The Great Game of Politics

After the utter failure of Programme of Enlightenment and the Green Day Massacre, Brittonia reluctant to clean the mess.

Undoubtedly the massacre is considered the worst genocide during the era of Brittonia regime.

It mainly killed the non-violent group of Mutants who did not taken part in any militant or terrorist Affiliations.

Blood spoiled, swelling flesh of dead bodies, spraying the city with screaming, and howling of eternity.

Massacre's smelly bump streets of Tokyo's major parts, enlists its place into nation's black history.

Ken Kawazoe and few other officers are firmly convinced, the war will break out, the Mutant's radicals will not let it slide, hoping a retaliation followed by another rebellion, Ken and his followers reached at the Wall Guarding Troops in the western mini walls.

Brittonia's special Unit called the Wall Guarding Troops is a military order which holds and guards the Wall to keep any hostile Mutants and Walkers from crossing into the TYZ's Safe Zones.

The Unit is a shadow of its former strength and its meagre forces have been decimated by recent attacks from both Mutants terrorists and Walkers separately.

The current Sector, in which Ken and his followers are going is slightly away from the West-Red Zone.

A wide spread of the sectors mostly overcrowded by Benevolent Mutants and poor civilians largely all mixed together, do not violate even humbly comply with their existence, neither of them had no problem living in harsh conditions since they are all second-class citizens who live in segregated ghettos, due to their connection to the Terrorist cells and don't belong to the class of people and society.

Beginning with the invasion of Asia during Continental War, the regime of Brittonia set up ghettos across occupied Japan in order to segregate and confine Mutants, and sometimes their own citizens, into small sections of towns and cities furthering their exploitation.

TYZ's Ghettos are the worst since a large number of Mutants living there who thinks superior than the ghetto's humans hence frequent bickering occur as they all are terribly divided within the Ghetto.

Often the people unnecessarily brutalize by the Military police and Wall Guarding Troops, they throw the people into the East-Red zone if they failed to give heavy taxes.

The Brittonia's high-ranks, often exploit their differences and made things worse as they want to keep them apart.

In that way they never unified and rebel against the Empire, The Great Game of Politics which the Empire is playing inside of their capital for decades.

Within final sector citizens live out dehumanized and fearful lives, feeling the Empire's eyes upon them at every waking moment, being afraid to step out of line for even a moment lest they be brutalized or worse, "disappeared" by the Secret Police, the Spotter.

Standing beneath the 250ft height of the mini walls Tomotaki asks Harasaki and Ken,

"Sir, Programme was a disaster, so why we are here now?"

"It's a separate inspection, Lieutenant."

Harasaki mildly response, waiting for their lift to come.

"West-Red Zone has the thickest population, some of them too pissed about the Massacre and the Mutants colony of the east, they could attack us in any moment."

"The Colony of the Mutants!?"

Tomotaki shocked to Harasaki's claim as if he never heard that kind of thing.

"I'm sorry but I'm don't know what that is."

Hearing his comment, Ken chuckles at the back, amusingly said

"Wow! After five years of service you did not know they are Mutant's colony across the wall, you should receive a reward for your ignorance."

Tomotaki immediately hissed, scowled for looking at Ken's constant smiling.

As Ken Kawazoe doesn't display any emotion while speaking combined with his use of sarcasm, he is distrusted by many of his subordinates, most notably Tomotaki himself.

Pretty soon the Wall's construction like metal hoist comes down, sticking to the wall, they entered when the lift onto the ground and goes up to the top.

"We don't know surely what, where and when Mutants colonialized around the Warzones."

Harasaki slowly reveals to Tomotaki about the earlier subject.

"We also don't know how big, how much, and how many are down there, some say they mostly organised in small groups, and communicate in underground lairs, other claims there is a vast kingdom down there, ruling the entire kind, the Royal Mutant Society."

"I say we're leaving in Edo times rather than modern age."

Ken claims not believing that, he continues leans back to the lift, while it's way up there.

"W.G.U is guarding this wall before it even made, maybe the Guardsmen are the fucking dick and sadistic brutes who enjoys annoy or pork the civilians when they at it, but they doing there jobs perfectly, if there was 'Kingdom' beneath us, we already knew, The Mutant Emperor was their imaginative figure, an idea of a sole leader which Mutants made to start the Civil War, there are no underground kingdom."

Harasaki interrupts and quickly exposed Ken's history by saying,

"You're only saying, because you were part of the W.G.U never mention you'd many despicable crimes that you committed, and uncountable citizen's lives you taken, I'll never forget what you did to those nuns back in the church."

Ken denied Harasaki's claim, although he wants to avoid that claim.

"Now you change the subject, getting serious for no reason, you're well know how soldiers rank high and I did my time," he fearlessly adds few of his defence "I only did for the Empire, nevertheless Mutant Militants would easily capture this ghetto in no time."

Once they lift stop high, they saw across the narrow river, the decimated and debris Eastern districts.

Near the wall, Walker don't usually roam around, they attack in groups at once or twice in weeks.

"You! Lex Unit, what the fuck are you doing here," a loud heavy voice alarm them.

"Hey Kawazoe! How are you doing up on the wall?"

One guardsman waves a sign as soon he noticed Ken arrived at the Wall.

"Oh, great I forgot this moat is here."

Ken mumbles, then again, he looking forward with amusement.

The man appeared to be a regular guard, fair-skinned and brawny figured man with little hair and thick brown beard.

The Wall Guarding Troops is organized in three departments: the regular Guardsmen, who fight, defend the Wall, and patrol the guarding Zones; the Technician, who maintain the Wall's technologies, and the weapons; and the service provider; the Brittonia's soldiers who support and feed the members of the W.G.T.

"We are safe and sound hence you are in a standard inspection I should ease your Lex people work, hahaha."

Kingsley claims, proudly laughs,

The mini wall by which Ken and his followers are standing, separate the two sides of Red Zone.

"Kingsley? Is that what your name is."

Tomotaki asked

"No, my name is Kuroiwa Kazumasa."

He roughly collar Ken's neck in excitement, "Me and Kawazoe old pals, he remembers all the good funny times we did, huh pal" he constantly shaking Ken's tiny skeletal body, unaware Ken did not like a single bit "This fucking guy, call me that, now Kingsley is my official nickname."

"Yes, thank you for your input, Kingsley."

Ken rudely removes Kingsley's chubby hands, "Can you finish what we left off."

"Holy Shit!"

Harasaki wildly declares, gazing below.

"The Walkers, they desperately climbing up, oh they look like a sack of shits."

"Aw, don't bother about that."

Kingsley over confidently said, hawks someone behind defensive artillery weapon.

"Hey Suzuki, could you come down here, use that gun for obliterating those sucker."

"No Kingsley, I could not, the guns get rusty for not using, I still fixing it."

After Kingsley call, a skinny man with round glasses, curly black hair responded, fixing the Artillery-Gun.

"Aren't the Artillery-Gun fixed yet?"

Kingsley said in disappoint.

"So, we are on a high-alert, and you couldn't get a single machine ready?"

Harasaki reprimanded those two.

"No, sir, um, Ken told him, hey Suzuki your lazy ass punk instead spends your time on drinking and women, fix that thing now."

Kingsley slightly worried about Harasaki, thus he takes all the blame on the Technician, Suzuki.


Suzuki growls step out from the Artillery, confronting Kingsley directly.

"You're the one who stole the people's money and spent them on gambling and you blame on me!"

"Shut up and fuck up you, skinny bastard."

Kingsley angrily threats Suzuki as he completely exposed about what he was doing until then.

However, the inspection group already knew what is going on, they did nothing except enjoying for the part of the Empire.

Just before Ken and the others could finish, a deadly bullet fired upon, but miss at the first attempt.


Tomotaki shouted.

Hearing his warning everybody gets down in spite seconds, but before the combat less Suzuki could able to crouched down, another sniper fire gash into his right eye socket, immediately falls after a steady thick blood oozes from the socket as glass piece stuck inside his eyes.

"What is that?"

Kingsley anxiously muttered , laying down on Suzuki's corpse.

A sniper just the beginning of the first fire of the revolution.