The Great Game of Politics 2

"Mortar! Fucking Mortar fire!"


And just like that, starting with sniper then mortar, and now heavy gun fire raining down upon Wall Guarding Troops and Lex soldiers.


The mortar shot obliterates the watchtower, with it the defence artillery falls down onto ground.

Many Mutant radicals climbing on Eastern side wall, some already went up and starts cutting down, the guardsman and technicians as they find.

Soon it become a bloody chaos, dozens of hostile Mutants begin their fierce assault on the military.

"Lex activate your Cubes! We have pushed them through."

Harasaki loudly orders, clashing down against Mutants.

Mini wall of Red Zones spilled with gruesome carnage, as Lex and W.G.T trying desperately to protect the walls, some of Mutant already passed through, some die, and some of the Mutants just fall into their deaths, death count goes to the military as well.

During the brutal chaos, Kingsley accidently slipped just about to fall off the edge of the wall however he didn't fall.

"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck somebody help!"

Kingsley screams trying desperately to scramble on the edge.

"Ah, Kawazoe Ken help me out here, help."

He asked when he sights Ken.

However, Ken is extremely engaged with the Mutants, clashing Mutants to the death.

"Fucking bastard!"

Kingsley bellowed, trying to make a grip against the bloody hand which he's in.

Once Ken comes closer, Kingsley grabbed Ken's uniform to pull himself in, but that distracted Ken.

"You fucking geezer."

Ken immediately pissed about Kingsley, pathetically dragging him into his death.

"Save yourself!"

Ken quickly removed Kingsley's hands away from him and unhesitatingly kicked Kingsley off the cliff.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Ken Kawazoe!!!!!"

Kingsley screams tremendously while falling, as soon he falls, Walkers wildly jump on him, tear his body parts into pieces. And Ken watches closely as his old friend gets eaten. The Walkers delicately broke Kingsley's jaw from his mouth, tear every limb, chew his flesh with ease.

Tomotaki saw Ken, heartless throw his old friend, Kingsley into his death.

"You, immoral asshole!"

Tomotaki knits his eyebrow in hatred towards, Ken "Why did you kill that man for?"

"I'm don't kill him, gravity kills him and would you shut up!"

Ken said with extreme annoyance.

"He was a fucking robber who plunder people, are you waiting for the formal fucking invitation, get your ass up."

"You, heartless bastard, have no respect for your own friends, and brothers."

Tomotaki loudly rants, disgusted by Ken's actions, however first time, Ken's constant smile face wore off, gritting with anger.

"I said shut the fuck up, there is more than 50 Mutants just cross the wall and you still fucking care about that pony guardsman, always remember if you survive this, bad things will just happen to people repeatedly for no real reason whatsoever, beside, I really hated that guy."

"Everyone we have to get to the Hoist now!"

With such desperate time Harasaki broke their argument, quickly get into hoist including Ken and Tomotaki and the remaining soldiers.

Mutants firmly destroyed the hoists system thus it trembles restlessly, "Mutants, over the edge!" once someone, Ken, and the other saw immediately,

A male mutant hanging on the wall by the help his claw-like Noryoku, he glared at them, showing sheer hatred.

"You're dead, humans."

Once he said, his other hand transformed into whip-hook Noryoku, cut one wire.

Hoist hangs at one side with the door burst open, unfortunately Harasaki got out of here from the hoist by massive impact.

"Oh, Shit, oh shit, FUCK! I'm falling."

Harasaki wildly panic, shouting while hanging off the edge.

"Mutants! Above the hoist!"

All these is not enough, another Mutant stand above the Hoist, activates his Noryoku attempt to slice Harasaki's head since he was near him, purely defenceless.

Harasaki's life was almost over until Ken went in counter the Mutant's Noryoku with his cube, first he guns down the first Mutant, bullets violently pierced through that Mutant's skull, when counter-opportunity arise, Ken brutally shoved his Cube right into that second Mutant's mouth.

That second Mutant falls along his gushing scarlet blood, stuck into Ken's sword.

"Here take my hand."

After Kawazoe Ken professionally kills two of the Mutants less than a minute, he generously forward his hand to help Harasaki, he takes Ken's hand and pull himself up in the hoist.

Ken Kawazoe maybe an unrepentant scumbag, who is more self-centred than anyone else in the force, he does have standard protecting his old colleague.

Regardless Ken was able to save Harasaki's life, the hoist couldn't hold any more, it soon crushes down on the ground.


Few screams produce in the hoist as it falls, fortunately the hoist almost reached the ground before the Mutant's attack hence all of people are left alive with minor injuries.

"Ahu, arge!"

Many of them cough by the crash smoke comes out the Hoist.

Expect the surviving three Lex Unit, among W.G.T regiment, only 4 remains only all the Technicians and food providers.

Harasaki slowly crawls down from the hoist, grumbling.

"Ugh, that's why I hate field work, why can't I stay in Green Zone."

"Are suggesting that you better off dying in a tropical forest."

Ken suggests, a flow of blood, drips from his left side of the forehead.

"Because Brittonia is part of with the Continental War, and they move all junior men to centre Asia, leaving capital-beggars like us to deal with the internal war."

Ken's implication was correct, Brittonia is struggling both external and internal wars,

The definition of Internet war has cleared when the Lex Unit looks down upon the West-Red Zone.

"It's bloody riot everywhere."

Tomotaki mumbles, looking at burned cars and broken Brittonia's military properties.

Including more than 50 Mutants already passed, the normal civilians come down rioting, rejecting Brittonia regime, the angry people of Tokyo, after decades of cruel inequality, harsh oppression, even starvation, now explode.

This went what the Lex feared After the Green Day, the civil unrest taking it's form into a Blood Rebellion.