Ice Queen 2

With many lefts and rights turns walking, Masamune was able to bring Miyako back in her quarter safely,

"Uff! Here you go" Masamune huffed, after dropping Miyako's sleepy body on the bed "Sorry I get into your bedroom without permission".

After much wrestle, Masamune finally sighed in exhaustion, seeing the ditzy, teasing, and inebriated party girl, Miyako sleeps without a care in the world.

"Seem you have a good time," Masamune said "Sleep tight, I be get going",

But surprisingly Miyako suddenly gripped Masamune's shirt uptight, before he could exit her bedroom,

Masamune extremely startled as his eye wides open

"Don't you dare to leave me like that" Miyako whisper behind his back, "You're not relieved from your duties" she forcefully pulls Masamune into her bed, few buttons from his shirt already opened by the rough pull, revealing Masamune's solid muscular chest.

"Ahh, You've tough muscle, Lieutenant Masamune" She seductively moans teasing Masamune by saying, "You said, you find me beautiful, now here's your chance to shine, you can do anything as you like".

Masamune's eyes extends to its limit, his hearts pumping like a ongoing machine, he feels the arousing sweet heat coming from her attractive, well-endowed body, Miyako is extremely beautiful and one of finest woman in the entire Brittonian's military division and the continuous wave of luscious smell is unbelievably sexy.

However It's not Masamune's personality to take advantage of a lone drunk girl at night into her bedroom,

Regardless the sheer number of uncontrolled pleasure calling Masamune to get on, he managed to stay calm and he explains the situation by babbling "Lieutenant Colonel, you drunk, what you need is a rest and I don't want you be sorry when you sober up".

"I am sober you little fool" yet again surprisingly she have well conscious and well awareness, thus she confesses lightly into his ears, "I like you, Lieutenant Masamune, I'm impressed by your sense of justice and strong desire of protecting love ones, it's all really admirable, I thought I could, could be" she suddenly stopped, then she sadly mumbles "But then again you'll going to abandon me, everybody else in my life, you little liar",

Miyako literally wants to do it with Masamune in her quarter, their sexual tension between them increases tremendously!

Masamune understood her state of mind, lacking any social interaction, she's began oblivion about the concept, needless to say her inexperienced sexual urges got into this position.

Despite Masamune had full knowledge of her needs, yet he doesn't expressed his desire explicitly.

"I understand what you are going through, but" Masamune gets off from her bed, leaving Miyako's alluring body out cold "Maybe not the age, yet you're my senior, and I can't just, what you want me to do, beside I have someone, that I love".

"You have a girlfriend?", Miyako mumbled sadly,

By her question, Masamune replies with hesitation "No! But it's complicated to, I wonder maybe, sometime I feel like, it's creepy and perverted, I can't fight but to feeling affection towards her",

"I also like the way you talk" Miyako admitted to Masamune's feelings as she quite drunk and sleepy "I don't know what you're talking about",

Masamune sighs "Never mind, you can rest for the night, and I will stay here if you want to",

Miyako smiled and replies "Thank you for staying with me" she puts the blanket on and falling asleep in an instant.

Masamune about picking a chair, sitting for the night but his eyes glance over Miyako's official study desk, a unfinished files about binary codes which Redtron send, information about Brittonian's military secrets and Helecters failed assaults, what really got Masamune's attention, she was smart enough to catch Redtron's sending frequency range thus Brittonian can track it's origins but she couldn't finish her work completely find its origins what it's left.

Masamune don't wanted to disturb her therefore he sat on a chair beside her bed waiting for the night to be over.


Morning approached, Miyako's sleep breaks for sunlight reflects through the room,

Miyako rubs her eyes and saw Masamune's sleeping down on the chair, with bunch of her files lay on his lap.

She gets up from the bed starting her morning by waking Masamune up,

"Hey since you wake up you explain to that way we can find Redtron" At first in the morning, Masamune went into the discussion about her files.

Miyako silently brought breakfast on the table including Masamune's then responded with her normal serious tone, "I was working on that one, covering until you arrived at my doorsteps, got me drunk, went into my bedroom and attempted to have copulation with me, you will have a big charges ahead of you, sleeping with your senior have serious consequences that lead a suspension with a punishable offence lieutenant Masamune! The army won't tolerate such dishonour"

"Whoa-what!?" Masamune bug out, "I did what, I-" then he suddenly calms adjusting his body like a gentleman, "Fine if you see that way, there is no I can do, maybe I suspended forever for it", Masamune knew this could happen when she sober up, therefore he believed that whatever he did, is dishonourable, Masamune kept silent as a bit of fear strike in his heart.

"Ah, hmm, Hahaha, Hahaha!!! You're so funny and stupid, you really believe all of that"

Masamune fully accepted his fate until Miyako's loud laughing.

At first time Masamune saw her laughing so carelessly, he finally believes Miyako, a cold-hearted person finally shows signs of warming up and becoming nicer.

"So, you're telling you were joking?" Masamune questions for confirmation,

She quits her laughing and replies, "Of course, what you think I could reporting that nonsense, you even sit like a gentleman, afraid to be suspended", she's again giggles, seeing Masamune's foolish face,

"She was so cold when I first met completely focused on her duty" he thought, eyeing Miyako's smiley and happy face "I don't know that she's lightened up that much".

"What are you looking at?" Miyako calmly asked, "Eat your breakfast, its getting cold".

Masamune started eating silently, a continuous thought revolves around his head as he thought while eating, "Nevertheless, I have no idea how much I've changed her".

"I'm sorry!" she muttered those words at very first time, "About last night, whatever I did I wasn't... Be myself when I told about my past"

"I understand" Masamune said, "That's not your fault what happened to you, best way to avoid it and let it cast aside and what you did in your quarter also not your fault, you're drunk, people say crazy stuff when they're drunk",

Miyako smiles by Masamune's strange response then mumbles, "I wasn't drunk when I reached my quarter".

"Huh? Did you say something?" Masamune asked,

Miyako intentionally shook her head and says "Let's focus on the Redtron, right now, it's no doubt he is incredibly smart by any of us, he only sends limited amount of information to Brittonian's UsNet before we can track it,",

She continues, "What really bothered me that he also stole many classified documents specifically MRC's secrets experiment which they conducting in MRC's Headquarter and yet I don't know, even Spectres don't know what he was looking for when he was searching for over the UsNet".

"Let's hope Redtron didn't plan to do anything that threatened Yurie's Programme of Enlightenment" Masamune expresses his thoughts, "Since Redtron is the only antagonistic force we worried about, and Yurie's Programme".

"Seems like you care so much about your little sister, Yurie Arata" Miyako said, also having breakfast beside Masamune,

He nods, "Yes she's the dearest person that I love most in the world, she's always like this, only care about others not herself, and her fight for peace even she has nothing to do with"

"By her name that reminds me," Miyako questions "She's Arata, and you're Masamune",

Masamune exhales by Miyako's evitable question, "Yeah, maybe I should mention about".

For Miyako's questions, Masamune revealed his true relationship with Yurie Arata,

Masamune's past is also wasn't a noble one, quite like Miyako in terms of tragedy.

When Cobalt killed Masamune's real parents, when he was very young, Yurie's father, Gin Arata, Masamune father's colleagues and personal friend adopted Masamune when he was a orphan, Gin Arata welcomed him to the Arata family and Masamune first meet Yurie Arata who quickly went into his affection, thus they're not blood related, although Yurie very much love him more a foster brother, when old enough Gin finally told how his real parents died who killed them and why, before knowing that Masamune already decided to kept the name as he seek vengeance.

However, his thirst for revenge wasted when Cobalt was captured and send him to the Raizen Supermaxim, naturally he have immense amount of hatred towards Cobalt till this day.

His school life was normal, befriend with Akagi, having Yurie around, was good say the least.

When he was reached college, Yurie gone to Norway for research, Akagi joined the MRC's leaving Masamune with full of options to go a profession.

He applied and selected for the Special Forces, passed the recruitment test and then, Masamune's military career begins with it.