,

Arisa smiled as a sight blush flustered over the cheek,

"And a bonus introduction" Akagi continued, "What difference did make where I from, the work is done by my brain, mind does, place of origin does not."

"Wow!" Arisa clapped in flirtation "He's cunning and charming, I like him already" she looked at the other, "He's in" she crossed her arms, twin-Melony breasts also lift, she commands the other and also shows dissatisfaction on Juzou "He's lot better than that no-brain Juzou, Redtron will 8th lieutenant post".

Seeing that everyone agrees with her Akagi grins under his mask "It's so easy to manipulate her, just whisper flowery words in her ears" he thought looking at the table, "She verified my position on Helecter, making it easier for me to work behind the screens".

After conversion, Ogomi stands, walking towards him "Welcome abroad Redtron, beware I decided to placed you in the lieutenant post, because you possess the Red Hikaru-Eye but, you're not alone", he slowly removing badges, that he kept hidden for so long.

Akagi widened his eyes in disbelief, seeing the Green glowing lights coming from Ogomi's right eye, "Impossible!? Could he have a..."

Green light glows from Ogomi's Eyes when he opened his green Hikaru-Eye!