Inside of the Dark Tower

The black smoke continuously raising up into the sky, distracted by the plane and Government Bureau bomb blast, Brittonian officials left MRC's Headquarter undefended, that was Akagi's overall strategy.

While he calmly sitting across the Headquarter watching his world burn, inside the Helecters swiftly penetrate the armoury, taking heavy weapons,

"Take all you need."

Mikoto ordered the minor henchmen while they are gathering weapons,

"Here how it goes, you two will close then guard the entire entrance, anyone should escape, you three take snipers and guard top floors."

"Why can't we head to the laboratories?"

"Because I said to guard the top floors not the laboratories, do as you fucking told,"

After ordering strictly, Mikoto continue with his part, explaining the rest,

"While you all are covering the area, Me, Juzou, Sogen and two other will hit the Project Valentino and kill every hidden Spectres we find."

"I will go with you."

Asuna steps forward, pleading Mikoto to take her to Valentino labs,

"I want to see my cousin, she's trap into Spectre's laboratories for six years."

"Alright, I got no complain, you go with us,"

After Mikoto's approval, Asuna directly taunted Sogen who was previously disagreed about going in,

"See flamboyant, told you Mike will understand, unlike you, only wants nagged to your uselessness."

"Asuna! Focus on your job"

Mikoto yelled for Asuna's behaviour, afterwards she sardonically apologised to Sogen,

"Sorry! Sorry 'Akira'"

However, by Asuna's disrespect taunt, Sogen seemly casual, unusually not affected by anything.

Ignored Sogen's suspicious silence, Mikoto continued,

"The plane will keep the soldiers distracted, our mission to sweep the Headquarter undetected, take over and prevent it from taking over, then we will get into Valentino, understand?"

Everyone nods, including Juzou who step up and said, cracking his knuckles with excitement,

"Alright now time to teach these fucks a lesson"

Once the Helecters equip with heavy weaponry, they quickly approach as planned, killing every security, sealing off the exit and seize the building.

After all that they breached through the Valentino's working site, with a bang.

"Alright assholes time to die!"

Without thinking any farther, Juzou wildly fires at the armed guards, watching over the Valentino's operations.

The Helecters continues firing wildly however they shootout noise was heard throughout Green Zone.

"Fuck, Imperium know we're here"

Mikoto varyingly warned his members but Juzou responded while firing,

"It doesn't matter there is nothing they can to do."

As scientist's crowd become terrorized, ran wildly, Juzou grabbed one Scientist's neck,

"OK pencil-neck let's see how you will taste like?"

"No leave me alone!"

He begs, nevertheless Juzou punched that Scientist's stomach then consume him without listening any more.

"Ahhh, you taste awful"

Juzou admits after consuming that scientist, then again back to destroying the labs.

After the hostile enemies were taken down the remaining hundreds of scientist's knees down, surrendering,

"You lot, released all prisoners!"

With the Helecters member releasing the prisoners from MRC's hellhole, Asuna secretly very happy as she again reunited with her cousin after long time.

"Hey Asuna!"

Once Asuna turned back, Sogen horizontally slices her eyes off.

"Araghh, you fucking bastard! Why did you... ahhh"

Asuna falls, growling for been completely blinded by Sogen's brutal stab,

"You had your fun, now say goodbye, hehe, duh"

Sogen chocked Asuna's neck while she clenching her cut eyes, groaning in extreme pain,

"You made fun of my beautiful face, you ugly bitch, how dare you to insult me."

"Oh, fuck you, did you make your ass burn?"

Asuna snarled tremendously, completely blind, a thick red fluid seeps from Asuna's eye-hole.

"Yeah, kinda does."

Sogen sinisterly grins, poked his two fingers right into Asuna eye's sockets,

"ragghhhhhhh, you bastard!!!"

Asuna loudly screams, for receiving a brutal torture by Sogen,

"Duh, exactly I never knew my father"

Sogen agreed by Asuna's claim, been a bastard.

"I'm a bastard, and an asshole, the reason I'm torturing you like that, but I'm not quite done."

Sogen skilfully skinned her limbs, separately!

Without farther ado After Sogen quietly seek his grudge against Asuna, he swiftly ripped off Asuna's head, a fierce flow of blood gushing out from the neck as Sogen cut out her head before torturing her for little while.

The reason why Sogen have Asuna killed is because Akagi secretly manipulated him, Akagi knew from the start that Asuna could be a threat to his plans thus he used Sogen to kill her.

Before represent his plan attacking the MRC, Akagi also well-versed about Asuna's wavering tongue, she was the one who carelessly bagged about Redtron's identity and hidden plans,

Despite the niece of the silent type Mutant Eiji, Asuna tends to be rather arrogant, insulting to Akira Sogen for her lowered rank and boasting constantly when in battle. She tends to say "Sorry!" in a mocking tone after insulting somebody.

However, Akagi noticed those flaws and already planned to silent her forever.

Asuna's reunion with her cousin never occurred when Sogen amusingly amputated her head right off the body.

Regardless the s shocking atrocity that has happened, Mikoto and Juzou are engaged with an argument, Juzou want to spare all remaining scientists, since they aren't worth of his fight.

Unlike Akira Sogen who loves disables his enemies and torments them at leisure, Hidetsugu Juzou have the sense of honour! He wants a fair fight, or else a duel feels cheap and meaningless to him.

Mikoto on the hand wanted to kill every Spectres who had surrendered, Mikoto Mayumi's deep-seated grudge against Spectres has risen when he ordered to slaughter everyone involved in Valentino.

"Fine! Do as you wish Mike, I'm not part of it."

After a long quarrelling, Juzou withdrawn from the argument leaving the rest do as they wanted. The Helecters rescue all prisoners, they shove up all working scientists into the giant cages then massacring them like pigs, they'd left any MRC's Scientist alive.

After years of inhuman experiments, the test subjects are free as they express their deep feelings of happiness, coming out from those cages, however prisoner's count is way bigger, soon the research centre is overcrowded with release prisoners, The Helecters desperately need to escape.

"What will we do now? This place becomes overcrowded where the plan of escaping?"

The Helecters questioned their Lieutenant but the Lieutenants don't know themselves.


A massive explosion occurred above the buildings shaking the entire Headquarter within it's epic centre.

"What the fuck was that?!,"

"Sounds like an earthquake."

"No, it's not!"

Mikoto walked, near the window, however was purely shocked, as he glaring above.

Eiji's Blackbird Plane which was destrating Brittonia soldiers, has fallen on the top side of the MRC's tower!