A Righteous Antagonist

The emergency siren buzzing out restlessly, after the Blackbird Plane gets into play, everything is in Akagi's hand since the Plane's guns fiercely cut down every obstacle within minutes, those missiles were lunch and destroyed the specifically targets that Brittonia could never recover from, Akagi was happy, watching Brittonia and MRC helpless, suffering the chaotic turmoil that he enlightens.

"How it going on the inside Shinsuke?"

Piloting the plane himself Eiji inquired, his voice buzzes out from Akagi's radio,

"They take out the security, will approach the Valentino in no time. Make sure to sure to destroy everything on outside."

"Not a problem"

Eiji huffed, tells Akagi something with a sudden excitement,

"I'm nervous, I will finally meet up with my daughter, after all those years, I believe I should thank Asuna as well, she's always on the side. "


Akagi hummed after hearing Eiji's confession, not knowing his niece is dead but Akagi does not plan to tell him that, only response with humming.

After a brief time Eiji spot A Techno Suit wearing soldier, approaching the Headquarter in lighting speed.

"What the hell is that?!"

"It's a Lex Unit Techno Suit!"

Akagi confirmed, anxiously,

"It must... Masamune!"

What Akagi predicted it turned exactly right, Masamune with brute force comes, clashing down with the Helecters.

"What are you waiting? Stop him now."

Akagi ordered at the Guarding Helecters, defending the MRC Headquarter

With extraordinary skills, Masamune assault on Helecter's henchmen while his entire Lex Unit on the stand back, ready to commence when the Helecter's assault ended, everyone in Lex Unit obeyed their orders and stand back however Masamune had no plan holding back nor any concern disobeying orders, he barge in, recklessly cut down every Helecters he finds.

"Who is that?"

"Is he human?"

The henchmen were baffled once they witnessed Masamune's strength, he ruthlessly cut, stab, literally destroying them, he asked one question to the Helecters before killing them,

"Where is Redtron?"

After dealing with the guarding Helecter's henchmen Masamune manually attack on Eiji's plane by the air-defence artillery installed on the rooftop, it was literally useless once the Plane began its attack, the real reason behind air-artilleries inefficiency because Akagi's Hikaru already dealt with the Air-defence control room men before the attack, they stood still and murder anyone who got in their way.

"Oh shit! I'm hit" Eiji claim once the plane hit its engine,

"The artillery hit the one of its engine, it losing altitude! I'm going to, Aragghh!!!"

Once the artillery shot stuck in the Plane's engine, it ultimately falls down crushing down right into Headquarters' above floors, explosion was so massive as its part shattered throughout the Zone, fire raise terrifyingly once Plane's gasoline mixed with the fire, making burning even more powerful that in any given second, as if the tallest skyscraper in the world could come crushing down into the ground.

Not only the MRC's Headquarter holds the record for being the tallest skyscraper in the world, it is the most prominent landmark in the city, once the tower got attacked, whole TYZ witness the Headquarter ignite like an unstoppable blazing torch, the dark smoke shattering throughout different Zones plunging the bright daylight into darkness.

The distracted Brittonia security fall back once shootout occurred in the Headquarter, but the Helecters was firmly held their position, attacking the security Force inside the Headquarter, once Masamune destroyed the Helecters defence, they began its own countermeasures,

"Masamune, you, you're here to fuck everything up, everything I planned, you son of bitch!"

Akagi extremely enraged seeing Masamune's entry, not siting any longer, he comes himself, confronting him.

Right after entering Akagi with his fierce Tendrils grabbed some civilian news reporting aircraft circling around the MRC's Headquarter and throws it away into the air-artillery, gaining Masamune's attention.

Masamune was waiting for this moment, he scorned at Redtron once he stands face to face,

"You've the guts to show up here, Redtron."

Without any response, Akagi pounced to Masamune, activates his long Claws Noryoku.


Metal sparkles the Lancaster clashes against the Noryoku, it was the second time, Akagi fighting against his best friend, the first time hesitation had erased from Akagi's heart as he grows determine to his plans.

"I can't hold him much longer, Brittonia security forces are going to storm the Headquarter, I have to do something."

During fierce blade clashing, Akagi glimpse at the security Force barging into the MRC's Headquarter.

Akagi was trapped into Green Zone's skirmish before the Headquarters' Golden Globe melted and falls onto the ground, an extreme damming sound buzzed out everyone ears.

Akagi made his run when the unpleasant sounds occupied everyone's attention


Despite the utter chaos happening around, Masamune still managed to find Redtron, he runs begin the chase as his prime target.

Akagi at front, Masamune at behind, running in thunderously speed,

Within minutes they cross the Green Zone and entering the busy highway of Yellow zone.

Vehicles horned then pulled over, as their cat and mouse continued, no way to stop.

Akagi presume that Masamune wouldn't gave up, keep catching him like a blood hound.

However, Akagi glanced everything for made his distraction successful.

First Akagi topples a civilian's car, toss it over Masamune,

"Oh shit!"

*Maximum Strength*

Once Techno Suit provides the power, Masamune jumped and caught the car in time,

Although Masamune save the car and people drove it, he also gave Akagi opportunities to his plan. Akagi was so determine that innocent civilians lives doesn't matter to him.

Once Masamune got busy with the car, Akagi quickly kidnap a little girl from the street.

"No Aoi Noo!"

The mother screams in fear as Akagi swept her daughter for the precious hold.


Masamune grunted, continuing pursuing Redtron,

"Yo-you fucking SCOUNDREL!"

"Oh... am I? Hehe hahaha!"

Akagi villainously giggled, pulling the girl right in front of Masamune's.

His chase with Redtron ends when Akagi hangs that little girl off the cliff, taking her as a hostage.

"You won't get away you knave."

Masamune said, stop immediately when Akagi pulled the little girl off the edge of the Building, threating Masamune as he could throw her off the road.

"Don't do anything stupid Redtron."

Masamune warned, scowling Redtron pure hatred,

"Let that girl go"

Nevertheless, Akagi have his way dealing with Masamune's warnings,

"You should choose your words carefully next time, Lieutenant Masamune."

With a pending second, he tosses that girl off the building,


The girl screamed as she falls from the building.

Masamune without any second thought, jump into the scene, trying to save her.

However, that wasn't necessary, because that girl safely dropped on a big haystack truck, parking right below the building, Akagi already noticed that haystack truck park below the building, hence he planned to throw her as it means of luring Masamune.

"Hey girl, is you okay?"

The truck driver asked in shock

Girl nodded for been utterly unharmed.

Truck driver was bugged out when he saw girl landing on his truck, nevertheless the driver managed to get her into safety.

"Huff thank god she's safe."

Masamune sighed in relief, however Redtron escaped by his hand again but he knows perfectly where he been next.

After the long chase, Akagi sits down near an empty alley, removes his mask in exhaustion.

"Damn that Masamune, never know how to quit, but I must provide the exit plan to the Helecters, making them prepare for the future assault."

When Akagi stands up, he glimpses above and a small burning smoke originated from the Yellow zone,

"Where that coming from?" he as himself, nevertheless he knew there are some civil unrest still going on into Yellow zone but found something odd about the smoke.

Akagi grapples the edge by the Tendrils and pulled himself up at the terrace.

Once he verified the origin of the smoke, he was surprised rather than shocked.

"Is it coming from Friendo's?"