Dark Friday of the Blood Rebellion

During the panic and civil unrest, the Blood Rebellion taking massive damages and casualties during its course, but extreme ideas also grows hiding under the revolutionary groups, thus there is some Left-wing extremists wanting seek revenge on Brittonia's sympathizer as well as army infantry units.

While mild human rebels fought against the oppression, corruption of the military police force and extricate any captured citizens, but their fellow extremists is willing to cut down any Empire's sympathizer according to their own agenda, their brutal beliefs and extreme ideologies taken the lives of many Brittonia's hard-working military men in any slum areas, those activists belong in completely different individuals disaffected groups, organizing the civil disorder with the intent of provoking authorities to overreact, in order to generate sympathy for their cause.

The rebellion grew bigger and violent day by day, after murdering Arisa, Akagi Shinsuke found the perfect opportunity to represents his already made solution for the Helecter's members to act.

"Gentlemen, we witnessed the bloodbath that come from our people."

Akagi passionately express his beliefs into current matters.

"We won't let such disaster slip into our hands, other activists already taken the advantage for their benefits we must prepare for the final blow."

While the assembly of the Helecters rarely starts, Akagi represents his plan for the final assault that dismantle Brittonia and MRC forever.

"What's that board for?"

Ogomi questions, seeing Akagi brought a flat board which has covered.

"This is how I tell you about our target I need all of the Helecters members to execute this."

"First show me what you've planned, Redtron."

"Listen well my brothers, I have a plan that I want you to execute for me. The enemy that stands before us is countless beyond numbering, and strong filled with false energy of lies and chaos. Yet we will break this foe as easily as a flawed boulder, break their spin that they never get up though it is large and appears strong, splits asunder with but for the glory and equality for all Our brothers and sisters who suffered for so many years."

Akagi finally remove the cloth from the board, revealing their target, every member is totally exclaimed to see his target, some of got up from their chair, while Akagi shouts with pride and confidence,

"THIS IS OUR TARGET! Now listen very carefully."

The next day morning, through the tunnels the Helecters get their way into the Green Zone.

Akagi sits on the chair, right in front of a vast window looking at his target, a phone call rang.

When answered, old Eiji who used be an excellent pilot spoke at the other end,

"Everything is set I'm piloting it, the missiles and the plane, everything is in its place,"

"Everyone in position?"

Akagi swiftly questioned.

"Yes! Including the water and pipeline system, the Helecter's members is waiting for your go sign."

At glimpse Akagi stare down to the Green zone's Lincolnshike Garden. He remembered a sight memory about he as a 6 years old boy visiting the MRC's Headquarter with his mother and kid brother before she shipped out to prison.

Akagi was amazed to see MRC's Headquarter gigantic height and promise his mother to become a great scientist someday and get a huge job in the Headquarter, Akagi's mother laughed in amusement and yet she believed in him.

After Akagi's father, Redtron inject the Darkfallen within him, he had his eyes open to see the world how it is how it will become if he don't do anything.

Those memories didn't matter when Akagi approved the go sign.

When approved the fine peaceful morning emerged with unknown threats of shock.

For the librarian Hasumi Ayana's help, distributing those plans and blueprints to Akagi, he's now well known around his target's structure, it's underground tunnels routes, and every flaw possible to proceed his plans.

One Helecters member disguise himself as a regular floor cleaner entered Green Zone's Government Bureau, as Bureau's people won't bother to checking for the regular staff hence one Helecters member easily passed through the security, at centre point, behind the white dome the Helecter's member leave the cleaning cart in wide-middle.

"Sir, you can't let that leaving like that."

Two regular security guards order the disguise member, however the cleaner quickly ran off from the sight, before guards could get to him.

After his sudden disappeared, guards about to inspect the cart, reporting to the bureau while it gets crowded.


The bomb containing cleaning cart violently explode inside the Government Bureau, creating a big mess of dark smoke and terrifying sound as the fire break loose, the dense smoke passing through from every leak through the dome.

Explosion was so massive that it overheard every citizen of the Green Zone,

The civil unrest in surrounding zones was nothing, the peaceful Green Zone embrace the darkness that inflict upon them.

Following the explosion, many military police, regular security forces coming out covering the Government Bureau's fire, the normal civilians and workers come out the bureau, coughing as their bureau burning into the ground.

Brittonia civil service also comes out from the MRC's Headquarter, assisting the horrifying situation.

"That's what I waiting for."

Akagi smirks in excitement, gazing the men going away from the MRC's HQ.

"Come on leave the MRC's Headquarter alone, I've a gift for you"

Akagi pick his phone called the Helecters and ordered,

"The path is clear, now seize the building."

"Roger that."

By Akagi's signal, every member is on the move, Mike Gustav or Mikoto Mayumi, Hidetsugu Juzou, Akira Sogen and 12 other members dugout through the basement from MRC's Headquarter, arming themselves with silencer guns.

During big chaos, the Helecters silently killing off the remaining security and taking over the Headquarter,

By receiving the positive results of his plans, Akagi proudly assumed, with a smug on his face,

"Everything is going perfectly, I used the Government Bureau as a decoy to distract the security forces to get away from the primary target The MRC's Headquarter! Soon Eiji will coming."

Whatever Akagi said, An armed plane, call the Blackbird approaching towards Green Zone without any authorisation, in defence, Brittonia security send two fighter planes to stop Eiji's plane, however the Blackbird was well-equipped with Anti-missile flair countermeasures, with it's slim-shape and highly agility, the Blackbird easily destroyed every plane that comes near it.

While plane approaches to it's current target, a phone call suddenly rang by Akagi's college phone,

When looked, it was Masamune, after failing to capture Misaki, he first called Akagi for a certain verification.

"Masamune, what is he want now?"

Akagi thought before answering the phone, though he answered pretending like if he wasn't aware of any of it,

"Hey Masamune."

"Hello Akagi I know it is odd time to call but did you see the news? About Green Day and ongoing Rebellion."

"Yes I'm aware of that, just horrible don't you agree?"

Akagi replied in snide.

"Yes, I'm asking a question, I know it's odd but if you don't mind Shinsuke."

"Yeah go ahead."

"If you had a deep-seated grudge on someone you know he's wrong, you know he'll keep doing dangerous things that would harm everyone, and he'll stop at nothing until his aims is complete, wouldn't you kill that person without any hesitation for the better good."

Akagi thought for a while then he casually replied to Masamune's in easy attitude,

"Kind of odd question but If you hated that person so much, you should confront with all you have, you shouldn't shiver, do what you have to."

By Akagi's honest answers, though not fully understand what he meant, but Masamune chuckled,

"Heh, I know I could get an honest advice from you, thanks."

"No problem, beside we're friends remember beside you'd always come to me for advice."

"Yeah, for last 15 years. Aright I talked to you later Shinsuke."

At once after phone disconnected, the plane flew off within Green Zone.

"Now he comes."

Akagi presumed once he glanced at the plane, mount mechanic fire guns.

In few seconds the plane with eight mini machine guns mounted at the Plane's edges, rained down upon Brittonia, securities who were wide open helping the civilians out from the fire at the Government Bureau.

The machine guns brutally pummel each moving object, spare no one including random civilians, Brittonia Military soldiers, police forces, the Plane took every living soul.

Brittonia Military wasn't prepare for that kind of assault, especially within Green Zone, the most secured and safest region of TYZ, for the social unrest going on their country, they couldn't do anything, but to die.

The loud screaming overheard the entire Green Zone, it is total chaos, gunfire gashes the peaceful silence that the Green Zone were known for, but now it full destruction, Lincolnshire green grass gets stained with red goopy blood from those who were standing near, everyone in Imperium States knew it wasn't a accident, it was an coordinated attack on the Imperium of Brittonia Empire by Akagi Shinsuke, the man who once worked and supported them.

Nevertheless it wasn't the only time that the city suffered the violence atrocities committed by Brittonia Imperium or Mutants radicals cults, but it was the first time, they attack on the heart of the newly formed Empire.

"Alright, Masamune you can try to stop me."

Akagi excitingly clenched his fist, put his two fingers supports his chin.

"But it doesn't matter what you intend to do, you already lost, my victory is assured, and... Ahem. Heh, heh, heh. Hah, hah hah, hah hah! HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"



For the excitement arousing through, Akagi couldn't help but burst out of villainous laughter, while spearing his arms, endowing the sight of amusement at his work.

"Perhaps that's what my true purpose was."

He thought, watching the destruction, that he purely created.

"What I truly wanted ever since that day, the total destruction, chaos and loss of everything, that's correct, every destruction comes with creation, a reincarnation of this broken world and completion of my Project Recommence for achieving my goal even my conscious must cast aside, only path left for me is straight ahead".

"Soon, the TYZ will be mine to control."

He darkly quoted, but those words come through his mouth, Akagi makes a reprehensible grin with his red and blue coloured menacing eyes, mocking everyone as if he becomes more ambitious, cruel, wicked, ruthless, immoral and feels he's invincible that everyone is beneath him and his desires.

Akagi was planning that attack for 8 months, tactically strategizing and careful planning has led to this vicious attack, known this Friday in history as a Dark Friday.