Divine Intervention

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!, please noooooo, AAAaaaraggggggghhlmhhhhhh"

The loud screaming overwhelmed Helecter's HQ, because beside their torture chamber, the captain Ogomi personally tortures a Brittonia employee who might know the real information about Programme of Enlightenment.

Every member of the Helecters are at best, as brutal or more so than their enemies.

Their often cause, cold-blooded torture, and willing to kill, maim, torture or any other forms of extreme cruelty towards their enemies to get things done.

Despite his nightmarish screaming, Akagi's mind is still covering from the sudden shock about Yurie's Programme of Enlightenment. He did not believe that either does the members, Brittonia possibly just let every Mutants run around free, despite some of them tried to rebel against them. Moreover, Akagi firmly believes that Brittonia try to persuade the people to raise anger against the rebels and berried the inhuman experiments that Spectres is conducting in the MRC's laboratories. But one thing that bothered Akagi the most is if Programme of Enlightenment succeed, his plan destroying Brittonia and MRC will have ruined, he must find a way to manipulate the Helecters for consider that Programme to be a threat.

However, Akagi's intention already planned out as he secretly controls Helecters behind the screen, while placing himself as a minor in the Helecters, he secretly gives orders to all Helecter's members through Arisa most of the time as she wrapped around Akagi's fingers like a puppet. After Akagi joined, he constantly manipulating her for his advantage.

She's fallen in love for Akagi's skilful sweet-talk and she shamelessly wants to have sex with him for fun. Akagi wouldn't possibly blow his cover for petty lust. Instead, in subvert Akagi shun her away from him, every time she tries to seduce him for bedding with her. Arisa just can't help but to wonder his charms and handsomely figure, as if she imagined Akagi as an attractive charming Prince with a heart of gold and she is half right.

Akagi is devilishly handsome and charming but with heart of a reprehensible bastard and has no interest banging her evil, gorgeous body, he thinks nothing of her a playing her life pawn for his larger play, he's aware of she is rotten to the core and will never be swayed from the path of darkness by love.

After terrified brutal torture, Ogomi finally comes out from the chamber with bloody gloves that he throws in the room.

"It would appear that the Programme is meant to be good in the Mutants kind" he reported towards the members,

With the Captain's conclusion, now arguments soon erupt between among the members.

Some say that program is phony, some say it is trap or most claim to be true what Brittonia is claimed.

Akagi listened, not responding anything in Ogomi's final decision,

He says, "I spilled that man good, he said there is no way Brittonia could eradicate Mutants like that, surely not in Programme of Enlightenment, I think that the Programme is meant to be the end of the Mutant's suffering."

"Eradication! Few moments ago, you said about that word" Akagi finally said, standing up, "You said though words but No one wouldn't say anything that means you fear that could happen, if your fear comes true Brittonia is going do it without any warning".

Akagi's objection has some weight on the words the members taken much into his words, seeing things going nowhere, Akagi lastly cajole everyone by saying, "Before things got worse we should act break their back that they never stand up".

"I agree" Arisa nods, confirming everyone, "Redtron is right, they must be a trap or their schemes, we should not fall for that",

Akagi hidey smirked hidden beneath his mask, the reason why he decided to play Arisa because she held a major position on the Helecters, and minor position's words are useless against hers.

Despite the Helecters is extremely cruel, barbaric Mutants organisation, but they have a strict code of conduct among major Lieutenants, each of them has right to agree or disagree about any future action taking by the Helecters, majority will decide their future,

Akagi felt cocky about his great reputation that inflict upon the Lieutenants, however the majority had already made up the minds, not to act!

Akagi's rage is in terrifying level as he returns to his Helecter's quarters,

"I did what I capable of doing, but the majority made their decision" Arisa explains herself towards Akagi as he stands at cross, staring at the window.

"I'm not questioning your decision" She continues, "I don't think Brittonia will do anything" Arisa lightly smiles behind Akagi, remembering something from her past, "Beside I got some friends and relatives in Yellow and Brown Zone's ghettos, if Brittonia would do something, they will have suspected anything and told me about it",

"Your 'friends'!?" Akagi inquired in snide, "Please continue with your friend story?",

Despite the fact Akagi secretly mocking her, but she's not get it by answers Akagi's Inquiry, "When I was younger, I had friends and their relatives that I grew up with. They're not my real relatives, just my associates, colleagues, collaborators, or any other known person that had helped me to build my criminal accounts, they still in contact with me."

About Arisa's sight history, Akagi huffed, and the mumbles, "One good thing that come out from you, and now you're butchered it",

"Huh, what did you say?" Arisa verified,

"It's nothing" Akagi confirmed, "Call Eiji, will you, I have some work with him".

An intend to manipulate Arisa since she held a major position in the Helecters but his charm works too well for Arisa, she's smitten.

Instead calling Eiji, Arisa smirks, slowly stepping forward towards Akagi's back, collaring him, saying with very seductive tone as melon-breast squeeze hard against his back, "That I will do, Redtron, but before, you need rest, just relax have fun with your life"

"The old say, all work and no play, makes you a dull boy" she sexily whispers at Akagi's ears, while her hands went through his long coat, collar him tightly, the breasts squeezed even harder as sticking very close to him, "Ahhh! Play with me for a while" she lusciously whimpered, "There is no one around, shall I remove your coat?" her slender hands massages around his smooth feminine chest, slowly attempting to remove his coat.

Arisa is a rare breed of sensual beauty, her Red-hot body and voluptuous figure is full of sensual-pleasure but it's the most dangerous, and effective weapon to seduce men to do what she wants. When enrage, she become vicious, sadistic, vindictive, arrogant, cruel, barbaric, and very deceptive. But she's full of lust and curiosity, as she arousing for happiness.

Every man in Akagi's age would have their sex-drive full by now however it's not the case of Akagi, since he's naturally immune to that kind of sexual influences apart from his personal pleasure, he thinks nothing of it, except a waste of time and energy,

For enduring enough, Akagi removes her hands of from him before she can remove his clothes, coldly brush off her,

Akagi strictly demands "What I just said, call Eiji for me or I can call him myself",

Arisa is quite displeased by Akagi's cold demeanour, nevertheless she did as he said,

Akagi aware of his actions as he thought into his monologue "Hate how much you want, after all you're just my piece to intrigued my game, after I done with that Programme, I don't longer need you, horny Arisa".

"What are you doing to do?" asked Eiji slowly walks into his quarters, "You must dismantle Operation Valentino, or my daughter will confine into Spectre's and MRC's Scientist hands,

Eiji is the only one who supports Akagi's plan, destroying Valentino, with his daughters still held in the MRC's laboratories, he fully committed to do anything for saving her.

"I know you want to destroy Valentino and save your daughter" Akagi removes his mask, "But first we need to deal with Programme of Enlightenment, I assume that Brittonia is trying to cover their crimes with that propaganda, however I have a plan to deal with this problem"

Akagi remove his mask and asks, "You have some connection with the Shapeshifting Mutants?",

Eiji nods "Yes I do"

"Good, first cure distribution will start on next week, now here's I want to do is-" while explaining welly to Eiji, Akagi suddenly stopped when he had glimpse on Eiji's niece Asuna, who already presented behind of Akagi's quarters, A happened to be missed her by sight.

"Don't worry she's fine" Eiji confirm Akagi, "She'll not going say a word until I say so".

"At first, I thought Redtron to be old dude but I never imagined that Redtron happen to be so young and attractive" Asuna smug, commented on Akagi's real face.

Akagi scowls, showing some distrust on Asuna, nevertheless he continued with his plans, "Assembled your Shapeshifting Mutants, collect a dilute form of chemicals from the Black-market, they stored in glass on the freezing temperature",

"Yes but" Eiji interrupted, "What kind of chemical you have in mind? And why you wanted the Shapeshifting Mutants",

Akagi's twisted philosophy and intuitive strategic thinking caused many intelligent people into confusion.

For clarify Eiji's confusion Akagi sighed and explains, "Those chemicals are Uritium Cyanide, I need the Shapeshifting grope will play a role in my plans but for now I need them to do one thing",

"What, what are doing to with toxicological chemicals?" Eiji question in sight fear.

Akagi strictly commands, "I'm going to poison the entire cure distribution tanks before it cured any Mutants or the infection! That common people will know about Brittonia's real agenda as it blames entirely on them and the cure, and for Yurie Arata" He pulled a Brittonia military-grade gun from his coat pocket, "She will be a victim of the political assassination before the cure hit the distribution.