
"I walked on the same sidewalks of the same Institute that dangerous my life, month has covered since I joined Helecter, beside doing their jobs as Redtron".

On the way to the MRC's Training Institute, Akagi with his is in his thoughts forming his future plans, "I lost my ability to control my Hikaru-Eye, it always stays active" while walking he thinks with concern "With my rare blue eye, I look like a total freak having distinct odd eyes and having nine fingers is also danger to me," he touched the right eye side-lines, "For dealing the problem I using colour changeable contact lenses, using those l appear more normal, and as for my finger, p should do the trick, as well as the ring" surprisingly Akagi appeared in his former Collage Director's office, "I hoped my plans worked" and he went in wearing a formal interview outfit.

"A course about Virology!?", the Director asked in confusion.

Akagi calmly explained in formal manner, "Yes, I thought give the young mind a slight information about the Virology, give them the climate about these things, Develop a curriculum for their course and ensure that it meets college and department standards, since we are surrounding with Virus, the young generation should you know but at least have sense about the subject and I am not talking about Darkfallen, I am talking other viruses that could harm us, particularly them",

The Director pressed his lips in hesitation, "I admit, that's a great idea but, I don't think I can't hire you right now, I checked all your required legal documents and identification, your high-school grades and your academic grades are impeccable but you had same trouble with the Brittonian Military was it? That got you suspended, you understand hiring you that could harm the reputation about the Institute"

"Oh yes, of course" Akagi earnestly answered, "I had some difficulty with the Imperium Police Agency, later it turned up be an error, they apologised for their rash behaviour, and I thankfully forgive them, since they were doing their duties to protect us, later I decided to become a Virology Professor instead of Scientist plus I'm in a relationship, soon we'll getting married, I want to stay here with her in the future"

"Oh, that's marvellous!" The director raised his eyebrows with surprise, "If that's the case of your suspension I really sorry but I got your job."

"Yes, it's very good idea" Director nodding in agreement, "I think there is lots of students who are willing to join your class", you'll heard plenty of questions from them",

Akagi didn't objects plus smiling, "Well I like students with opinions, which the one who don't have that scare me".

They both stands up ending the interview, the director shakes Akagi's hand "Welcome to MRC, I hope you can do well in the future, and congratulations to your fiancé, she's very lucky girl finding a handsome man like you",

"Thank you" Akagi appreciates. "I will start next week"

After exiting the office, a broad smirk displaying on Akagi's lips when he returning, "A fiancé huh, I don't know how I got that lie" he thought while walking back "But it is trick of persuasion, to say something personal about myself even it could be a lie, that lie could automatically connect with the person, feeling them more relaxed, the Director ensures me my cover, my professor job is perfect, I can calmly plan about destroy Brittonia and Spectres within MRC's rooftops and no one will ever find out".

A slight grin of excitement shows in Akagi's face, "Everything is going according to my plan, now its time to high up the ranks"


For months, secretly heart-broken Misaki stayed quite within her room, surprisingly Yamamoto again forgive Misaki and Fumihiro's actions.

Fumihiro's didn't doubt his actions and willingly joined but Misaki found it difficult to swallow, she knew Yamamoto for many years ago but never saw Yamamoto tough and emotionless manner.

At passing days Misaki growing up, as well her hair, it crossed her shoulder and reached down to her upper-back, looking even prettier than before. When Yamamoto gave her the offer to join back, she at first hesitated, seeing her final exams coming soon, Fumihiro thoughtlessly joined, and Miyoshi was still under her care, she grouchy accepted Friendo's.

Misaki on her school spending the final days of her high-school life. She didn't decide future path which she take,

At lunchtime, she casually walks with her best friend Rika,

"Hey, did you decide to which you will proceed next?" Rika asked, wrapping Misaki's hands, also walking.

"I told you, I haven't decided yet" she replied with a smile, "What about you?",

"I first passed the exam first" she tamely said, "I don't know I going to pass yet, I'm still an idiot",

"Don't worry you do just fine" Misaki politely said,

Rika chuckled, "Yeah thanks for that, I... What the..." a very sudden expression flouted over her face".

Rika immediately rushed their auditorium,

Their large TV screen clearly displayed from outside

"That's awful! who could have done such a thing" Rika terrifyingly claimed, holding her joint-hands close to her mouth.

When Misaki had a glanced on the TV screen, she saw a massive bomb blast erupts through World Famous Private Hotel, a large crowd, mainly students have gathered around the TV, they both somehow passed through the crowd and witnessed,

As the news reporter says, "At noon on Luton King's Palace a massive blast appeared for the top, as you all can see many different military policeman, firefighters still struggling to contain the fire, you could imagine how large the explosion was, people gathered around the scene searching for love ones who trapped in that hotel, rescue still on the way" the female reporter went to the one present officer, "Sir, who was responsible for the despicable work? Any suspects?".

"We still do not know yet" the officer broadly confirmed, "If somehow we able to find something, you will have to wait until we can handle the situation for safety reasons stand back.

The reporter retorted, "Could Helecters be planned that attack? Redtron sudden appearance raises many questions?".

"As I said, we don't know yet, please step a side ma'am clear the area". The officer forcedly removed from Reporter out to the scene"

Later, she started a break from the scene.

"Redtron! How could it be? That's, he," Misaki confusingly wondered, staring at the ground. Many questions had been roaming around her since Redtron's appearance, two or more questions added to her normal brain.

Later Misaki bye Rika and spread up, going their way,

When She reached Friendo's Bar,

"Welcome back Miss Mayumi, I hope you had a lovely day!" an unknown voice surprised Misaki when she opened the front door,

Surely surprised Misaki was, she turned back at suspicious, "Umm... Who are you?!"

The young man with black scholarly hair and strange tiny little eyes, he standing on Manager's spot chuckles in embarrassment, "You're so cute! Have you forgotten me already, we meet remember? I am the...".

"He's the new Manager here, Shiro" Yamamoto interrupts, coming out from his office, "His family were brutally murdered by Brittonia, he's had no where else to go, so I recruited to be our manager, thank you Shiro-kun".

Shiro giggled, "No I honoured, working with pretty Misaki is dream come true" he blushed, scratching his jaw, "I could be working with you, huh Misaki" he blushed even more, making very awkward

"What the fuck! Did he just said, first Miss Mayumi now direct my first name?" Misaki angrily hoarse over her head, couldn't express it out aloud, "What the fuck is he look with his fucking creepy eyes, doesn't seen like that he just lost his parents".

After a thought rampage over her head, she exhales, then directly says, "I'm tired, going home" she simply ignored them completely,

"Wait Misaki! Have you gone home already? I could drop you off", Shiro unnecessarily offered.

That didn't like Misaki, she quickly turned her head moodily howled in rage, "WHAT AM I? A FUCKING CHILD, YOU HAVE MANY FUCKING THINGS TO DO, IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY, YOU COULD SHUT THE FUCK UP",

She forcedly out of the Restaurant.

On the way back to her apartment she encountered Yamamoto.

She quite surprised to see him the apartment and almost of all she wondered how he reached here so quickly.

She chose to ignored but Yamamoto has other intentions, on her passed Yamamoto violently grabbed her collar and pulled her on the corner, "You should think before you speak in front of our insurance" he threatened her with a much darker tone, "Don't forget you were insurance back in day, I changed my mind and decided to saved you, we had a deal, you better forget that whining little Bastard Akagi Shinsuke and focus on your work".

"I don't know... Whatever you talking about?" Misaki dreadfully stammered,

"You don't know huh?" Yamamoto remains her, "When in crisis, you will deliver the insurance over Friendo's Bar, which was our deal! So, I spared you for that reason and I could not believed you fall for that Asshole Shinsuke that you find comfortable betraying me."

"I didn't agree to anything" she forcefully removed herself from Yamamoto's grasped, "I don't even know what you think of other people, I don't know what you done other managers but I don't want to know but I just not letting Akagi die".

Yamamoto wickedly smirks, "But you failed to save him, Fumihiro and the other realised what I was doing, I can't take any actions towards them because Tomita Mitsumasa was convinced that you all behave properly. Akagi Shinsuke is dead you better forget about and move forward".

After he was gone, Misaki terrifyingly drop down on the floor, panting in fear, "Akagi... I couldn't say anything back then" she thought while heavily gasping "I knew from the start, what would happen if I had to betray Yamamoto, I wanted to come with you but you left me behind, why, why you have to became..."

"Misa-Chan are you okay?!" Miyoshi worriedly coming down from her apartment's stairs, "You hurt or something?".

"No, I'm alright, thank you Miyoshi". She exhales, calming her down.

Despite Misaki's showed Miyoshi, the tame face that she could fake but Miyoshi glimpsed of dreadfulness, depression and anxiety floats over her face.