The Darkest Hours

"What a awful time we're experiencing."

Dr. Hiroshi's female assistant, Tayama Seiko shows her responds about the massive Civil Unrest that boiling over the TYZ, while she sitting in the Hiroshi's laboratory in the MRC's Headquarter.

"You should check the Blightlight cure before sending to the environment, so many lives were lost and there are lives going to get taken."

Seiko complained to Hiroshi about not checking on the cure.

As the Rebellion's influence slowly effecting the Green Zone, the civil unrest continues to grow, the Cure was the main reason for Revolts surrounding the City and during the Supreme One's absence is much difficult to contain the hell fire.

"Not my department Dr Seiko, hence I simply don't care."

Hiroshi said, shoved his head into the Techno Suit, fixing its internal parts.

"We are the engineering section now, grieving about the casualties won't give their lives back, so stop caring for the cure and help me out."

"Hrmph, Do it yourself, you are the head scientist of the Techno Suits division."

"Haha yeah about that."

Hiroshi chuckled, stands up clapping his hand for fixing the Masamune's Techno Suit.

"Where's my Suit!?"

Masamune enquires in a hurry manner, suddenly appeared Hiroshi's laboratory,

Seeing Masamune's hurry taking the Suit. Hiroshi's tried to reason with him,

"Whoa hold on, I'm just fixed the damages it's endured, you've to wait or The Suits will tear up."

"Like I care."

Despite Hiroshi's warning, Masamune simply ignored it.

However , Seiko's pulled the Techno Suits activation keys and toss into Hiroshi's palm.

After retrieved the keys, Hiroshi amusingly taunts Masamune.

"Now I've the keys what you going to do about that?"

Without any response Masamune violently punched Hiroshi's jaw taking the keys by force.

Hiroshi falls, rubbing his cheek for massive red injury.

"What are you going to do with the Suits?"

Seiko grimly asked Masamune while he taking Techno Bowl

"Find Redtron and kill him!"

Masamune unflinchingly replied,

"But how?"

"By taking something, he cares about!"

Masamune lastly said before withdrawing the laboratory.

"Now the blood going to spill."

Hiroshi quoted, slowly getting up, watching the way Masamune exited.


"Hey do you see that? The people gathering around, do you feel something is not right? The civil disorder increase by days."

Misaki's best friend Rika questions, while riding along with Misaki's bike

Around the busy streets of Yellow zone, Misaki offers a lift to Rika's house in her motorcycle, because the street of Yellow zone suddenly became unsettling for the constant civil unrest.

"Yeah, things getting worse than before."

While driving the bike, Misaki shows her concerns about the matter.

"Yellow zone remains relatively low on the civil unrest but things way worse than better."

Rika nods and shows her gratitude towards Misaki by saying,

"Thank you for the lift Mayumi, I don't feel around the streets."

"Don't worry about it, we are friends, beside my bike getting rusted for not using it,"

Misaki's mind is on the way to settling city because she's focuses on her studies, and her friends, she's possibly ignores the Yamamoto's scheme neither Akagi's whereabouts, what's he doing or the internal turmoil of hellish nations, her life was getting a lot better by staying away from the internal politics until her phone rang.

For ringing enough Misaki picked up while driving,


What she first hears is loud gasping over the phone,

"Misaki! This is Yuji, listen to me Don't come back!"

Yuji commanded her with a grim tension.

"Yuji-san? Is that you."

For a long while Misaki heard Yuji's voice, she hasn't seen or heard Yuji since he helped her to rescue Akagi.

With a lot of tension in mind, Misaki worryingly questions,

"What are you talking about Yuji-san, where I can't come back."

"It's no time, just listen to me, Yamamoto again gone crazy he's crying, babbling nonsense, saying everyone will die, that white-haired devil will plan to kill us all, I don't know how, but Blackwatch knows about the Friendo's Bar and Yamamoto will act something horrible, best to stay away from Friendo's, understand I'm leaving shortly."

Misaki don't understand anything about what Yuji said,

"What Yuji implying back then? Nevertheless, he strictly warns me to stay away from Friendo's I can't just let it go like that."

Misaki deeply thought about the Yuji's call, he was a distant associate, tasked to distract and lure Blackwatch's Secret police and hostile Mutant's cells, away from the Friendo's Bar, that Yuji who usually calm-headed man could be in a panic.

Misaki-Chan, watch out! There is something approaching us"

When seem Rika suddenly shouted out, warned Misaki.

Misaki's concentration about Yuji's warning breaks, when fierce missile attacks her motorcycle.


The missile missed her bike at the edge, blowing up the car instead.

"Ahh fucking hell!"

Misaki immediately speed up the bike, trying to get away from sudden assault,

"What's going on, whose firing at us?"

Rika terrifyingly questioned.

"I don't know, hold tight!"

Misaki ran her bike in full speed, dodging and overtaking every vehicle but her pursier wouldn't gave up, distracting so much in behind she forgot about her front, nevertheless another missile fire at but this time it destroyed her bike into parts.

"Ahh ahh!!!"

Rika screamed however Misaki expertly catches Rika by her expandable Noryoku while they're mid-air, they safely landed while Misaki's bike blown into pieces.

"Misaki-Chan you are a Mutant?"

Her old school friend Rika mumbled, nevertheless Misaki kept quiet, knowing she just blows her cover.

"Miss Misaki Mayumi, age 18, the high school student in senior year, we've finally meet!"

Within the smoke Techno Suits wearing Masamune represents her bio data,

"Who the hell are you? What do you want, seem like you already know about me."

Misaki howled, makes a scowled face.

"I'm here for one thing I want to know what Redtron is planning?"

Masamune remove his Techno Suit helmet questioned Misaki seriously.

"Huh? What the fuck you talking about? Why you think I could know anything."

"So you wouldn't tell me so easily."

Without any second thought, Masamune activates his Lancaster,

"Then I'll spilled it out from you by force!"

*Maximum Strength*

Masamune jumps, violently swings the Lancaster upon Misaki,

"Damn that Lex Unit!"

Misaki also activated her other broadsword like Noryoku, defend Masamune's attack,

When the metal collide sparking out, Misaki slipped through Masamune's defence and counter it with fierce Noryoku spikes,

*Maximum Armour*

Misaki's strikes and fails as it can't defeat Techno Suit's Armour, Masamune grabbed Misaki's feet and throws her aside.

Once landed Misaki immediately went back and attack Masamune with brute strength.

After a long period of fighting for the teeth they come in stalemate, heavily gasping, scowling each other.

Seeing the opportunity Misaki jump for kicking Masamune head, once Masamune cross his arms for defining himself.

"Huh, I knew you would do that."

Misaki grinned, suddenly crouched down, brutally gripped Masamune's left arms in intention of slashing it,

"It's over for you, Lex Unit."

"Not quite"

However Masamune shot Misaki's shoulder before she could slashed his arm,

"Araghh! You cheating Bastard!"

Seeing Misaki about to cut his arm, Masamune cheats a way out, he kicked her stomach while she distracted by the wound.

After the kick she falls and meets the dust,

"This is your last chance, tell me now what Redtron has planned."

"Fuck you, I know nothing about him, besides I don't know you so how you knew about me"

"Fine have at it then."

Masamune frowned withdraws his Techno Gun from the Lancaster, aiming at, Misaki.

"Blackwatch forces already begin their assault on your Yellow Zone hideout, it's a matter of time I get my answers"

"Oh shit, The Techno Gun."

Misaki widened her eyes in shock, seeing the warm plasma bubbles gathering around the point,

"I couldn't dodge it, even I could try, it's clearly crushes me!"


Rika shouts, standing in front, courageously defend her.


Misaki muttered,

"What are you doing, get away now."


Rika response irrefutably, still defending Misaki,

"Even you're Mutant, even you were lying to me until this time but, I can't let you die, you are my friend."

After Rika's whole-hearted response, Misaki eyes widened with full of emotions, she knew Rika at her first day in school, Rika is the who wanted to be friends with Misaki, she knew if anyone would defend her in any death situation that would be her.

"Get out of here lady I have nothing to do with you."

Masamune strictly warned, Rika to move.

"You let her go right now!"

Nevertheless Rika hasn't ready to move still defend her friend until the very end.

"I'm not letting die like that"

Misaki anxiously thought seeing her friend trying her best to protect a liar.

"I will protect her!"

Settling such rebellions ideas, she standing subconsciously attempting to strike Masamune from behind Rika's back.

Masamune's widely frightened to her sudden violent movement, he fired recklessly.

"No Rika MOVE!"

Misaki screamed, seeing in wide-eyed,

As expected Techno gun shot Rika as a misfire, she falls lifelessly into Misaki lap.

"Rika, Rika! Talk to me, you are going to be alright, stay with me, alright."

Misaki loudly trying to talk to Rika when she falls lifeless, blood spews from her stomach.

"I'm sorry Misaki-Chan I, I couldn't do anything."

Rika lastly mumbles, as the dark shreds appeared below below on her eyes, about to shut.

"No Rika I promise you're going to be alright, just stay with me goddammit."

Seeing Rika's dying, has horrified Misaki, however she keeps motivated Rika, regardless the bitter truth that flows beside her eyes.

"It's no time, even you lied to me, I'm always consider you as a friend, Misa...Ki"

Without any words Rika's head down into Misaki's, closing her permanently due to heavy blood-loss.

"No, No! Rika stay with me, Rika No!"

Misaki hopelessly keep Rika up, despite her eyes have been closed, Misaki's feels the wetness around her lap, when stand, she saw Rika's blood stained on her skirt.

Misaki went silent, bowing her head, eyes went into darkness,

Without any warning, a fierce Noryoku expands through Misaki's left hand and gutted Masamune within spite seconds,


Masamune loudly coughed, thickly blood through the Suit, the tendrils-like spikes early pierced and gouge into his ribs,

From one to five Noryoku spikes emerge and strike Masamune's and throws him into a nearby building.


Building's exterior crushed upon Masamune's landing, while lying down, he falls into wondering about how much that pretty girl, Misaki could be so violent, barbaric and bloodthirsty, she easily broken well-advance Techno Suit armour without breaking a sweat.

When Masamune looked, Misaki was gone, leaving her best friend Rika behind, Masamune's hunt for Redtron was almost over when a loud explosion shaken whole TYZ tremendously.

"What was that?"

Masamune walked towards and jaw-drop when glance at the sight,

"It's an attack!"

Masamune thought, while mindlessly staring at the pitch-black smoke rising into blue sky, deep down he already knew that is Redtron's ultimate plan went into action and for his devious plan the whole TYZ and the Imperium States going through it's darkest hours.